A House Full of Women Ch. 04

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Jack finds that his daughter is untouched by the male organ.
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Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/06/2021
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By dinnertime the next day, it became obvious that Joanna had in fact spilled the beans to Jack about what she and Vanessa had in mind--not to mention the history of her venture into girl-on-girl sex and Vanessa's own encounter with Eileen.

Over dinner Jack was staring at each of his females one after the other in an attitude of stupefied amazement. He hardly said a word, merely gawking at his ex-wife, his young lover, and his daughter as if they had revealed themselves to be Sirens or mermaids or succubi or some other supernatural creatures.

Vanessa was a little dumbfounded also. She realized that by next morning she could say she had slept with each member of this remarkable family. Just thinking of that made her blush uncontrollably at odd moments.

Around 10 p.m., as everyone was lounging in the living room, Joanna stood up, came over to Vanessa, held out her hand, and said, "I think it's time, dear."

Vanessa accepted the proferred hand, and the two women walked slowly up the stairs. Jack watched their every move until they were out of sight. About half an hour later, Eileen went up to bed, and Jack followed soon after.

Eileen had left her door partly open, and as she was lying in bed reading she saw her father trudge disconsolately along the hallway. She called out, "Hey, Dad! Come over here!"

Jack, who was wearing only a thin robe over his briefs, stood still with a jerk. He nervously poked his head into his daughter's room. "What is it, dear?" he said.

Eileen patted the empty side of her queen-size bed. "Lie down here for a minute."

Jack's jaw dropped. As he inched into her room he felt vaguely that he was trespassing. In all the years that Eileen had spent in this house, he'd gone into her bedroom no more than a dozen times. She had been very insistent on her privacy.

"Lie down here, Dad," she said more emphatically. "And take that silly robe off."

"What?" he said. "I--I'm just wearing my underwear!"

Eileen rolled her eyes. "Dad, come on! We're all adults here."

"Wh-what exactly do you want?"

"Just a little chat. It's been a while since we had a real tête-à-tête."

He wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. Standing by the bed, looking down sheepishly at his daughter, he whipped the robe off, then dashed under the covers in about two seconds. Eileen gave her patented smirk, vastly amused at his discomfiture.

Now that Jack was here, in this disturbingly intimate setting, it occurred to him that he had some things to talk about with Eileen also.

"So..." he began hesitantly, "you and Vanessa."

"Yup," she said smugly.

"You--you liked it with her?"

"Did I ever!"

"She's really pretty, isn't she?"

"No doubt about it."

"And yet, she's a little sensitive about her breast size."

"Oh, those darling little breasts! They're the cutest things I've seen in a long time. I hope you're suitably appreciative of them."

"I think I am." After a pause: "Do you think she enjoyed herself with you?"

"Yes, if I do say so myself. She came a bunch a times, let me tell you!"

"I had no idea she..."

"I don't think she did either; but she took to it like a duck to water. I'm beginning to think a lot of women are natural lesbians; they just don't know it. No offense to you, dear father o' mine, but there are times when even straight women get a bit tired of tending to that organ of yours. It's so damn insistent, and wants so much attention! Sometimes it's just a relief not to have it around, so we women can focus on our own needs."

"I like to make women come," Jack said defensively. "And I think I do a damn good job of it."

"Good for you. Lots of other men, I hear, aren't so considerate."

"I guess you heard about your mom too--what she did during her college days?"

"I did. What a shame she didn't tell me earlier! It would have helped me a lot as I was figuring out my own sexual orientation."

By this time Eileen had slunk down onto her side and rested her entire body against her father's. He was rather unnerved at the feel of her large breasts, covered only by her flannel nightgown; and he could swear he felt the thick, curly bristles of her bush rubbing up against his hip. Jesus! he thought. She can't possibly be tryng to come on to me! I'm her dad, and she's a lesbian to boot!

But that's when Eileen gently laid a hand on his groin. "What do we got here, Dad?" she said, softly stroking his underwear, where his member was rapidly hardening.

"Eileen, for God's sake what are you doing?" Jack cried.

"You know," she said contemplatively, "I have to admit I've been developing a curiosity about this strange little object. It behaves in such a peculiar way, doesn't it, Dad?"

"Eileen, you mustn't--"

She ignored him. Flinging the blanket aside, she pulled his briefs down with a quick motion and exposed his cock to her gaze.

