A Jedi's Training Ch. 17


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"No, it's not that," Liana said, shaking her head, causing her blonde tresses to swish back and forth. "It's my roommate, Kira. I think she comes from a totally conservative family, because she's very ... intolerant about my sex drive. She caught me masturbating the night I got back from Yavin. That's when this all started. She yelled at me and kicked me out of the room."

"Oh, I see," Star said, giving the matter some thought. "That's too bad for her, if she's really as uptight about it as she sounds. She's missing out on a lot. Maybe I can talk to her, so she won't be as hard on you when you get back."

"I don't think I really want her knowing about me whoring myself out all over Coruscant," Liana said quietly.

"Oh, no, I won't tell her anything like that," Star said. "I'll just convince her it'd be better if she didn't give you a hard time over what happened. I do still have some clout over the students here as an instructor, you know."

"I hope so," Liana said sadly. "I don't blame Kira, but sometimes I feel like I could've avoided this whole mess if she hadn't made me feel like such a bad person for wanting to get off that first night back."

"I'm sure she didn't intend to attack you personally, Liana," Cora chimed in. "She was probably just trying to be faithful the best she knew how to the principles the Jedi and her parents have taught her. I'm sure Star can get her to understand."

"She's right," Star said, "don't worry about it for now. What's more important is that we get you caught up in your classes and training. I'll arrange with your instructors to have your lessons sent to me, and Cora and I can help you with your physical training."

"Do you think I'll get caught up in time?" Liana asked.

"For sure," Cora said, getting up from her seat and extending a hand to Liana. "Since this will be your last day without catch-up work, what do you say we head outside and get some sun?"

Liana smiled, taking Cora's hand and getting to her feet. The redhead turned and walked toward the exit to the balcony, shrugging off her robe as she went. Liana and Star watched Cora's buttocks roll seductively as she padded toward the window, until Cora turned and faced them, giving them a full view of her naked frontside.

"Are you ladies going to join me or not?" Cora asked, waiting.

She didn't have to ask twice.

The next days passed fairly uniformly, as Liana basically received crash courses in galactic history, languages, intermediate combat skills, and the like. Each day she would go through grueling physical training sessions with Star and Cora, working her body to the maximum as she struggled to catch up with her fellow students at the Academy. Her hard work was often rewarded by sexual play in the showers afterward with her two beautiful instructors, but many times she was too exhausted to engage in full-blown sex and usually left the two women to their antics while she went straight to bed. Her academic work was no less exhausting, and even when she wasn't working out physically, she found herself worn down from the effort of learning and studying all the information being thrown in front of her. She pressed onward though, not wanting to make a fool of herself the next week when she had to return to her classes.

Toward the end of the week, Liana was lying on the couch trying (without much success) to translate a Huttese text when she heard the chime on the door. She wasn't expecting anyone other than Cora or Star, both of whom had the access code to the apartment since they lived there. She quickly drew her robe closed, as she had let it fall open to enjoy the breeze on her skin while she worked. When she opened the door, she was delighted to see Jacen standing there, although she was somewhat less delighted to see the data pads he had in his hand.

"Jacen!" she chirped, not making an effort to hide her surprise. "How are you?"

"I'm good Liana," he replied, leaning forward and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, making sure that there were no other Jedi in the hallway to witness his display of affection. "How have you been?"

Liana blew out a long breath, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she rolled her eyes.

"Exhausted," she admitted, leaning against the frame of the door. "My entire body aches, and if I have to read one more text about smuggler operations on Nar Shaddaa, my brain is going to vaporize."

"Well, I guess you won't be too happy to get these," Jacen said with a frown, holding out the pads. "Star and Cora had to meet with the other instructors about planning the next round of training missions, so they asked me to drop off your assignments for today."

"Thanks," Liana told him, her voice filled with disappointment as she scanned the content of the pads. "Great, more language translations. I feel like I'm being buried alive."

"If it makes you feel better, I'm not doing so great in my language classes either," he told her. "It's difficult material, and I think Master Sak're purposely gives us writings that are near impossible to translate. You'll fit right in."

