A Lecturer & Her Students Ch. 02

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44 yr old MILF with two of her 22 yr old students.
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After the two twenty one year old students had left I was mortified. Ridden with guilt and shame I simply cried for ages, I didn't seem able to stop.

How could I, a forty four year lecturer, have done what I did with them? Where would it lead I asked myself as I stood under the shower a couple of hours later? I was trying to wash all signs of them away from me. The crying was an effort to purge myself emotionally and I was now trying to cleanse myself physically. But how can I cleanse myself I questioned as vision after vision of the afternoon's events on my sofa flooded my mind?

Visions of them stroking my hair, putting their hands up my sweater, cupping my breasts, removing my bra, taking my top off, rolling my skirt up and pulling my thong to one side? Sitting between them on the sofa I had let them paw me, caress me, suck me, kiss and lick me as they had pressed their wonderfully youthful and formidably hard cocks into my hands. I had let them finger me, rub my clit and my lips and push their fingers inside me, two from each of them at one time. And I had let them make me cum as I made them cum with my hands. And they completed fucking my hands by cumming on my breasts.

Lecturing them and fourteen others the next day was horrible. Neil's and Paul's eyes hardly seemed to leave me as I wandered round the room explaining how creative writing had to be uncomplicated to work effectively. I felt abused and demeaned, yet full of guilt and remorse. I could hardly blame them could I? Maybe, and this was a real long shot, I could put the blame on the fact that I hadn't had sex with a man for months, but that was no excuse for letting two of my students seduce me as I had. There could be no excuse, reasons maybe, but with conventional standards and morals there could never be a justifiable reason for that. Unless of course simply wanting to have sex with two young men who wanted to have sex with me was a reason? That made me wonder.

As they looked at me as I gave my lecture at the red brick North Yorkshire university, I guessed they were undressing me and seeing what they had seen yesterday. My full, slightly saggy, but nevertheless I was told often enough tasty, double D cup tits, my hardened nipples and large areola, my slightly bulging tum and my chunky(ish) thighs. I know that as I looked at Paul and Neil I couldn't help seeing what I had seen and held yesterday, their beautifully hard, young cocks. Even as I delivered the lecture I could feel my arousal increasing.

What was happening to me?

Although my car was still being repaired and the bus journey into town was complicated I rushed off before them to avoid them offering me lift as they had yesterday.


"Oh Sammi," I cried down the phone.

"What is it Mands?"

I told her broadly what had happened.

"Good for you Aunty, was it fantastic?"

I couldn't help smiling, almost laughing. "It's not funny Sammi."

"No getting a great fuck isn't funny, it can be fantastic though Mands."

"But Sammi I'm forty four, they are twenty or twenty one."

"Yes and were their cocks as hard as I told you?"

"Well yes actually they were" I told her feeling better already confiding in my young, bi lover.

"And did you like that?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"And they made you cum?"

"Yes they did."

"And you got pleasure from that?"

"Yes, I did."

"So the problem is what exactly Amanda?"


"It's pouring down, real cats and dogs" I heard Neil saying from behind me as I walked down the main corridor in the college a few days later.

I had avoided him and Paul since that afternoon, but I had thought a lot about them and what Sammi had said. She had a way of thinking and explaining things that seemed to make problems

easy to understand. And she had done just that about Neil and Paul making me feel much better. As she'd said nobody's getting harmed, nobody else need know and if the two blokes spread it around then you can just fuck off can't you? One of the benefits of being filthy rich like you, she'd said. "I told you if you want to do it and if it feels right, then just fucking well do it" she'd said to me. I had told her how guilty I felt and she'd asked what I felt guilty about and I'd said their ages mainly. She'd pointed out that her age of twenty three was far nearer theirs than it was mine and said. "Do you feel such guilt making love to me?" Again her youthful outlook and modern pragmatism helped me to start coming to terms with the issue and finding it easier to live with myself; I was pleased I had told her, but that was the sort of relationship we'd developed over the past few months. She told me about her string of lovers, male and female and I told her about Neil and Paul, my only near lovers.

"You've been avoiding me haven't you?" Neil asked.

