A Lost Daughter Ch. 05

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Family life suits them...
5.5k words

Part 5 of the 25 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 05/16/2018
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All things considered, Sienna's first hangover hadn't been that bad. As soon as our previous nights' escapade had ended we babysat Sienna for the rest of the evening. She was giggly, slurring, and hardly able to stand. We encouraged her to drink enough water to ward off the worst effects of the hangover and had allowed her to sleep in our bed to make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit sometime in the night. While she didn't throw-up in our bed, she did piss herself. Not totally unexpected and worth it to ensure she was okay.

Our attempts to keep her hydrated seemed to have been successful, as she'd only had an initial bout of nausea and a headache that responded well to some aspirin. Amber had run out as soon as Sienna's head was out of the toilet bowl to 'get some supplies,' which sounded ominous and fanned my curiosity. Amber was never without a plan, and I doubted she'd return with toilet paper and a toothbrush as much as something much more interesting. When she did return she had a white plastic bag from the local drugstore and a small brown one from the pharmacy.

I watched as she wordlessly moved to the kitchen table and began unloading her goods. Cigarettes, alcohol, electronics duster, and a bottle of pills. I had seen this movie before.

"Already? You don't think this is a bit soon?" I asked, doubting my own conviction in stopping or slowing this down even as I was saying it.

"She's like me, babe. Did you ever worry things were 'too much' for me?" She asked, knowing that even if I answered 'yes' that it hadn't stopped me at the time.

But I was a kid, I could now recognize how reckless we'd been. Did I really want to try my luck again?

"Sometimes, but I was addicted to it as much as you were. And we were both kids. I don't know if we should push as hard or go as far when it comes to our daughter," I explained, surprised at my own level-headedness.

"Go as far with what? What are you guys talking about?" Asked Sienna from behind me, who had entered the room without my knowledge.

I spun around and felt my cheeks burn. I didn't know why but I felt a little guilty for consulting Amber about Sienna's future without her around. I realized that she may only be 18, but she had certainly earned a seat at the table of discussion when it came to her own limits.

"Your dad is just worried that we're moving too fast, honey. He doesn't want you to get overwhelmed," Amber cut in, being more sympathetic to my concern than I would have anticipated.

Sienna smiled warmly and began walking toward me, clearly touched at my version of 'fatherly concern.'

"Oh daddy, don't worry about me," she began while wrapping her arms around me in a loving embrace, "these past two days have been the best days of my life. Seriously. This is who I am, it's who I've always been. I've just been denied and protected and caged. Please don't stop now," she murmured softly into my chest.

I caught Amber's gaze as I continued hugging Sienna and she was wearing a sly grin and a familiar gleam.

I grinned back in defeat, doing my best to convey 'you win.'

Sienna pulled back and looked up at me lovingly, pursing her lips suggestively and standing on her toes inviting a kiss. I graciously obliged her request and kissed her softly and slowly, pulling each of her plump lips into my mouth momentarily while cradling her head in my hands.

With a final twinkle in her eye she pulled back and smiled at me, content that we'd reached an understanding. She immediately turned to see Amber, who stood beaming next to the kitchen table of items she'd brought home to fuel her continued corruption.

"For me?" Sienna asked in surprise, only now seeing the collection of goods splayed out on the table.

"For you," Amber confirmed proudly.

Sienna walked over to the table slowly, allowing her eyes to scan the various items one by one. There was a six pack of Bud Light cans, a bottle of Wild Turkey 101, a carton of Newport 100's, a yellow BIC lighter, two cans of 'Electronics Duster,' and a single orange bottle of pills.

Sienna stood before the items, touching a few of them and seeming to marvel at the experiences that await her. She motioned to the carton of Newports and looked over to Amber with a wry grin.

"That's a lot of cigarettes, mom. We only have a few months, remember?" Sienna quipped playfully.

"You'd better get started honey. I want your lungs to be black like your mother's. I want you to pollute that perfect young body as quickly as you can," Amber responded, wasting no time in making her intentions known.

In truth, I was a bit taken aback by her words and their implications. While I was not naïve and understood fully that this young, highly athletic woman would be harming her body in very real ways, I hadn't been viewing it from the perspective of that being the goal—only a byproduct. Sienna being a star athlete and having received an athletic scholarship to attend college was a big deal and interfering with that could be a devastating change of course for her.

Additionally, I was concerned by how Sienna would react to this depraved, naked display of intent on behalf of her mother. Wanting to 'be bad' is one thing, but intentionally fouling your body was another. It was something that Amber became obsessed with and turned-on by, but I always felt that it was quite rare and a real lucky circumstance for myself and not something that I'd ever encounter again—much less with my daughter 18-years later. I waited with baited breath for her response, wondering what kind of ambivalence was swimming around in her mind.

