A Learning Experience Ch. 09


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But instead of looking to taste Mel's pussy, Andy raised his eyes to mine, and I knew what he had been looking for. But I still stopped and asked him.

"Are you sure Andy?" I asked, "I know you're bisexual, but I also know you've never done this before... are you sure honey?"

"Y-yes... God!" He exclaimed finally, "I've wanted you for so long!"

"Mel?" I asked my lovely partner, "will you be alright with taking Andy only for awhile?"

"Yes My Mistress!" Mel answered with a giggle, sliding her mouth completely over Andy's cock.

I pulled out of her and managed not to cum in the process, leaving my own rock hard rod bobbing in front of my new fuck buddy's face.

"That's it baby, you know you want it," Cindy was now counseling her boyfriend on how to do something he had only ever fantasized about, "Reach out with your tongue, just kiss it first."

I stroked his hair and gave him as much encouragement as I could. Finally he gave my cock a tentative kiss, then a few soft licks, and finally began sucking it as if he'd done it all his life. He hardly even gagged, bringing my full 7 inches all the way in for a few seconds then grabbing a breath before diving back onto his 'prize'. What I also knew was my own lovely cocksucker was taking his from underneath, and that HAD to be distracting, but on he went.

Cindy came first surprisingly, as I think watching Andy give his first blow-job got her overloaded, and watching her eyes roll back in her head made me give it up, finally grabbing Andy's head with one hand, and digitizing Mel's behind with my other, I pumped everything I had into Andy's mouth and making him also cum into Mel's pretty mouth. Cindy slumped over Andy as Mel screamed from the unexpected feeling and orgasm my fingers gave to her. Andy rolled onto his side under Cindy and I rolled over next to Melissa, becoming one big gasping, moaning, pile of orgasming humans.

Over the rest of the night, we broke apart into twos or threes and basically fucked our brains out. By the time the sun came up and light was showing through the Nursery's shuttered windows, we were all huddled together in a corner of the playpen, covered by a fuzzy pink comforter. All were sleeping comfortably and very satisfied. When we finally got up to get dressed, Andy gave me the longest hug he'd aver managed and then kissed my lips so very softly.

"I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you as I should have been Josie," he said, "but you can count on me from now on... and that's a solemn promise my sweet friend!"

"You've always been there Andy," I replied, "I owe you a lot, and I know that. But I'm glad you're still my friend, whether I'm your brother or sister, know I love you very much."

After that, my relationship with Andy changed quite a bit. He was actually always there for me and came through for me time after time. I still call him my brother 35 years later. But this night's hijinks were overwith and we packed up all the equipment and left for home, a lot more tired than we were walking into the Nightclub, that was for sure.


The next few days passed so very quickly it seemed. Cindy had contacted the college administration for me, and somehow convinced them to accept me as a female student, with a little help from the man I was now considering to be my Doctor once again. This was all pretty new at that time, and today probably wouldn't be considered unusual, but without having an actual 'sex change', you simply were not considered a female in many parts of the state's infrastructure. Luckily I wandered into this just as changes were happening, and the college was willing to work with me, as long as I was under the supervision of someone such as Doctor Goldmann.

So I had been accepted on my own as a student, with my tuition taken care of by my new-found family, shared between Cindy and Doctor Goldmann, with my promise that I would repay them for these 'school loans' as soon as I was able to. The following Monday would be my first day of classes, although I had to go in to check on the Music Club's business a few days earlier. It wouldn't be long before we would have to get everything ready for the first concert of the year, the Bowie concert that I'd been working so hard on. Club elections wouldn't be happening for weeks yet, so Andy and I were still in charge of things until that happened.

Things at home kept me pretty... um... busy. Mel finally had me all to herself and vice versa. We kept up a pretty vigorous sex life certainly, but on top of that, Cindy was pushing me pretty hard with sessions down as the Sister's sex club. My notoriety seemed to have faded from the incident in Mantua as Cindy expected it would, and yet I still had my 'hangers on' that wanted to stop by and talk, perhaps feel they had access to a celebrity... I really just tried to avoid them. Smitty was a constant companion, and followed me most everywhere except school, where we felt it could cause problems, and there were plenty of people around anyway. He gave me the confidence to keep up my schedule with Cindy and seeing the Doctor regularly, while he was with me I knew I was safe.