"Yes, I have" I replied turning and facing him. God he did look good and my mind was immediately filled with the recollections of holding his cock in my hand.


"You must know why" I was saying as Paul joined us.

"Hi Mandy."

"Hello Paul.

"We coming round for tea again?"

I smiled. "No I don't think so."

"You gonna get the bus in this fucking rain then?" He sais swearing easily with me, somethinbg a student could never have done with a lecturer when I was at college

"I'll have to."

"Don't be daft, Neil will bring it right here" he said pointing to the road outside the doorway.

"Ok fine thanks, a lift, but no coming in and no tea, right?"

"Where are you going?" I asked when Neil turned off the main road into a lane well before the one that leads to my cottage.

"You'll see, won't be a moment."

The lane wound through some fields then into a wood. He pulled off the road into a small car park that was probably full in the summer, but was deserted now in the dusk of this autumn evening.

"What's going on?" I naively asked as he stopped in one corner well away from the entrance and cut the engine.

"You said no coming in and no tea" Neil said.

"Yes, so?"

"So we won't have to come in or have tea if we stay here will we?" He said as I felt Paul stroking my chestnut hair that I was wearing half up with ringlets hanging down my neck.

I panicked a bit. It had been crazy enough the other day doing what we had in my cottage, but doing anything in a Mini parked in a forest car park where anyone including the police could come along struck me as being insane; exciting maybe, but sheer madness for a woman of my age and position. But why the hell was I thinking like that? Why the hell should I let anything happen, I was thinking as Neil slid his arm along the back of my seat. I leaned back away from him, but Paul's hand was against my neck stopping me going further. My thinking was messed up. I should just stop them, should just tell them to leave me alone. That's what I should do, that's what my mind was telling me, that's what my alter ego was suggesting. Stop them, insist they do nothing, but take you home. I knew that I should, but equally I knew they wouldn't. Worse of all as Neil leaned forward so his face was close to mine and looking right into my eyes cupped my breast and as Paul reached over my shoulder and cupped the other one, my body was contradicting my mind. That wasn't saying stop, that wasn't insisting that I didn't want them to touch me, that wasn't saying get away from them. No, that wasn't saying anything like that. My body was saying have more, take what they offer, you know you want it so have it. God the conflict between my social conditioning and my womanly needs was tremendous.

"No" I muttered as the lovely feelings emanating from having my breasts caressed ran through me.

I was wearing a mid calf length grey white and black patterned, quite thin skirt, with a white button right up the front blouse that was worn outside the waist of the skirt. Over that I was wearing a black sleeveless sweater that came down to my hips. I was wearing black tights and flat black shoes.

"No what, Amanda?" one of them said.

"I mean stop."

"That's what you said the other day, but didn't mean it" Paul said from the back of the car as he kissed my head.

"I did."

"Did what?" Neil asked.

"Mean it."

"You couldn't have done" He said squeezing my breast with one hand and my leg, above my knee with the other.

"I did mean it," I groaned keeping my legs tightly closed. "And I do now, so please stop."

"That's exactly what you said then" Paul said as he slipped his hand inside the top of my sweater.

"And I meant it."

"If you really meant it Amanda why did you let us get your tits out, why did you let us finger fuck you?" Neil murmured

His words were so powerful; basic yes, but in that small car with just the three of us they sounded so dramatic and had a strong affect on me. I didn't reply and Paul joined in.

"Yes why did you let us see your tits and cunt, why did you hold our cocks, why did you do all of that" he said getting even more basic, but I'm afraid also more exciting.

I whimpered. "I don't know" as I felt Neil pushing my skirt up and Paul opening the buttons on my blouse.

"And why Amanda did you let us both cum over your big tits?" Neil said crushing practically any resistance I had left.

I was nearly crying I was so confused and upset.

"Don't" I whispered hoarsely.

"Don't what?" They both asked as Paul's fingers got inside my blouse and found the skin of my right breast.

"What you're doing."

"We've hardly started, you know you want it Amanda, you know you want us."

"No, no I don't" I groaned grabbing my skirt to stop Neil pushing it up my legs.

"You do, you do Amanda" Neil said trying to push my skirt up.

"I don't."

