A Good Sleep

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She needs to set her son's sleep straight.
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Emma's phone buzzed under her pillow, waking her instantly. She silenced it as fast as she could; even the vibration sounded loud in the dead of night. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she got up as quietly as possible and put on a robe, swiftly tying the sash, and tiptoed to her bedroom door. All was quiet in the house as she stepped into the hallway.

She looked to the end of the hall, where Gabe's door was and saw light coming from under it. Sighing, disappointed but not surprised, she made her way down the passage to stop and listen outside her only son's room. There it was: the distinct sound of keyboard keys.

Emma knocked once and let herself in. The only thing she could see was the silhouette of her son's large frame against the backdrop of his monitor.

"Gabe, it's three in the morning," she stated.

"I can't sleep," he mumbled back, not even turning his head to look at her.

"Because you're playing games. You need to switch off and relax to let sleep come."

"I tried that. Didn't work."

"How long did you try? Nevermind, it doesn't matter; this is getting out of hand. Your grades are slipping. Are you even passing right now?"

A long silence, then, "No." He continued to play, the colourful graphics on his screen flickering and shifting as he navigated some dungeon or other.

Emma hugged her arms around herself and took a breath to calm down. "I need you to turn the game off, son. You need to sleep."

After a bit, he shut the game off and then his monitor, plunging the room into darkness. Emma reached for the lightswitch and flicked it on, then watched as Gabe transferred himself from chair to bed. He looked exhausted.

"Gabe, this has to stop. Starting tomorrow you will be getting regular sleep if I have to supervise it myself."

He grumbled from his bed but she didn't acknowledge it, just watching for a bit to make sure he actually stayed put. After a few minutes, she left, leaving his door open and walking to her own room. She lay in bed, waiting for sleep to reclaim her. Emma didn't do well with inadequate or poor sleep, so it was a sign of her concern when she took the drastic step of waking up in the middle of the night to catch him awake.

As expected, the next day she was a step slower than usual. Her middle-of-the-night wakeup made getting ready in the morning painful, but not as painful as it was for Gabe.

Emma left it as long as she could, to let him get more sleep, but in the end had to wake him at 8 am. Starting a better routine meant getting up early.

"Gabe," she barked, knocking on his door frame. "Time to get up!"

The lump under her son's covers didn't move. She walked in and shoved the lump. Nothing. As a kid he would tease her by pretending to stay sleeping, but she knew the trick to it. Just yank the covers off, exposing her giggling, mischievous son. He'd soon learned to hang onto the blanket, causing her to pull harder, but she always won.

Now, when she yanked the blanket, there was no resistance. With one mighty tug, she ripped the covers off his bed, exposing her son in just boxers, sleeping peacefully. Emma sighed and shook his shoulder until he stirred. "Get up!"

Emma watched as Gabe commenced a long series of stretches and groans as he tried to emerge from his hibernation. She waited with him the entire time, ready to pick up the harassment if he showed signs of going back to sleep. Thankfully he didn't, sitting up and staring at her groggily.

"What time is it?" he mumbled.

"After eight. You need to get ready for school."

"Moomm, my first class isn't until 10. I'll get up in time, I swear." He tried to lay back down.

"No way, you're getting up now. This way you'll be tired tonight when you go to bed at 10pm."

"10! I'm not tired at 10."

"Fine, 11. But no later, and I'm going to hang out with you until you're asleep, so don't think you're getting away with any more late nights. You need to fix your grades, and normal sleep is the only way to do it."

"I can't sleep, though!" Gabe stood up, wearing the same t-shirt but minus the shorts he was wearing when she caught him at 3am.

Standing now, he was a full head taller than her, a fact he liked to tease her about. She looked up at him and smiled at his handsome face. His tousled, short blonde hair was almost artfully arrayed. If he didn't look so exhausted all of the time, she was sure he would have a girlfriend by now.

"Don't worry about it. I think it's time we tried some light medication to help you. The doctor recommended some melatonin."

He seemed to consider her proposal for a bit. "Yeah, alright. Do you really have to watch me, though? Just check up on me now and then."

"No way. I tried that and you just hid your games from me. I'll be in the room in a chair all night if I need to."

Gabe sighed and a small smile quirked at the side of his mouth. "Okay, but that just means you're going to be the one getting crap sleep."

