A Golden Opportunity

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A soft Domme leads a young man to discover himself.
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Description: A soft Domme leads a young man to discover himself after being approached in a most unusual way.

A Golden Opportunity

By Mugsgame

My heart almost stopped when the man in the video leaned up in the bathtub to lick the squatting woman's pussy. Up to that point, the video only showed the body of the pissing woman from the shoulders down. Now, the video revealed the neck of the woman as she squatted lower in the bathtub, revealing a distinctive tattoo on her neck.

It was just another kinky video on a subject that had always fascinated me. It had always thought that having a woman share her nectar was one of the most intimate things that I could imagine. Especially when it was not done in a degrading manner. I watched any video I could find of a woman peeing on a man. Very few could match this one of people just having fun.

This video was just about perfect: a laughing woman squatting on the edge of a bathtub just before letting loose a stream of pee onto a man lying in the tub.

The pissing woman was wearing a lacy white bra. You could just see her legs and shoulders as she balanced herself on the tub above the naked man. The camera person must have been a woman because more feminine laughter joined hers. The squatting woman shifted her hips with the stream of pee moving from the man's chest to directly over his face.

There was more loud laughter as the woman off-camera said, "Open your mouth. Swallow it all." Both women continued laughing as the man swallowed several mouthfuls of pee. After swallowing several mouthfuls, there was a big grin on his mouth.

At the very end of the video, she lowered her vulva near the man's face. The man leaned up to lick her wet pussy. The video stopped as the man was licking her pussy.

The tattoo looked very familiar to me. Lots of people had Ying/Yang tattoos. But how many women had that tattoo on the side of their neck. I could only think of one -- my supervisor at work has one just like it on her neck too.

I replayed the video... once, twice, three times. Then I did it again and again. My supervisor was a tall, slim, older woman. She wore her dark hair short. It was hard to tell the height of the woman in the video, but she was thin and not short. The woman on the video was not very busty, but neither was my supervisor.

Can you identify a person by their laughter? For some people, yes, there is something very distinctive about their laughter. This video, however, had two women laughing. I played it again, closing my eyes. I kept replaying the video, just listening intently.

Was it her? I could not be sure. The tattoo was the same for sure: a black and white yin yang symbol on the side of the neck, just above the shoulder. I had seen others with the same tattoo, just not right there on the neck. What the hell am I going to do?

I had to tell her, regardless of whether or not it was her in the video. If I possibly recognized her, others could as well. If it wasn't her, well, I might as well start looking for a new job... like yesterday. This could go so sideways in so many ways. How would any woman react to a guy, much less a fellow employee playing a porn for her to watch at work.

Hell, even if it is her, the same applies. Time to get out of Dodge. How on earth could I remain working in the same building, much less under her supervision.

I thought about how to tell her. I decided to bring my personal laptop to work tomorrow to show her the video. I emailed her that I had an appointment after lunch and would return to the office to finish up late in the afternoon. I also asked if she had a few minutes to see me before she left this evening.

"Of course," was her almost immediate reply.

I usually came into work early so that I could leave earlier in the afternoon. My supervisor, Ellen, was the opposite. She was typically the last person in the office at the end of the day.

I tried to concentrate on work, but that was a losing proposition. I left as soon as I could to my non-existent appointment. I took a long walk at a nearby park to kill time before sitting on a bench in the weak winter afternoon sun, trying not to think.

I tried rehearsing what I would say, but I was sure that would cause me to likely flub it when the time came.

I started to notice more people in the park, and I glanced at my watch. Since it was a little after 5pm, I headed back to the office and disconnected from the internet. Taking a deep breath before loading the video on my laptop after connecting to a hotspot from my phone. I had butterflies in my stomach as my office phone rang.

"Are you ready to meet now?" Ellen asked.

"On my way now. You might as well log off. No need for your computer for this," I replied. Without her computer connected, I should be safe in showing the video without any possibility of the company network picking up a blocked site.

