A Hot Mum Called Jo

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Nineteen year old describes his crush for his MILF.
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Summary - Nineteen-year-old describes his crush for his MILF through photos.

Codes - Taboo, 'incest', teenagers, MILF, non-consensual sex, oral, voyeur, old man, car sex, ironic humor.

A big thank you to KC Leggs and kenjisato for having the time to edit this story.

This story and images are copyrighted by the author.


Task 1: Write recent memories to do with sex from your past year as a teenager. Use your own photos. Try to be factual. Reflect as much as possible, and include as much detail as possible. You can use your imagination (ie. fiction).

You know all the contents of your letter is confidential, so all letters will be read out aloud in class.

Good luck! I look forward to reading your memories. You might need to go to AI if you don't have a sex life🙂

Mr Sexton.

October 14, 2023

Dear English Teacher!

My name is Leo.

I am a simple guy, nineteen years old. My favorite football team is Club Athletico Paranaense. And my favorite football player is Neymar. I have a small dick; however, I got big balls, mainly because of an overproduction of my milky mess.



I live in a small, two-bedroom flat in Sao Paulo, Brazil with my Mom. A city of twelve million, you would think I would strike it lucky here. But, oh no. We have a red-light district called "Centro Novo." I went there the other day, and all I could find weretrannies!

Anyway, my Mom's name is Jo. Being a single mother and a Christian, that makes her frustratingly sinful and sexy. Life revolves around work, family and church. It can happen that we get invited for lunch or dinner by my avó (grandma) and Mr. and Mrs. Job, a number of times a week. The couple lives in the same condominium as us. Mom goes to the same church and Bible-study group every week. I tend to miss the Bible studies, but I do come along for their dinners. They are, in fact, vegans and so no meat- no steak. And as you know, Mr Sexton, Brazilians love their steaks; Mom loves a piece of meat.

Mom has sacrificed a lot, for me to be the person I am today. Jo has played a major role in my upbringing, despite her being locked to her mobile...

Mom always says to me, "Be your Dream!" I just think about my wet dreams...

I think my Mom is mad. Why go to church, when you want to have lots of unadulterated sex? That is enough to send anyone crazy.

I have inherited my good looks from her and my Dad's physique. Since he was a judo instructor, he kept himself in shape just like I do. My Dad is no longer in my life anymore, they were not married. Though, he is in my life virtually, just like my porn.

My Mom is the principal of a school nursery. She is very good with children. Jo does not spend a lot of time there; most times, she is doing "pedagogic planning work". What on the Earth is that, you may ask? Well, for example, it is soon Christmas, so she has got to make the whole Nativity scene out of toilet paper rolls. Somehow, she has got to convince the little ones that Mary is a virgin...



In Brazil at Christmas, summers got so warm, at times, it could be at least forty degrees. Sometimes, it gotta be so hot in our flat, Jo would just be in a bikini. My friends liked to visit me often in the summer, I wonder why?

Well, Jo was popular with the opposite sex. For my friends to come into contact with a partially clothed woman, was a dream come true, especially, for hormonal, horny, young men. They wanted to talk to her a lot, or perhaps more precisely, to stare at her.

My Mom, poor Mom. She could not say "No!" One of the results of this character trait was MOI.

Anyway, all my friends' parents gave Jo the awesome task of having all their kids' birthday parties at her place. So naturally, all the dads wanted to do was to come over to help my lovely Mom, to help her blow her big balloons.



When my friends and I were on our own, we often talked about women's bodies-- how they were, and what they felt like. We drew Jo's boobs and smileys on our desks, as something to do during those boring school lessons. We loved Jo's low cut blouses, imagining her nipples coming out to play...

I could not really believe how Chapter Ten in our science books was so popular. The reproduction chapter was so important for us lads. Whenever you opened the book, it automatically opened to that place. It was like the sex version of Harry Potter's biology book.



When my friends came over to watch the football, Jo showed no interest, whatsoever, in what we were watching, would just be busy with her mobile. Their attention, I could see, was not on the football on the screen; they rather liked watching Jo's amazing pair of footballs.

My amigos were so flirty with my Mom, they would say funny things like, "Can I take a few shots at your goal, Jo?" or "Jo, you can be Messi, so you can dribble all over me!"

Poor Mom didn't understand a thing, and just laughed.



I got to model at a very young age, thanks to a contact through my Mom's friend. God blessed me with good looks and a small penis. Things were not looking good for me.

Then my friends and I thought of the ideal Christmas present for my Mom- a modelling portfolio!

Upon opening her present, she was skeptical. But we argued that if she was going to go on a dating site (which she was thinking of doing), then she should have some exciting pictures for the men to see.

