A Long Time from Home Ch. 07

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Speaking the language.
10.3k words

Part 8 of the 42 part series

Updated 02/29/2024
Created 04/26/2022
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Author's notes:

This is an Alternate Reality story, where Atlantis, which the inhabitants called Baylon, was real and inhabited by a powerful humanoid race called Baylons.

About half the story happens in the bronze age and I've researched a lot for this story. If you find anything that looks like a mistake in the story, please double check to be sure that you're correct and then PM me about it. :)

A note about the language and notation:

The Baylon language is a predecessor to Latin, which is why it looks like Latin at a glance.

Mental communication is denoted by a < and ends with a >, so a mental communication will look like this: "< Who are you? >"

Some warnings:

This is erotic action adventure, meaning that there will be both sex and violence, but I don't mix the two.

It's a long story and I suggest that you read them continuously (At least for a first time read).

This story is posted on the Literotica website and the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent.

P.S. I haven't gotten an editor yet, so any mistakes are mine. Interested editors are welcome :)


Chapter 7 -- Speaking the language

Saturday, 17th of June 2000, Outside Malaga, Spain.

A slight knocking woke me up and it took a moment to register that I wasn't in Baylon times anymore. I knew the dreams were a result of my memory 'waking up' after the long meditation, but it didn't make the memories better or less painful.

Alice looked inside the room.

"Time to get up." She said with a smile and disappeared again before I had a chance to answer.

Feeling a lot more rested than normally after a nap, I walked to the bathroom to take clean myself and discovered that the words written on the toothpaste actually made sense. Not the name 'Colgate', which I assumed was the family name of the people making it, but writings such as 'Helps prevent stains' and 'Total protection."

It was good news, since it meant that my sub-consciousness was almost finished connecting things, enabling me to speak the language.

I spend some time in the shower saying stupid things to myself in English, just to get a feel about how it was pronounced.

As it turned out, English wasn't the hardest language to work with, since it was clearly related to the language of the Germanic tribes that I already spoke and to my ears, my pronunciation sounded fair, but not perfect.

Then again, I knew so many languages, that I doubted that I spoke any of them without an accent of some kind.

I would make mistakes and there were bound to be some misunderstandings, but it would speed up the communication a lot.

Alice was preparing meat for the grill, when I came into the kitchen and the others were nowhere in sight, so I winked at her and said, "You're good for my mind."

"Who so?" she asked, but then realized I was speaking English and almost dropped the bowl she was holding. "Your memory came back?!"

"Only one language, I'm afraid." I answered with a smile. "But it's a start."

"Yes, it is." She chuckled a bit. "And you have quite a charming accent. Kinda eastern European."

"Thanks." I looked around "I guess the others haven't returned yet?"

She grinned slightly. "They have returned, played in the pool, eaten dinner and went for another walk. You have been sleeping most of the day."

I smiled to myself. That explained why I felt well rested.

Taking a hold of my shirt, Alice dragged me closer for a soft lingering kiss. "But as long as it helps, that's cool. Now I just hope the twins are so tired tonight, that they'll fall sleep right away, so we can have some fun."

"They have problems sleeping?"

She sighed. "Yeah. They have growing pains so often that they really hate going to sleep and it takes like forever to get them to bed." She shrugged, causing her breasts to bounce slightly under the t-shirt. "Not that I blame them: If I woke up every other night with extreme pain in my arms or legs, I would hate going to sleep as well."

Nodding slowly, I thought about the kids' condition. If it was the same simple misalignment of the energy in the muscles, I had treated yesterday, there was an equally simple way of treating it: A series of exercises that stretched their limbs the right way would make sure that the energy ran the way it was supposed to, thus eliminating the source of the pain.

"I can show them some fairly simple exercises that would help a lot on that." I offered. "It will not help immediately, but in time it will."

"You know, if I haven't seen what you can do with acupuncture, I wouldn't believe you." Alice said with a smile. "Most doctors just tell me to rub their limbs and give them painkillers when needed." She paused to think and then asked. "How long time does the exercise take and how often should make them?"

"About ten minutes each morning and evening."

