A Good Cause

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Fund raising with a twist.
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It all started with a political discussion my wife, Kim, and I were having. There had been some article in the paper about a prostitute being arrested by an undercover policeman, and I had made some comment to the effect that I really didn't understand why people made such a big deal out of prostitution. I thought it should simply be legalized and left it at that.

Now my wife was raised in the extremely liberal atmosphere of Berkeley, California, and was captain of her debating team at the University of California, Berkeley, so it should have been no surprise to me when she jumped in with wanting me to define just what I meant by legal prostitution. After I fumbled around a bit with defining exactly what should be legalized, the conversation turned more toward defining what a woman's rights should be regarding her body.

Ultimately the discussion evolved into whether a woman should have the right to do what she wanted to with her body - not just from the standpoint of abortion, but also from a sexual aspect. As Kim pointed out, it was perfectly legal for a woman to have sex with a man, or woman, assuming that some other rules were followed, such as not having sex with minors and with family members; although she also argued that in this day and age, with all the birth control devices available, the family member restriction was somewhat outmoded. After all, the real reason behind much of the incest taboos was simply to prevent inbreeding.

Then Kim returned to the original point of why was it illegal for a woman to have sex with someone, and receive money for it; and not illegal for a woman to simply have sex with whomever she wanted to. She also pointed out that marriage, in some respects, could be considered a form of prostitution - sex and children in return for goods and services.

We discussed the fact that a lot of the prostitution laws were a result of the religious beliefs held by many, but other than that, neither of us could come up with a reason for not legalizing prostitution.

Kim then curved off in a different direction, arguing that a woman (or man for that matter) should be free to have sex with whomever they want, even if they are married. I was quite taken aback with this twist, and pointed out that it was because of the marriage vows that it was frowned upon by many people. Completely aside from the religious aspect, there had been a promise between two people to remain faithful to each other.

Kim responded with, "Suppose you were ill, and the only way I could get money was to prostitute myself. Didn't I promise to support you? Which takes precedence? If I don't get money for your medical care you will die, and then I haven't supported you."

I didn't really have a good answer for this one, and more or less let Kim win this point by default.

"Do you truly think that I would love you any less simply because I had sex with another person."

Kim was getting quite passionate about this, and I could tell I was starting to tread on rather dangerous ground. I wasn't quite sure why, but I plowed ahead anyway.

"No, I don't think that just because you had sex with another person, that you would love me any less. However, if you did, I think it might be symptomatic of major problems in our marriage."

Kim's response was a bit surprising - "I don't mean behind your back, I mean with your knowledge. What if the whole reason behind the extra-marital sex was for a good cause, and I told you about it ahead of time. Would that make a difference? You have already agreed that sex alone wouldn't mean I didn't love you; and you have essentially agreed that if you were ill, and the only way to support you was by prostituting myself, then that would probably be okay. So now we are trying to define what a good cause is."

The discussion went on for quite awhile, but the upshot of the whole thing was, at least from an intellectual standpoint, that extra-marital sex was okay as long as it was for a good cause, without clearly defining a good cause.

Several weeks later, I had completely forgotten about the whole discussion. I arrived home to find that Kim had beaten me home, apparently by quite a bit, as she and a free-spirited friend, Denise, were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking wine, with all kinds of paperwork spread out on the table. Kim gave me a kiss, and told me that they were working on the plans for a fund-raiser for building a new library in town.

I fixed myself a drink, and sat down at the table to listen a bit while Kim and Denise talked. Suddenly Kim turned to me, and asked: "Don't you think this is a good cause?"

Of course, I responded with, "Yes, and I would be happy to help out however I can."

Kim and Denise both got big grins, and told me that I was definitely in their plans for helping, and went on with their discussion.