So, Jo was all for it. It was a success. She came back looking like a pin-up supermodel. Jo didn't need much makeup, but she was treated with a complimentary manicure and a mini beauty treatment. Mom said the photographer was very impressed and had said "many good words"; he said she was "bonita" and "maravilhosa".

He also wondered if she could model lingerie, or think of doing something more to increase her experience. The photographer said mature, beautiful women like her were very desirable on some internet sites. She could earn a lot of money. Jo could work with a lot of young, handsome male models if she wanted. Then he winked at her. My Mom said men like him were only after one thing... It was how the world was. Jo was skeptical and told him that she would think about it.

Our present was fine, but we could only afford to have some thumbnail pictures and to choose two posters for herself. Jo wasn't sure what to do with her copies when she got them. I told her that she should think of the environment. Recycle them both- give them to me. She never did.

What she didn't know was that my friends all saved their allowance and each got a full-sized poster print for themselves, too. They all had their favourite picture. The ones where she wears white and pink were the most popular.

(I think that soon after, she was up on the walls of five hormonal teenagers, in all her glory. Though, not on my own wall...Jo would have killed me.)



In my teenage years, I was inquisitive about a woman's body. I could innocently touch her by hugging. I loved the times on Saturdays on holiday, when it was just she and I cuddling on the sofa, watching a movie with a giant bowl of popcorn.

We would always disagree about what we should watch. For example, Jo's choice would be: 'You've Got Mail' (I wish she did get a male, then I could choose all the movies, while she was out dating.)

Quite often, she would fall asleep on my shoulder. I would smell the sweet fragrance of her long hair and I would lovingly put my arm around her. After a time though, she would be too heavy for my arm, and I would begin to fall asleep. Me, being like Quasimodo, would carefully slip away from her to leave her lying down on the sofa.

Being the caring, loving son that I was, I would find her a nice, warm blanket. The problem was it took me such a looooong time to find that blanket... Nice booty eh?

This reminds me to ask you How about a bottom joke? "What music floats to the bottom of the sea?" Answer: Heavy Rock music.... Argh. Sorry.

I would enjoy the view of her sleeping on our sofa, and had a desire to see between her lovely pins.

You know when I finish school, I am going to sell sofas. (It would be great if they had half-naked women on them. They would sell like hotcakes. I would call my business "Sofa King.")

I remember one time, while we were watching a movie, there was a sex scene, and I let my hand drop innocently onto her lap. I had my fingers between her legs, and slowly rubbed the outside of my hand on her treasure. With the first touch, Jo immediately took my hand and planted it straight back on my lap. I knew from then on, my sex life would involve a strong relationship with Kleenex.



Recently, I came back early from a Christmas party. I got driven back by one of the other parents. Not wanting to disturb my Mom's sleep, I tiptoed through the hallway. It was then, I discovered Jo was not in her bedroom.

She was in the TV room, and she had her mattress there, too. Jo was with a man on a movie date. I knew that when Mom watched a movie, she would fall asleep. Was this man taking advantage of that? I didn't know, so I peeped into the room to find her date massaging her. Jo was naked. I could see they were having a sort of tantric sex... there was this weird music being played and the smell of incense and baby oil.

She was lying on her side and her pussy was being vibrated by a long vibrator he was holding. Jo had her eyes closed, while I had a sneak peek at her heavy mammaries. I wondered what they felt like...

I didn't know what to do, but I just continued watching and hoping I wouldn't get caught. I was really nervous. I saw and heard Mom moaning a lot. The kind of moaning she did when she liked a good picanha steak.

Anyway, I was kind of embarrassed by the situation, one part of me said, 'Go to your room.' The other said, 'Stay there and see what happens -- just don't get caught.' I listened to the second voice.

By the way, have you heard about the best position in tantric sex? It is called the plumber position. You stay in all day and no one comes...



As a young man, one's fantasies could take over a young teenager's imagination. Nothing was out of bounds. Having a hot Mom didn't help my hormones. One day, about a year ago, Joanna didn't have time to make dinner, so we stopped at a McDonald's drive thru. Both of us were hungry, so we got our food and made our way home. I was thirsty, so I drank my soda.

On our way back, we got stuck in traffic. Mom, being thirsty too, leaned over to my side and planted her head down by my lap and started sucking at the straw to drink my Pepsi Max. I could not but imagine what she was doing to me.

"Mmmmm..." --suck- "Mmmmm..." -suck-

I just shouted, "MOM, people are looking!!"

There was a young man next to us watching, and he just winked at me. Then my Mom's head came up from my lap and she used one of the napkins to dry her lips.