"Oh God." Alice said with a laugh. "Please make it as interesting as possible or it'll be hell to get them to stand still long enough to do them."

"I shall do my best." I promised.

It wasn't the first time I had taught kids, since whenever I needed a job during my travels, I tended to end up either as a teacher or as a healer depending on the circumstances and the culture. Another favourite job was 'storytelling performer from foreign lands', while I had avoided being a mercenary.

I don't mind fighting for people I like or causes I really believe in, but I'm not a sell-sword and my loyalty is not for sale. Besides, humans were quite capable of killing other humans on their own. They really didn't need my help for that.

While Alice continued her cooking, I walked outside and sat near the pool, pondering how to make the exercise interesting. Not that I understood why it was needed. If I were in pain and were taught how to avoid it, I would have followed the instructions every day, as if it was a decree from the Goddesses themselves.

A movement to my left caught my eye and turning my head, I could see Karen, Rita and the twins entering the front garden.

I suppressed a smile when I saw Karen's cheeks reddened a bit when she saw me. She nodded and smiled, but disappeared into the house along with Rita, while the twins ran over to me.

"< What're you doing? >" asked Zena mentally. From the good feelings that came along with the mental question, it was clear that she really enjoyed having somebody else than her sister to mentally talk with.

"< Thinking >" I said with a mental chuckle and asked vocally. "Would you two like to avoid having growing pains?"

"< Well YEAH! >" shouted Cyra in my head in a tone that clearly indicated that I was a moron just for asking, while both girls nodded vigorously. "< Hey... You speak English now! >"

"< It sounds funny >" Zena added.

"< I know, but I hope it will get better with practice >" I answered with my mind and the said aloud "Good. I will show you a series of exercises and if you do them every morning and evening, I promise that the pain will go away in a few weeks." I paused. "But you need to promise me, that you'll go to bed without too much trouble, when your mom asks you to. Sleeping actually helps."

The twins looked at each other but then nodded.

"< Is it like yoga or something? >" asked Zena. As most untrained Mentats, she sent pictures along with her thoughts and this time it helped me a lot, since I realized that 'Yoga' meant the same as it in ancient times.

"You might look at it as a form for yoga, but it's easier to show you than to tell you."

I stood up, walked over to the grass where we had room to move, and slowly went through the exercises one by one. While I showed it, I also sent them a mental picture of how it was done, just to make it easier for them.

When we had gone through all the exercises the first time, I asked them to do it again and this time I watched them closely, correcting if something was wrong and giving praise when it was right.

"Do you think that you remember them now?"

Both girls nodded and at the same time I received a mental "< Yeah, it's not complicated >"

"Good. Now, let's fit it together, so it becomes more fluid." I said and went through all the exercises again, but this time I went directly from one to another, all the while explaining exactly how and why I did it and how their body should feel if they did it right.

"< It looks like the kind of martial art that Karen is doing >" said Zena with a mental grin.

"< Or something from a movie >" added Cyra and sent an image of her and Zena doing the exercises in front of an oriental style temple.

"< It's the same principle >" I explained. "< But do try to focus on connecting your exercises and remember how it's done >"

They were quick learners and before long, they could go through the entire sequence by themselves and while it wasn't perfect, it was surprisingly good for people who had never tried it before, and I made a point out tell them that.

"< Mom alert! >" Cyra said and gestured something.

I turned my head and saw Alice standing a few meters behind us, looking at the twins with a proud smile on her face.

"Hey there." I said with a smile. "Your daughters are quick learners."

"Yes, they are quite sharp... and Cyra just told me that it reminded her of dancing."

"Well, if they dance a lot, that will explain why they pick it up so fast," I said, "We're done here."

"Excellent timing." Alice said, "Because dinner is ready."

The twins smiled widely and ran off like two bolts of lightning.

Grinning I shook my head. "I guess they're hungry."

Alice nodded and looked at me with a smile. "I saw some of it from the window and you're very good trainer. Most people would have asked me to be there, because they would be uncomfortable with teaching mute children." She paused "But you're not and that's rare."

Since I could talk with the twins, the praise made me feel slightly like a cheat, so I just shrugged "That they can't talk, doesn't make them slow or stupid."