"You do you want us to fuck you be honest, that's what you want isn't it two hard, young cocks to fuck you?" Neil eloquently, but crudely, if they are not contradictions in terms croaked.

His words engulfed me, they washed over me, and they took me over. I was losing everything, my fight, my resistance and I suddenly began to realise my inhibitions. My mind went back to the afternoon with them in my cottage when I had so pitifully surrendered and then totally capitulated to them.

I remembered how I felt as they had slowly persuaded my clothes off or pushed them away from my intimate parts and had completely exposed me. After feeling initially abused and demeaned those sensations had then changed and I had felt so excited, so aroused and so, how can I describe it, just right I suppose. The apprehension, the fear, the concerns, the social consideration and the inhibitions all left me and I went with my bodily as opposed to mind needs. I let them do precisely what they wanted to me, which coincidentally was precisely what I wanted.

"You do Amanda" one of them was continuing. "You want to be fucked don't you?"

"No not here, we can't" I very unwisely groaned as I heard Neil gun the engine and Paul say.

"Maybe we can come in for a little more than tea then."

"No, no," I groaned knowing full well that if they came into the cottage I would not be able to resist letting them go further. If I let them get inside my home I knew I would let them get inside my knickers, yes if they came inside the cottage they would certainly also come inside me.

As we got to my cottage I looked at Neil and whispered. "Please Neil no," but I am sure he and Paul would have noted the lack of conviction.

He raised his eyebrows and murmured. "No? Are you sure Mandy?" As he leaned across the gear stick and ran the back of his hand across my breasts sending a pang of want through me and making my nipples almost instantly harden. He cupped my breast and could inevitably feel that, he smiled. "You really don't mean that, come on?"

He opened his door and quickly moved round the front of the Mini and opened my door. He reached in, gripped my hand and pulled me out and straight into his arms. I was pleased that it was dark for I had rather nosy neighbours. He pulled me hard against him and my heart pounded as I felt the full length of his erection pressed into my stomach. The thrill was quickly doubled when Paul came up behind me, put his arms round me, squeezed my boobs and pressed his erection hard against my bum.

"Not here, come in" I said reluctantly, but with a huge expectation of the excitement and, I suppose, shame to come.

It was an odd feeling unlocking my door and letting the two young guys into my house. I felt full of guilt as we went into the hallway, but also full of anticipation and sexual excitement. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but there was no way now that I could stop. In the dark they both put their arms round me and one after the other and then both at the same time they kissed and caressed me. I resisted at first, more I have to say for the sake of an unnecessary and unwanted by all the three of us sense of respectability, but quickly I was doing what my body demanded; I kissed them back. Considering how young they were, they kissed well and were more patient than I would have imagined youngsters would be, had I have thought about it, but their bodies and hands on me and their mouths on mine, discouraged such thoughts.

Standing in the dark hallway lit just by the light from a lamppost some thirty feet away, their hands were all over my breasts, their mouths were all over my face and head and their erections were all

over my stomach, thighs, upper legs and buttocks. My sweater came off and they undid the one or two buttons that Paul hadn't undone in the car on my blouse and that joined the sweater on the floor. Still kissing and slurping our mouths together they fumbled my double D at the time boobs out of my bra and pushed me back against the wall of the hallway. They each sucked a nipple and I found myself stroking their heads, running my fingers through their hair and pulling their faces harder against my boobs.

As I leaned back against the wall their mouths on my breasts, I knew for sure what was coming next, what was inevitable. As logically as night follows day, so hands up a girl's skirt follows playing with her tits. One pair went up the front and rubbed my mound searching for my clit as the other stroked, pinched and squeezed the fullness of my bum inside my tights.

Somehow and I have no idea how or who did it the button and zip on my skirt were undone and the garment slithered down my legs and I flipped it away from us with my foot.

"Oh my God Amanda," Neil whispered standing back and looking at me. The black bra was wrinkled under my boobs and the two lumps of such sensitive flesh wobbled around hanging over the lace, satin and cotton of the cups. I was wearing black tights and under them a black thong.

For some reason Paul said "Lean forward Amanda, let me take your bra off."

Neil gave a little laugh. "If he gets to take your bra off Mandy, can I take your tights off?"