As I listened, I found that this fund-raiser apparently consisted of some sort of long weekend at a hotel Kim and I had been to way up in the backcountry of the Sierra's. It wasn't particularly fancy, but rather was quite rustic, with huge big-beamed ceilings, fireplaces in each room, and a sauna and a spa with several hot tubs. During the ski season it was always filled to the brim, but between late spring and late fall until the snow had built up for skiing, it was often pretty empty, with only the occasional tourist dropping in. It had probably 50 or more rooms on two different floors, a huge dining room, with a wonderful kitchen, and a separate bar that was nearly as big as the dining room, with a small stage for the performers that often worked there in the winter.

Kim and Denise continued talking about the fund-raiser, trying to decide who to invite to the fund-raiser, and how much to charge them. When they got to the point of trying to decide whether to charge $1,000 per couple, or whether they thought that they could get more, I got more than a little interested, as I was sure that we would be on the hook for whatever it was. I told them that seemed like an awfully high price for a rustic weekend where there really wasn't much to do except for the occasional hike, and the altitude precluded a lot of us "flatlanders" from doing much hiking.

Kim and Denise both got a great laugh out of that, and Denise stood up, saying she had to get home, telling me that Kim would explain everything to me. Kim gave her a mock scowl, then called her a chicken as she escorted her to the door.

Kim came back, and without asking, picked up my glass and made me another drink, fixing herself one at the same time. I begin to get a bit of a sinking feeling, as it was becoming clear to me that I had missed something important.

Kim sat down, and told me; "It actually is quite simple; it's kind of like a continuous auction. Each couple pays the fee, which hasn't been quite decided yet, and this entitles them to spend the weekend at the hotel. When you arrive, you are given script equivalent to what you spent for the weekend, less what the hotel is actually going to charge us for the rooms. As it will be the off-season, we have been told that we are getting the rooms for a substantial discount. Then once everyone is settled in, you use your script to purchase whatever services you would like. At the end of the weekend, you can turn in any script you still have for the equivalent in cash."

"What services? There is not a damn thing up there except the spa and sauna, and that is not worth much at all." I could tell that Kim had been a bit evasive, and she was kind of squirming a bit now.

"Well, you purchase the services from the women."

"What do you mean - purchase the services from the women? What services?"

Then everything connected for me all at once. "You mean sexual services!"

"Well, yes." Kim held up her hand for me to let her finish.

"What will happen is that the men take the script, and use that to purchase services from the women. What the women offer as available, and the price in script, is totally up to them. It can be as simple as a hug or a kiss. Perhaps a dance, or perhaps much more, it simply depends on what the woman decides to do. When we check in, the women will be assigned separate rooms on the second floor, and the men on the third floor. We all will meet in the bar at, say, 5:00pm, and see where things go from there. The men are more than welcome to simply sleep with their wives, but they still will have to pay for their ‘services'. At the end of the weekend, the women will turn in half of the script towards the library building fund, and can either cash in the remaining script for money, or can donate it to the building fund, as they see fit."

"Oh, and one thing more, for a man to get a drink, or a meal, he must have a woman with him, and must pay the woman for being with him. This is to keep the men from simply standing off together like they were at an eighth grade dance. The hotel will be reimbursed from the script that is collected from the women."

I was simply thunderstruck. I knew my wife was quite the free spirit, but this was beyond anything I had ever even thought she might get into.

"Wait a minute. How the hell are you going to get all these people to take part in this? In fact have you even gotten anyone other than Denise to even think about it? And how the hell are you going to get the husbands to agree to this?"

"We already have 23 couples signed up, with checks in hand. We decided that initially we would charge $1,000 for the weekend, and accepted checks from those that have already signed up. We are now trying to decide if we can get more from the latecomers. As for how we did it, the conversation we had a few weeks ago gave me the idea, and I talked to Denise about it. She knows a woman who is a member of a swingers club, and they all thought it was a good idea. We talked to a few other women, who talked to a few more. Some of them had discussions like we had, and eventually the husbands ‘saw the light', and wrote the checks. We have room for twelve more couples, and Denise and I think that we have identified enough more to give us a full house."