"I take it back," she said with admiration. "It's not so little. I gather this is a little bigger than average?"

Jack, giving his daughter a deer-in-the-headlights look, could only mumble, "Yes, a little bigger than average."

"I thought so. Well, let's see what it tastes like."

And, as Jack watched in appalled fascination, his daughter slid down and, pulling up his now-hard cock to a vertical position, popped as much of it into her mouth as she could. Her eyes widened and she let out a "Mmmm!" as she got her first feel, smell, and taste of the male organ. It was a surprisingly pleasant sensation: God knows a cock can engorge itself far more than a woman's clitoris! She used her tongue to lick the tip and the shaft, and with her other hand she cupped his balls, which were another source of fascination.

Jack began breathing heavily as he watched and felt himself being serviced by the creature he'd begotten from Joanna. The bobbing head, the red lips surrounding his member, the feel of her hands on his testicles--all contributed to one of the most incredible sessions of oral sex he'd ever experienced. In fact, he was getting so excited that he was forced to call out: "Eileen, dear, I think--I think I'm gonna come."

But she was so fixated on the task at hand that she didn't seem to hear. Jack thought of pulling her head away by main force, since he doubted whether she'd take well to having her mouth filled with come. She was a lesbian, after all! But he couldn't do it. All he could do was continue to gape at his daughter as she became completely focused on her work.

And so he came in her mouth.

As the first jets of his emission began shooting out of his cock, Eileen's eyes widened even more, and she opened her mouth. Further dollops of come poured out, and they immediately dribbled out of her mouth as if she was expelling a milk shake that she'd suddenly developed a dislike for. The thick screams of his discharge coated her chin and then fell on Jack's belly, and as she extended her tongue he could see it covered with his seed.

Eileen spit a couple more times, then snatched up some Kleenex to wipe her face. She also took a big gulp of water from a glass on her nightstand.

"Sorry, Dad," she said, looking down at the mess she (and he) had made on his abdomen. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I tried to warn you. A lot of girls don't like the taste of come."

"I can't say it's the most delightful thing to put in my mouth. So damn salty!"

"Yes, it's pretty salty."

"Well," she said, brightening, "that was quite an experience! You liked it too, I hope?"

"I did," he said in an understated voice.

"What do you want to do now?"

Jack gazed at his daughter intently. "Can I... do you?"

"You wanna make me come? Sure, I never say no to an orgasm."

"I don't suppose you'd care to--"

"To what?"

"Um, take your nightgown off?"

"Oh, you wanna see me naked?"

"Well, you've seen my thing!"

"Yes, I have. But I have more naughty bits than you."

"Oh, Eileen, please! You're so beautiful."

"Thanks, Dad. Sure, you can have a peek."

And with that, she pulled up her nightgown over her head and tossed it away into a corner of the room.

Jack gasped at the figure now revealed to his eyes. She was beautiful--even if in a fleshy, robust way antipodally different from Vanessa. He was struck by the fact that her breasts were even larger than Joanna's--which is saying something. And that luxuriant, hairy bush! But the most incredible thing about the whole business was that she was absolutely unconcerned about her own father seeing her naked. Eileen had always been bold and forthright--and now, after having blandly sucked her father's cock, she was displaying all her wares for his examination without the slightest shame or embarrassment.

Jack tentatively reached a hand out to touch those glorious breasts, finding them as firm and substantial as he'd suspected. The nipples were already protuberent, and he bent his head down to suck them, and even nuzzle them a bit--which made Eileen arch her back and moan with pleasure. Then he slid his other hand down to her stomach, then her belly, and then to the space between her legs, which was already humid and fragrant with her increasing excitement. Her sex was also fleshier than Vanessa's, the labia thicker and denser, the clitoris longer and more protuberant. Sometimes he reached down farther and squeezed her bottom, which was also exquisitely curvy.

But, much as he was enjoying seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting his daughter's parts, he knew that his prime mission was to bring her to the acme of ecstasy. He got down to that serious work, looking at her with a father's love and devotion as he stroked and fondled and rubbed, and in a surprisingly short amount of time Eileen was letting out strange, high-pitched mews like a cat in heat as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her. And Jack, skilled as he was in prolonging a woman's climax, continued his motions until Eileen almost passed out from the excitement.