My bra came off and my tits were bared for them; I was just wearing the thong and tights, they were both fully dressed. "A bit unfair isn't it?" I said looking meaningfully at them. They got my message and quickly almost tore their clothes off, but students don't wear much.

"Better now?" Neil asked as they stood before naked and so hugely rampant that they made me gasp.

I couldn't help smiling. "Hold on."

I went to the front door and dead-locked it, just in case. I was now feeling better. I wouldn't say I was in charge, but I had gained a vestige of control and direction over what was happening.

"Come on," I said walking towards the stairs very aware that their eyes would be on my bum and I probably accentuated my natural wiggle.

"No stop it" I said grabbing the waist of my tights as one of them tried to pull them down. I ran up the last few stairs knowing full well that would make my tits fly all over the place. "In here" I went on opening the door to the guest room.

It was fully furnished with a double bed wardrobe and dressing table and had an en suite bathroom with both a bath and shower. I went to the window and reaching out with both hands took hold of the curtains and started to pull them.

I should have realised what a challenge my bare back, tights covered bum, spread arms and naked tits would be to two naked and erect twenty two year old students. Of course as I drew the curtains their hands came round me and grabbed my boobs and both cocks were pressed against me. It felt great. It felt even better though when two hands slid down my front and cupped my mound with one finger finding my clit. That sent such a surge of excitement through me that my body jerked and I grunted.

"Was that nice?" Paul asked as they pulled me round so I faced them.

"Yes it was," I muttered as Paul's finger stayed right on my clit pressing and rubbing.

Pressed together the three of us moved slowly towards the bed.

"Let me put a light on" Neil said. "I want to see you; I want to see your body Mandy."

That excited me. But then it seemed that practically everything about these two young men did.

I had never been with two men at the same time. Two women and a man yes, but not this threesome makeup. Somehow, though, having two men at the same time didn't seem that extreme or that outrageous. Yes, that it was me a forty four year old mother and two twenty year olds may well have been extreme and outrageous. That it was me a university lecturer and two of my students was both extreme and outrageous, but that I was taking two men to my bed wasn't. Just how my mind worked that out I have no idea, but I was now fully attuned to having these two young men fuck me.

"Wait" I said as Paul went to turn on the bedside lamp. "Get on the bed."

I watched the two of them lay on the bed seemingly totally unselfconscious about both their nudity and their erections. They left a gap between them, presumably for me. Room for the meat in the sandwich, I thought smiling as I walked out of the room wondering if they had any gay tendencies or experiences with each other.

The prospect of seeing them doing something together did have an appeal, I thought, as I slipped my tights off on the landing out of their sight and switched on a light that I knew would brighten the bedroom. I thought about removing my thong as well, but remembered that my ex always used to say that a woman is far sexier wearing something than nothing.

I walked back in with the light behind me so they probably wouldn't realise at first that I'd removed my tights.

"Come and lay here Mandy" Neil said patting the bed between them. I walked across the room and went to climb onto the bed. "Oh fucking hell Mandy. Paul look at that."

"What the fuck do you think I'm looking at dickhead?"

I lay between them and again they were all over me, but then I was also a little all over them. We kissed a lot and their hands and mouths were on my breasts and nipples as mine found their cocks and balls. They felt wonderful and momentarily I wondered whether we would have a repeat performance of them finger fucking me and me giving them my hands as cunts to fuck. I needn't have been concerned.

"Oh Mandy, I so want to fuck you" Neil groaned.

"As I do too" Paul chimed in as I rubbed both cocks and they guys rubbed my breasts.

"Ok Mandy?" Neil asked.

"Yes" I whispered.

I was quite amazed at just how relaxed I felt; surprised at how I could be accepting so apparently easily that I was going to be fucked by two twenty two year olds. I was incredulous that my reply was.

"Who's going to be first?"

"Why have a first?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've got more than one place Amanda."

"Neil, I don't do anal."

"I didn't mean that, you've got a mouth, you've got tits."

And that is how the pair of them first fucked me.

Foolishly in retrospect I didn't insist on them wearing condoms, but then I was so out of the sex scene it hardly entered my head as first Neil and then Paul entered my body.