A Horrible Moment in Time


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The thought of fucking Maggie's pussy again had Jimmy smiling, "Yes sir." He nodded grinning in agreement.

The next morning, Jimmy was up early and already at work. He kept thinking about what happened last night. Maggie Sue was the first and only woman he'd been with that he truly desired, and he wanted her again. Mr. Baker told him he could have her anytime he wanted.

So he finished his morning chores early so he could spend extra time with her at breakfast. He walked to the main house and waited on the back porch. Maggie Sue opened the door and let him in. She saw his huge cock tenting the front of his pants. Her pussy flooded, and she could not believe her reaction. Now she was lusting after young Jimmy .

Jimmy was so gentle with her last night. Even when Henry forced her down and hurt her Jimmy made her feel safe. She's never felt that way and wondered if it was possible again.

"Good morning, Jimmy" Maggie Sue greeted. "Do you want coffee?" she asked.

"No Miss Maggie," he answered. "I want to fuck you again. Mr. Henry said I could."

"Jimmy, I'm making breakfast and I can't right now." Maggie Sue replied turning away.

"Why? I'm already hard. It won't take much. Just let me sit in a chair and you sit on it like you did in the bed." Jimmy suggested.

Maggie Sue looked around, Then she heard Henry coming to the kitchen. "Jimmy, he'd be upset. We have to be careful. Sit down before he sees" she said indicating his hard-on.

"OK, " he answered as he sat at the table.

Henry walked in and sat across from Jimmy. Maggie Sue fixed his plate and placed it in front of him.

Henry looked at Maggie Sue and Jimmy, "Maggie, you're almost thirty. Jimmy here is nineteen. He's above age of consent. I want you to let him fuck you and get you pregnant. We need some kids on this farm." Henry declared.

Maggie Sue was terrified. The last thing she wanted to do was bring a child into this life. She wasn't worried about Henry, he was old and couldn't knock her up, but Jimmy was young and virile.

The idea of putting a baby inside Maggie Sue made Jimmy even more excited. He began to stroke his cock under the table. Knowing what he was doing with his dick got her very wet and horny for Jimmy's big prick.

Seeing this, Henry looked at Maggie and said, "Don't let that baby batter go to waste, fuck him.

So obediently, Maggie Sue straddled Jimmy's huge cock and rode him hard. He felt so good inside her, Maggie's cunt began to massage his engorged member.

The juices inside her pussy sloshed around coating his pole allowing him to slide in deeper and deeper.

Henry enjoyed watching Maggie ride Jimmy's pole. He'd taken his cock out again at this point and stroked himself near completion. But not this time. This time his wife would finish him off.

"Stop. Dammit, Maggie Sue, get on your knees. Jimmy fuck her like a bitch in heat." He ordered as he positioned himself in her face so she could deep throat his cock.

They complied immediately and Jimmy began to plow Maggie's sopping wet cunt from behind like a dog. He fucked her as fast and hard as he could. Soon his ball clinched. Then he felt Maggie's pussy jerked. Maggie moaned on Henry's cock and the vibration caused Henry to shoot his sperm deep into her throat. Causing Maggie Sue's cunt to viciously clench Jimmy's cock as Jimmy roared and filled her fertile womb with his sperm.

All three of them lay on the kitchen floor spent. Henry's dick was still in her mouth, and Jimmy's dick was still semi-hard inside her pussy.

Soon Henry got up and Jimmy followed. Maggie Sue knew that if she wasn't already pregnant, she would be soon. She would not let a child of hers grow up in a house with a man as cruel as Henry for a Daddy.

As soon as she got a chance, Maggie Sue was running. So for the next few months, she went along with Henry's demands, she fucked Jimmy whenever he wanted.

Three months later, Maggie's monthly didn't come. She knew she was pregnant. Henry had caused her one child, she would protect this one. This baby was special. Jimmy was his daddy and she couldn't let Henry mistreat him.

One night, Henry was horny. Two of his buddies were visiting and wanting to use Maggie Sue. Maggie recalled losing her last child and refused to put Jimmy's baby in danger.

When Henry and his friends came in, Maggie snuck out of the back door and rushed to the barn, She needed to talk to Jimmy. This was his baby and he had to help her.

