A Kitten's Tail Ch. 03


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Lunch was a scallop fettuccine with bread sticks. I saw that Nicolina had left the sauce off and already cut Felicia's into bite size pieces so she could continue to eat like a kitten. We had just started eating when Nicolina walked back in with a shallow bowl and a glass bottle of cream.

She winked over at me as she filled the bowl for Felicia. "I overheard you mention getting cream, so I sent Teodoro out to pick up some more. I usually have it on hand for my Alfredo sauce and will just have to remember to buy extra now. We can't have our little kitten going without now can we," she asked as she reached over and stroked Felicia's hair.

I shook my head and laughed, "Was I the only one who was not expecting Felicia today?"

Nicolina smiled over at me. "Yes, and now you need to convince her to stay. I do not know how anyone else feels, but I certainly want to keep her. I have not seen you be this affectionate to anyone since you caught that hussy fucking the pool boy, so you had better make it work," she said as she walked out of the room.

I saw Amanda, Elizabeth and Felicia give me a curious but sympathetic look. "I really do not want to discuss my ex-wife's lies. Nicolina is right though, I have been happier today than I was even with her. Now eat already, I would hate for our lunch to get cold."

They smiled and accepted my dodge as they started eating, but as I ate, I realized it was true. I got married the second time because she wanted a rich husband and I wanted a younger trophy wife. I have more love for Elizabeth and Amanda than I had for her, and I was treating them far worse. Even if things did not work out with Felicia, I had to start showing them more affection because they deserved better than what I was giving them.

I took a moment to glance up at Felicia as I chewed on a bread stick and caught her watching me. She smiled and hid her face back in her plate as I admired her. She was not on the same level as Elizabeth and Amanda, but I have never met a woman off Fakahina that was. If you were not making comparisons though, she was quite pretty, and the sparkle in her eyes when she smiled was enough to melt a stronger man than I was. It was then that I decided I would keep her if I could make her happy enough to stay.

I was a bit lost in thought and chewing on my last bread stick when I felt Elizabeth's hands slide down my chest. "I hate to interrupt your thoughts Master, but I think it is time for my afternoon breeding," she purred in my ear.

I smiled and got up, then went over and kissed Amanda. "I know you have an arrangement with Teodoro, but if you would like to come join us in bed after, you welcome to."

I reached over and stroked Felicia's cheek, "I am going to go make love to Elizabeth now. You are free to do whatever you wish for a while, but I hope you will join us later and we can all spend more time together." I got a quiet 'raow' in response before she went back to lapping up her cream.

Taking Elizabeth's hand, I led her upstairs. I heard her quite gasp of pleasure as I led her past the door to her room and down to the Master bedroom. Up to this point, I had been resistant to taking them in my bedroom, and had always bred them in their room or the solarium. "I am sorry this has been so hard on you. You going so far as to find Felicia has made me see how poorly I have treated you. If you would like to, I hope you and Amanda will start sleeping in my bed at night. Even if things do not work out with Felicia, I need to treat the two of you better."

As I turned to close the door, she put a hand on my arm. "I am glad you are going to be more affectionate, but the idea was Amanda's. She never had to go through the dark years when Master's father left us alone so she had a very hard time when you were holding back."

"One thing you should remember though if you are going to accept Felicia as your kitten. It is not a rule, but you should always remember it. Never shut your kitten out," she told me. "Even if you are in the bathroom, you need to leave the door unlatched so she can push it open and join you. If you are home, she needs to know she can come to you at any time for affection."

I nodded as I led her to the bed and undressed her. I had been holding back to long, and if I was going to start being more affectionate, I was going to take my time and enjoy them as well. As Elizabeth lay back on the bed, I lifted that long golden leg up and started kissing my way down from her ankle.


I watch as my Master leads Elizabeth up the stairs. Okay, so he was not actually my Master yet, but it was close. His demand that I wait, and his willingness to allow me to experiment like this, went a long way toward calming my fears.

Looking down at my plate, I decided that I enjoyed eating like this, but I should eat at least one meal a day in a more normal fashion. I would have to write a note to let him know before dinner. As much as I was enjoying acting like a kitten, I did not want to submerge into it too far at this point.

