A Long Way from Home


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"You do know that kissing the hand is a French thing, right?" I joined in the ribbing.

"Whatever works. Did you see her?" Richard asked Tom. "She nearly wet herself."

"How do Australian's greet each other?" Tom enquired with an innocent expression.

"Well, mates shake hands and you greet your woman by grabbing her on the arse."

As he said this his big hand went back and then slapped and groped Julie's butt.

"Get off me you oaf," she squealed as we looked on in amusement.

The sound of a guitar being tuned signaled the return of the band.

Julie disengaged herself from Richard's grasp and moved closer to Tom.

"Get back out there and work off some of that energy," she said pointing to the dance floor.

"Don't mind if I do," he replied then he drained his glass. "Ashley?" Richard nodded his head towards the dance floor and held out his hand.

I took his hand and we went into the crowd. We danced almost the entire set, though Angela cut in for one song. When we got back Tom and Julie were getting frayed around the edges. Lined up in front of both of them were six shot glasses. I acted a little peeved and suggested we head for home and they didn't complain. In truth I wasn't angry but my feet were starting to hurt. My shoes looked fabulous but they weren't made for dancing.

At home we said our good nights before heading to our rooms. Tom, as is usual when he's had a bit too much drink, began shedding his clothes as soon as we got to the top of the stairs. His jocks were the last thing to come off just as he hit the mattress. I went into the bathroom to remove my makeup and expected he'd be sound asleep by the time I got out.

His eyes were closed when I switched off the light and climbed in to bed. But he wasn't asleep. My head had barely hit the pillow before he was close behind me his hard cock pressing against my buttocks. His arm encircled me and his hand cupped the lower part of my breast through the thin material of my nightgown. It rested there, testing the waters, before slipping higher and finding my erect nipple. Now he knew I was keen as well.

The only reason I'd been slightly pissed off about his state of inebriation was I was horny and I wanted some action tonight. The dinner, the fun company and the dancing had me primed. I swiveled to face him, pulling his face to mine for a kiss. As our tongues fought for supremacy I reached down to stroke his dick. Tom groaned into my mouth as my fingers slid up and circled his engorged head. He was super hard, like teenager hard. I was worried he was going to pop way to soon.

Tom pushed me onto my back and tried to open the top of my gown. Little buttons and hasty fingers don't always mix well and his frustrations got the better of him. With a grunt, he gripped both sides and pulled hard causing the buttons fly in all directions. Taking a fresh grip lower down he tore it right to the bottom. Normally I'd be angry but I wanted his touch on my bare skin just as badly as he did. I pulled his head down to my breast and he latched onto my tender nipple. His hand found my sex as first one then two fingers entered my hungry cunt.

"Fuck, you're dripping," he growled before he started kissing his way down my body.

Now I should explain that Tom has the most talented lips and tongue I've ever experienced. Previously he has had me teetering on the edge of orgasm for what seemed like an hour using just those two things. But that wasn't what I wanted now. I wanted his rock hard cock slamming me into the mattress. I wanted to feel his weight pinning me down. I grabbed at his head trying to pull him back up but he seized my wrists and held them away as he continued down.

When his tongue hit my clit I knew it wasn't going to matter. I was so worked up such intimate stimulation was all I needed. Having found his prize, he released my hands so I grabbed his head again but this time I pushed it harder into my crotch as I humped his face.

"Arrghh fuck, I'm coming." I wailed grinding against his chin.

As my peak subsided, I eased my grip. Tom pushed himself back onto his knees then he flipped me over onto my stomach. Pulling at my hips he eased me up onto all fours while pulling off what remained of my nightgown.

"Open your knees wider," he ordered as he shuffled forward.

I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance. He paused momentarily before he slammed the rest of it inside. I grunted involuntarily as the air was forced out of my lungs. Yeah, this is what I needed. Hard animalistic fucking. Tom didn't disappoint as he rammed himself into me repeatedly. I found myself sliding further and further up the bed until I was scrunched against the headboard. Still he kept hammering away. I'd cum again before he finally gripped my hips tightly and I felt him gush inside.

"Holy shit." Tom muttered as he slumped onto the bed gasping for breath.

I straightened out next to him.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked a little concerned.