"I'll manage," she said, returning the smile. She gave him a hug and urged him on his way.

On the way to work, Emma mulled over her son's comment about her sleep. She really would feel like crap if she stayed up all night in his room. Today's fatigue would be nothing. Maybe she could just watch until he was asleep? No, maybe after a few nights. For now, Gabe's course correction required some serious action on her part.

The morning at work was fine, but by the afternoon, Emma was seriously flagging. She drank a couple cups of coffee but that only made her jittery, and the yawns and long, slow blinks continued. She might have to take some time off work over the next couple days if she was going to get even less sleep.

During her coffee break, she popped open Facebook to check her feed. She didn't check it often, but now and then a friend would post a funny meme, which she could use right then. No friend posts, but there was one from her ex-husband. They were only friends in order to co-parent Gabe and she usually ignored his updates, but this one was a kick in the stomach.

'Julie is off birth control! Send us prayers to help us on our journey to parenthood!'

It was awful in so many ways. First, he was already a parent. Second, how tacky was it to announce you were fucking bareback on social media? Third, why ask for prayers? Were people supposed to think of them having sex and ask Jesus to step in?

Emma was once again thankful her marriage had ended, even though she hadn't been so thankful when it had first happened. Allan had basically dumped her due to her infertility, saying he needed more kids before he was too old, and she was in his way. Losing her partner and lover was bad enough, but to be blamed for only having one child had almost broken her.

That one child had been her blessing during that trying time, coming to her rescue over and over by running the house while she dealt with depression. It 'only' took a year but she was now back on her feet and ready to be Gabe's mom again. He needed her now.

"Hey, Emma. How's it going?"

Emma looked up to see her 'work wife' Sophia standing next to her desk. She smiled. "Okay. I think I'll get through the day but I'm not sure about the rest of the week."

Sophia sat down next to her. She was a few years older than Emma and thought she knew everything, so whenever a problem came up, out came the sage advice. "Why won't you get through the week?" She blew on her coffee before taking a sip, her piercing pale eyes fixed on Emma's face.

"Gabe isn't sleeping at night. His grades are suffering, so I'm going to monitor him and make sure he sleeps a full night."

"Ouch. Isn't that a bit extreme? He's 18, he should be learning to manage himself. Plus, you're going to suffer."

"I owe him. Not only because I'm his mom, but for his help this past year. And if I do it right I'll only screw up my sleep for a few nights. Just don't expect any scintillating conversation on my part," she said with a tired smile.

"You can't just sleep in his room with him? Take the floor or something? It's not like he can stay up with you in the room."

Emma pondered the suggestion. It was a much better idea than staying awake. She smiled at her friend. "Don't think this makes you all-knowing or anything."

Sophia sniffed and wrinkled her nose. "I don't need your approval to be all-knowing, dahhhhling."

Both women giggled, a sound that never failed to bring Emma joy. Sophia had been unfailing in her drive to bring Emma back from the black hole she fell into after Alan left. Between her and Gabe, Emma had made it.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on, and Emma was happy to finally get home and not think anymore. To prepare for the night, she found a camping mat in the basement and set it up in Gabe's room. He watched her from his desk chair, a bemused expression telling her everything he thought of her plan.

"11 o'clock, not a minute later," she reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah," he said.

"What homework are you working on tonight?" she asked.

"Math. It's my worst subject. My teacher thinks if I apply myself I should get a B, but I'm not so sure."

"Step one is fixing your sleep."

She left him and went about her normal, but slower, routine until bedtime. At 10:30 she changed into a shirt/shorts pajama combo. Teeth brushed and golden hair combed straight, she showed up at Gabe's door at 11 sharp.

"I'm glad you're taking this seriously," she said, upon seeing her son in bed already. She handed him a melatonin pill with a glass of water and watched him swallow the pill. Then she went to the thermostat and turned on the heat.

"This will make it easier to sleep," she explained, before sitting down on her makeshift cot and slipping under her blanket.

It was awful. The flat floor, under the mat, somehow dug into her back. If she lay on her side, her hips felt like they were going to break.

Emma sighed subvocally, uncomfortable but sure that she was doing the right thing.