I looked back at the stairs and sighed, I did not want to interrupt, but I was looking forward to spending more with him already. "You can go join them you know," Amanda said as she got up and ran her fingers down my back. "Even if all you want to do is curl up on the bed and watch, mother would not mind at all and Master needs to accept that you will come to him any time you want to if he is home. We made a deal with Teodoro that whoever was not with Master in the afternoons and evenings would be with him, but you do not have to wait. You can go join them, come with me, or go wander around if you wish. Just remember that if you do decide to join in somewhere that you set the pace."

I nodded, crawled over to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Her hands came up and stroke lightly down my sides. There was no pressure in her touch, just the offer to hold me if I wanted her to. I was tempted to take her up on it, but I knew she would feel bad if she let Teodoro down. I pulled away from the kiss, licking the tip of her nose on the way.

I smiled and pointed to the stairs, then held my hands out and gave her a confused look. "You do not know where Master's room is? I thought you explored the entire house with as long as you were gone earlier."

Shaking my head, I mimicked closing a door. "Oh, you did not want to open the doors, we will have to mention that to Sonia. She just closes them so the air fresheners don't bleed together, but I am sure she can leave them unlatched." She saw my confused look and explained. "Sonia is the housekeeper, and lives with her husband in the guest house. You will not see her much on the weekend, but she has to come over to change our sheets, so she gives all the bedrooms a quick cleaning while she is here. Don't worry, she and her husband know about you already, and are completely behind you being here."

"Come on," she said taking my hand. "I will show you where everyone's rooms are before I go to play with Teodoro, and you can decide what you want to do then."

She helped me off the table and I let her lead me upstairs, but as soon as we got to the top, I dropped back down to my hands and knees. Amanda knelt down next to me, and pointed out where Nicolina's room and the room she shared with Elizabeth were, then pointed down the hall. "The door on the left, across from my room is Teodoro's, and the one at the end of the hall is Master's room. It looks like they left the door open a bit, and I will do the same so you can peek in and watch or join if you wish. Just remember that if you decided to go into either room, you do not have to do anything. You can join in, watch, or curl up on the bed to take a nap, just like a kitten, okay?"

I nodded and watched as she went down to Teodoro's room, and sure enough she left the door half way open so I look in if I wished. I sat for a few minutes, trying to decide what I wanted to do, before a loud moan of pleasure peaked my curiosity too much to stay still. It was clearly from Teodoro's room so I crawled down the hall and peaked in through the open door.

The bed was in easy view, so I clearly see what was happening from the hallway. Teodoro was lying back on the bed with his legs hanging over the side, and Amanda was kneeling between them working his cock between her breasts. I watched for a minute as her perfect breasts slid over his cock, and I could occasional see the swollen purple head appear out of the top of her cleavage.

She saw me watching and winked at me before pulling back and taking his cock in her mouth. I had no real interest in Teodoro, but watching the passion that she put into sucking him was turning me on. Looking down the hall, I wondered what was going on with Alonso and Elizabeth. At the very least, I could go watch them and take care of myself, because I did not want to give Teodoro the wrong idea by joining them.

I turned back to see what Amanda was doing, and found her watching me as she stroked Teodoro's cock. After mouthing that she would see me later and waving, she took his cock back into her mouth. I turned and crawled down the hall before pushing Master's door open with my shoulder.

The view was similar, except it was Elizabeth on the bed as Master knelt between her thighs, pleasuring her with his mouth. I had given my husband oral sex on occasion when we were married, but he had never returned the favor so I was intrigued. Her moans made it clear that she was enjoying his efforts. When she noticed me by the door and held out her hand in invitation, I could not keep myself from crawling closer for a better look.

I could see Master's face as I crawled up onto the bed, and from his expression, he was enjoying it as much as she was. I wanted to join in, but was not sure how to go about it until Elizabeth reached over to stroke my cheek. Inspired by what I had seen Amanda doing, I took her hand and started slowly sucking on her fingers. I had never gotten much out of sucking my husband, and was confused by the pleasure I was getting out of sucking Elizabeth's fingers.

I hoped she could help me understand it later, but I wanted to do more. Pushing her arm down on the bed, I started to lick and kiss my way up it. As I got further up, her hand came up off the bed and started to caress my stomach. I hesitated as I reached her shoulder, and licked my lips as I looked nervously at her breast.