Ellen smiled as I entered her office and closed the door behind me. I had not seen anyone else in any of the cubes or offices I had passed. I was glad to see that her computer had been shut down, and then my eyes were drawn to the tattoo partially visible above the neckline of her blouse.

She looked at me questioningly as I struggled to begin. I felt my face burning.

"Whatever it is, just take your time."

"This is more than a little difficult for me."

She sat patiently for a minute before asking, "Now, what can I do for you?"

"I need you to watch a video. Please wait until the video finishes to ask me any questions. If you don't want to see it all after it begins, just shut the laptop. I will leave without saying another word about this."

Ellen's face turned serious as she nodded her head. I opened the laptop and adjusted the volume before starting the video. Next, I put the video player in full-screen mode before turning the laptop screen toward Ellen.

I saw her eyes widen in surprise, but she did not close the laptop or look away from it. As the video played, I heard again the laughing women, the stream of pee washing over the man, and the other woman telling him to swallow it.

When the video ended, she calmly asked, "Where did you get this?"

"It is not mine. I did not post it. I just happened to see it. I do not know that it is you, but if it is, you need to be aware that it is out there. There are actions that you can take if it was posted without permission." I don't know how, but I felt somewhat confident as I turned the laptop around.

I changed the video player from full screen so she could see the website where the video was posted while the laptop turned to face her again.

"This is a porn site. I just happened to see the video. The person that posted it has a couple of folders of similar videos that they posted. This is the only one that I think could possibly be you. I have no idea where he got it."

"Do you have a profile on this site?"

I nodded and told her to click on the username Mugsgame at the top of the page.

The profile links for videos and favorites are obvious once a profile is loaded. I heard one more click before Ellen inquired, "Did you delete any videos that you posted?"

"No," I answered, "I left all of my favorites up. I was very much tempted to delete those before showing you this but didn't. It is up to you if you are going to believe me or not. I have never posted any video of anyone."

One more click. Minutes started creeping by with more clicks. Occasionally a snippet of a video started to play. Some videos I immediately recognized from the sound.

I felt like dying right there. She was going through all the videos that I had saved as favorites, seeing my kinkiness. Kinks that precious few people ever knew of. I smiled ruefully. I was truly and royally screwed.

"I had to let you see this. Like I said, if the video was posted without permission, there are actions that you can take. If it isn't, then I have just embarrassed myself. I have to leave. There is a draft email in Outlook with the URL for the video. You can send it to any email you want. Delete the sent email, and I will leave."

Ellen clicked before typing. After a few more clicks, she closed the laptop and pushed it towards me. I was shaking as I got up, but I was able to grab the laptop before almost running out her door and for the stairs.

The following day, I started calling in sick early every morning for the rest of the week. On Friday, I logged into the network from home and was relieved to only find routine stuff in my email.

I sent my supervisor, Ellen, an email saying I would be out again today in addition to asking for two weeks of vacation beginning Monday. Almost immediately, I received a response from her approving the vacation time. There were just two more items for me to complete.

Time crawled by all day. I waited until after 6 pm before logging onto the network one last time. I composed a formal email to Ellen with my two-week notice before my resignation. After hitting send and logging off the network, I got drunk.

Saturday morning, I cleaned up and drove to the office. There were a few cars in the parking lot, but none of them were recognizable to me. The floor where I worked was dark as I stepped off the elevator. That was a good sign because I could pack my stuff without having to face anyone. I was never coming back here again.

My heart leaped toward my throat as I rounded the corner to face my cube. The box in my hand dropped to the floor. There, sitting in the dark, was Ellen. She was leaning back in my chair with her hands folded in her lap; her fingers intertwined. I felt as though I was withering under her piercing glare.

I think I jumped back a step as she announced, "I have been waiting for you." Panic was running through me as she nodded to a small chair that had been pulled into the cube.

"Sit. You thought that you would just walk away without another word. Well, I'm not going to let you do it. In a lot of ways, you are a most remarkable young man. You are a perfect employee. Dedicated, knowledgeable, courteous, helpful to others, willing to reach out for help when needed. Very low maintenance. It would be such a waste to lose you.

