A Live Show Pt. 01

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A break down, and he finds more than a warm welcome.
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Long way from home, it was coming up to Christmas time, only a week to go. I'd been away from home at work on an oil field for a whole month, away from my third wife of two years.

I think my job was the main reason why my previous marriages broke up, long stays away from home and her. I loved my job and it paid well. I was never going to give that up, hence onto my third marriage.

It was cold outside; inside was nice and warm with the heater on. I had to drive a long way to get back home and the snowy conditions did not help in making up time. In fact it slowed me down even further as it started to fall heavier and settled almost instantly.

The whole landscape was awash with clean crisp white snow, it did look beautiful, just not nice to be out there with it, traveling through it. I wanted to be home.

Ahead I could see the traffic had built up; I thought 'I'll never make it home tonight.' It was already five and the light had faded. And then a thought, probably just like people before me, I thought of diverting off the main road and taking the back roads.

Those were not so well lit; some had not been gritted so a lot of people may not use them, so maybe quicker. The road twisted and turned, I had a real job in keeping control, there were a few instances I had felt the truck slide away. I had to slow down even further - then a thought 'Not a good choice to leave the main road.'

Light faded even further, me wanting not to be there, the slippery conditions, all came to a shuddering halt as I lost control around a corner and ended up into a ditch. The truck's engine switched off. I could not get it started again.

I sat there and looked at my phone; it bleeped away saying low battery. Shit, I knew I should have put it on charge when I got in the truck. I thought for a moment, and the thought was that I could only make one call, possibly. Who should it be to, my wife or for a rescue truck?

The temperature in my truck had fallen sharply. I was cold, I had a blanket in the back and I put it on. I called my wife. I told her what had happened and roughly where I was. I told her not to bother sending anyone, as they would not get here anytime soon because of the weather. And before I got a chance to say anything else, the battery died.

I thought I'd stay there till I could find someone along the highway to help me.

I was getting colder; outside was even colder but I had to get out and find somewhere warm. I wrapped myself up and got out of the truck, I nearly fell into the ditch myself. I closed and locked up. I started to walk in the direction I was driving, as there was nothing in the direction I had come from.

My name is Hus; I'm an American born black man, forty five years of age. I'm a big man, in terms of stature and build; working on the rigs tends to do that to a person over the years.

I walked along the road hoping to see a place I could ask for help from. It was dark and the road I travelled down disappeared under the falling snow.

A faint light through the heavy falling snow just ahead, I thought I'd head for that. But it was off the road and seemed like only a very narrow path would take me closer to it. I took the path and trundled through about eight inches of snow. No other person, vehicle or animal had trodden the path before me. I looked back to where I had come from and the only foot prints I could just make out were mine. And even those were being quickly covered over.

I was so cold, I shook and shivered. My nose, ears and fingers were going numb. My face was so cold tears ran down my cheeks from the icy wind that blew into my eyes.

As I trawled threw, I kept my face low and bent towards the ground to hide it from the icy wind. I looked up on occasions just to check my route to the light ahead. My heart warmed as the light became clearer and closer. I grabbed the blanket tighter around me trying to fold it around my fingers to keep my hands warm.

I looked back up and the single light ahead was only a few feet away. I looked around and there was nothing else, for miles ahead were open fields looked real nice with the blanket of snow on them. But I didn't want to stop to admire the view just then, I wanted a warm shelter.

Few more laboured steps and I was at a gate, in fact there were two gates, although it looked like one cottage, there were two. I looked up at the cottage and I glanced up further to the roof. One of them had smoke which came out of a chimney. My decision was made; that's the one I'm going for.

I opened the gate; it scraped the snow away which had piled up behind it. I turned and closed it and walked to the front door. I knocked and stood back. I shivered and waited for half a minute or longer and still no answer. I knocked again, louder. I stood back and thought no one's home. Maybe I should try the other door.

I gave up and I walked about two paces back along the path towards the gate when I heard the door open. A voice said, "Can I help you?"

I turned and saw a lady standing in the door way, she said, "Please come in, it's cold out there."

I took very quick steps back towards the door, the lady stepped aside and said, "Please come in, come in."

I walked through and she closed the door and said, "You look cold, you've been out in that for a while I can tell. Go through there."

