A Halloween Legend is Born

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Sex moans in graveyard are mistaken for ghosts.
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This was in a small college just three years ago. It was and still is a liberal arts school, originally founded by Methodists and retaining some prudish characteristics although not officially connected to any religion for years. With only around 2400 students, each of us probably knew at least half of the others and perhaps half of that half we knew really well. When you're all crammed into dorms and leading what is basically an artificial life -- compared to the outside world --a camaraderie builds.

It's Halloween. Three guys that share an old house not far from campus are hosting a party. Costumes required. It's a house that's been rented to students for years so it's fairly beat up. A good place for a party. The sinks and shower and toilet and stove and refrigerator work but the decor is third world. The furniture is all hand-me-downs over the years to a sequence of renters, worn but usable. I'm sort of buddies with the three guys so that's why I'm invited. I assume they know the other attendees also, from classes or socially or whatever. There are twelve of us, evenly mixed, six of each sex. That doesn't sound big but it's a small house so we fill it.

The costumes are a mixed bag. None of us really have costumes. Who takes costumes to school with them? I wrestle, so my costume is my wrestling singlet. I'm in good shape so it shows off my body and might help attract a girl . I need a girl. It's been a while. The outfit is thin so I wondered what to wear under it and figured normal underwear would show and be dorky so I wear a jock strap. No cup, though. I don't think anyone is going to attack my nuts at the party. Or if they do, I hope it's a female in heat. There are a couple cowboys there. I mean, all you need is jeans and the right hat. One Dracula, just some cheap black material functioning as a cape over a dark suit. Pretty easy. There are a couple cheerleaders and an elf. The one that gets my attention is a Freshman girl. I don't know how she got invited but maybe it's just as simple as her being a fox.

Her name is LaVerne. I've wondered if her parents watched LaVerne and Shirley and if they did they were evil to name her that. She's small. Built like mad but small. Sort of like that actress Eva Longoria on Desperate Housewives. Nice face, more cute than beautiful. Just barely five feet. Slim or trim. But really built. Lovely breasts that probably don't have big measurement numbers because her body is so small but are all up front and big enough for plenty of cleavage. Great little round, firm looking butt. Shapely legs. She's showing off her body at least as much as mine. She's apparently a Genie. A minimal bikini type bathing suit, some home-made looking, very flimsy and filmy, almost transparent, Harem pants covering the bottom part of her, a necklace plus some small ballet-type slippers. A slung together costume like all of us.

I've noticed her often. I'm sure every guy has. I don't know why I haven't hit on her. Or maybe I do. She's quiet. Very quiet. When she speaks you have to really listen. I get the idea she's a real goody-goody. And she's so small, she seems almost fragile. I'm not huge. I wrestle at 175 lbs. Wrestlers tend to be stocky and muscular instead of long string beans. It's all based on leverage. So I am built that way, too. 5'9", sort of short compared to some, and really strong. I work out all the time. I have muscles most people don't even think of. I'm a dark blond, perhaps dirty blond is the description, blue eyes. My head isn't shaved but I have a very short buzz cut. She's dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin. And I keep looking because much of that really lovely body is on display and what's covered isn't really hidden, just covered. Maybe even accentuated.

Not long after we all arrive, our hosts announce that we're having a Halloween scavenger hunt. It's unseasonably warm for Halloween so going outside in costume is fine. We need to pair up. Well, three of the guys and their steady girls are already set. One of the remaining girls, Michelle, is nice looking but my friend Gary has always had the hots for her so I know she's who he wants. Of the two remaining, while they're both fine, the one that intrigues me is LaVerne. That great body is just too much. So I head for her and ask if she's willing to pair up with me for the scavenger hunt and she agrees. In fact, she seems happy that I asked. Well, we get the list of what we're supposed to find and together look it over and begin strategizing how to get everything.

Whoever came up with the list must take Botany and also must want to be sure and not have us steal things that will get us in trouble. We need to get a leaf from a Fig tree and one from a Ginkgo tree and a Rose. We also need to get some mustard, spaghetti marinara and a copy of the works of Shakespeare.

"I know where to get the spaghetti and the mustard," I told her, "but I don't know a fig tree or a Ginkgo from a Maple."