"Thanks Jacen, you're a sweetheart," she sighed, returning his earlier kiss with one of her own.

"I should get going," he told her as she set the pads down.

"You sure you don't want to stay awhile?" she offered. "I haven't seen you this entire week. It'd just be you and me, I can make some tea."

"I..." Jacen paused for a moment, thinking. "I should really get going. I have some... things I need to take care of."

"Hey," she stopped him, grabbing his hand. "What's wrong? Are we okay?"

"Yeah," he said, smiling. "We're good."

"Then... why did you just make up that lie about needing to take care of things?"

Now it was her turn to smile, as a look of surprise crept across his face.

"We've been inside each other's heads, remember?" she said. "I know how you work."

"I keep forgetting," he groaned, looking down into her piercing blue eyes. "The truth is, Eryn didn't take too well to the fact that you and I had sex after I brought you back. We had an argument when she got home, but we've kind of dealt with it and are getting back to normal. I just don't want her to freak out because I stayed here a little extra with you, even if we don't do anything... sexual."

He looked at her sheepishly, hoping she wouldn't poke too much fun at the fact that he had just blurted out the whole thing like one massive run-on sentence.

"Oh," she said, her voice quiet. "I'm sorry for causing trouble between the two of you. I really wasn't trying to... I just really wanted you that night and I thought it was..."

"It's okay Liana," he reassured her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I wanted you too. You didn't force yourself on me, it was entirely consensual."

"She hates me now, doesn't she?" Liana asked.

"She was just upset," he replied. "Give her some time, she'll come around."

"Should I talk to her about it?"

"Maybe eventually," he said, "but not just now. Give her a little bit more time to cool her engines."

"Fair enough," she said seriously. "I guess you should go. I wouldn't want to get you into anymore trouble than I already have."

"Everything will be fine," he told her, pulling her close for a hug. "This is just all something she's not used to dealing with. She'll come around. You two are friends, after all."

"Thanks Jacen." She held up a pad. "I guess I'd better go finish up my slug translations."

"Good luck with that!" he said with a grin. "I'll see you in classes next week."

She watched him walk down the hallway and vanish into the turbolift before letting out a deep sigh. She hadn't realized her actions would cause problems in Jacen's relationship with Eryn, and her mind was too fixated on what she would say to Eryn to worry about Huttese translations. She knew she would be seeing Eryn in classes the next week, so she didn't have long to come up with something. As it turned out, destiny didn't even intend for her to wait that long.

The next day, as she was walking through the halls of the Academy on her way to get ready for combat training with Star, Liana bumped right into Eryn as the Asirian girl rounded a corner.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Eryn exclaimed, as she regained her balance. "I should've been more..."

She trailed off, looking up to see Liana standing before her.

"...careful," Eryn finished, her voice lowering. "Hi, Liana."

"Hey, Eryn," Liana replied nervously. "Are you okay?"

"I am," Eryn said briskly. "I should go."

"No, wait!" Liana called after the taller girl. "We need to talk."

"There's not too much to say, really. I'm fine, you're fine. Unless you're injured."

"Not about that," Liana said, trying not to be too fazed by the hint of hostility in Eryn's voice. "About what happened while you were gone."

"Jacen told me everything," Eryn sighed. "I'm glad you're all right and back with us."

"Thanks, but that's not really what I meant either," the blonde pressed on. "I owe you an apology."

"An apology," Eryn repeated, waiting for more from Liana.

"Yeah. For ... what happened between Jacen and me."

"You mean for having sex with him," Eryn asserted, lowering her voice and looking around for intruding ears before continuing. "For baring your breasts to him, spreading your legs for him and taking him into your pussy while he touched you, sucked on your nipples, grabbed your ass."

Liana was taken aback by Eryn's explicitness, but she pulled herself together and continued.

"Yes, I'm sorry for that," she said quietly. "It's just that, he did so much for me... he put so much on the line to bring me back, it was the only way I could think of to thank him."

"I get it," Eryn replied flatly. "He risked himself to save you, so you rewarded him by giving him a nice, wild fuck, because obviously the girl he's been seeing doesn't have breasts likes yours, or curves like yours, so a little romp with you would be just the prize he'd been craving."