Until one Saturday morning, the last Saturday in September as it turned out, a date I would probably remember the rest of my life, but for mostly good reasons this time. I have to sigh with what I can only describe as the true innocence of that last day dear reader. For Josie... was about to grow. Her learning would expand into a new sphere of influence and information. Unknown to me, I had been under scrutiny for some time. I was being groomed for something bigger than I had ever thought possible, and it brings chills all these years later just to write about it.

Early that Saturday morning, my Melissa woke me and wanted me to have breakfast with her. Not anything terribly unusual, and I rolled out of bed and started dressing, only to be stopped after getting back from the bathroom and told she had something 'special' in mind.

Being that it was so early, and my brain was still a bit fuzzy in any case, I simply stood and let her dress me, as we had many role-playing adventures, and she never failed to please me, so I figured 'why not?' and besides... she looked gorgeous in the morning.

"Do you mind if I dress you?" she whispered sexily, as she was taking off my nightgown. She checked my state of cleanliness, taking a damp washcloth to make sure nothing was left to chance. Then took me over to our makeup table and carefully gave me a light level of day makeup, then carefully brushed out my hair. Then did the same steps with herself. Both of us were completely naked. Finally, she covered each of our bodies with black semi-transparent nylon robes. I cinched my robe's belt, and she did likewise for her's and we both went down to the living room.

On the living room cocktail table, already setup and waiting for us, were fresh pastries, fruits of several types, and their juices. In the middle of the room the end chair of the dining room table had been set on top of a small platform, looking almost like a throne. Suddenly I realized there was something major going on, and my suspicions were confirmed after I saw Cindy moving around in the kitchen. Within a few minutes, she came out and placed a few pieces of cutlery on the table and looked over at me, almost as an afterthought.

"Josie," she said quietly, "Someone well known is coming to meet with you. Listen to me carefully... you are on your best behavior. This person asked to meet with you at your earliest convenience, and since you were so sick, I put her off, but that's just not possible anymore... she's... become very interested in you. I'm not allowed to interfere. And Mel... this goes for you too... if you want your dreams realized... trust me, and keep quiet. Let Josie speak for you, and Josie only, understood?"

Mel and I simply nodded like schoolgirls, as Cindy went about the room lighting candles she had all around the room, as well as two large ones on their own stands behind the 'Dias' with the throne. A car had arrived in the driveway and since our front door was wide open, it was easy to hear. A couple doors slammed shut and into our humble living room came a purple velvet robed goddess.

She was followed closely by two female... what I could have only described as 'helpers' at that time. Clad in black kidskin leather outfits, they made sure she was happy with the room, closed our front door then walked back over to our guest, returning to her just as she sat down, they stood on either side of the small platform. She had a purple and white paper wrapped box, that she now carefully opened, popping the square top of the little package, all the way off. I couldn't see what it was, but it had made the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up. She gradually pulled a gorgeous black butter-soft calf's-leather dog collar complete with four large 'D' rings at the cardinal points out of the box. Very slowly, she began stroking the leather around its top... staring at the catch... her mind now seemed fixated on what she wanted to do... this was a collaring ceremony.

After she had been seated, Cindy waved her fingers from behind her, indicating we should stand it seemed. Cindy removed her robe, nodding over to Mel and I as she did so, and we followed her lead, both of us dropping our robes beneath us. We were now naked. With a slight head nod from her, the attendants took down the velvet robe's hood, then they removed the robe completely, making the four us equal under the 'all seeing eye'.

Suddenly I recognized her... it was 'Sara' from the night when Mel had rescued me from that awful homeless shelter, but she seemed so beautiful, it was hard to comprehend just then. Lightly streaked auburn hair was done up in an Helena style with four long tendrils cascading past her shoulders. Bright hazel eyes shot through my soul and seemed to have been borne from some other world. About 5' 9" tall, and a willowy frame with full, pouty breasts. Large oval aureoles under nipples that were beautiful to watch become erect. Vanilla skin that could only be covering the mortal form of an angel, she was carved as from a Da Vinci sculpture, she was... perfect.