"Oh, I know them," she tells me, "and even know where they are. From Botany class. And lots of people have roses in their yards."

"And if we have to," I said, "we can always go to Dr. Keller's office on the campus, he teaches Shakespeare and never locks his door."

So we set out. I head us towards Sepesi's Restaurant. I know the owner's daughter, she's in one of my classes, and I bet we can get a little spaghetti and even some mustard there. But just a couple blocks from our party, we see several rose bushes in a yard. We both go in and find a rose that seems easy and I start trying to take it off. We have no knife and rose stems don't break easily. Then LaVerne almost whispers, "There's a cop car coming." I look and sure enough, a black and white is just turning onto the street.

I look around, there's a hedge we can hide behind. "Quick, let's drop down behind this hedge," I say, and drop flat onto the ground. She lands right on top of me. I'm face up and she's face down but we didn't coordinate this so one of her breasts is in my face. Her head and shoulders up beyond mine. I put my one arm around her and hold her. At least I'm managing to touch this great body.

"Shit," I hear her again almost whisper, "He's turning into the driveway. This driveway." All we can do is stay still or jump up and run.

If we run, he'll see us, so I say, "Just stay still, he may not see us."

Sure enough, he drives to the back of the house without looking our way. I think we decided to take a rose from a cop's house. Meanwhile, I'm aware that I've almost got a breast in my mouth. I stick out my tongue and turn my head a little and lick in her cleavage. She sort of wiggles on top of me, which feels very good.

"What now?" she asks.

"I'm willing to stay right here with a very sexy breast in my mouth," I say.

"That's wishful thinking," I hear her say, although she moves a little and now I really do have a breast in my mouth, although covered with a bikini, "It's not in your mouth." Then a pause and a little giggle and then, "Yet." Then another pause. "I mean, we can't just keep laying in this guy's front yard. We better move on. Just be sure and get the rose after all we've been through." I got it and put it in the plastic bag we had.

We almost ran a couple blocks, then slowed down and looked at one another and laughed and commented on how scary it had been for a moment. And then we're at the restaurant. We both go in and fortunately Elaine, the owner's daughter, is there. She comments on our weird dress and I explain it all to her and she gets some spaghetti and sauce in one of those little styrofoam boxes and gives me a jar of mustard and tells me to return the mustard some time. Then, since we're almost at the campus gates we head in to get to Dr. Keller's office.

We get in the building and are tiptoeing down a hall when we see a light. It's obvious that it's a flashlight, some sort of guard or something walking in our direction. I look around and see a door and open it. It's a closet. It's almost totally dark but I can see some light glinting that indicates it's a janitor's closet with mops and buckets and stuff, so I pull her in and close the door after us. Again, we're face to face. There's no room and we're right up against one another. I put my arms around her and she puts hers around me and we hold one another. I can feel her whole body against me. I don't know how well the jock strap is doing it's job but I know I'm getting a hard on. I whisper as softly as I can, "We'll have to be quiet and wait until he goes by." I can tell that she nods her head.

I can't help myself. I shouldn't be like this but my one hand slides down her back a little to rest on her butt. It really is as firm as I though it was. Surprisingly, her hand lowers down onto my butt and she actually pulls me tighter against her. At her height, my hard on is pushing into her stomach. I can feel her head move, looking up, so I look down and lower my head and first hit her nose with my lips but move until we're kissing while we hold each other's butts. I'm in no hurry to leave.

We kiss for what seems to me to be a long time and when I finally break it, she waits just a second to catch her breath and pulls on my neck to get my head down and our lips back together. On this kiss, her bottom presses against me and moves, rubbing on me. When we finally break, I tell her, "I really want to continue this but I don't think this closet is the place. Let's get the book and get out of this building."

"I definitely need to continue this," she says very quietly, "but you're right."

We get the Shakespeare and get out. As we start down the street, holding hands and sort of leaning on each other, she tells me, "The Ginkgo tree is just a block over if you want to continue this hunt." So we go over. She points out the tree that's behind a high wall. I mean high, probably eight feet or so. "She points at a branch we can see and says, "That's the Ginkgo."