Sleep came in furtive chunks throughout the night. Each time she woke, she checked for her son's deep breathing before going back to sleep herself.

Morning seemed to take its sweet time arriving, and at 5:30 she gave up and went to make herself her first cup of coffee. She felt older than her years. Joints and muscles protested her harsh treatment of 'sleeping' an entire night on her son's floor and she was sure she would fall asleep at work. She moaned at the week ahead of her.

The one silver lining was that waking Gabe up was much easier than the day before, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Morning, Mom. That melatonin stuff works pretty good. I feel great!" He practically jumped up from his bed.

"I'm glad. I may die doing it, but I'm going to get you back on track." It was meant to be a joke, but it came out too sincere.

"Come on, Mom. You don't have to keep doing this. With the melatonin I'm fine on my own."

Emma felt the pull of her own bed, but she couldn't give up yet. One night hardly made new habits.

"I'm fine. Just need to work the kinks out. I'll see you tonight here, same time, same place."

The concern on Gabe's face was clear. "You can't sleep on the floor every night. At least sleep in my bed; I can take the floor."

"Nothing doing. That will hardly give you a good rest. Let's just get through this week."

Skeptical didn't cover the extent of her son's expression.

Work was as predicted: Hell. Despite her best efforts to maintain a steady diet of caffeine, she found herself almost asleep on her desk by 11am. Sophia saved her from being caught by her manager by throwing a styrofoam cup at her head. After that close call, she steeled herself to keep awake the rest of the day, and did a pretty good job of it.

Later on at home, she was able to take a nap after work in her own bed, which did a lot to raise her spirits and energy, although she had to set her alarm to its loudest setting to ensure she woke up in time for dinner.

While they ate, she quizzed Gabe on how school had gone.

"Not bad. I had a surprise test that I think I did okay on. Passed, I think."

"Great! Let's keep it up." Just this little bit of progress seemed to validate her suffering.

The evening after dinner seemed to drag on. Emma wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, but dreaded going anywhere near the damned camping mat. Despite her trepidation, when 10:30 rolled around she gritted her teeth to get at it.

Happily, she once again found Gabe in bed, and after the melatonin pill they were bunked down to sleep. Emma heard Gabe's breathing deepen pretty quickly but found herself unable to drop off. No matter which way she lay, something pinched, and she swore she could feel bruises forming on top of other bruises.

The thought of how easy it would be to go to her bed almost broke her, but she just thought of how dedicated Gabe had been when she was having trouble getting out of bed after Allan left. As his mother, how could she be any less dedicated?

Midnight arrived, and Emma was no closer to sleep. The mat was just too uncomfortable. She stared up the looming edge of Gabe's bed. It looked so comfy. What she wouldn't give to be on it right now.

The seed took, growing in her mind. Who would it hurt if she just lay on it? She needed a soft surface to ease her hips from the bite of the hard floor. Maybe just a few minutes. Emma stood up and eased onto the bed, freezing with each creak of a spring. She stared at Gabe's face but he didn't even twitch. Finally prone, she lay on the blanket and felt herself relax. This was better. She'd just stay a little while and then go back to the floor. Three deep breaths later, Emma was sleeping next to her son.

Since she was a little girl, she'd always had vivid dreams. The type that fooled her so well that upon waking she was sure that they had actually happened. As she got older, she learned to identify them and dismiss them as fake, even when they were entirely believable.

That night was no different. She dreamed she was with Allan, enjoying life, and she was happy. They spent an entire day together, laughing and playing before ending up in bed, naked and playing more intimate games.

Allan's touch had always lit her sexual fuse, even in her dreams. Laying side by side, he caressed her arm, goosebumps raising where his fingers trailed, nipples hardening on the peaks of her breasts. Her core warmed, and she wanted to feel more of his warm skin on hers.

She pulled on his arm and rolled, inviting him to spoon her from behind.

Emma's arousal deepened when she felt his erection press into her behind. She playfully pushed back, feeling his rod split her cheeks. He thrust back, pressing against her asshole, and she grew damp, eager to feel him enter her.

Her dream was replaced by reality when the sound of her alarm blared from her phone where she'd left it on the floor. With a half roll she dropped off the bed, grabbing her phone to silence it.