"Then there is your personal life. A lonely disaster -- a desert of your own making. I have seen you look at me and other women with desire. Yet, you have never approached anyone with even a clumsy attempt. When a happy hour or other social activity arises, you always duck out of it. You are more than just socially awkward. You are damaged in some way. There is a disconnect between your professional and personal life.

"Then I saw all of the videos you added as favorites: roughly divided between mature women, men being tortured with needles, whipped and caned, and women pissing on men -- an interesting mixture. How many women have ever known your secret desires? I imagine you could easily count the number on one hand without running out of fingers.

"Quite an interesting collection you have there. Especially so with me being a mature woman that somehow you found an old video of me pissing on a man.

"That video has been pulled from that porn site. We believe that it was taken off of a stolen laptop. My friend, Maxine, who took the video, is trying to track it down. Max will also remain diligent in searching to see if it appears again on that or any other porn site. She is much better at that techie stuff than me.

"I doubt you are a virgin, but I also doubt that you have ever had a real girlfriend or significant other. I doubt that you have very many friends, either."

Ellen got up and stretched. She was wearing jeans with a black t-shirt. I could not look her in the eye, though. I buried my face in my hands, bending over, feeling as though I was going to vomit.

I felt her fingers under my chin, tilting my head to look up at her. It was as though her face shined in the dim, diffused light coming in from the windows.

"You took a great risk in showing me that video, -- not knowing if it was me or not. I am in debt to you. I neither want to lose you as an employee nor let your personal life continue to be a wasteland.

"I can't fix you, -- I will not even try, -- but, perhaps, I might set you on a path for growth. Perhaps even fulfillment! I want you to place yourself in my hands for a week. If you do so, you will obey me utterly and completely.

I was flabbergasted. I felt as though I was swaying on my feet. I was filled with doubts.

"If you agree, I know that there are many things that you will enjoy. There may be many others that you will not, but if you start, there is no quitting. You will be mine for the full week. Then you can withdraw your resignation, or I will accept it and give you a good recommendation letter whenever you request one. The choice is now yours."

My heart raced as she sat back in the chair and closed her eyes. Her face was like a mask as she waited patiently. I had grown despondent as she talked -- a compliment about work before stripping my life bare. I was an utter failure.

Without opening her eyes, she softly announced, "Take the chance. I can't force you, but it would please me if you agreed."

That comment left me dazed. All my life, all I ever desired was to please a girl or woman. My heart was filled with trepidation. Who could ever put Humpy Dumpty together again? Yet, it dawned on me that there was no way that I could refuse her offer.

My voice cracked as I murmured, "I will try to please you." A smiling Ellen got up before striding toward the elevator, confident that I would follow in her wake.

In the elevator, she commanded, "Drive home, and I will follow you."

Driving at least gave me a focus, but all the way home, doubts about my choice assailed me. Once we had parked at my apartment complex, she followed me up the stairs.

I was about to unlock the door to my apartment when she held out her hand. "I will take the keys."

With a sense of finality, I placed them in her hand. She opened the door and instructed me to pack a bag with enough clothes for a few days. Once I was done, suitcase in hand, we descended the stairs to our cars. Ellen locked my car before we left my apartment complex, in her car, on my journey into the unknown.

We stopped at a drugstore. I stayed in the car as she went in and then returned with a small bag several minutes later. I don't know what I expected, but I was surprised when she pulled up to a small house with a large lot in a semi-rural area a few miles outside of town.

Ellen led the way into the house, directing, "First things first. We need to get you cleaned up." I followed her to the bathroom, where she started the shower.

"Strip," she commanded.

In for a penny, in for a pound, I figured! I found myself looking at the floor, slowly taking off my clothes until I was naked. I moved to the tub and climbed into it when she nodded. All I could think of was wondering if this was the tub in the video. She took the showerhead and sprayed me down with hot water.