Alice laughed and took my arm. "You would be surprised at how many people make that assumption, but enough about that. Let's go and get something to eat."


The dinner consisted of grilled meat, salad and garlic bread served with a good wine and I enjoyed the meal thoroughly along with the relaxed conversation at the table, which mostly was about what to do the next day.

Alice and the twins had planned to go to something called "a water park", followed by a trip to a local marked and startled me by asking if I wanted to join them to 'see if I recognized something'.

Seeing the look that Rita and Karen sent each other at that, I guessed, at least part of the reason for asking me to come along, was to give the other two women some time alone.

I agreed to the suggestion, since I needed to find a place where I could convert some of my valuables into money, so I could buy clothes, shoes, and other stuff that I really needed. Especially another kind of toothpaste, since the one the women had were brightly coloured, tasted strange and for some reason, my body reacted on it, as if it was a mild poison.

It would not be easy to get toothpaste that tasted like the one I had used in ancient time, but given some tenganut oil, minthe extract and natron, I could make it myself.

Unfortunately, I had no idea what the ingredients were called now, so it would likely be a while before I got the same taste again.

After dinner, we took the rest of the wine with us and moved to the living room, where I got a quick explanation in a board game. Then we played for a couple of hours before it was bedtime for the twins.

True to their promise, and much to Alice's surprise, they went to bed without making a fuss as long as Alice came along to tug them in.

Rita, Karen and I used the time to relax and drink some more wine, while we talked about food and weather for a little while.

"You must be something of a wizard with kids." Said Alice, when she came back, holding a bottle of wine on each hand.

"Nah." I said with a grin. "I made them promise to go to bed when you said so, in return for teaching them the exercise. It won't last forever, so enjoy it while you can."

She lifted the bottles. "I plan to do exactly that... within limits of course."

Rita rolled her eyes. "I think that the twins will survive you getting a little buzz."

"As long as it's no more than a buzz." Alice placed the wine on the table and sat down on the sofa between Karen and me.

Karen nodded slightly and placed a hand on Alice's leg. "Relax, honey."

Her speech was a bit unsure, and I noticed she didn't remove her hand from Alice's leg right away.

Smiling to myself, I poured some more wine in the glasses and leaned back in the sofa, enjoying the sight of the women.

Dressed for the warm evening in short skirts and tight-fitting t-shirts, they were looking extremely healthy and very sexy, with their long smooth legs and breasts that begged for a lover's touch.

I felt my body starting to react and tried to will the hard-on to go away, since my loincloth haven't survived the two thousand years and a hard-on in loose trousers is quite easy to spot.

Trying to will it away didn't work, but fortunately, Alice pushed me back in the sofa and leaned against my chest with a satisfied sigh.

Since she apparently no longer minded if the other women knew anything, I lay an arm around her and dragged her a bit closer, using her body to hide my erection.

She felt it immediately and wriggled her body a bit, pressing her back against it.

"Tease." I mumbled into her ear.

"Yeah..." she said in a low voice. "And what are you gonna do about it?"

I moved my other hand to her neck. Finding the pressure points, I gently pushed down and released a small amount of Vis at the same time.

She shivered and moaned as a wave of pleasure ran from her neck to the toes and back again.

The room was suddenly silent and both Karen and Rita were looking wide-eyed at us.

Alice twisted her body, so she could look at my face. "What the hell was that?"

"Pressure points or nerve centres, where the nerves connect with the energy lines in your body. They can be used to cause pain or pleasure." Smiling widely at her, I added. "That one is obviously for pleasure."

"No shit!" Alice said with a huge smile.

"Do they work on everybody?" asked Rita curiously.

"Yes, but every person is slightly different and that means that the location of the points can vary a bit from person to person." I explained. "It's not an obvious nerve centre, like the..." I almost said love-pearl, but then remembered it was called a clitoris now."...clitoris, where the energy lines and nerves always connect."

Karen looked at me. "It this somehow related to Fángzhōng Zhī Shù? "

Chuckling I said, "I have no idea what you just asked about, so I can't give you an answer."