Jimmy was laying on his cot when she walked in. She'd never come to him before so he was ready.

"No Jimmy, I didn't come out here for that. Jimmy I'm having a baby, your baby, and I won't let Henry hurt it. I'm gonna run and I need help." She inhaled. "Will you help me Jimmy? Help me keep our baby safe?" she implored.

Farmer Baker had helped Jimmy and he never wanted to betray him, but he saw how he treated Maggie and he didn't like it. He didn't understand how he could treat her like he did.

"What do you need, Maggie?" he asked.

Maggie looked at the young man in front of her. He was ten years younger than her, just a kid. "I need money for a bus ticket. I'll leave and you won't be bothered with me again. Will you help me?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"I don't have much, but I'll try." Jimmy promised.

Maggie hugged him. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her and she felt protected. No one made her feel as safe as this boy did.

"Maggie Sue, where are you. Get your ass back in this house." Henry bellowed angrily.

Shaking like a leaf, Maggie didn't know what to do. She knew what he wanted and she couldn't let those men use her like that anymore. Her baby deserved a chance.

But she had no choice, if he caught her with Jimmy, Henry might make him leave. She couldn't risk that either.

So she grabbed a laundry basket and made her way back to the house. Jimmy sat transfixed. He didn't like this. She was having serious doubts about going back into that house.

"Wait, Maggie. He'll hurt you." Jimmy said as he stopped her. "Hide in the barn. I'll keep you safe."

Maggie Sue knew Jimmy meant well, but if Henry thought he was hiding her, who knew what he'd do.

"No, Jimmy. It'll be OK. I don't want Henry to hurt you and you know he will." She explained to her friend.

So Maggie Sue, already knowing what lay ahead accepted her fate and headed back into the house.

"Maggie Sue, we've got company and here you go dragging your ass. Get in there and fix us something to eat." Henry growled.

Maggie Sue rushed into the kitchen. She started preparing sandwiches for Henry and his friends. Henry walked into the kitchen and wrapped his bulky arms around her waist.

"Look, I owe Pete and Ray some money, but they will take payment in kind. I want you to take care of them. Hear me girl." Henry hissed in her ear.

Maggie Sue's stomach dropped. She'd been with those two before and they always hurt her. If it was just her, she wouldn't care, but she had her child to consider.

If she did it, the men would beat her, but Henry would beat her if she refused. Either way she'd get beat.

"Henry, is the slut ready? We ain't got all night." One of his buddies yelled into the kitchen.

"She'll be right out!" Henry yelled back laughing out. "Girl, stop that crying. You're too old to cry all the time. Now get in there and earn your keep."

"Henry, please. Not those two. I'll do anyth..." she flinched as Henry drew back his fist.

"OK," she sobbed. "I'm coming." Then she followed him into the dining room where they were waiting.

"Maggie Sue, I swear." Pete said stroking her hair. "You're my favorite piece of ass."

"Enough talking." grumbled Ray, "Get naked girl. My wife wants me home at a decent hour."

Slowly Maggie removed her clothes. She gently rubbed her small baby bump, and Ray noticed and fumed angrily. "She's ruined. You knocked her up. I don't want another man's used goods. Get dressed Pete. Let's go."

Pete and Ray stormed out of the house. Henry was furious."You dumb slut. Why didn't you hide your belly. I oughta-" the door slammed.

A furious Jimmy stood in front of the door glaring at Henry Baker. He'd had enough. He'd watched him use Maggie Sue, call her names, and even hit her. But not this time, this time Henry would not lay a hand on her.

"Don't you touch her." growled Jimmy.

"Boy, what the hell? You think cause I let you fuck her you got rights?'" he laughed derisively, "This here is my bitch and I can treat her anyway I want." Henry grabbed Maggie's arm and shoved her.

Jimmy advance quickly and was in Henry's face. Henry in sheer size and will overpowered the young man and was soon beating him severely.

The sound of Henry's meaty fist connecting with Jimmy's young face was more than Maggie Sue could take. She had to protect Jimmy.

Maggie Sue could not let Henry hurt Jimmy anymore. She had to stop him. Grabbing a cast iron skillet, she ran over to the two men and struck Henry in the back of the head knocking him off of Jimmy.