"What a minute - you're talking about fucking 35 men in three days..." I didn't realize then that I had just given in on whether or not we were going to participate.

"Well, potentially that could happen, although I doubt it. But we are also talking about you potentially fucking 35 different women in the same amount of time. So what's your problem?"

My problem was that I was had. Just the fleeting thought of fucking Denise had started a stirring in my pants, and besides, what the hell else was I going to say. I had agreed in the past that a woman's body was hers to do with as she wished. So was I now going to say, wait a minute, I didn't mean that. I started to say just that, then closed my mouth and thought the whole thing through. I finally came to the conclusion that I was simply had, and to paraphrase the old saying, “When rape is unavoidable, just lie back and enjoy it" - Something I am sure was initially said by a man, and not a woman.

We talked a bit more, but I am sure that I still looked like a pole-axed steer. We finished our drinks, and Kim stood up, held her hand out to me, and said, "Come on. Let's go see how you like my ‘services' and you can ask for whatever you want - I won't necessarily give it to you, but you can certainly ask."

Kim certainly played the novice whore that night - when I unbuttoned her blouse, she asked, "Would you like me to do a strip tease for you, it's only ten points." When I had her naked on the bed, she asked, "Would you like to fuck my pussy or my ass? Or perhaps you would like a bit of cock sucking first? What do you think I should charge for each of those?" And so it went. Kim even went so far as to stick her finger up my ass while we were sucking and licking each other. I was barely able to keep from coming immediately, but by clamping down really hard, I was able to avoid an early discharge. By the time we both had come, I had explored every orifice she had, as had she mine, and we both declared that it was the best sex we had had in quite a long time.

Kim confessed that she had no intention of doing all this for anyone else, but later, when I thought about it, I rather doubted that she would keep to that intention. I was also not resigned to the inevitable, but actually drawn toward it, with thoughts of a naked Denise and other, unnamed, women parading in front of me, all available for the asking (and of course a few pieces of script.)

The fated weekend arrived, with 35 couples signed up for the weekend. We were supposed to arrive on Friday evening, before 5:00pm, and leave on Sunday by 1:00pm. I took Friday off from work, as did Kim, and we left about 11:00 that morning, planning on stopping for lunch at some point along the way.

We arrived at the hotel about 3:30pm, to be greeted by Denise who enthusiastically told us that everything was set up and ready, the staff had been briefed (something that Kim had not looked forward to), and that our rooms were ready. As we were one of the first to arrive, we got our choice of rooms, so we both chose rooms that looked out over the mountains, giving us a wonderful view. Kim almost immediately took off with Denise to double check that everything was set up the way it was supposed to be, and I took the opportunity to unpack my suitcase and put everything into the dresser in the room. It felt very strange to be unpacking my suitcase without Kim's being there also. No worries about sharing drawers or closet space - just using the room for myself.

By five o'clock I was nervous, uptight and generally stressed. I poured myself a very small drink from the flask that had been in my suitcase, sipped it for a minute, then took a deep breath and went down to the bar so ‘see what developed.'

There was music playing over the speakers, as I walked in, and there was a group of several men sitting at one end of the bar, looking a bit nervous. It looked as though almost all the women were already in the bar, dressed in all kinds of different clothing. One woman had on what looked to be a schoolgirl outfit, and another a very nice, long black cocktail dress. There was also everything in between. I didn't think I knew any of them, but I had seen one or two before somewhere.

Kim came by, with Denise. Kim was dressed in a long red, backless dress that I had never seen before, that fit her like a glove, showing off her breasts to quite an advantage, and with a cutout below her breasts that went down considerably below her navel. I could also see Kim biting her lip like she does when she is nervous.

Denise was dressed in a simple skirt that buttoned down the front and a silk blouse, her long red hair falling down her back. The blouse unbuttoned enough to expose a fair amount of cleavage, and to give me the distinct impression that she wasn't wearing a bra. They both came up to me, and before I could say a word, Kim ordered a drink from the bartender behind me. Denise smiled at me, and asked; "See anything you like sailor? Or should I say, do you see anything you would like to see?" gracefully waving her hand down across her breasts, and across the front of the skirt.