"One moment." Said Karen and sat up. Then she took a pen and used the backside of one of the pieces of paper we had used to keep score during the board game, to write something in classical Chinese.

Then she flipped the paper over, so I could see she had written 'Art of the Bedchamber'.

"Ah yes," I said and nodded to her. "But the trick not 'related to' Arts of the Bedchamber, it's a part of that art."

"My head spins. "Complained Rita. "If it's so simple, why doesn't everybody use it? I mean, I've been with guys who barely knew where clitoris was located!"

Karen glanced over at Rita. "It's not simple. Quite the opposite, actually. It's so complicated that I've never met one who could use it."

"Show them." Alice said with a giggle and sat up, so I could move. "Just do what you did to me. Start with Rita since she's such an unbeliever. "

"There's no way I'm going to be the only one." Said the brown-skinned woman and nodded in the direction of Karen. "But I'll try it, if you agree to try it as well."

Karen hesitated but nodded. "Deal."

Feeling that my erection had gone during the discussion, I stood up and walked behind the chair Rita was sitting in. "May I?"

"Sure, but I don't think that it will work." She said and brushed her long black hair away from her neck. "I don't believe in that kind of... " She used a word that I didn't understand, but it wasn't hard to guess she meant witchcraft of some kind.

I placed my hand on her neck and let my fingertips search for the points where the nerve centres and energy lines connected. Her skin was smooth as silk and a pleasure to touch.

"Have you ever struck the nerve centre in your elbow? The one that gives a shock?"

"The 'funny bone'?" she asked and nodded "Sure. Why do you ask?"

A slight tingling sensation in my fingertips told me, that I had found the right spots "Did you believe it would give you a shock?"

"What?" She said in a puzzled voice, but then understood what I meant. "Oh"

"Exactly. No matter what you think or believe in, this will work." I pressed down on the points and released some Vis as I had done with Alice, but prolonged the release burst a bit to make the wave travel slower and added a bit extra Vis to make it more intense.

The result was spectacular. Her whole body shivered as the energy travelled down through it and I quickly let go of her neck as she arched her back and slammed into the cushion of the chair. That gave me a nice view down her cleavage, and I could see goose bumps forming on her chest, while her nipples stiffened enough to be visible through the top.

She groaned and gasped as the wave of pleasure passed her abdomen and I knew that she must have felt it like a hundred tongues had licked her from the neck down to her clitoris and pussy before going down her legs.

"Oh... my... god!" she hissed and gripped the armrest of the chair so hard that her knuckles became white, when the wave came back up.

She moaned and shivered as she pressed her legs together, looking up at me with eyes that grew wider, when the wave travelled to the neck and dispersed.

It wasn't an orgasm, but it was close.

Rita slumped in the chair, breathing heavily.

There was a whispered "wow" from both Karen and Alice.

"Sorry about that." I said, "You must be more sensitive than most women, because that's one of the strongest reactions I've seen in a long time."

She looked up at me, still panting. "Sorry?! Trust me... there's no need... to be sorry... That... was incredible!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I said and looked at Karen. "Your turn?"

The shorthaired woman looked doubtful, but she nodded and placed her wineglass on the table. "Sure. Just be careful: Any ##something I didn't understand## involving energy and nerve centres, such as acupuncture and the like, works very well on me and I might react strongly to whatever it is you're doing."

I didn't quite get what she meant, and it must have shown in my face, because Alice chuckled and said, "She means: Be gentle."

"Fair enough." I said with a smile and walked over to her. "I shall be careful."

She lowered her head to give me easier access to her neck, but at the same time she reached out and took Alice's hand. "For some strange reason, I'm really, really nervous!"

Leaning forward to better look at her, Alice's asked "Why? It doesn't hurt."

"I know, but I have a feeling that it's gonna be wild."

While they were talking, I placed my hand on her elegant neck and started searching for the points. As soon as I found them, I could feel that her natural level of energy was a lot higher than Alice or Rita's, but unlike what she thought, it wouldn't make much of a difference. If you throw a stone in a pond, the depth of the water doesn't really affect how the rings are going to behave on the surface.