"Joscelyn?" Sara spoke in a delightful tone.

"Yes Ma'am?" I responded as best I could under the circumstances.

"I am Mistress Sara, are you better now child?"

"I am well now, thank you Mistress."

Suddenly, my half-sleeping brain was putting it together... this was Sara Price... a senior matriarch in the Sisterhood! Well known just barely covered it... she had been in the 1972 Summer Olympics when The Munich massacre occurred, an attack in Munich, West Germany on 11 members of the Israeli Olympic Team, who were taken hostage and eventually killed, along with a German police officer. A favorite to take gold medals in almost every track and field event of that year, she had been both denounced and celebrated for deciding not to take part in the games after the attack. Her international flavor and therefore her rapport with the international press was enhanced by her mother's French background, having only become American a couple years earlier... Sara's French language capability allowed her to become the darling of the 'channel jumpers' as Europeans that commuted between France and England were called, and rocketed her to stardom overnight, along with her charity work, which eventually brought recognition from English monarchy with her being a recipient of the Order of the Garter... this... was a REAL Lady.

But... why would she want anything to do with me? I was sure a great amount of time had elapsed and yet I could only continue to stare into those beautiful hazel eyes until I realized how much I looked like a deer caught in headlights! I then jumped from where I stood, falling face first to the hard platform below, assuming the only position worthy of this level of Mistress... complete and utter sublimation.

"Forgive me Lady Price!" I exclaimed, hoping my belated recognition of who she was, and what she represented, would be forgiven.

"She is beautifully trained, Mistress Cindy," Sara replied loudly, but then faded towards the end. To a point where I could just barely hear her, "and reacts so graciously. She... has all the features that were foretold, this I have seen in many ways... and yet... born a man..."

Now she stood, walking up next to me, as I could then feel her kneel down close to me. She touched my chin, bidding me to look up at her.

"And so now I must know my dear," she whispered, "are you still wishing to be Jack?"

I looked down for a minute, and then very slowly raised my eyes, looking at her through my long lashes with the obvious answer to that question.

"Not any longer," I whispered.

Now once again all of my fears became focused within a newborn tear forming on my right eyelid, as I imagined she would reject me for being a transsexual. But then feeling the cool leather of the collar being wrapped around my neck, my mouth opened, my eyes expanded until they must have seemed to bug out of my head, and then... only tears.

"Oh Mistress... thank you!"I cried, just as Sara snapped the collar shut around my neck.

"Perhaps not my easiest selection, but I believe you will be the loveliest of my Pets!" Sara whispered to me, then gradually spoke louder, "Mistress Cindy has been keeping me informed, and I have been very happy to learn of the successful progression of your studies as a Novice in our order."

Now into this curious moment stepped my girlfriend Melissa. A sideways glance from Cindy was all that was needed, especially after seeing where I was. She landed immediately to my right and just a barely perceptible 1 inch further away perhaps. However the positions taken were exact duplicates, and extremely symbolic. By using the same prone position, just a small amount behind me, Melissa was letting our new Mistress know she wished me to be her Mistress during my Novice training.

"I do so hope that you find everything in order Mistress Sara," Cindy said, "my Sister Melissa has been patiently awaiting Joscelyn's recognition as a Novice by the order."

"I should apologize to you my dear, for agreeing with the quorum and insisting on taking over Josie's training," Sara explained to Cindy, "as I know that must have been a hard decision for you to accept. However, I have heard too much about this young Novice to simply brush away the opportunity to see her abilities for myself and give her my best efforts in helping her 'Noviciat Maîtresse' process. In other words my dear sister, and to humbly say the words for you, 'you were right', and I must say in this case... seeing is very much believing!"

"Now... please girls!" Sara clapped her beautiful hands and was now speaking to Mel and I, "That's enough, we don't want to have someone walk in and think we're all back in the middle ages, oui?"

Mel and I gradually rose to a seated position, then both of us finally used a ballet all-in-one standing movement, we rose to meet her request, but continued keeping our eyes glued to the floor.