"Eryn, it's not like that!" Liana exclaimed. "Jacen is lucky to have you, and you're amazing in bed. He can't get enough of you. He's so in love with you Eryn, he practically worships you. And your body."

"And how would you know all this?"

"When Jacen entered my mind to save me, our thoughts were linked... I tried to seduce him in my thoughts, to make his lust control him like mine was controlling me. He resisted everything, until I created an image of you. I could feel everything he was feeling, the way his heart skipped a beat when he saw you and the way his will just collapsed when you... or, my copy of you, kissed him."

Eryn sighed, leaning against the wall as Liana went on.

"I wasn't trying to steal him away from you or prove to him that you were somehow inadequate," she implored. "I was just so thankful for what he had done. I didn't mean to force myself upon him."

"I know," Eryn interjected. "Jacen told me about the next morning, how you made it clear to him that he didn't have to feel obligated to do anything sexual with you. I appreciate that. I know you weren't trying to cause trouble... it's just that... well, it hurt. And I'm holding a grudge because it hurts. I know it's not rational."

"No, it's fine," Liana said sadly. "Better that you hold it against me than against Jacen. He loves you so much. He never told me flat out, but I could feel it. I would hate to have destroyed what you two have together."

"I don't want to hold it against you either, though," Eryn confessed, meshing her fingers through her hair in frustration. "I want to do what the Jedi teach me about letting go of my anger, to forgive, but it's so difficult. I want to be your friend again, especially now that you're back."

"That's good to know," Liana replied with a small smile. "I understand that you need time, and really... I hadn't intended on talking to you about this for awhile longer. But we just kind of bumped together, you know? They say that a Jedi has to learn patience, so I'll wait. Take whatever time you need."

"Maybe next week, we can catch up a bit," Eryn suggested. "Jacen and I are mending things up pretty well, so perhaps in a week or so I'll be ready. Want to get lunch at the end of the week or something?"

"If you think you'll be ready, I'll be there," Liana told her. "I should let you go where you were going. I have physical training myself. I've got to whip myself back into shape if I'm going to keep up next week."

The two women parted ways, and Liana allowed herself a small smile of relief as she walked toward the training rooms. After her partial reconciliation with Eryn, things suddenly didn't seem quite as bleak and she had some hope that perhaps her life at the Academy would be back to normal. She knew, though, that the real transition was yet to come, since she was due to move back into her old quarters the next day. Star kept the workout light that evening, knowing that Liana would probably need her energy to deal with the stresses of reintegrating into the student population.

