A Good Girl Gone Bad Ch. 05: Eight

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It’s gang bang day, will Ella be able to cope?
4.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 11/12/2023
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ADVISORY: This story includes male and female urination.

A Good Girl Gone Bad


David, Rian, Emily, and I cuddled for some time, each of the other three kissing and stroking me. It was such warm, comforting aftercare. Then Emily decided that it was time for the guys to leave. As ever, they obeyed her instructions unquestioningly. It was almost funny how much of a hold she appeared to have over them.

Now, she shooed them out. "Ella needs a rest, you want her fresh for this evening, right?"

Both guys kissed me goodbye. David said, "welcome to our group, you're gonna do just fine." And then they were gone.

Emily was suddenly business-like. "You stay here and chill, or get a drink from the kitchen, there's coffee in the pot, and fresh juice in the refrigerator. I'm gonna run you a bath."

Coffee sounded good. Before I took my first gulp, I ran my tongue around the inside of my mouth, still tasting Rian. Then Emily was back, holding a robe, but still nude herself. "Bring the cup with you. It'll be fine."

The bathroom was humid and scented. Candles were flickering. And Amy was there, also naked. The sight of her toned body brought feelings flooding back to me. Reading my rather obvious expression, she laughed. "A glutton for punishment I see. Well maybe we could play a little later, but I don't want to spoil your big night. Just get in, and Em and I will look after you."

They were as good as her word. Is there any luxury to compare to being pampered by two sexy women? If so, I've never heard of it. They let me just enjoy the warm water for a good while, idly chatting about inconsequential matters. Emily needing a haircut, Amy's upcoming trip to Prague. Normal stuff to talk about, as my muscles became less tense, and my anal sphincter slowly returned to its customary shape.

Then they moved on to washing me, working as a team, pausing only to exchange occasional kisses with each other. Not for the first time, I thought how close they were. I'd learned not to take their sparring too seriously, they didn't seem to either. I made a mental note to talk to each about their feelings for the other, thinking that maybe things that were all too obvious to an onlooker were perhaps lost on them. But I mostly focused on the soothing touch of their finger-tips.

Toweling me dry, Amy and Emily put me into bed, lying down either side of me. After the exertions of the morning, I drifted into a peaceful sleep. My final thought before surrendering to dreams was that whatever the evening held, I could deal with it. I could deal with it if my friends were there.

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I'd felt anxious when I woke that morning, as my consciousness swam back, some time after midday, it was to a sensation of being relaxed and even a little aroused. I opened my eyes, and saw Amy sitting up, cross-legged, looking at me, her graceful chin cupped in her hands.

I liked Amy, actually I kinda worshiped her, but she was still something of an enigma to me. Though Emily had her oddities, even a certain degree of otherworldliness, I found it easier to connect with her. Now I wondered what was on Amy's mind.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw a mop of tousled, dirty blonde hair and a naked shoulder, which was rising and falling rhythmically. Amy spoke quietly. "Let her sleep, it's a big night for her too. Let's go and have a chat."

Amy didn't seem too bothered about clothes, and I followed her example, padding nude into the living room. I sat on the L-shaped couch and Amy filled two flutes from her seemingly inexhaustible supply of Tattinger.

I felt something was on her mind, but didn't know how to couch a question. I didn't need to, Amy got straight to the point. "I just wanted to have a few minutes with you, you know... without the Pied Piper being around."

I sipped from my glass. "Emily, you mean? Why do you call her that?"

Amy wrinkled her nose, the gesture was probably meant to convey moral ambiguity, but it just made me want to kiss her. "Because she kinda leads people astray. Not deliberately, of course. But she's so fixated on what she wants." A brief cloud seemed to cross her face. "And what she doesn't want. That other people's needs can kinda get... well... ignored. She has this enthusiasm. You might call it infectious. But coercive could be another word. An exaggerative word, but still..."

Amy scanned my face, looking for clues as to how her speech was sitting with me. "Do you... do you ever feel kinda dragged along in her wake?"

I wasn't sure what to say. Maybe Amy had a point. But I couldn't think of how to put things into words. Given my silence, she continued. "Like this morning. That's so her. Her, and her little entourage. But is it you? I don't want this to be some asinine lesbians versus bisexuals nonsense, we're all sisters who like girls, right? But... well, I've seen you with the two of us, and... well... it's seemed so you. I get it, you like guys. Me too, very occasionally at least. But... I just want you to be sure. Eight guys is a lot."

