A Journey of Passion Ch. 10


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Her hips rocked against him at the same time he felt her hands on his ass. Seth saw the mischievous gleam in her eyes and decided to see how far she'd go.

"Why can't you do it now?" he asked in a low voice.

"Would you like me to lift your shirt and take a nipple in my mouth right now?"

His sharp hiss gave her the answer she expected. One tug gave her access to the heated skin she craved. Gabriela traced over his stomach and chest with her fingers as she pushed the soft material out of the way. Her tongue trailed over the first nipple before moving along to the other side.

"Oh god, yes, do it," Seth said as she began to suck.

Gabriela lost herself in the need to drive him wild. Her teeth tugged on the tight nubs as her fingernails scraped along his spine.

"Baby, you'd better stop unless you plan on finishing right here."

Gabriela lifted her head and moaned. "Take me home."

He didn't have to be told twice.


The list kept getting longer no matter how many items she crossed off it. Gabriela felt as if she'd never find the right dress and shoes and she didn't ever want to talk about lingerie again. She wandered out to the stream and leaned against the red oak to think. Why did it all have to be so difficult, she asked again?

Warm sun rays and the soothing sounds of the stream calmed her. It occurred to her she should have brought a blanket with her. Instead, she whipped off her sweatshirt to use for a pillow and lay down. Her eyes fluttered shut and the dream started soon after.

Soft music came from the white speakers in the corners. Jazz wasn't what most people associated with weddings but it sounded so right. Ushers in spiffy black suits showed people to their seats and returned to wait for more. Joy and love filled everyone's hearts as they shared stories with those next to them.

A warm breeze swept through the coral honeysuckles and pink powder puffs. Climbing vines and grasses added an assortment of greens. Out here, nature was at its best.

Dallas waited next to his mother. Shelby and Nicole had huge smiles as they welcomed anyone that stopped to talk to them. The music changed and everyone stood as the wedding party began to take their places.

A collective gasp went through the crowd when they saw her. The simple elegance of her dress was stunning. She'd chosen a long skirt with a jacket that hugged her trim figure. The ruby calla lilies were magnificent and classy at the same time. No one questioned her choice to wear white.

Nicole thought she'd never seen her mom looking more beautiful than at that moment. Shelby felt as if she was seeing Gabriela as her dad did and knew why he loved her the way he did. Then there was Seth.

He almost stopped breathing when he saw her. It was if they were alone in those seconds. Their eyes met to pour out all the love and desire for each other without saying a word. Seth knew he'd never forget this moment.

She swatted at the fly that kept tickling her ear. Gabriela turned over and hit something hard.

"Oomph," she muttered and opened her eyes.

"You're so beautiful like this."

"Seth, oh, I had the most amazing dream."

He slid down next to her so they faced each other. "Tell me."

She explained her problems finding the right items for the wedding. He saw the way it bothered her that she couldn't put it all together.

"You came out here to think."

"Yes, I did. It's so relaxing here, but I fell asleep instead. That's when the dream started. I saw it all, Seth."

His confused look had her going on. "I saw our wedding. It was right here, Seth. Everything was so beautiful and simple."

She told him what she'd seen and how happy everyone was. Seth knew without asking that this is where they'd be getting married.

Back in the house, Gabriela ripped up her old lists. She didn't need them now. Everything was in her head from the dream. A simple, elegant ceremony under the old red oak was all they needed.


How hard could it be? One surely had more going for it than the other did, she thought as she stepped back another three feet. Top to bottom she looked for reasons to disqualify one and came up blank.

"This is ridiculous," she muttered.

"If I may make a suggestion ...?"

Gabriela turned at the voice behind her and stared. Her throat felt parched all of a sudden and she couldn't speak.

"You're trying to decide between one of these for yourself, right?"

She just nodded at the tall man standing there.

"Try this one on," he said and pointed to the dress on the left. "Then take something from the rack and put it on. Do the other one here last."

"Ah, okay, but why?"

"When you try on two in a row that you love, you can't distinguish between them. Breaking it up with something you don't care for will refresh your eye for the next gown. I guarantee you'll decide after you've had all three of them on."

Gabriela gave some thought to the logic given and nodded. "I'll do it."