She pointed to an open door in the hallway and said, "There's a fire on, it will help you."

I walked briskly through and towards the fireplace which had a roaring fire ablaze. It was heaven oh it was just what I needed. I kept the blanket on for a while.

The lady came up behind me and said, "Stay there and warm up, would you like some tea or coffee?"

I turned my head slightly, just caught her in the corner of my eye and said, "Coffee please."

My hands shivered, I rubbed them together and held them to the fire. It felt so nice, so comforting. I rubbed my face with my warmed hands. I began to regain some control over my cold shivering body.

The fire place was big; it really did radiate a lot of heat out into the room. I looked around the room and saw pictures and artwork on the walls. A large sofa was a few feet away from the fire and a couple of armchairs. I was stood on a rug; and then I looked at my feet, shit, I had not taken my shoes off, completely forgot as I had rushed to be warmed by the fire.

I slowly took the blanket off me and threw it onto the sofa. I took my shoes off and placed them next to the fire place to dry out. I tried to pick up bits of mess I had trampled in and onto the rug; I threw it onto the fire.

The lady came back in and said, "Here you go, coffee, did you want any sugar or milk?"

I shook my head and said, "Thank you."

I wrapped my hands around the hot mug and drank.

The lady said, "I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm Lou by the way."

I looked up and only just then had taken any notice of her, I said, "I'm Hus."

She was quite pretty, looked older than me by eight or ten years. Short blond hair, pale white skin tone and was taller than me by three or four inches, slender body. And she must have been ready for bed as she had a pink gown on.

She sat on the sofa and said, "Well Hus, what brings you so far out? I know it's far out from anywhere, I live here and my closest neighbouring house is three miles away."

I turned back towards the fire and said, "My truck broke down and I was looking for some help."

I could hear a chuckle in her voice as she said, "It just broke down then did it?"

I didn't turn, I said, "Yes it wouldn't turn on afterwards."

She asked very hesitantly, "Wouldn't turn on after what?"

I looked around and said, "After it got stranded in a ditch."

A broad grin came across her face and said, "Stranded in a ditch was it? You mean you were driving so fast that you lost control and..."

I stopped her, okay she had worked it out, I said, "Yes, okay I may have lost control, but I wasn't going that fast."

She stopped grinning and a soft smile fell on her face and said, "So how may I help you Hus?"

I said, "I need to call for a rescue vehicle, but my phone is dead."

She sat back on the sofa and said, "You can use my phone, but I fear they'll not be out here any time soon. Look at it out there!"

My head dropped and I said, "I don't have anywhere to go, I'd be lucky to find my own truck at this time."

She sipped on her drink and said, "It would not be very humane of me to send you or anyone out into that. You may if you wish stay here for the night. But you would have to sleep there where you stand. I only have one bed in a single room."

I finished my coffee and placed the mug onto the mantelpiece. I stepped back and said, "Thank you you're very kind."

She stood and took the mug off the mantelpiece and said, "You must be boiling by now, aren't you?" And she walked away.

I was; I still had my jacket and jumper on over my shirt and vest. I started to take off the layers to my vest.

She came back into the room and froze to the spot when she saw me, she said, "Make yourself at home won't you!"

I looked up and said, "Oh I'm sorry shall I..."

I reached back towards my shirt and she said, "No, no it's fine it's just that it's been a long time since... a man has been here."

I pulled my hand back and she asked, "Would you like to freshen up, shower or something?

I stood upright and said, "That would be much appreciated if I may."

She said, "Follow me."

She led me up some stairs and pointed out the bathroom. As I went in she opened a cupboard and took out a towel, she placed it on the side and asked, "Do you need anything else?"

I took off my vest and I noticed she stared at my dark body. She looked away and I said, "No, thanks' I can see everything I need is here."

She then opened the cupboard back up and took out a pink gown and said, "You may put this on its all I've got."

I took my shower and put on the gown, pink, lovely. I went down and she was sat on the sofa and saw me come in, she said, "Nice, it suits you."

I smirked and said, "Thank you, you're too kind."

She pointed to a table and said, "There's some food for you over there, I hope you like it."

I walked over to the table and she had made some soup and there was bread on the table. I took it and said, "Thank you, may I bring it to the fire?"