"No pressure sweetie, just do what you feel comfortable with," she whispered. I smiled and realized I wanted to push outside my comfort zone a bit. Her quiet moan of pleasure as I tentatively licked up the slope of her breast was all the encouragement I needed to try it again. After a few licks I realized I might as well go all the way, as I used to love it when my husband sucked and bit my nipples.

I had just taken her nipple in my mouth when I froze, feeling her hand right at the top edge of my bikini bottoms and her finger slip just under the waistband. "May I pleasure you as well little kitten," she asked in a quiet, breathless voice. I had never done anything with a woman before, and she was asking to do a lot more than just touch my breasts. My first thought was she taking pity on me because she did not want me to feel left out, but when I looked up at her face, I could clearly see her desire for me.

I bit my lip as I thought for a second, and then hesitantly nodded before lowering my lips back to her breast. As I took her nipple back in my mouth, I felt her fingertips trace through the sparse hair over my pussy. I gasped around her nipple as her fingers slid along my slit and started to tease my clit. Her slow, gentle caress had my body quivering and I ran my tongue around her nipple before lightly biting it, trying to return the pleasure she was giving me.

I heard her long, low moan as she started to climax before I felt the bed shift. I felt a hand stroke my hair and looked up to see Master getting into place between Elizabeth's thighs. Having felt it pressing against me earlier, I was pleased to see his cock looked as nice as it felt. "I am glad you decided to join us. Are you enjoying playing with Elizabeth," he asked as she slid inside of her.

I nodded and licked around her nipple as Master started to thrust. I could feel her body moving with his thrusts as she pushed me closer to climax. I was amazed that I had not climaxed already, but her gentle touch kept building me up without pushing me over the edge, until my head was just resting on her chest as I panted and whimpered.

I could hear her and Master panting along with me and new they were both close as well. Suddenly I heard Master groan out as I felt Elizabeth's fingers press hard against my clit and give it a couple fast strokes. I let out a quiet cry as my body shook from the intensity of my orgasm and I collapsed limply on the bed.

Her fingers kept slowly stroking me thorough the aftershocks as Master's hand stroked my hair. I looked up at her in amazement to see her smiling down at me. "I am sorry I took so long, but I wanted you to climax with us. I hope you don't mind."

I shook my head in wonder as I stretched up to kiss her, then forced myself up to kiss Master as he held himself against her. As I pulled away and fell back on the bed, I saw Amanda standing there holding a pillow. I watched as Master pulled out and Elizabeth lifted her hips so Amanda could put the pillow under her.

Master lay back on the bed and Amanda crawled up between his legs. I watched as she started to lick him clean, and was surprised when she asked if I would like to help. Biting my lip, I shook my head. As tempting as it was, I knew I was not ready for that quite yet.

Master looked over and smiled at me. "No rush little kitten. Did you bring extra outfits my dear? I can tell your bottoms are wet, and that will be a bit uncomfortable to wear for long."

I blushed and nodded. They were beyond wet. After my orgasm, they were soaked through.

"I am going to change my order from earlier a bit. You can take your outfit off when you are playing with the girls if you wish to. I will not touch you anywhere that would be covered if we are all playing together, and you still have to wear it until the first of December when we are not playing," he told me. "There are plenty of extra towels in the bathroom if you would like to get your extra clothes and take a shower. In fact, I think I am going to have to insist that you clean up before we start cuddling, because if you do not, I may not be able to keep myself from licking you clean. You smell delicious my pet, and I cannot wait to taste you, but it's too early for that."

I nodded and smiled as I crawled over Elizabeth to kiss him again. Remembering how much he seemed to enjoy Elizabeth's taste, I decided to be a bit naughty. As I broke the kiss, I ran my fingers through the juices running down my thighs and put them in his mouth.

His appreciative moan as he sucked my fingers clean made my heart soar. "You are delicious you little minx, now go get cleaned up before I lose my resolve."

I winked at him before jumping off the bed and rushing out the door. Unless something drastically changed, I had no doubt I would be giving myself to him on December first.

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JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago
Sweet kitten.

It was nice seeing Felicia get into her role as a pet. I loved how everyone joined in. No one made her feel self-conscious. Every household needs a pet.

I like that Master and Kitten are older. Just because one is over 50 doesn't mean desire goes away. I'm 73, so I can relate to the cook.

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