"Come back out and let me see them. I already know my choice, by the way," he said and winked.

It took a while but she did as instructed. The first gown was gorgeous. Her face scrunched up at the second one and he laughed at her. She walked out with the third one on and beamed.

"This is it," she said. "I love it."

"Yep, that's the one for you. It's elegant and classy just like you. Your man is very lucky."

"Yes, he is, but so am I."

He nodded and waved as he walked away. Would anyone believe who had helped her choose her dress today, she wondered later.

Back at home, she relayed the afternoon's events to Seth.

"Okay, this is really strange, but Dennis Rodman helped me choose my gown. Do you remember that stunt he pulled ...?"


Everyone was excited about Gabriela's afternoon at the bridal boutique. They all wanted to hear once more how Dennis Rodman helped her choose her wedding dress. Seth chuckled at the enthusiasm his family showed for such an odd incident. His remark brought an instant comeback from his fiancée.

"Are you telling me it's not common to have a former pro basketball player help pick out a wedding dress?"

She stuck her tongue out at him, which only made him laugh. Gabriela knew it was one of those stories that people don't believe really happened.

"Nah, I'm sure there are stranger things happening," Seth said and rolled his eyes at her.

"So you think it's odd, huh?" she asked.

"No, not at all. I'm happy that you found the dress you wanted. Although ..."

She waited for him to finish but he just looked at her.

"Seth, what is it?"

"I am a little jealous that another man got to see you in your wedding gown before I did."

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. That never crossed my mind. Would you rather I look for another one —"

"No," he said before she could finish. "I'm teasing."

"Are you sure? It's not like he's someone that will be at the wedding."

"You didn't invite him? I'm shocked."

"I was speechless at first. He must have thought I was stupid, Seth."

"There's no way he would believe you were anything but a beautiful smart woman. He might be a bit odd but he isn't blind."

"You think wearing a wedding dress made him odd?" Gabriela gave a silent thanks to the man that helped her choose her dress. "I must say, he has excellent taste though."

"I agree. He talked to you, didn't he?" Seth said just before he gave her a quick kiss.


The rooms felt empty when days before they held laughter. He didn't know what to do and it was only ten in the morning. Sunday used to be the day he caught up on work at the office and home. Today he only had one thing on his mind.

Gabriela wasn't home. She and the girls had decided to take a few days and go shopping. Shelby and Nicole needed to find dresses for their parent's wedding coming up in May. Seth knew he'd be in the way if he went along but he missed his fiancée so much. He loved how that sounded. Each time he mentioned it to someone he felt that same sense of wonder that she was actually his.

An afternoon swim helped Seth work off some of his excess energy. He'd filled the day with odd chores so far. The Cayenne now sported a fresh wax job and he'd taken the quad around the property to check for any problems. Most of the two hundred acres had paths winding through the woods making it easier for him.

Savory aromas wafted through the air an hour later as he grilled a steak for his dinner. He knew Gabriela would call when she got to her room for the night. Shelby and Nicole wanted their privacy according to what they'd told her when they made reservations. They planned to be out late and didn't want to disturb her.

Now Seth watched the clock just as he had all morning. How did people live for so long away from their spouses, he wondered. He couldn't go two days without Gabriela and they weren't even married yet.

The phone rang and he grabbed it.


"Seth, how are you managing?"

"Erik, the days are long, you know?"

He heard his friend and employee chuckle before he replied. "How long are the nights then?"

"I'm telling you, they're endless."

"You can always come over here for an evening next time, Seth."

"Thanks, but there won't be another one. When she gets back, I'm not letting her go without me again."

Erik laughed at the tone in his Seth's voice. "I don't doubt that at all."

A short discussion followed regarding a client Erik had before they hung up. Seth turned on some music and took a drink with him back out to the patio. A sliver of the moon peered through the clouds as he pondered the changes in his life. He wondered for a moment if Gabriela was looking up at the same time he was.


Hundreds of stars twinkled through the clouds and made her smile. Gabriela leaned against the railing on the small patio outside her hotel room and sighed. Shelby and Nicole were out for the evening and she was on her own. They'd shopped for several hours before finding what they wanted.