She made some room on the sofa, it was big enough, but she seemed to skittle over as if to indicate that I could sit there and said, "Yes of course, here, you may sit here."

I took it over and began to eat. She had a glass of wine in her hand. We sat quietly for a while; while I ate.

She sipped her wine and just as I had finished she said, "O, here let me take it."

She stood up and took the plate and bowl off me. She walked off. When she came back she had another glass on wine in her hand and said, "Here, mulled wine, you do drink wine, yes."

I took hold of the glass and said, "Yes, thank you."

We sat and chatted, when I heard a knock on a window, Lou didn't turn and was not bothered. I looked towards it and Lou said, "That'll be Kim, she's the neighbour, next door and a good friend."

But Lou didn't get up she just sat there and carried on chatting. Then a voice came through, she said, "Hi Lou, I see you've got the wine out."

Lou again did not get up; she turned her face to the door and said, "Yes, help yourself."

The voice from the kitchen, "You've started without me, the bottles half gone, I see I've got some catching up to do."

As Lou answered Kim by saying, "It wasn't all me." Kim walked through with a glass of wine in her hand and stopped dead when she saw me. She looked at Lou and said, "You naughty minx, you didn't tell me you were expecting company."

It must have looked odd with me, a black man sat there in a pink gown, Lou's pink gown. Kim strolled over behind the sofa, she ran a hand over the back of my shoulders as she walked, she said, "I always knew Lou was a dark horse, excuse the pun."

Kim was then in front of me and Lou said, "This is Hus, he's stranded and I've just offered him a place to rest his head till the morning, when he can get some help."

Kim smiled at me and held her glass of wine up for me to clink with mine. So I did, I raised my glass and clinked hers, she said, "Well hello Hus, welcome."

The sofa was large enough for three, but the way Lou and I were sat, the space in-between was small. But nevertheless, Kim came and sat between us, she lowered her arse by swaying it side to side as she sat. I moved over to make room.

Kim looked at me and said, "No need to move young man, let's get cosy."

Lou looked at Kim, chuckled and said, "Leave the man alone, he's only here for a nights rest."

Kim looked over to me and smiled, she said, "So how did you find this lonely old place?"

I sipped my wine and went through my adventure. Kim looked to be of similar age to Lou, but was slightly shorter, she too had short hair, brunet. She wore a cream coloured blouse and I could see her nipples, she obviously didn't have a bra on. And she had black trousers on. She must have taken her shoes and coat off in the kitchen.

We all sat and chatted in front of the roaring fire, I looked out through the window and the snow still fell, lots still fell. Kim was the flirty one of the two. She always made naughty innuendoes and references.

And also she was not shy, not at all. While we chatted she would tap my thigh with her hand or placed a hand on my thigh and run it up and down. It wasn't on my bare thigh, I had the gown on.

During the conversations I asked about them, the two of them. It was mainly Kim who did most of the talking and told me that they were 'Very good friends.' Had been for many years, both had lost their husbands a few years ago and then just lived there on their own.

Kim finished her wine and so had I, she took hold of my glass and asked, "Want a refill Hus?"

Before I had a chance to say anything, she had grabbed it from my hand and stood up, all I could say was, "Thank you."

Kim giggled and said, "You really have good manners, very hard to find in this day and age."

Lou still had half a glass left, Kim went off into the kitchen to fill our glasses. While she was gone Lou leant towards me and said in almost a whisper, "Don't mind her, she's always joking and very flirty."

Kim came through the door just as Lou was finishing, she was saying, "She's the louder one of us two."

Kim heard that; she walked over and gave me my glass of wine. She stepped over to Lou bent her head towards Lou and to my surprise and sort of shock; she gave Lou a kiss on the lips, it was open mouthed, and I could see their tongues as they kissed. That was more than just a friendly 'Hi.'

Kim rose back up and said, "And I'm the sexier one as well."

As she sat back down, Lou looked over to me as my face was stunned and my thoughts were that I was probably invading their privacy.

Kim placed her hand onto my thigh and stroked it, she said, "We are good friends, very good friends."

I didn't know where to look, and I must have gone so red in the face that if I were a white man my face would have been as red as a traffic light.