I didn't answer immediately, trying to make sense of my thoughts and how to articulate them. "I think... well I know... that I've always been attracted to both. It's just... well... I never met anyone like you and Emily. Such... I'm being a silly fan-girl, I know... such sexual beings. The time we have spent has... it's changed me. But... I think part of that change is I now see that my fantasies don't have to stay as fantasies. You showed me they can become real. And... later... later is one of my biggest fantasies. After this morning, and... well... after you fisting me... I think I can handle it. And I know I want it. It's sweet of you to worry, but I'm good."

Amy smiled and clinked her glass against mine. "Good, I hope you don't mind me asking. I'm not normally the Mother Hen sort, it's just..." She lowered her face and looked up at me from an angle "... I've become fond of you. I don't want to see you get hurt."

Amy seemed to be dealing with some internal struggle, but then spoke very softly. "It's not my place to be specific, but... but Emily got hurt. She got hurt a fucking lot. And part of it was her believing that she had it all under control. Until that is she didn't."

Amy stared at me intently, as if expecting a reaction. When none came, she continued. "I don't want to see that happen to someone else, that's all."

I hugged her. "That's so sweet, but I really think I'm good. I'm not going to pry about Emily, but I'm guessing you went through it with her." Amy nodded a little sadly, but said nothing. "Well, I'm glad she had a friend like you."

Amy shuffled uncomfortably, then spoke looking down at her hands. "I'd do anything for her. Anything. I... I..."

I took her hand. "You love her, it's obvious. Is it OK to say?"

I could see tears in Amy's coffee colored eyes and held her. I sometimes felt we had this weird age reversal dynamic, where Amy and Emily were the older, more experienced ones. I had to tell myself that both had been teenagers only two years earlier. I held Amy and stroked her hair.

Composing herself, she leaned back, wiping her eyes. "Yeah, I love her. But that's not what she wants. Says she's been through too much due to misplaced love and doesn't want to get hurt again."

I asked myself whether I was likely to be helpful or not, deciding to go for honesty. "Ames, it was obvious to me that you love her. It's just as obvious that she loves you. I don't care what she says, she clearly loves you."

Amy smiled at me through her tears. Then she rapidly ran to the kitchen and grabbed some paper towel to dab her face. I had heard Emily approaching as well. She joined us, yawning, stretching, and -- just like us -- not wearing a stitch. "Tea, I need mint tea. Anyone else? Then I can fix lunch."

I caught Amy's eye and -- with Emily yawning again, eyes closed -- she placed a finger on her lips.

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I didn't get any time alone with either Amy or Emily. Indeed time flew that afternoon. It felt that a light pre-meeting bite had followed on directly from lunch, and, all too soon, we were in Amy's car, driving to the venue.

If Amy had been au naturel at the airport, she was in full war paint now, her elfin features accentuated by artful brushstrokes, her eyelids glimmering. Emily eschewed such fripperies. She claimed any make up would not survive the first few minutes of action, not something Amy had to worry about.

I'd gone for a middle path. Nothing too heavy. A little blush. A touch of mascara. A hint of eye shadow. I felt I needed something in the company of two girls in the full flush of youth.

My nerves had come back, but differently. It was more excitement than dread. Amy pulled into the parking lot and stopped close to a shop with a burnt out pink neon sign.

I was in the back and Amy turned to me. "So, a bit of history. It was in this place that Em and I first kissed, what is it, like two years ago?"

Emily nodded, then said in her most matter of fact tone, "we did rather more than kiss."

Amy raised her eyebrows. "Always the pedant, Em. More importantly, are you OK, Ella?"

I said I was, and we disembarked. Emily and I had on light raincoats, but Amy wore a dress, one that was shape-hugging, but more haute couture than stripper chic. She confidently strode ahead, hips swaying seductively. Emily and I followed behind, hand in hand. I did wonder what people would make of our height difference.

The store was about to close, but a few customers hung around. I looked at Emily inquiringly, wondering if any were part of our group. Taking my meaning, she shook her head. Amy waved breezily at the goth girl behind the counter, who gazed after her in what I thought was rather a star-struck manner. Then she pushed open the double doors to the store room, marched through this, and knocked on the door at its rear.