"Never... better." He managed between ragged breaths.

I cuddled close and stroked his chest as his breathing got deeper and he fell asleep. I wasn't far behind him.

I woke in the early morning light busting to go to the toilet. I gently untangled myself from Tom and went to the bathroom. On my way back, I grabbed another nightie. I don't know why but I've never felt completely comfortable sleeping in the nude. Especially with someone else in the house. I crept back to bed and eased myself back under the covers. Tom stirred and pulled me close again. A familiar lump poked into my side and his hands began to roam again.

"Didn't you get enough of me last night?" I whispered.

"Never," he replied and a sensed a smirk on his face as his hands began lifting my nightie.

"Can you not rip this one?" I chided with mock indignation as I raised my hips.

He was just as hard and urgent as before so it was a little while before I got to sleep.

I woke with a start later and quickly looked at the clock.

"Shit," I muttered, great host sleeping in till eight.

I rolled out of bed and looked back at Tom. He groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. It looked like breakfast was up to me. After a super quick shower, I descended the stairs and was immediately aware of the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Peeping into the kitchen I spotted Richard and tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh.

He was standing at the bench top breaking some eggs into a bowl wearing one of my frilly aprons over his clothes. He looked up startled before giving me an embarrassed smile.

"It's all I could find," he explained.

"Ohh, I think it suits you." I teased and he stepped backwards and did a pirouette like a model at the end of a catwalk.

When a fresh bout of laughter had subsided Richard enquired if I wanted some breakfast.

"As the host I think that's my job."

"No, I'm always up early at home so breakfast is my job. Scrambled eggs with a twist okay?" Richard asked stepping back up to the bench.

"And the twist is?"

"Whatever I can lay my hands on. Today, tomato, mushroom and some chorizo sausage I found in your fridge. So it will have a Spanish bent."

"Sounds great, what can I do?" I asked, with enthusiasm. Anything to save me from cooking.

"Make yourself a brew and put some toast on." He replied returning his attention to the bowl in front of him.

"What about the others?" I asked as I fossicked for some bread.

"If Tom is in the same state as Julie I doubt they'll make breakfast. Maybe struggle with lunch." He said smirking.

We each got our jobs done and sat down to a leisurely breakfast. I did have to stop Richard from sitting down so I could help him remove my apron. I just wouldn't have been able to enjoy breakfast with such a comical figure across from me. As I did so, I was once again up close to him. He was truly a big man. Hard and tough, but as he had shown last night dancing and this morning, in the kitchen, capable of being light and dexterous.

As we ate breakfast our conversation broached many and varied topics. I must admit I was thinking rural redneck when I first met him. Now I was pleasantly surprised by the extent and the expression of his ideas. We were just finishing when a seedy looking Tom trudged into the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine," was Richard's chirpy cheeky greeting.

"Errrgghh," was Tom only response as he plonked himself down on one of the chairs.

"Want some breakfast?" I offered slightly concerned.

"Just coffee thanks." He mumbled before adding, "damn shooters."

His mood improved slightly after he had his morning hit of caffeine.

"What time are you heading off Richard?" Tom asked.

"Well, that's the sixty four dollar question. The plan was to get away around ten but I can't see that happening. Not that it matters, we're not on any timetable."

"Do you still want to go out to that ranch I was telling you about?" Tom enquired and I couldn't tell from his tone if he wanted a positive answer or not.

"Not if you aren't feeling up to it, mate."

Clever answer really, being magnanimous but offering a challenge as well.

"I'm fine," Tom replied looking anything but. "I'll just have a quick shower and we'll go."

The boys left twenty minutes later and there was still no sign of Julie. I cleaned up the kitchen. Richard might be a dab hand at cooking, but he was a messy chef. I'd just wiped up the last cup when Julie came in.

"Ooohhh," she sat down and rested her head in her hands.

"Sore head?"

"Yeah, a bit." Julie said looking up at me through bleary eyes. "I'd be feeling a lot better if I'd got some more sleep. Rich seemed intent on nailing me to the floor through the mattress last night, not that I complained at the time." Seeing my expression she quickly apologized. "Sorry, bit too much info."

I sat down opposite her.