"Maîtresse Joscelyn? You are hereby recognized as Mistress within our order, with a temporary status of Novice, to be reviewed by the quorum every 6 months," Sara declared, then asked in a plaintive voice, "I believe your supplicant has made her wishes known, I give permission to make your selection now! Un si beau jeune amant, vous ne souhaitez pas garder son attente?"

She had decided to exercise our French a bit, observing that with so beautiful a young lover, I wouldn't want to keep her waiting. Apparently my knowledge of French had influenced her selection of me as a Novice as well.

"Bien sûr pas, ma Maîtresse" I replied, saying of course not, and returning her smile as well.

Only now was I allowed to return to staring into those beautiful hazel eyes again, but I also knew Mel's powder-blue orbs would be waiting for me to select her as she had longed for me as her Mistress ever since we had first met.

I turned to Cindy and now found a matching purple and white paper wrapped box that matched the one the Matriarch had opened for me. A matching collar was waiting and I reached behind Mel's beautiful tresses to place her collar and select her as mine. I leaned down to look into those beautiful blue eyes that I'd fallen in love with months ago and after locking her collar, I recited the ancient vows of dominion...

"I do hereby commit to oversee the sexual needs of this subordinate, and will take responsibility for providing that support and guidance, from this point in their lives into the future. As seed needs wind, spring needs summer, or forest needs fire... they are by nature my domain, and my soul will always seek them out."

I then kissed her full on the lips and together presented us to Sara. She noticed the resemblance between us and asked if there was any family tie, but I explained how the situation had come about and she was satisfied with that. I explained a little about the upcoming Bowie concert and how we were going to try and create a 'Cosplay' from within the concert itself, even allowing the audience to participate, and she seemed to have already known about my interest in such performance art. In fact, she knew pretty much everything about me... and I mean... everything.

Smitty now walked in, which made me blush just a bit. But he smiled and nodded and went into the kitchen as Sara had us re-robe ourselves, as well as herself. It was then she really dropped a huge piece of information on me, Smitty had been working so hard to teach me advanced defensive and offensive tactics by Sara's orders... that was why he had me doing all of those CQDs (close quarter drills) and everything else! Sara had begun grooming me even before I 'disappeared' into the city. I was initially upset as I wondered if I would have left if I had known she was going to take over my training, but Mel calmed me as usual, saying no one really knows what pain can force us to do, especially the kind of emotional pain I had just been through.

After we finished our breakfast, Sara was staring at me, stirring some cream into her coffee.

"My dear, as stunning as you two look just as you are, I can't imagine how incredible you'll look in costume" Sara gushed to us, "but neither of you have tried on your latest costumes yet, correct?"

"No Mistress Sara... we actually haven't had any chance to yet," I replied.

"You know," she said walking over to us and gently placing a hand on each of our shoulders, "I'm absolutely fascinated by these Costume Plays or Cosplays as they have begun to be called. Do you think you could try them on and then give a little role-play at my club tomorrow night? I'm sure you two soul-bound lovers would be perfect for the part!"

"Your 'Club' Mistress?" I asked not really knowing what that was.

"Oh, of course, what am I thinking... you wouldn't know about that... The Main Line Adult Supper Club is my little place over in Bryn Mawr... it's a fairly high-end sex club that caters to those with more exotic tastes in theater... and... other types of entertainment."

"What would you need us to do?"

"Well, what I was looking for... HOPING for," Sara said with her infectious laugh, "was to show off the two of you in all your 'Infinite' finery, but also... " now she gently encircled our waists with her arms and began walking us out to the kitchen with Cindy. The level of excitement she produced had me instantly fascinated, and I knew I would try to learn as much as I could from my new mistress!


This is as good a time as any to explain my beginnings as a 'Pro Dom'. If you are not familiar with this term, you shouldn't really be too concerned. Few have ever met one and unless she's working, it's unlikely she would ever reveal what she does for a living, there's just too much risk involved. Too many questions asked, too many odd comments , just too bloody much of everything. For our story, I'll limit the background information to the female Dom, or Dominatrix. The male side has no matching organization I'm aware of, and are usually much smaller groups or 'Rogues'.