The high neck chiffon bridesmaid dress with an accent at the waist was even better than she'd hoped to find. Both girls fell in love with her choice and agreed they were perfect. Their moods only improved when they found shoes to match. All three felt the trip was a success.

She lost track of time as she thought back over the last months. Everything seemed so different now. Gabriela knew Seth was the reason she felt alive and excited again. He brought so much energy with him that it swept her away with it. Just over a week ago, he'd taken her rappelling for the first time. Risk was something he wasn't afraid of but he didn't take chances with her. Now, she couldn't wait to see what he'd teach her next.

Gabriela missed him. She never wanted to be apart from him another night. Last fall she'd moved into his home in Florida. There was no hesitation in making a decision when he asked her. It took her a week to pack up her apartment. Her ring caught her attention and she thought back to his proposal. Seth always did something to amaze her and that left her speechless.

She picked up her phone to call him just as the moon slipped out from behind the clouds.

"I miss you."

"Baby," Seth murmured, "me too."

She talked about their shopping trip and the plans for the next day. It only took them about four hours to drive back home. Gabriela and the girls were stopping half way at one of the huge outlet malls to look for some clothes for Dallas.

"I'll have a light dinner planned for everyone when you get here," Seth told her.

"Have I mentioned how lucky I am to have you?"

"Maybe once or twice," he said and laughed.

"I'll work on that when I get home."

"Do you have any idea how fantastic that sounds?"

"Seth, what do you mean?"

"You just mentioned coming home like this is where you've been all your life. It was so natural sounding."

"The part of my life that matters now is with you. Wherever you are is home for me, Seth," she explained.

A few minutes later, he heard her yawning and ordered her to bed. "Get some sleep tonight because there's every chance you won't get any tomorrow."

She heard the innuendo in his voice and moaned. "I'll get home as soon as I can, okay?"

"Take your time, Gabriela. We have the rest of our lives together."

"I love you, Seth."

Neither fell right to sleep as they longed for the other.


Seth was working less all the time it seemed. Erik took over more of the commercial clients and Seth hired a couple of new people. Jill helped him find someone to work part-time with her in the office. The transition went well because everyone respected Seth. He kept them involved in the changes and explained why they were happening. It was obvious where his priorities were.

The girls loved the house. Nicole had found a job for the summer in a medical office just two blocks away. She saved on expenses by walking to work and going home for lunch. Shelby was babysitting for two children in the neighborhood. It allowed her to be home with Dallas and still make some money. Seth and Gabriela were proud of both girls and the choices they made.

April seemed to fly past for Seth. He was anxious to make Gabriela his in the legal sense. She already was in every other way that mattered. They also had her birthday on the twenty-first to celebrate together this year.

One year older and yet everything was new and fresh, she thought as she took another sip of wine. Effie and the girls surprised her with a small family party for her forty-third birthday. Seth presented her with gorgeous three-carat diamond stud earrings. They were the only thing she wore besides her engagement ring now as she waited for him in their bed.

The coffee mug from Dallas that he'd painted his name on sat in the kitchen. He was so proud of it that he'd helped her tear the paper off to see it faster. Both girls chipped in with Effie and gave her a complete day at a local spa. She told them it would be perfect for the week before the wedding.

It was only a month away. So many things were changing in her life yet the only one she cared about was Seth. He had money, a thriving business, status and respect in the community. She'd struggled after her divorce and never could afford to buy her own place. Nicole didn't always have the latest style clothing but she knew her mother loved her.

"Lights are off and the house is locked up. Now for our own private celebration," Seth said as he slid across the bed.

"Mm, I love how you think."

Strong arms pulled her naked body over his. Warm lips trailed across her neck to suckle on the tender skin near her shoulder. His right hand cupped and massaged one of her lush breasts while the other traced a path along the curve of her ass. Her moans spurred him on and inflamed his already heated groin.

Gabriela molded her shape into his and took his lips in a searing kiss. He felt the tip of her tongue press against his teeth and caught his breath. Soft fingers worked themselves between their bodies to wrap around his aching shaft. It crossed his mind that he was glad he didn't have anything on to hinder her search.