"Don't worry about it," I smiled, "I had the same trouble. Looking at your boobs all night got Tom steamed up."

"Well, you tripping the light fantastic with twinkle toes had the same effect."

We stared at each other for a moment then burst out laughing.

"Ohh, ohh, don't. It makes my head hurt more." Julie begged.

I got her some Paracetamol and a glass of water.

"Thanks. Where are the culprits?"

"Gone to look at a ranch east of town."

We sat in silence for a while a as she drank the water. Then things took an unexpected turn as Julie leaned across the table.

"So is Tom still the oral sex king of the world?"

The question took me by surprise. I didn't know whether to be offended or proud. In the end, I opted for proud.

"Oh yes, he does quite well in that department."

Julie leaned closer still, I felt like a conspirator hatching a plan as she spoke in a low voice despite us being along in the house.

"I've got to tell you Ash, he spoilt my sex life for two or three years after our little fling. Nobody could come close to giving me what he did."

"Till you met Richard?"

She sat back and snorted as she tried to stifle a laugh.

"I'm afraid when I first met Rich he knew lots about cows and farm machinery but next to nothing about getting my motor running."

We both giggled like schoolgirls at her little joke.

"So?" I wanted more information.

"By then I'd realized that the way to go was get them young and train them. And I can tell you now he was a quick learner." Julie's raised eyebrows put us both into a fit of giggles again. When we calmed down she continued leaning in close again. "Of course he does have an advantage over most other members of his gender." She paused.

"Come on girlfriend, you can't leave me hanging. Advantage?" I pressed again.

"He's freaking huge!" She gasped. "Not that size is the be all and end all, but you can't churn butter with a toothpick, right?"

"I have no complaints about Tom," I said, suddenly on the defensive.

"Nor should you. Remember I know how good you are getting it. Richard's good too, just in a different way."

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked changing the subject.

"No, I might grab a hot shower. See if I can work out some of the kinks." Julie replied standing up and stretching tall. "You don't know a good massage therapist do you?"

"There's one at the place I do yoga. I don't know if she's any good but I could try and get a booking if you like?"

"That would be great. Maybe we could go and look around downtown. When do you think the boys will be back?"

"You know men." I said, "When they're hungry."

"Or horny," Julie added before she left.

Later we strolled around the shops. Julie got her massage and I picked up some bits and pieces then got some groceries. We'd spoken to Tom and Richard, organizing to meet them for lunch at a cafe. The boys were there first. We walked in and they stood to greet us. Tom's eyes were drawn to Julie's tight top that emphasized her assets. I felt a flickering of jealousy untill I felt Richard's gaze on me. Or more precisely my legs. I did have short skirt on but I hadn't deliberately chosen it... I didn't think.

The boys had already ordered. Tom had a beer and Richard was on water. Julie and I made our selections and picked a bottle of wine.

"Are you sure you don't want a beer Richard?" I asked while the waitress was still close.

"No, we'd better try and do a few kilometres this afternoon." He explained.

"You could stay. Get a good nights sleep and leave in the morning." I suggested.

"Thanks for the offer but we can't impose on you again."

"Nonsense. I've already picked up a couple of extra steaks. We'll have a little BBQ and an early night." I felt a little colour come into my cheeks as I replayed the last words I just spoken in my head.

"It's up to my social director," Richard said deferring to his wife.

"No dear, you're the one who'll be driving."

There was a pause in the conversation and the waitress hovered unsure whether to go or stay.

"Alright, you'd better get me a beer," Richard said finally and a few butterflies did twirls in my stomach.

The lunch turned into a long one. Two bottles of wine and several beers meant the cars stayed downtown and we got a cab home. The alcohol and the previous night meant we were all a bit fatigued so we adjourned to our respective bedrooms for afternoon naps. Tom passed out straight away. I took longer. Just before I drifted off I wondered if the other two were having sex again downstairs.

By early evening we were all upright again. Tom and Richard went to pick up the cars while I helped Julie catch up on their washing. When the boys got back, I handed them the steaks and I got busy making a couple of salads. I'd just finished when Julie came in. We poured ourselves some wine and went out to the backyard where the BBQ was.