This was the time Mom walked straight into my room when I was fapping to something on my mobile. I forget what it was, but I was smelling my Mom's used panties as I fapped. I remember her reaction, when she came in. She saw me, then immediately walked straight back out, as if she forgot something. Jo tried to make it look natural and pretended that she had seen nothing.

Today I am still embarrassed by what happened that day! (My security system for my room improved to James Bond's standards after what happened-I started locking my door and my porn stash with my biology book was hidden discreetly under my mattress.)



As I got older, Jo told me lots of things; things which were private, that she wanted me to know. I was (and am) her confidant. When I turned eighteen, Jo told me two stories to warn me about sex and how to treat a woman. Most teenagers would find it embarrassing to talk about sex with their parents. Not moi!

So Jo told me in as much detail as possible about what had happened because that was the type of parent who she was. Completely unorthodox, telling the bare truth and nothing but the truth- leaving nothing to the imagination. This was important for her. She had my complete attention.

Memory 1: Our Old Neighbor in the Car

Her first story was when I was younger. Jo was thirty-five, at the peak of her womanhood, she said. The picture above is taken at the coast, at the time the incident happened. Mom was single for about eight years and she said she didn't have any nookie at all in that time. A great waste, was how I saw it.

Jo was driven back from the beach to our town by one of our old neighbours, Nikko. He was about fifty-five years old. ANCIENT. Nikko had always had a thing for my Mom. Join the queue...He was single and wanted to date her. Mom just said to him, if he wanted to do that, then he would have to marry her. On that day, Mom was in her summer clothes. It was very hot, so getting back home to air conditioning was a priority. Jo was hot and sweaty, looking forward to a nice, cold shower.

We had a dark, cool basement under our flats and Nikko parked there. There was enough space for twenty-five cars in our communal garage. It was then he told my Mom that she was "bonita" (beautiful). Jo thought she was just going to get a peck on her cheek. He kissed her full on the lips and then made out with my Mom. Nikko was unpredictable after that. He then pulled down her pants and went down to her "busceta" (pussy) and kissed and licked her down there... Jo was weak-willed, though compassionate, to this randy old man.

Jo did say no to Nikko at the start, telling him that someone would see them, but he refused to listen. Lust overtook common sense and she said he was like an old, hungry wolf. He was starved of delicious, juicy Jo-pussy. It was then he had his chance, and there was no going back.

My Mom said that she had been frustrated for a long time, too. So she just spread her limbs and let Nikko The Wolf have her little Red Riding Hood, literally speaking.

Nikko danced around her love bud with his tongue, moving in figure eights over and over again... sending Jo to a seventh heaven. Then he licked up and down and from side to side. While he did this, he groped her mounds of woman flesh. Jo said Nikko was careful about how she felt. He did more of the things she reacted well to. Eventually, towards the end, he had sex with her with his long tongue. This brought her to the end of her half-dozen orgasms. She loved his technique.

Jo told Nikko not to do it ever again, even though he was very good at it. Nikko did try to have a go. He would invite my Mom for popcorn when I was put to bed, but Jo said she never accepted his invitation.

I think Jo told me porkies, because one day when I came back early from college, I heard Jo moaning from our TV room. Peeping through a gap in the door, I saw my Mom being skewered by Nikko. I could see she found it difficult saying no to this man. Especially, when he had done such a good job the first time...I saw Nikko between her open legs...Jo was kissing as well as embracing his bald head, as he suckled her like a newborn baby on MY beanbag. I retreated before they could see me watching. Later that evening, I discovered there was a bag of cold popcorn in our microwave.

After she shared that story, she said, "That was not the right way of treating a lady. But now you, filho...know how to please your wife-to-be! One has to do it like a gentleman." I could not agree with you more, Mom.

Memory 2: Jo's Date Gone Wrong

The other time was in a car, too. Jo's date was with an affluent, rich man at a friend's wedding. She agreed to go on a blind date through a work colleague of hers.

She showed me the picture I took of her. Jo looked gorgeous, and greedily sexy. Actually, she looked better than the bride-to-be. Her hair and makeup looked out of this world - dressed to kill.

I remembered the guy well; his name was George, and came to pick Mom up. The short man looked a little obnoxious and smug, had glasses with a pot belly, wearing a long trench coat. Luckily, he was dressed well enough under it.

The wedding date was a disaster. Neither of them knew anybody else, so they just sat with each other. Conversation was awkward, laced with periods of silence. Jo thought George was childish and immature. He was twenty years older than her thirty years; quite the age gap. He said he liked dating younger women and joked they were better in bed. George told sexist jokes, which were not funny to her. He ate like a pig, taking lots of servings; his appetite was voracious. George joked his sex appetite was big as well. Jo didn't smile.