She reached into the bag from the drugstore on the vanity counter. She removed a can from the bag and shook it prior to squirting the foaming cream onto my cock and balls. She also sprayed some around my nipples before turning me around and spraying more on my lower back and ass.

Finally, she rubbed it in, occasionally applying more here and there. I was quite embarrassed that I got an erection as she rubbed the stuff over my cock and balls.

"Now we wait. Don't go anywhere." She left me standing alone in the tub, in a warm bathroom, wondering just what in the world I was doing there.

She returned after what seemed an eternity but was probably only 15 minutes, turning on the shower before using the showerhead to wash the cream off my body. I was speechless, watching most of my body hair, including my public hair, running down my legs into the bathtub drain.

I dried off when she tossed me a towel. I quickly wrapped the towel around me and followed her as she left the bathroom without a word. There was a chill in the air as we descended a stairway to a basement. Warmth, soft light, music, and the scents of leather and incense greeted me when Ellen opened a door at the bottom of the stairs. What struck me next was a large, overstuffed chair with a smaller hard-backed chair, directly in front of it, in a relatively large and dimly-lit room. There was an electric heater running in the corner.

I realized this was a dungeon when I saw a large table connected to a support beam, both wrapped in leather. There were restraints attached to the legs of the table in addition to those dangling from the ceiling and bolted to the floor by the support beam. All these were almost in the center of the room. Against another wall was a small bed covered in quilts.

Ellen grabbed the towel wrapped around me and tossed it onto the table before sitting in the overstuffed armchair. I felt my face turning red as I noticed that I still had an erection. I somehow had not noticed the scarf around her neck until she removed it, wrapping it around my head and over my eyes. I could not see a thing through the soft fabric covering my eyes.

She guided me forward before instructing, "Sit."

I felt my hands and feet being tied to the chair. The music slowly dimmed before fading away altogether. I was acutely aware of the scents of leather and wax in the room, but I could only hear my ragged breathing through the scarf.

The questions began... an interrogation. Ellen guided me through my life, family, and miserable attempts at forming relationships with girls or women. If I tried to evade or gloss over an answer, more probing questions would continue until I felt like a leaky boat sinking further and further beneath the waves.

She pried out all of my darkest secrets, including that I had seen a few professional Dommes. There was the sadist who just wanted to inflict as much pain as she could, the drugged one that I thought was even more unhappy than me, and finally, the very lovely one that took the donation before just walking away laughing.

"Yes, the joke was on me. It got progressively worse each time." I sadly proclaimed as my voice broke. I felt tears welling in my eyes as Ellen removed the scarf and untied me from the chair.

She then led me to the bed, laying me down and covering me with quilts before climbing in and holding me tight.

I felt empty as tears rolled down my face. Somehow, music had again begun playing -- just jazz saxophone without any vocals. I don't know how long I lost myself in the warmth of Ellen holding me with the soft music playing.

At some point, the tears had stopped. I shuddered when she reached around and started stroking my still-hard cock. She threw the covers off and rolled me on my back, knelt between my legs, and stroked my inner thighs as my throbbing, hard cock twitched this way and that. She had an enigmatic smile on her face, and I could feel her eyes piercing my soul. I shut mine.

"Look at me," her voice commanded.

"Relax. You need this right now. Just remember that, from now on, you only cum when I allow it. If you feel you need to masturbate, you MUST ask me first, or there will be consequences."

Ellen cupped my smooth balls before lightly stroking my cock. She lifted my legs, bending me back, and placed a small pillow under my ass. Then she gripped my hard cock at the base, squeezing it, and a moan escaped my lips.

She appeared delighted as she used two fingers to gather the precum leaking from my cock and slowly started stroking it. I clenched when I felt her fingers, wet with my precum, probing my ass.

"Easy now. All of you is mine now, including your ass."

As I took a big breath, her fingers entered me. I was lost in the sensations of my supervisor, my boss, stroking my cock with her fingers driving deep into my ass. Her hand began stroking my cock faster with her fingers inside me.