The next morning, Liana set out on her way back to the student residences with nothing more than a bag containing a few garments of clothing that Star and Cora had loaned her while she stayed at their apartment. The hallways were mostly empty, but several of the students who were awake and about greeted her fondly, welcoming her back to their 'home', as it were. Others were a little more cautious, casting sideways glances at the blonde girl as she tried to walk confidently through the corridors. When she finally reached the door of the dormitory she shared with Kira, she stopped and took a deep breath. She quickly keyed in the security code for the door and waited for what seemed to be an eternity as the door slid open with a quiet hiss. Much to Liana's relief, Kira was not in the room. As she walked through the doorway, she noticed the stark contrast between the two halves of the room. Kira's side was, as it almost always had been, clean and orderly, with everything set in its proper place. Liana's side, on the other hand, appeared to be more or less the same mess it had been when she left the Academy so many days ago. Bras and panties were strewn about everywhere, many of them bearing somewhat unsightly stains that were a testament to Liana's activities prior to her leaving. Her bed was completely unkempt and most of her possessions were in a general state of disarray. Liana set her bag on her bed with a heavy sigh and began picking up the random pieces of clothing scattered about the room. She took pause for a moment as she lifted a pair of panties from the floor, running her fingers over the material at the crotch that had stiffened as a result of the drying of the fluids that had seeped into the fabric. Oddly, even though many of the memories she had of her lust-crazed period were a blur of sex, moans, and animal passion, her body reacted instinctively to the feel of the garment in her hands, as if touching it had instantly triggered some vivid, physical memory that had ingrained itself in her nerves. She closed her eyes, and suddenly she could remember the exact circumstances under which she had been wearing the panties she held. She had been at the supply platforms, flirting with an attractive male student who was categorizing and organizing the shipment of supplies the Academy had received. She had been wearing only her robes and no pants, giving the young man quite a view of her bare legs, as the bottom hem of her outer robe only fell to the upper portions of her thighs, barely covering her buttocks. She had lured him in by seating herself on top of some crates, crossing and un-crossing her legs to give him sporadic glimpses of the thong that barely hid her sex from the world. He had tried to ignore her at first, of course, being the good student that he was... but her sexual charms and the rapidly growing bulge in his pants eventually got the better of him. He had walked over to her somewhat timidly, but the moment he grabbed her by her buttocks and lifted her from the crate she knew there was plenty in store for her. He wasted no time assaulting her mouth with his in a fierce kiss, as he hiked her robe up to her belly and forcefully tore open the front flaps, revealing both her ass and his breasts. It wasn't long before she was bent over a stack of crates, thrusting her ass forcefully against his hips while he slammed his thick penis into her over and over again. He had collapsed onto the floor after emptying an enormous load of his seed into her, but she paid him no heed as she slipped her panties back on and tugged her robes into place before leaving the platform. As she'd walked away, the hot mixture of their juices had dribbled out of her throbbing sex, saturating the material of her underwear...

Liana gasped as she opened her eyes and returned to the present, realizing that she had subconsciously raised the panties to her face and was inhaling the mixed scent of her and the young man, whose name she didn't even know. Flustered, she quickly dropped the garment onto her bed and sat down, feeling a flash of heat race through her body. She knew that what she had done to that man, seducing him and then abandoning him after using him to feed her own lust, was wrong, but she could not deny just how arousing the memory had been. She ran one hand between her legs, feeling the heat from her nether regions emanating through the fabric of her panties and pants. She pressed down just a bit harder, feeling her body respond pleasurably to the added pressure. Her breathing sped up as she repeated the motion, adding a bit more pressure each time.

"Stop it, Liana," she whispered to herself, even as she let herself fall back onto the disheveled bed, loosening her robe as she went. "You need to stop..."

She continued to caress her pussy with one hand as the other slipped underneath her robes, touching her breasts through her bra. She wriggled back and forth in her clothes, loosening them more so that she could massage and squeeze her orbs freely. She hesitated as her lower hand crept to the waistband of her pants, but only for a moment before she delved inward, beneath the fabric of her panties.

"Oh my..." she moaned, as her fingers found her quivering flesh. "Ohhhh...."

She was wetter than she had realized, and two of her fingers slipped easily into her smooth opening with little effort at all. She was on the verge of inserting a third when she heard a faint beeping and the whirring of the door mechanism, and she quickly bolted upright, extracting her hand from her pants and wiping her wetness on the bed.

"Oh no," she thought to herself, as she frantically tried to adjust her robes into place.

Before she could finish, the door slid open and Kira walked in. She blinked back a look of shock for a moment upon seeing Liana, seated on her bed with her robes falling off her left shoulder, her breasts barely concealed behind the falling garment. Liana froze, looking fearfully at her roommate as she held one arm across the front of her body, the only thing that was preventing her robes from falling off completely and exposing her. Kira took a deep breath and smiled a smile that was obviously forced, but a smile nonetheless.

"Welcome back," she said curtly, setting down her bag and walking to her side of the room. "I'm sorry your side is such a mess. I thought about cleaning it, but I wasn't sure if you wanted me going through your things."

"It's all right," Liana said in quiet humiliation as she turned away from her roommate and released the front of her robes, causing her breasts to spill free but also allowing her the access she needed to adjust the garments into place. "I can take care of it when I'm settled in."

"Whatever works for you," Kira replied matter-of-factly, as she unpinned her hair and walked back to the door. "I'm meeting with some classmates to work on an assignment, so you'll have plenty of alone time to work with. I'll see you."