A Lost Bet Ch. 06


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I yelped at the cold liquid being let loose inside my rear until I felt a new pressure. Mark had his cock pressed against my hole and was slowly...slowly entering me. He pushed against my hole and my ass expanded. My breathing increased as I tried to accommodate him, but he kept pushing and I'd never felt anything that wide before. I tried to adjust and I heard myself say "too big...too big...never had...anything...like you..."

"I thought you'd enjoy the surprise," Mark said and I could almost hear his grin.

A couple of tears escaped my eyes as I tried to cope with his size. "God, Mark. How big are you?" I managed to choke out.

"Almost the size of your wrist." My eyes snapped open as I looked at my wrists stretched in front of me.

"No way. No way." I couldn't believe it. I mean, it's not like my wrists were huge or anything. They were actually kind of all the small side for a guy, but still, Frank and Tom weren't that wide and I'd been unprepared for him.

"Just a little more," he said as he continued to push into me. The pain started to turn towards pleasure, but the pressure was unbelievable. I felt him deeper in my bowels than anything (except for the dildo at the show...maybe) and I was starting to shiver from the exertion. "That's it Jo, that's it. You're doing fine. As a matter a fact, I think you're in for a helluva ride." And with those words, he started to slowly pump in and out of my ass. My cries echoed off the basement's walls...random sounds like "ooohh" and "aaahh" and moans and a couple of choked sobs...until finally, the pleasure overwhelmed the pain, and a steady stream of "yes" and "oh Mark" became the norm.

Because of my position, he was pumping up into me, and my feet were pretty much lifted off the floor. It was almost like he was holding me in the air while fucking me and it brought new feelings of vulnerability to me...along with tight arms and legs. The minutes passed and Mark started fucking me faster and faster. My cries got louder and louder, the pitch higher and higher until I was practically squealing as I rode Mark's pole (best description of what he was packing). I couldn't stand it any longer. I began to cum and I saw my cum shoot in front of me, falling on the cross. Finally...he came. Jet after jet of cum emptied into my ass as he continued to pump in and out, until with his last exertion, he planted his dick hard in my ass and my mouth opened in a silent "O" as I stared at the ceiling in extasy, seeing nothing.

"Oh God...oh my God...I think I'm dead." I tried to get a sense of what was going on, but I felt utterly disoriented. Alex was laughing in the back at my reaction, and I could almost feel Mark's smile. With an audible "pop" he pulled out of my ass and my body went limp. I could feel his cum draining down my leg as I slumped on the bonds securing me to the cross.

"Ah, ah," was Alex's comments. "I don't think we're quite through with you yet." I looked up in surprise because I was sure they couldn't have more planned for me, not after that. I watched helplessly as he went and pulled the chains. Now, I truly was stretched against the X. Had it not been for the restraints, I most definitely would have fallen in a pile on the floor.

"That was a good warm up. Next time around, I'll definitely have more staying power," Mark said.

"What, like 30 minutes was too short?" Alex commented. "You were just too excited to get in her ass."

"True, true. And it was a delicious experience," Mark responded. "Jo, I think Frank and Tom did you a favor by putting you in this position. I mean, I'm sure you're a great guy, but you are an amazing chick. Shoot, we might even give them a thank you card." They both laughed and I smiled, but I still wasn't too sure about whether or not I shared their sentiment. I pushed the thoughts aside and resolved to deal with them later.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves. But, can I request a change of position? My arms are getting a little sore." I tried not to whine, but I couldn't help the pleading tone in my voice because my arms were starting to feel like they were on fire.

"Sure Jo, in just a second, we'll let you down. Just...hang on," Alex collapsed in laughter at his pitiful humor as Mark and I both groaned. Mark finished cleaning himself up and getting his pants back on straight.

"You know, I'm kind of thirsty." Mark looked over at Alex. "You want a drink?"

"Actually, I would. Jo, would you like something to drink?" asked Alex.

"Umm. Yes, I think I would." I was skeptical about what they had planned and was trying to figure out whether my choice was the right one.

"Fine. We'll help get you ready." Mark replied, but he walked away from me. I couldn't turn my head that far around so I didn't know what he was doing. "Don't worry Jo, we're just getting a chair for you." I felt some relief at those words, but it would last long. I heard them positioning the chair and then felt them come over and release my hands.

"First things first," was all that Alex said as he unchained my wrists and removed the cuffs. He positioned my arms behind me so that my arms were bent at the elbow and my arms were crossed. Then he tied my arms together, hand to elbow, which forced my chest forward as my back arched. "Okay, hold on to this button. We told you we wanted you to be safe, so only press it if you feel like things are going too far. One or two more little additions up top." Alex fastened a collar around my neck which forced my head stay up. I could no longer look down and see what they were doing, although I could still turn side to side (in a limited fashion).

By this time, my ankles had been uncuffed from the X and Mark had positioned the chair behind me. After Alex finished with me, Mark lifted me up and set me on the chair. As he did, I felt myself being penetrated by the chair.

"What the hell? What kind of chair is this?" I asked.

"It's a chair with a couple of little modifications," Mark said as he then pulled my legs together and started binding my knees together and my ankles to each other. "For instance, you felt the dildo enter your ass, right?"


"Well, it's not just a dildo. It's also a...special kind of enema delivery system." My eyes grew wide as I started to wonder what kind of discomfort I was going to be experiencing. "You see, with this system, you're in control. You have some measure of control over how much liquid gets forced up your ass."