It opened and we could hear voices and laughter. 'It's like a party,' I told myself. 'Just with more sex.'

The hubbub quietened as Amy made her entrance. I saw Rian and David, it helped immensely to know two of the guys already. Of the remaining six, at least two looked at Amy with unconcealed desire, I wondered if they were new. All wore white towelling robes. Amy herself seemed perfectly aware of her impact and bowed slightly, before intoning. "Good evening all. Thanks to Josh for hosting."

A mid-height, and thickly set, man nodded at this acknowledgement. "Gentlemen -- and Rian -- may I present your entertainment, everyone's favorite cumslut, Emily and, first timer, Ella."

I sort of wished she'd not emphasized my ingenue status, but I guess it had been a draw; though I wondered what kind of person would tire of Emily. I smiled weakly and when my partner waved her hand, I did likewise.

Emily turned to me and winked. At this sign, we discarded our coats, and stood side by side. Each in black lingerie, with matching garter belts, sheer thigh-highs, and stilettos. We gained a burst of applause, which was, I guess, encouraging.

There was a round of introductions. The guys stood in a loose horseshoe, and David led me and Emily around it. As I had suspected, all but the two who had gawped so openly at Amy, were known to my friend. It suddenly struck me that all four had already fucked her. I tried to stay calm, thinking they would be fucking me all too soon. I didn't really take in any names, there were too many other thoughts coursing through my brain, and I felt a little lightheaded.

Then David gave his speech, outlining the rules, and the penalties for not observing them. I'd been told to expect this, but it was still kinda surreal. He finished with a final caution. "As Amy said, this is Ella's first time. Any friend of Amy and Emily is a friend of mine. Treat her with respect, and make this a good experience for her. Or you'll have me and Rian to answer to. And there will be zero tolerance for any infractions involving her. Zero, is that crystal clear?"

The guys all nodded. I felt gratitude welling up. I wanted to be used and abused, but I also wanted to be safe. David seemed to be personally guaranteeing this. Looking round the group once more, he added, "let's get to it, shall we? Girls..."

'Girls?' I thought, 'oh, that means me.'

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I noticed that Amy had sat herself to one side of the room. It felt good knowing she was also there. Another familiar face. Emily and I had been asked to start, but now I was a little at a loss as to what that meant. Why had I not spoken to Emily, and worked out a plan? I felt kinda frozen, and glanced at her.

As often with Emily, I needn't have worried. She at least clearly knew what we were going to do. "Hi again all, especially to the two new guys, Bryan and Mark, right? You two are first in line for blow jobs. But first..." and here Emily went on tiptoes to kiss me, "... first how about a little girl on girl show?"

There was a murmur of approval from the men, and Emily led me towards a raised and padded plinth, situated towards the rear of the room. Smaller than a bed, and pretty much a square, it was flooded by spotlights. Emily motioned for me to get onto it. As I lay on my back, she climbed on top of me, on all fours. Bending to whisper in my ear, she said, "you're gorgeous, and I'll make sure you are OK."

With that, Emily kissed me, her tongue pushing between my lips. Then she moved to licking the side of my neck, tickling and thrilling in equal measure. Then to one collar bone, and across to my suprasternal notch. Next down my sternum to between my now heaving breasts.

Looking at the men standing round us, some had already discarded their robes, others had hands inside them. I saw David was scanning the group, his watchfulness gave me some confidence. Then he caught my eye and smiled. I blew him a kiss. He did seem just as nice as Emily had said he was.

My friend was now reaching behind me. I lifted my back allowing her to unclasp my bra. She dropped it to one side and extended her tongue to run little circles around my stiffening nipples. Again gazing around me, some guys were now openly masturbating. I guess that meant it was a good show.

As Emily progressed down my stomach, flicking her tongue into my bellybutton on the way, my eyes wandered further and found Amy. She was staring straight at me. A quick glance to see if anyone else was looking, and she briefly hiked up her dress. Enough for me to see she'd neglected to put on panties. A quick rub of her clit, and she smoothed the material down over her knees again, leaving me trying not to giggle.

But now Emily was focused on getting me into the same state of undress as Amy. Stretching elastic, pulling fabric down, she flung my damp thong to the watching crowd. One of the new guys caught it, and held it to his nose, as he continued to jerk himself off.