I was saved for the moment by the bartender asking Denise what she would like, followed by his asking me what I would like to drink. After I finished ordering, Denise looked at me for a moment, then asked if I was going to answer her question, or if I had suddenly gone deaf.

At this point, Kim leaned over and whispered quite loudly enough for Denise to hear her clearly; "Oh go ahead. You will probably get laid several times this weekend, and you might as well start with Denise - assuming she wants to."

Denise grinned and licked her lips. As I started to stand up, I heard the bartender ask for payment for the drinks. I had completely forgotten about how the drinks were to be paid for, and asked how I was supposed to pay. The bartender smiled, and told me I needed to pay both women 10 points apiece for the drinks.

Kim handed me back her points, and told me that as she had more or less set me up, she would refund my points this time. She picked up her drink, and walked across the room toward the group of men at the other end of the bar, rolling her hips slightly.

Denise grinned again, and asked: "Well, do you see anything that you might want?" standing hipshot, and putting one foot up on the rung of the barstool, between my legs.

"I certainly do, but I think I need to understand just exactly what you are offering and what it is going to cost me."

"Well, let's see - I haven't really made up my mind as to what I am going to charge for what quite yet. I suppose that it depends on what is asked for, and how it is asked for. For now, let's just say twenty points for a kiss to start with, and fifty points for a dance. We can talk about what else is being offered a bit later on."

I silently handed her twenty points, and Denise put her drink down on the bar, moved in between my legs, and put her arms around my neck, opening her mouth as she moved in. As she kissed me, her tongue darted in and around my mouth, and her breasts pressed firmly against my chest. After a few moments she stepped back, letting her hands trail down my check and across my thighs as she did so. Her color was up, and I could see her nipples hardening against the material of her blouse.

"Wow that was quite some kiss! What does a fifty point kiss get me?"

"I'm not sure just yet, but I am positive I can think of something. How about dinner now, I'm hungry and I suspect that things will rapidly get going. Besides, I really don't want to go without food with all the drinks and other things that should come up tonight."

I quickly agreed, and we left for the dining room, sitting in one of the booths on the side of the room, with Denise sitting quite close to me. After we ordered our meals and drinks, Denise started running her fingernails up and down my thigh, often coming just close enough to my penis to just graze it. I started to return the favor, and she said, "Oh no, that is another fifty points if you wish to purchase that service."

"How long do those fifty points buy me?"

Denise thought for a moment, and then told me that I could have free rein under her skirt until the end of dinner. I immediately asked if that included her blouse also. She just nodded and held out her hand. I placed the fifty points in her hand, which she tucked away in her skirt pocket, then she took my hand and placed it back on her thigh, slightly opening her legs a bit as she did so.

I ran my hand up under her skirt, until I reached the juncture of her thighs, which was slightly covered with what appeared to be a thong. I slid the material to one side, to gain freer access to her nether lips, and parted them, running a finger up between her lips. Denise hissed a moment, sliding down just enough so that she was more open to my advances. By the time we had finished our drink, she was breathing quite heavily, her face was a bit flushed, and I had a fair bit of her juices on my fingers. I removed my hand for a moment, bringing my fingers up to my mouth and made a bit of a show of licking them off.

"You know, I was supposed to have a free rein under your skirt and blouse. Yet there seems to be something that keeps getting in my way down there. Is that really fair?"

Denise smiled at me from under lowered eyelashes and asked me if I wanted her to take them off here, or should she go to the ladies room.


Without another word, she lifted herself up from the seat, reached up under her skirt and slid her thong off, pausing to rub it between her legs before she handed it to me, fresh with the smell of her. "You don't need to worry about a bra, I don't have one on. Feel free to check if you like."