Lou looked at Kim and said, "What do you think," she winked at Kim.

Kim looked at me; she looked me up and down, she sipped her wine. Just then a large spark crackled from the fire, the heat radiated out and almost stifled me.

Kim took hold of the hand I did not have the wine glass in, she looked me in the eyes, and she brought my hand up to her lips and kissed the back. She slowly placed my hand back down and said, "Would you like to see a live show?"

I said like a fool, "We can't go out anywhere in that." I looked towards the window, as the snow continued to fall heavily.

Lou stood up; she placed her wine glass onto a small table besides her. She turned and stepped towards Kim and said, "Were not going out, the show for you will happen right here." She held out her hand towards Kim.

Kim had her hand on my thigh; she squeezed it, looked at me then back up at Lou. Both women smiled to each other, Lou nodded to Kim and Kim's smile turned into a broad grin. Then Kim raised her hand to grab Lou's outstretched hand.

As Kim got up she passed her wine glass to me. She stepped closer to Lou then both women started to kiss each other. Softly at first, small peck's on each other's lips then longer as they entwined their tongues.

They parted and Lou started to undo Kim's buttons on her blouse. Kim undid her belt and took down her trousers. I could only see her back and saw she had a bright blue coloured pair of frilly knickers on.

Thoughts in my head were going wild, fuck-in-hell, what is going on here. Am I dreaming? I must have hit my head on something somewhere!

I continued to watch every move they made. Kim took hold of Lou's gown tie and loosened it. The front of her gown parted. Kim stepped around to behind Lou and slipped her gown off her back.

Holy shit, Lou was totally naked, not a stitch on. She was clean shaven, beautiful pair of boobs, slightly drooped, but beautiful. Her nipples poked out, firm and long. She had her eyes closed while Kim un-wrapped her. Then while Kim threw the gown onto the sofa, Lou opened her eyes, she never looked at me.

Slowly Lou turned to Kim, Kim was in the process of taking her knickers off, and she threw them to the sofa.

Kim's boobs were not as big as Lou's, but did look firm and with pointy nipples, her nipples were just as long as Lou's. She too was clean of any pubic hair.

Neither woman looked at me. They looked into each other's eyes and stepped closer to each other till their nipples touched; then they started to kiss. Both placed their hands onto each other's arse's and rubbed them softly.

My cock had gone up and was stiff from the action in front of me. I then knew what they meant by 'A live show.'

I sipped my wine almost in big gulps. My god these two were fucking hot. They stopped kissing and came right in front of me, between the fire and myself. Lou fell to her knees, while Kim came across to me. She smiled and I thought she wanted her wine glass. But no, she placed her hand onto the gown and felt my hard cock. She smiled, a big grin and said, "Hello, I see we're getting you exited!"

She then grabbed the tie of my gown and pulled it. She took hold of one of the flaps and pushed it to the side, which opened the front of my lap and exposed my throbbing cock.

My cock was fully erect to its ten fat inches, and from the look on Kim's face she liked what she saw. Lou arched her back so that she could see from behind Kim. She looked over and also saw my cock, Lou said, "Fuckin' hell Hus, nice one."

Kim dipped a couple of fingers into the wine and then ran her wetted fingers down my cock from the big bulbous head, down the front of the shaft to the balls, she winked and said, "We'll have fun with this thing soon."

She turned and stepped back to Lou who had outstretched her legs and was sat on her arse. Kim straddled over and sat down between Lou's legs, Lou brought her knees up. Both women were sat with their pussy' and boobs touching each other. They wrapped their arms around each other and started to kiss.

That time they kissed very sensually, open mouthed, tongues visible. Their tongues lapped each other's. They kissed softly and then sank their tongues deep into each other's succulent mouths.

The fire cast colours and shadows over their amazing naked bodies. Their silhouettes cast onto the wall opposite. The flames not only flickered from the roaring fire, but there was a fire which roared in my balls, it sent hot waves of increased stiffness through my cock.

Pre-cum oozed from the tip; it ran over and across the head, down my shaft. I wanted to stroke myself, but thought it to be a bit 'Pervey.' So I continued to watch the 'Live show,' that was in front of me. I sipped my wine and slumped back into the sofa and thought of what Kim had said earlier about having fun with my cock.