She smiled deviously, and her eyes flashed wide, apparently energized by her mother's blunt instruction.

"I want you to ruin me mommy, corrupt me and use me and fill me with sin," she replied breathlessly, seemingly overcome with passion.

With that Amber opened the carton of Newports and extracted one of the packs. She packed it quickly and removed the cellophane, flipping the box open to reveal 20 brown-filtered, full-flavored menthol cigarettes. She shook one out and placed it in between Sienna's lips, who had leaned in to receive it. Next Amber grabbed the Yellow BIC and handed it to Sienna with a very proud look on her face.

"I want you to light it, honey. The first of thousands in your life. I want you to promise me you're going to smoke from this day on, as much as you can, and never stop," Amber urged, seeming to say the kinds of things I fantasized about but would never explicitly command to anyone.

Sienna accepted the lighter and with the dangling Newport bobbing between her lips responded.

"I promise," Sienna swore with absolute conviction.

Amber nodded in approval and that seemed to signal Sienna to proceed, which she did. She flicked the flame to life and inched it toward the end of her cigarette with one hand and guided the cigarette into the flame with the other. It was a fairly awkward display expected of a novice smoker, but it did the trick and soon enough the cigarette was lit.

Sienna took a slightly stronger pull on her cigarette than I had seen her take thus far and slowly inhaled the mouthful of smoke into her lungs. She turned to me with a chest full of smoke and smiled. I immediately took the hint and covered the few steps between us to embrace her in my arms. She tilted her head up in anticipation of my kiss and welcomed my mouth with deliciously smokey breath while our tongues danced in each other's mouths. I enjoyed the light tobacco taste on her tongue and breathed in her smoky exhale while we continued kissing.

After a few more moments we broke our kiss and she stepped back, still smiling at me. I fought the urge to rip her little white shorts down to her ankles and fuck her on the kitchen table right then, but knew I was in store for much, much more and exercised restraint.

Sienna took another drag and walked back over to the table.

"What are these for?" Sienna asked, motioning toward the cans of Duster.

"You want to find out?" Amber replied in a slightly challenging tone, words punctuated by the smoke of her own fresh Newport smoldering between her fingers.

"Sure," Sienna replied through her own smoky exhale.

"Okay, sit down," Amber instructed, knowing that Sienna was likely to lose consciousness momentarily and preparing her for the massive amount of brain damage she was about to incur.

"It's that serious, huh?" Sienna answered while sitting down as instructed.

"We think you're a little too smart, honey. We want to help you become more of a dumb, drugged up little whore," Amber responded, again heeding no caution in being completely blunt about what the end-game really was.

"Yeah, I'm tired of thinking all the time too. I just want to get high and filled with cock," Sienna replied, seeming to take the ball Amber had lobbed to her and running full speed ahead.

My cock lurched again from simply hearing the debauched words come out of my daughter, still looking as pure and pristine as she ever had despite taking another drag off her half-smoked cork.

Amber grabbed the duster cans which were connected to one another in a 'two pack' deal by a clear plastic wrapper and twisted them apart. She placed one of the cans on the table and with the other pulled the little red straw out of the nozzle and tossed it in the trash.

"What am I supposed to do, exactly?" Sienna asked, a little meeker than I was used to.

"Take the can and place the nozzle in your mouth, then pull the trigger and breathe in as deep as you can until your lungs are completely full. Then hold it in as long as you can, even if you feel like you're going to pass out," Amber instructed carefully, remembering her own experiences with duster and drawing on them to create a very clear set of steps for Sienna to follow.

Sienna seemed to take a moment to process her mother's instructions, punctuated by a final drag off her cigarette and a longer hold of the smoke in her lungs before a long, beautiful exhale. She seemed to take after her mother in being a total natural. Additionally, her pedigree as a star athlete had blessed her with incredible lung capacity, hopefully something that would enable her to take some massive hits off the duster too.

"Let's do this," Sienna replied finally, stubbing out her cigarette in the small honey colored ashtray on the table.

With that I simply could not resist, I started massaging my painfully erect cock through my khaki shorts. I could not believe I was going to bear witness to another gorgeous woman with whom I enjoyed a reciprocally romantic relationship get corrupted and defiled in the most erotic way—this time by my own wife! It was all just too much for me to handle. Lost in my own thoughts I hadn't noticed that Sienna and Amber had paused their actions and were both staring at me with wide grins on their faces.

"Looks like daddy approves," Amber cooed softly in Sienna's ear, smoke from her exhale bathing Sienna in a blue haze.