Seth felt her swollen lips on his leg and groaned. Her hands shoved into his chest and she sat up before he realized her intent.

"Watch, baby, watch yourself disappear inside me. See how I take your cock so slow that you aren't even sure I'm moving. Then I'm going to grind myself against you so hard you'll lose it."

Her movements matched the hypnotic words. Seth throbbed and longed to flip her over and take her hard. Instead, he let her lead and just followed her wishes. Seth couldn't think. His body screamed as she rode him slow and deliberate. Her nails scraped his chest and her knees dug into his sides but he didn't care.

"Touch me, Seth, do it now."

He kneaded her breasts and pinched the tight nipples. She sped up and he squeezed to the same rhythm as she moved. Seth knew he couldn't hold out much longer as she milked his length with her muscles.

"Honey, I'm going to ..."

"Yes, oh yes!" she screamed.

She went wild as her orgasm slammed through her. Clenching tight, she felt the first blast as Seth came with her. His hands gripped her body and pulled her down for a passionate kiss as they floated back to earth.

"I love you, Seth."

"Baby, I love you, too."

Hearts pounding, they lay together for long moments without speaking.

"I have something for you, don't move."


She watched as he slipped off the bed and went to his dresser. He returned with a small gift-wrapped box.

"Happy birthday, Gabriela."

"You already gave me a gift," she said and touched one of the diamonds in her ear.

"That was just a little something to open in front of the family. This I wanted you to have in private."

Her fingers shook as she pulled the bow loose and opened the box. The dramatic diamond necklace featured a luxurious display of shimmering diamonds.

"Seth, it's gorgeous!"

"I wanted you to have more," he said as he looked into her eyes. "You've made me so very happy Gabriela."

"But Seth, there must be fifty diamonds on it. I've never had ..."

"There's eighty-one, but who cares."

He grinned when her mouth fell open at his disclosure.

"I don't know what to say, Seth. You know I can't ever afford to give you anything close to this."

"No, you've given me more. Gabriela, you've made me happier than I ever thought possible."

"Seth, thank you, for this, for you, everything. You're my life and I love you, forever."

"Forever," he agreed as he kissed her.

Much later, he looked over as she slept and wondered if she truly did know how much he loved her. The moon sparkled on the diamonds in her ears and around her neck. He looked down at her finger at the solitary ring there and smiled. One more month and he could give her his name. He'd give her the world if he could. She meant everything to him.

He curled up next to her with his hand on her stomach. She smiled in her sleep at the feel of her one true love touching her.


In May, he worked at getting the area next to the stream ready for the wedding. A few branches had to be trimmed and some weeds pulled but most of it they were keeping natural.

A stop at the travel agent brought a big smile to Seth's face. He'd called the previous week with his request and just gotten a message from Susie. She'd found what he wanted. Seth read the itinerary and grinned at her. The honeymoon trip was all set and he couldn't wait to surprise Gabriela after their wedding with it.

Seth's injuries didn't bother him too much anymore. They did force him to retire from his position, though. He needed to be in peak condition and his shoulder had a tendency to lock up at times. That could be a problem in some of the situations he'd been in. Gabriela had left the decision to him. She knew he had to work through it himself. He appreciated the fact that she supported him regardless of what answer he made. It just made him see that he didn't want to leave her ever again.

Erik was going to be Seth's best man. Dallas was practicing being ring bearer. Gabriela gave him an old pillow with a ring from a gumball machine to use. His little face was so serious looking as he took each step to where Seth waited for him. He beamed when he finally stood next to Seth.

"Grandpa, I'm here," he shouted.

Gabriela couldn't believe how her life had changed in such a short time. She and Seth would be married in just days. Her future looked so exciting when just over a year ago it looked dull and bland. There were still days that she'd think back to those first e-mails and just shake her head. She still wondered what she'd read in those few words to know he would be so special to her.

She sat down with her pad of paper a few nights before the wedding. They weren't going to have a long ceremony but she wanted to say a few words of her own to Seth. He didn't know she was going to do it, either. She began to write from her heart. Gabriela felt the tears on her cheeks. With Seth, she always became so emotional. She loved him with all her heart and couldn't wait to become Mrs. Flynch.