"Holy cow, Dad!" she cried. "You sure know how to make a girl come!"

"I'm glad you liked it," he said with a certain smugness of his own.

But the act of bringing on this paroxysm had had the inevitable effect on him, as Eileen was not slow in noticing.

"What's happened here?" she said with a mock frown of disapproval.

"Um, I guess I couldn't help it," he said.

"Is that so? Well, how exactly are we to deal with this situation?"

Jack fell silent. What the two of them had done so far might, from a very liberal point of view, be just within the bounds of decency. What was now flitting through his mind definitely wasn't.

Eileen picked up on the thought at once. "You want go to into me?" she said flatly.

Jack was too mortified to reply, but the look of pleading on his face said it all.

"You know I still have my hymen," she said.

"I didn't know that."

"Well, I do. There was a time," she went on pensively, "when I vowed I'd never let any man, woman, or thing penetrate that space. No dildos for me! But, as they say, vows--and hymens--are meant to be broken. So why not?"

Jack had to think for a moment to understand what his daughter was saying. "You mean--it's okay?"

"Sure," she said airily, spreading her legs in what she assumed was the customary fashion for a woman about to be deflowered. "Go for it."

In spite of this explicit permission, Jack--whose cock was now about as hard as it had ever been in his whole life--was hesitant to proceed. This was his daughter, for God's sake! But just then, as he was pausing in uncertainty, he heard certain moaning and gasping sounds from the master bedroom, where Joanna and Vanessa had retired for their own session. Well, if they can do it, so can we! he thought.

He carefully positioned himself on top of Eileen, his cock already at the very threshold of her pussy. His arms were extended along either side of her body, so that he could look down and get a good look at his penetration of her. Just as he was about to do so, he said, "You know, this might hurt."

"I'm well aware of that, dear papa. I'm ready for it."

He nodded briefly, then brought his cock to the warm, moist crevice. In a flash he thought of how he had taken Vanessa's virginity only a few months before. She seemed--in fact, was--such a delicate little thing! Eileen was quite a bit stronger and, in some ways, more experienced; but he noticed that her own face had suddenly taken on a look of worry, alarm, even of fear.

There was nothing to do but plunge right in.

Eileen expelled a sharp cry of pain as Jack burst through that poor maidenhead--and she hadn't counted on the muscles of her vagina needing to stretch and expand as they accommodated the male organ for the first time. She instinctively wrapped her legs around her father's hips and threw her arms frantically around his neck, clinging to him desperately as he began pounding her in a way that he probably shouldn't have. But the feel of Eileen's virgin pussy was so transporting that he couldn't restrain himself. He also grabbed her breasts with one hand and her bottom with the other as he kissed her face and neck and shoulders and even her armpits in his passion.

And when he started sending his second emission into her, her gasps and moans went up about an octave as she took in a man's seed into her cleft for the first time. She all but pinned his legs down with her own as he kept coming and coming--an almost inconceivably copious discharge. And when he was finished, he lay down as a dead weight on his daughter's body, relishing the feel of those ample breasts against his chest and the intertwining of her pubic hairs with his own.

He would have stayed in her a lot longer if she hadn't whispered in his ear, "Dad, please come out now."

All of a sudden, the fact of his daughter's deflowerment burst back into his mind: in some incredible fashion he'd forgotten all about it. As he pulled out, he saw the blood streaking his cock and bedaubing her pussy and the insides of her thighs.

And he saw her wince and say, "Mmm, that hurt a bit more than I expected."

"I'm so sorry, dear," he said, caressing her cheek.

"No, no, not your fault. Couldn't be helped."

With a groan she lifted herself up from the bed and began trudging out of the room, saying over her shoulder, "I'll just clean myself up."

Jack cleaned his member with some Kleenex. Presently Eileen came back, a rosy glow on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

He was impressed by the speed of her recovery. "You feel okay?"

"Sure. Never better." She may have been exaggerating--she hated admitting weakness in any way--but she really did seem quite all right.

"You really liked that?" Jack said in wonderment.

"Hey, it was okay. I'm not saying I'm suddenly converting to being straight--but maybe being occasionally bisexual might be possible."

They cuddled for a while, and it soon became eminently natural for father and daughter to be lying naked in each other's arms, with the remnants of Jack's seed leaking slowly out of Eileen's pussy. But the mere feel of her body in contact with his from head to toe made him--well, you know.