"Do you think I can boost you up high enough to get to it?"

She grins. "Well, we can sure try."

Well, I'm going to have to get her standing on my shoulders. "You're going to have to get way up on my shoulders. Can you sort of climb up my back?" She tries. I'll give her credit. But it won't work. I'm going to have to lift her in some way. I turn my back to the wall and face her. "I'll lean against the wall and help boost you up on me. As you get high enough, you can lean on the wall to maintain balance. O.k.?"

"Sure," she answers, grinning some more, "We might as well give it a go."

I'm not sure I can even explain how things went, they were a mess. I lifted her by her waist and had her sort of lean on me as I got my hands under one of her feet and boosted her up. Every part of her almost naked body passed over my body and my face. She does get a foot on my shoulder and then all her weight is off me. I look up and then step back and turn and look up. She's sitting on the wall and has the branch in her grasp. "O.k., she sort of whispers, "I've got a leaf. Come back so I can climb down over you."

I just stepped forward next to the wall without thinking. Her feet both came down onto my shoulders. I can feel her hand on my head and then one foot comes down off my shoulder and she gets her thigh on my shoulder. Then the other leg does the same. She's sitting on my shoulders, her back against the wall and my face is right into her groin. I use my teeth to bite into the crotch of her bikini bottom and pull on it a little. It moves, so I turn my head and pull it to the side a little. I let go of it and move my face back and try and lick her pussy. I know I'm licking something, just barely to the side of the material that's pressing against my tongue. Skin, not hair, with some shape to it. I can hear her make sort of a moan. A quiet, higher pitched moan than I've heard before. Both her hands are holding my head and it feels as if she's pushing her hips forward as much as she can, shoving her pussy against me so I just keep licking.

I stop and tell her, "I want to continue this, too, but we're on a street and someone is going to come by sometime. Can we move somewhere else?"

I got a moan in answer. "Just a little more, please, it's been months since I've enjoyed this and I think you're going to be even better." So I get back to licking. It's dark, I have no idea exactly where my tongue is and I can't move my head hardly at all, trapped between her hands and her bottom. "O.k.," she says, even more quiet than normal, "I don't want you to stop but you're right. And the fig tree isn't far and it's in the graveyard where we can go ahead and enjoy each other a lot more."

It isn't very graceful but we do manage to get her down. She kisses me. "Your Harem pants are done for, I think," I say. They've ripped several places and are just sort of hanging on her.

She looks down at them and takes my hand and starts pulling me away. "That's o.k., I'll just take them off and toss them." She looks back at me as she leads, ""That isn't all I'm going to take off," she adds with a really dirty grin.

It isn't a large town so we're at the cemetery within minutes. I don't know how she sees in the dark but she leads across grass, dodging some old tombstones on the way. When she stops, we're in a newer section where it looks, at night, like it's just lawn. The tombstones are plaques, set into the ground. And there's this small tree right in front of us. "Here's the fig tree," she says, turning to me. She presses up to me and I kiss her. As we kiss, her hand sort of snakes between us and she cups my genitals through my outfit. She breaks the kiss. "How do I get to you?" she asks, sort of massaging my cock.

"This outfit is weird," I tell her, "It's really all one piece. I just have to take the whole thing off." I start to unsnap it and peel it off so I can step out of it. She's right next to me and her flimsy, shredded Harem trousers go right away, then her top. I know it's dark but her breasts are fabulous. Then her bottom. What I'm interested in is just a dark area up between her legs. But as I step out of the last part of my outfit, she's right there and has her fingers around my cock. Immediately, this small, quiet girl with a perfect figure is kneeling, completely naked, trying to swallow me, cock first. She's really active, slurping and sucking and swallowing, taking more of me into her mouth than would seem to fit, her hands working on my balls. She doesn't say anything, doesn't pretend this is anything but a real hunger on her part for a cock and some sperm to taste. It doesn't take long and her need is satisfied.