Henry realizing she hit him, turn from Jimmy to and advanced on Maggie. Jimmy couldn't let him hurt her any more. She deserved better. He promised her he'd help, so he grabbed the biggest knife he saw on the counter and stabbed Henry in the neck.

Henry froze, blood spurted from his mouth as he fell forward. Then he collapsed. Henry Baker died that night on the floor of the kitchen in the small farm house.

Jimmy held Maggie Sue as she sobbed. He knew the police needed to be called and he'd go to jail, but it didn't matter. Maggie Sue and her baby would be safe now. Henry could not hurt her anymore.

"Maggie, we gotta tell the police. I'm gonna walk over to the banks farm so they can call." Jimmy told her gently.

"No, please Jimmy. Don't say nothing. I don't want you to go to jail. Let's just run away." Maggie pleaded.

"Maggie Sue, we can't run. I promised you I'd protect you and our baby. If I go to jail for doing that it's alright. I don't mind." Jimmy inhaled. "But if we run, they might lock you up too. Then what happens to the baby."

Maggie held on to Jimmy and wept softly. All of this was her fault. If she hadn't gone after Henry when she was young, they would not be here. Jimmy didn't deserve to go to jail. So Maggie Sue made a decision.

"Jimmy go ask the Banks to call to police." She whispered. "I'll wait here with his body." After Jimmy left, Maggie Sue threw an old blanket over Henry because she didn't want to look at him.

Soon, she heard the sirens and knew the sheriff had arrived.

"Sheriff, I stabbed Henry." She confessed before he could even get out of his car.

The sheriff took note of the bruises Jimmy was covered with and he saw how severely Maggie had been beaten.

"Show me the body." He ordered the young woman.

Maggie looked over at the sheriff's car and saw Jimmy in the backseat.

"Sheriff" Maggie pleaded with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Jimmy didn't do nothing. I stabbed Henry. Please let Jimmy go."

"Hmm, that's strange. Jimmy said the same thing about you." Then he uncovered Henry and looked at his body.

At this point the deputy had arrived and entered to help secure the crime scene.

The sheriff and deputy looked at each other. They had a good idea of what had happened. The two people involved deserved a medal, not jail time. Everyone knew of Henry's abuse of Maggie Sue and they saw how he treated the boy.

Even knowing that Jimmy was his son, he didn't show that boy one ounce of compassion. The sheriff didn't even believe Jimmy knew Henry was his birth father. But as sheriff, in this neck of the woods, this was one wrong he could fix.

"Um, Deputy, what we have here is an accidental homicide. Henry had a couple of drinking buddies over and things turned violent. Miss Maggie tried to intervene when young Jimmy came in. Young Jimmy tried to stop Henry from attacking Miss Maggie, whose obviously pregnant, but Henry kept hitting her. So he stopped him the only way he could, he stabbed him." Then the sheriff exhaled.

"Write it up and get the coroner in here." the sheriff demanded.

The sheriff talked with the coroner who agreed with his assessment. Then they took Maggie Sue and Jimmy down town. They booked them and then declared Henry's death accidental homicide. A few days later, Jimmy and Maggie Sue were released from jail and allowed to return to the farm.

Maggie Sue hated that farm and didn't want to live there anymore. It was Henry's farm and she wanted to get as far away as she could from this place. Upon returning, Maggie Sue asked Jimmy to stay in the house with her. He agreed. For the first two nights, they slept in a guest room, neither one of them wanting to go into Henry's room.

Then one day a guy in a big black car drove up. He asked to see Jimmy. He had some news.

"Son, you might want to sit down." He said. So they led the stranger into the house and Maggie Sue offered him something to drink. He refused because he had a lot to explain to Jimmy. "Henry, your mother, Janet, owned this farm."

Stunned, Jimmy stopped him, "Wait, what do you mean? How could my Momma own this farm?

The lawyer continued, "When she married Henry, he took over and drove the farm under. One night after Henry had gotten drunk and beat her, she took you and ran."

The lawyer paused and continued slowly, "The farm, land, and all of the money she had, Henry took control of. When your mother, Janet, passed, you inherited everything. That's one of the reasons Henry brought you back with him."