Emily held my lips wide, as if seeking approval for my interior pinkness from the onlookers. Then she slowly and deliberately ran her tongue around my opening, then up to my clit, then down again.

Lifting her head, she addressed the men. "I'm sure Ella would love to taste some cock. Mark and Bryan, you're up." The two guys stepped forward, both looking uncertain, but both also very erect.

Emily had become the world's most petite drill sergeant. "No, not like that! One on either side of a corner. Now where do you go, Ella?"

Understanding her meaning, I shuffled until my head was in the relevant corner of the platform, a stiff cock to either side of me. In this new configuration, Emily had room to kneel between my legs, I saw her peel off her panties before climbing up to join me, her butt conveniently raised as she bent her face down towards me. Before renewing her oral attentions, she said, almost absent-mindedly, "and boys, my pussy isn't gonna fuck itself."

There was a surge, but David halted it, and organized the eager men, tapping the lucky one on the shoulder. The guy grabbed Emily's narrow waist, and I felt her body jerk as she was enthusiastically penetrated. I'd been mesmerized by what was happening around the lower part of my body, but now recalled that I too had a job to do.

Tentatively, I reached out to both sides and gripped Bryan and Mark, I wasn't really sure which was which. Emily lifted her head, face flushed from both the doggy-style pounding she was still taking, and trying to get her tongue as far as she could inside me. I got her crooked smile and a nod of encouragement, then she plunged back down. Christ, she had an active tongue.

I began to jerk both guys, but they had been promised blow jobs, so my next move was obvious. Twisting my upper body left, I took -- I decided he was Bryan -- in my mouth. He was clearly super excited. Three strokes from me, and I thought he was about to cum then and there. Mark -- if I had the names right, well the second guy anyway -- it was now his turn, and I twisted the other way. He seemed much less trigger happy, and I slurped happily enough on him for a little while. Emily was getting me as close as Bryan had been. Which gave me an idea, maybe a little protein drink wouldn't be so bad.

Turning back to number one, I looked up at him, and breathlessly said, "wanna cum with me?"

I got an excited, yet silent, nod and, as Emily began to suck on my clit, I took him as deep as I could, maintaining eye contact, and just sucking. The timing worked out perfectly, I flooded Emily's jaw as Bryan spurted into my mouth. Maybe he came quickly, but he made up for that with volume.

Before I could recover, I heard Emily. "Hey, Ella. Lennie here has great stamina, wanna try?"

I nodded, and Emily extracted herself from being the middle woman. She went to kneel in front of the three remaining regulars -- of these, I only knew Josh -- and began to suck each voraciously in turn. Mr Stamina climbed onto the plinth and said, 'hi.' Then rammed himself all the way in quickly enough to make me gasp. I took Mark in my mouth, hanging on for dear life as Emily's guy pounded me relentlessly.

Lennie was enthusiastic, but perhaps lacking in technique. Still, he was getting the job done. Mark held my face and repositioned my head, his intentions crystal clear. I now knew that I loves face-fucks, so I simply relaxed and embraced the feeling of double penetration. DP? Dare I? But for now I just focused on being deeply fucked in my mouth and pussy.

Even Mr Stamina couldn't go on for ever, and the sight of Mark throating me seemed to push him over the edge. Lennie satisfied for the moment, I asked Mark how he felt about anal, and apparently he had no strong objections. Now I needed a second volunteer.

I sat up, aware that I was dripping cum all over the padding -- I imagined it was washable. Glancing in Emily's direction, she was turned away from me, but appeared to be letting one of her group pee in her mouth, while the other two jerked close to either cheek. They seemed busy.

I saw David and Rian, they appeared to be essentially supervising the gathering. "Hey, Rian, want some more of my pussy? I feel like having a DP."

Rian looked at David and received the older man's blessing. "OK, boys, have you done this before?"

As he joined us, Rian replied, "Emily tried it with a few of us, but it never really worked out. You're a lot bigger, maybe that'll help."

Hoping this was a compliment, I took a leaf out of Emily's book and went into organizing mode. I sent Rian to get some lube, arranged Mark on his back, and crouched over his face. "Warm me up, honey."

When Rian returned with the bottle, Mark's tongue was pleasingly probing my sphincter, but I knew that I'd be needing more than just spittle.