She looked back at Gabe, blinking groggy. Why was she in his bed? She'd just been with Allan, hadn't she? Real life gradually reasserted itself. Allan had left her, and they no longer made love at the end of the day. He no longer got her wet just with his touch.

Well, she amended, real life Allan didn't get her wet, but dream Allan sure did. She could feel the moisture in her panties without checking. Feeling a strange kind of shame for being aroused in Gabe's bed, Emma tiptoed out to get ready for work. She'd wake him up when she had purged the dream and pulled herself together.

Showers were great for reflection after a realistic dream, so she went to have one first. Stripping her shorts and panties off, she was mildly surprised at how sticky they were. Ithad been a great dream.

A slow exploration of her drenched labia and sensitive clit made her gasp. She was primed! It had been a very long time since she'd been so turned on. Her fingers were soon slippery with her own juices as she dipped two digits inside, loving the way her digits spread her open. Better if she had something bigger, but this would do...and it wouldn't take much.

Shower forgotten, Emma slowly stroked her fingers in and out, the pleasure so complete her hips were involuntarily twitching. She tugged at a nipple, feeling the tingly jolt echo down her spine. She'd never had an easier orgasm. As the bathroom filled with steam, she quivered on shaky legs, pussy clenching rhythmically, one hand clenched tightly on the counter to hold her up.

Once she'd finished quaking through her euphoria, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Flushed cheeks, wisps of blond hair hovering around her face, and a distinct glow to her expression. It's what she looked like after making love to Allan.

Thoughts of her ex just brought up her insecurities. Was she going to be single, horny and unloved the rest of her life? Just because her womb had closed up for business didn't make her any less of a person. Fuck Allan and his stupid Facebook posts!

Smiling defiantly, she cupped her tits in both hands, weighing them. Still the perfect size for feeding babies. Her thumb caught on a nipple, which was rosy and plump from her orgasm. More than big enough for plenty of milk flow, as baby Gabe had attested with his greedy gobbling. She dropped a hand and traced her lower belly, imagining there was a baby growing in it, a smile spreading across her face at the thought.

Emma stared at the woman in the mirror, a one-time baby factory with plump breasts and generous hips, and slowly came back to herself. What was she doing? Allan had left her because she couldn't conceive! She needed to live in the world she had, not daydreaming about something that couldn't happen.

Shaking her head at her folly, Emma got into the shower to start her day.

At 8, she found Gabe easy to wake up for once. He blinked his eyes a few times and said, "That stuff really works! I don't wake up at all during the night, plus, I have great dreams!"

"I'm glad, honey," she said before leaving to let him get dressed. She was so tired she'd almost mentioned her dream, but remembered in time that it was entirely inappropriate for her son. Not to mention she'd had the dream while sleeping next to him.

Gabe got ready for school in record time, and left the house whistling. Emma smiled to see the effect proper sleep was having. Her efforts were worth it!

Work was fine that morning. Better than the day before, although there was still a hint of fatigue. What really surprised her was her mood, as she was positively chipper. It didn't take much thinking to realize that the excellent orgasm in the bathroom was probably the source of her cheer. She'd have to try to get one of those again, soon. Could she schedule Allan to show up in her dreams again? Nah, he didn't deserve it.

Sophia noticed her mood, and at lunch asked Emma, "Did you give up on the sleep watch? You seem much better today."

Emma shook her head. "No, although I was close to giving up. I was in so much pain I needed to lie down on something soft, and Gabe's bed was half empty, so just lay down on his covers...out like a light."

"You slept with your son?" Sophia asked levelly.

"Oh, stop. Why do you always have to take it to the extreme?"

"Because I like it when your eyes widen in shock. Are you going to sleep with him again?" The twinkle in her eye spoke volumes.

"Stooooop!" Emma laughed.

That night at dinner, Emma pondered what she was going to do about her bed situation. She wasn't going back to the floor, that was for sure, but felt weird asking Gabe if he was okay with her sharing his bed. That damn Sophia had gotten into her head!

When they were almost done eating, she bit the bullet. "Hey, I hope you don't mind. I, uh, accidentally slept on your bed last night. I couldn't take the floor again."

"Oh yeah?" He said, eyebrows raised. "I don't blame you. I slept on Mickey's floor last week and it was awful. Did you sleep better?"