Now it's my turn to ravish this small but perfect female body. I tell her what a great body she has and how I wanted her as soon as I saw her at the party. I start by kissing her but fairly quickly have her breasts in my hands and mouth. She starts moaning. She has lovely breasts, full and firm, very sexy to fondle and even sexier to suck on. I hadn't had sex with a huge number of women, six up to then if my count was right, but I had learned that they react to sex differently. Some are fairly quiet, small moans mostly. Some swear and get profane, "fuck me," and so on. Some are very noisy, to the point you wonder if the neighbors will call the cops. It turns out that LaVerne is noisy. No swearing, just lots of moans and howls and sort of screams, at a fairly high decibel level but also at a slightly higher pitch than anything I'd heard before. When I moved from her breasts down to her pussy, I got an almost guttural scream that I can only describe as something like cats fighting or an animal mating call. And as my tongue worked in her and on her clit the screams continued. She has a great pussy, my tongue fits perfectly, she tastes great and her clit, which I can push around with my tongue, is like a worm that firms up. And when she cums, I'm almost scared, the scream is so loud and shrill and seems to waver.

Through this, I notice that a slight breeze has caught her torn Harem pants and wafted them up into the air and across the cemetery. When she cums and gives that blood curdling scream, I move up over her and start my cock into her. She's small and her insides are small, too. I have to push in bit by bit, she's so tight. But she's well lubricated and I finally get fully into her. The screams turn back into moans. Loud, high pitched moans, until she starts really pushing back hard and moving towards another orgasm. Back to the guttural howl and then to the scream again as she cums. And I cum. Then soft, almost quiet purrs as her legs came up around me and hold me in her.

"I was beginning to wonder about the guys at this college," she almost whispers to me. "I've been here two months now and this is the first fuck I've had. I've been going almost crazy needing a good hard cock. And you're terrific. My best ever, by far. You know, I told Marie, who goes steady with one of the guys holding the party, that I needed to fuck and she arranged to get me invited. And I'm sure glad she did." Then we kiss, I roll off her and we hold one another and kiss some more. I begin feeling her breasts and she begins almost pulling on my cock, trying to get it up. She's almost panting. "You said you wanted my body, well I wanted you as soon as I saw you. You have a fantastic body. We've got to do a little more," she sort of whispers in my ear. "I really need you."

Well, it doesn't take long at all. She kisses me all over practically, trying to suck on my nipples. Her hand is pulling on my cock all the time. Then she helps by sucking on my cock to urge it up. When it's hard again., which doesn't take all that long, she climbs on and the screaming and howling starts again. And again, out of a corner of my eye, I see the filmy Harem pants floating like a kite through the air. Once we both cum, we get our outfits on again, grab the bag of scavenger items and head back to the party. Incidentally, we weren't the winners of the hunt by a long shot.

The really big stuff didn't even happen the next day but the day after. The local paper has a front page feature story,"Ghosts Seen in Cemetery". Apparently four high school boys who had been out doing a little Halloween trick or treating described the wailing and howling coming out of the cemetery and then the actual sight of a semi-transparent ghost flying through the air. They all ran for home and told their parents, who called the police. It seems that LaVerne and I must have just got out of there in time because the police came and investigated the cemetery but found nothing.

But that was just the start because the next day another story appeares. Two other groups of people who read the first story also reported the same thing. That is, both hearing and seeing ghosts on Halloween night in the cemetery. One were some people at a party in a home that abutted the cemetery. The owner even mentioned that he'd lived next to the cemetery for years and nothing like this had happened before but now he's thinking of selling. They described the unearthly howls of the ghosts and then actually seeing one flying through the air. The paper had to also include the fact that hard drinks were served at the party which makes one question how sober these ghost viewers might be. But the other group was another group of teenagers, both guys and girls, on their way home from a movie who heard and saw the same thing.

Then almost everyone involved was interviewed on several different radio and television shows. One girl, probably chosen because she was the most photogenic, even appeared on a national TV broadcast.

Follow-up articles included interviews with various ghost buster types who investigated the cemetery and added credence to the whole thing, although my personal belief is that they're all phonies. Apparently it made all the tabloids and even some overseas rags. No one ever seemed to find the Harem pants that perhaps had blown into the next county by then. And they found no sign of LaVerne and I being there. I imagine if they had done a careful analysis of the correct blades of grass they would have found traces of both our cums but, of course, they had no reason to search the area in front of the little fig tree.