"Oh, Dad," she said incredulously, "not again?"

"I can't help it!" Jack whined. "It's just that you're so scrumptious."

"Thanks for that. But you know, Daddy dear, I'm pretty sore down there."

"That's what Vanessa said when I..."

"I guess that's just an occupational hazard with us heterosexual virgins. So what do you propose to do now?"

It was at this very time that Jack was intensely rubbing and squeezing Eileen's butt. She got the message pretty fast.

"You're not serious," she said flatly.

"Only if you want it," Jack said.

Eileen sighed and looked off toward an imaginary person in the room, as if to say: See what I have to put up with from my oversexed father?

"Oh, all right. Don't you need lube?"

Jack, who'd long ago noticed a little tube of moisturizer on the nightstand on his side of the bed, said cheerfully, "This should work."

Looking at him putting some of the stuff on his fingers, she said, "I suppose you're gonna put it on."

"It's easier for me to do it."

"Okay, you're the boss."

And she flipped over onto her stomach and endured the procedure. Giggling a little, she said, "Kinda like getting a suppository, you know?"

Jack almost leaped onto his daughter, bringing his cock toward the tight, forbidden opening. He already felt Eileen instinctively tightening her sphincter, so he said, "You gotta relax, dear. It'll really hurt if you tense up."

Eileen obeyed as best she could, and Jack somehow got several inches into her. She gasped at the sensation, then buried her head in the pillow as Jack tunneled further into his daughter, then began pumping gently. At one point she gave out little choking sounds, and her tongue stuck far out of her mouth; at another point she winced and bit her lower lip. Jack felt bad that he was causing his daughter pain, so he tried to hurry up and finish. But that meant pounding her harder and harder (he'd already come twice, remember!), and Eileen's expression turned into one of dazed blankness as he brought his hands around her chest and took hold of her big breasts.

But he did his best to make her feel better by snaking his hand down her front and fastening his fingers onto her sex. Tickling and squeezing the squishy area, especially the drenched labia and engorged clitoris, he was encouraged to see Eileen close her eyes as a dreamy smile registered on her face.

And when he exploded into her, sending stream after stream of his come into her bottom, her eyes popped open and she screeched like a banshee as a third orgasm crashed over her. She started shaking so much that he had trouble remaining in her, but he managed to finish dousing her anus with his emission before a huge shudder on her part caused him to slip out of her.

He stumbled to the bathroom to clean up, then returned to bed.

She had remained motionless and supine. Turning her head to him, she said, "That felt kinda weird. Not unpleasant, mind you, just weird."

"Did it hurt?" Jack needed to know.

"A bit... not all that much." She suddenly grinned at him. "Well, you've done the trifecta on me: mouth, pussy, and ass!"

Sometimes he wished Eileen wasn't quite so frank and coarse.

"We'd better go to sleep, dear," he said. Giving her a quick, chaste kiss on the mouth, he went on, "This was heavenly, Eileen--and totally unexpected."

"Yeah, I'll say!" she said with a chuckle. "I'll be drummed out of the lesbian corps if they ever find out!"

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

This chapter was an extreme disappointment. You obviously don't know diddly squat about lesbianism. I'm not saying that Eileen couldn't be converted from lesbian into bisexual. But your treatment of it was too casual and care free. Also, the whole thing with a lesbian college graduate still protecting her cherry by refusing to allow anyone and everyone the opportunity at penetration? Get real! Some girlfriend's fingers would have destroyed her hymen ages ago.

Then there's this problem again:

"But the act of bringing on this paroxysm had had the inevitable effect on him, as Eileen was not slow in noticing."

Okay, so I acknowledge that you published this to literotica long before I corrected your mistake with my comments on Chapter One a few hours ago. But I'll say it again anyway. You're use of "paroxysm" in this sentence is TOTALLY WRONG!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! Please refer to the comments that I made on Chapter One where I articulated the problem in specific detail. For everyone else out there, please be aware that "paroxysm" is NOT a synonym for the word "orgasm".

The daddy-daughter incest didn't turn me off, but it really isn't my favorite thing. But I did find it nice that Eileen loved her father enough to be concerned about his emotional well-being. So for this installment I gave you a 2/5.

6King6Kingover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If she's a lesbian why she doing all of this😭

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