"Okay, so how do I control it?" I was anxious to figure out what I was going to do, and why all this was necessary in order for me to get a drink.

"You suck on this," Alex said as he slid a penis shaped gag into my mouth. "Mmmpph..." was all I managed to get out. Alex held up a tube hanging from the end of the gag. Mark wheeled over a cart with two bottles on it. Alex attached the tube from the penis gag to the smaller bottle, while Mark attached a tube from under the chair to the larger one.

"It's simple really," Mark commented. "The more water you suck, the less water gets forced up your rear. But when you stop sucking, the pump kicks in and water goes in the back door. So, you may want to pace yourself."

There was nothing I could say as I watched them flick the switch and turn on the pump. Immediately, I felt liquid filling my insides, and they were filling fast. I started to suck, but I couldn't find a good rhythm. I turned my head as much as I could to look at them and plead with my eyes to have them let me go. But they only looked back at me with smiles on their faces. "We'll be back in a few minutes. We're gonna get some drinks, call a couple of friends and come back."

With a petrified look on my face, I watched them walk away and tried to figure out what they could possibly want to do next before I resumed sucking down my water and filling myself up like a balloon. I was starting to wonder if maybe I'd gotten myself in over my head, but I had the panic button and knew I could stop it all if I wanted to.

The question was, did I want to?

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SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawa9 months ago

• I don't want to repeat myself again, but I can't find words to express my fascination and admiration for you @Amarasfantasy for creating and writing a very interesting, even heart-warming story/story.

I would really like to give you @Amarasfantasy 10 stars and with my heart beating, thoughts and imaginations I am looking forward to the further fate of Jo (I would like to be Jo, going through various experiences and crossing new boundaries), Frank, Tom and other people. I am very interested in what will happen to Jo, Tom and Frank after returning home from their ski trip? Will Jo adopt the personality of a submissive girl, Sissy, forever? Will he still be under the pressure of the bet he lost, or will he lose the next one? Or maybe she will marry Frank or find someone else? Will Jo be put to another test, or will this be a test for Frank and Tom in winning Jo's heart, mind and body? 📖🧒🏻👸🏻❤️🧒🏻👨‍❤️‍👨👱🏻‍♂️.

ps. Sorry for any mistakes and linguistic inaccuracies, but I don't speak English.

SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 📖👩🏻‍🦳❤️🧒🏻.

• Nie chcę się powtarzać kolejny raz ale nie umiem znaleźć słów aby wyrazić swoją fascynację i podziw dla Ciebie @Amarasfantasy za stworzenie, napisanie bardzo interesującej, wręcz wywołującej drżenie serca historii/opowiadania.

Bardzo chciał/a bym przyznać Ci @Amarasfantasy 10 gwiazdek i z biciem serca, krążącymi myślami, wyobrażeniami wypatruje dalszych losów Jo (chciał/a bym być Jo, przechodzić poszczególne doświadczenia i przekraczać kolejne granice), Franka, Toma oraz innych osób. Bardzo Mnie interesuje co się stanie z Jo, Tomem i Frankiem po powrocie do domu z wyjazdu na narty? Czy Jo przyjmie już na zawsze osobowość uległej dziewczynki, Sissy? Czy nadal będzie pod presją zakładu jaki przegrał, czy też kolejny przegra? A może stanie na ślubnym kobiercu z Frankiem albo znajdzie kogoś innego? Czy Jo będzie poddany kolejnej próbie, a może to będzie próba dla Franka i Toma w zdobywaniu serca, myśli i ciała Jo? 📖🧒🏻👸🏻❤️🧒🏻👨‍❤️‍👨👱🏻‍♂️.

ps. Przepraszam za błędy i niedokładności językowe ale nie znam języka angielskiego.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 📖👩🏻‍🦳❤️🧒🏻.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

please continue the tale. i could read this story all night. am wondering if jo is going to 'turn a corner' and be out if public dressed like a slut and doing things which are not very 'ladylike'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
He might as well have been Jo

his life as a former man is gone. The safety device of semi-drowning or an over extended enema while everyone leaves is NOT a safety feature.

1. Why is he so stupid to trust them? Has there been anything to indicate he could trust them?

2. If this is so great an experience why have Mark and company not participated in this role change?

3. What reason does he have to trust?

4. He has been sold at least once again why should be trust?

5. He has had pictures and who knows what souviners made of his being the victim in different roles.

6. What and where is his loving wife?

7. Is this now a permanent occupation with the bet never ending?

8. Does he not have a job so that he can take off for the rest of his life and still have incoem, health insurance and retirement?

9. Who could have and keep trust ansd he is sold or traded futher and futher from his beloved wife, assuming she has not already started proceding for a new husband?

The futher akaw he goes the fewer the chances are that he wold ever be able to return to a life, with blackmail photos, filsm, and witnesses growing in number day by day. Again, just what was it that he did to his wife that was so bad that he deserved the destruction of his life and please no cop out that he likes his new sub/slave life so well he does not want ot go back. If it was that great everyone else would have alreqady done it. The chances of rejopining his wife shrink dailya nd the chances of resuming an equal role are gone. Again , did he torture one of her friends to death or what to deserve this and no future? When is hte snuff party?

TammiBadgerTammiBadgerabout 17 years ago
I Want To Be Jo

I am glad you are back too. This another good start and they have about 12 hours to go. More costumes and more partners. If Jo changes outfits, please spend some time describing them.

rel220rel220about 17 years ago


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