Jimmy stared at the lwayer, having a hard time wrapping his head around what the man was saying. "The farm and the land never belonged to Henry. It all belonged to his son, Jimmy. Jimmy, you are his son.

Maggie Sue was stunned. "Henry was your Daddy." She whispered. "I'm sor..." Then she started to cry.

"Maggie Sue," the lawyer continued, "he never divorced Jimmy's mother, so your were not married."

Holding her Jimmy said, "He wasn't my Daddy. I didn't have a Daddy. But I have you now Maggie Sue and I have our baby. We are a family, now." Then he held her close.

She felt safe. The only times he ever felt safe was in Jimmy's arms. She believed things would be alright now. If Jimmy could handle the outside work, she could do the books, and they'd be alright.

"Jimmy," she whispered. "I love you. You mean everything to me. You gave me a reason to live when I didn't have a reason to go on. Thank you, Jimmy."

Holding her tightly, he replied. "I've always loved you Maggie Sue ever since I laid eyes on you the first time. I will keep you and our baby safe here in our home."

Clearing his throat, the visitor reminded them of his presence. "Well congratulations you two. I wish you a world of happiness. You deserve it."

"Thank you Mister. I appreciate you coming all the way out here to tell me this." Jimmy told the lawyer.

"You're welcomed, son. I'm gonna file all of the paperwork and I want you to meet me at the bank to free up your money. Also, you might want to get Miss Maggie to a doctor's office to check on her and the baby." the lawyer explained.

"The Sheriff had a doctor to check on me, and he said I was fine." Maggie Sue interjected.

She didn't want Jimmy to have to worry about her. Jimmy nodded and accepted what the lawyer told him. He also felt afraid, he now had to make decisions and he wasn't sure he was ready.

"Miss Maggie" the lawyer tried to soothe her, "I know and I was glad to hear that, but we all want you and the baby to be safe, so you need to see a doctor regularly, alright." he explained in a fatherly tone.

"He's right, Jimmy spoke. "Will you help me sir? I'm not sure..." Jimmy admitted.

"Son, I would be honored to help you, both of you.I just hate that you two suffered at Henry's hands. Do you have a way to get to the city? I can come pick you two up in the morning." the lawyer asked.

"Henry had an old truck, but we can't drive." Maggie Sue admitted. "If you can, pick us up. We'll be ready early." she concluded.

"Alright, Miss, I'll see you two in the morning. I'm staying at a local motel. Call me if you need anything," he added.

"Yes, sir" Jimmy answered. He would get the man to help him have a phone line installed at the farm. Since the man was willing to help, he'd see about getting Maggie Sue the things she'd need for herself and the baby.

Then the lawyer walked out and got in his car a drove away, watching Jimmy and Maggie Sue embrace each other tightly through his rearview mirror. These two people were special.

He promised Janet he'd look after her son. When Henry took the boy he searched frantically for a way to get him back. He failed. But now, he'd not only protect Jimmy, he'd protect his family as well. No one else would mistreat Jimmy, Maggie Sue or their child. He'd make sure of that.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
a question...

...of taste. the contents were horribly disgusting. but i find it brave to set up such a disgusting plot, disgusting characters and an atmosphere that makes you freeze and shudder as you read. so, you've captivated the reader. i'm sure the "audience" is split in halves. this is a polarizing story, that you either love or hate. i don't think there's much in between. it surely was something different. not something that struck my sexual fancy though. i kept on reading to see how far you went. i congratulate you on your courage to not be afraid to publish something that might be "unpopular". a personal wish: more emphasis on the pregnancy and how it changed her body, not only her mindset.

NavauraNavauraover 11 years ago

This was sad and funny in a way because of the idiotic way the guy talked was hilarious. I enjoyed the story and it was totally captivating and with not as many mistakes as most would think, Anyway, Good job!!!

2275jr2275jralmost 12 years ago
So very erotic loved it want more

brilliant story. such a real joy to read. a horrible moment in time .

had me hot and horny reading it. you only get better with each time you write.

another of your awesome stories. keep them cumming love th different kinds of your stories add something to your writing each time. love this one . more please.

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