We could hear some boisterous laughter but it was cut short as we walked out the back door. The boys turned around sheepishly like they'd been caught out.

"What were you two talking about?" I asked as we walked towards them.

"Knowing those two either work, sport or sex." Julie replied before they could. "And looking at their faces it must have been sex."

"Well maybe if your breasts weren't displayed so prominently it wouldn't come up?" Richard shot back.

"I'm surprised you noticed. Your eyes have been glued to Ashley's legs and arse for the last two days." Julie won the light hearted verbal sparring on points.

"Bloody nice legs too," Richard said with a chuckle conceding defeat.

The other two laughed but I couldn't manage more than a grin as I blushed. I felt a little guilty for having worn such short shorts. The good-natured ribbing continued for a bit untill the men declared the steaks were done. I set the table outside and we ate by candlelight under the stars. It wasn't super late but there were two empty wine bottles on the table by the time Richard stretched and declared he was off to bed.

"Time for me too," Tom said.

"So, we'll just clean up shall we?" I asked with more than a hint of sarcasm.

"Well, as you've offered..." was Tom's cheeky reply.

"At least help us get everything inside," I compromised. He always got in the way packing the dishwasher anyway.

With the counter stacked with plates the boys said good night. Julie looked after the dishwasher while I scraped the plates and put the left-over salad away. After we'd wiped everything down Julie grabbed another bottle of wine out of the fridge and we decided to have one more glass before bed.

We were sitting at the kitchen table when just like earlier in the day Julie leaned in close.

"Do you think we're going to get attacked again tonight?"

I moved my eyes from her face to her chest then back again.

"I definitely think I'm in trouble."

"And your shorts haven't helped my cause either," Julie countered.

It came out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"Maybe we should give them what they want?"

Julie's eyes went wide. "Ashley," she hissed, "are you serious?"

"No, no, of course not." I said quickly.

Julie looked long and hard at my face trying to read my mind.

"How fucked up would it be?" Julie asked smirking.

"They'd guess straight away." I reasoned.

"I don't know about that. Men tend to have a very narrow focus when it comes to sex. Julie mused seemingly getting excited by the idea. "We're about the same height and weight, both have short hair and it would be dark."

"One grope in the chest area would give it away." I dismissed it.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Julie sat back and had a sip from her glass. "What if, we sort of, umm slipped under the covers and backed up to them. Last night Richard didn't waste any time with the preliminaries."

"Might work till you opened your mouth. The accents..." I didn't bother finishing that argument.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right again." Julie seemed to give up. "Have you ever done the swinging thing?"

"No, never. It hasn't even come up in conversation." I replied very much on the defensive. "Have you?"

"No, normally I'd scratch a girl's eyes out if they tried anything with Rich."

"Then why now?"

"I don't know... we are a long way from home... unique opportunity... two bottles of wine..." Julie stopped so I continued.

"And you want to fuck my husband again." I put extra emphasis on again.

I studied her reaction carefully, Julie didn't flinch or squirm. She didn't bat an eyelid. Instead she held my gaze, studying me back, gauging the depth of my feelings. I broke first and looked away. Why was I even discussing this? Why hadn't I nipped this in the bud right at the start? A simple, "no" or "never in a million years" would have stopped this conversation in its tracks. Yet here I was working through a plan to have sex with another man with his wife.

Julie found her voice first. "It's weird isn't it? We've only really known each other for just over a day. Yet here we are talking about such intimate stuff. I feel so close to you. When you were dancing with Richard last night I didn't feel a hint of jealousy. Now that's bizarre."

"You weren't feeling much of anything by the time we got back." I shot back lightening the mood. "But you are right, I was so worried about our first meeting yesterday morning, petrified would be a better description. Now... here we are."

"It would be funny... no scratch that, it would be FUN if we could work out a way." The evil, conniving, smiling Julie was back.

"The lights are probably still on so we would be caught straight away," I reasoned. "It's not that late."

"Yeah, well it's probably time to go hit the hay." Julie stood up and paused.

Her mouth opened as if she was going to say something else then it closed.

"Out with it." I encouraged her.

"Ohhh, it's just, I suddenly thought maybe I've been reading this whole situation wrong... I feel such a goose."

"What?" I asked again looking up at her.