"Daddy wants to see me get fucked up, don't you daddy?" Sienna tempted, snaking her lithe fingers out toward my khaki encased hard-on.

"Go ahead honey, there's no need to be shy," Amber encouraged, motioning toward my cloth restraint.

I obliged their whims and quickly undid my fly and yanked my shorts and boxers down allowing my surging phallus to spring out and into the open. I went to resume stroking, but Sienna batted my hand away, pursing her lips playfully and shaking her head in mock disappointment. Wordlessly Sienna grasped my shaft and began slowly pumping it in her hand, giving me a chance to enjoy her unbelievably silky skin in a new way that was quite magical.

"Do you want me to destroy this beautiful body daddy?" Sienna purred, knowing I was quite literally in the palm of her hand.

"Yes, baby," was all I could muster in reply.

"Do you want me to fill this smart little head with drugs and become your dumb little druggie slut?" Sienna continued, tempting me to admit to her and myself the darkest aspects of my fetish.

"Yes," I gasped, fearing that this combination of events was bringing me dangerously close to an early climax.

"Tell me daddy, tell me what you want," Sienna pushed, wanting to hear it from my mouth how depraved my desires really were.

I paused a moment, caught off-guard by the question and overwhelmed by the sensation of her petal soft hands continuing to stroke my cock.

After letting the fog clear a bit, my mind was able to form a coherent series of thoughts.

"I want you to pollute your young, athletic body until you can barely walk up a flight of stairs without taking a break. I want you to keep killing brain cells until all you can do is suck and fuck cock for money. I want your arms to be covered in track marks and your teeth to be stained from tar and crack and anything else you can smoke. I want nothing to be left of the smart, healthy, religious little girl your parents raised. In it's place I want a dumb, chain-smoking junkie whore," I explained, matching the naked depravity of my wife.

Sienna responded to my diatribe with a squeal, sounding like a little girl who just got a new puppy. Her eyes lit up and her smile broke out in a wide, genuine display of joy, revealing her perfectly white teeth. I figured that she had been waiting for me to be completely honest and open, trusting her to respond without judgment. She finally seemed buoyed by an ultimate destination, one that she could pursue heedlessly, knowing she would be fulfilling my deepest, darkest fantasies.

She wasted no time in directing her newfound motivation to the next step, grabbing the can of duster off the table with her free hand while continuing to stroke me toward an orgasm with the other.

"Remember honey, fill your lungs until you feel like they're going to explode and then hold it in until you can't take it," Amber instructed again, wanting to ensure the maximum brain cell destruction possible.

"Okay mommy," Sienna replied diligently, while raising the white can to her mouth.

"Now take a deep breath and blow it all the way out so your lungs are completely empty," Amber advised softly.

Sienna did as she was told, taking a back-arching breath and then expelling it slowly.

"Now suck," Amber commanded.

Sienna wrapped her deliciously full lips around the nozzle and pulled the trigger, releasing the compressed gas into her lungs forcefully. She met the challenge and began breathing in, causing her breasts to rise and back to arch to accommodate. After nearly six full seconds Sienna released the trigger and looked up at me with glassy eyes, attempting to smile while continuing to stroke me.

I watched as she fought the urge to cough or exhale several times, her lips pursing awkwardly and small tremors shaking her frame. The skin on her face began to darken to a flushed shade of red as she must have been approaching half a minute of keeping the toxic chemicals inside of her lungs. I sensed her ability to remain conscious was wearing thin as she was no longer capable of stroking my cock and instead her hand remained lazily clasped around my shaft. Additionally, Sienna's eyes were fluttering closed and her cheeks were puffing out sporadically as her body fought for oxygen.

Finally, Sienna relented and exhaled forcefully causing her entire body to slump forward with the momentum of her breath. A string of drool dripped from the corner of her mouth as her eyes fluttered closed again and she began to slump even further. Amber reached from behind the chair and steadied her upright as Sienna lost all motor function, possibly unconscious but at the very least incapable of keeping herself in the seat. I was now masturbating furiously while Sienna continued to drool and slump in front of me, clearly having been successful at pushing her body to the absolute limit with her first foray into inhalants.

Sienna began moving her head a little under her own control but was still mostly unaware of her surroundings and continuing to drool all over herself. I watched as a string of drool slipped out from the corner of her mouth and landed on her pale-yellow tank top, staining her left breast with sticky wetness. The sight of her half-conscious and drooling uncontrollably from her delicious full lips energized me to get more aggressive.

I leaned down while continuing to stroke myself and sloppily kissed her wet mouth, sucking on her plump lips and slurping them into my own mouth. Her drool tasted like the Newport that she'd recently smoked and a little of her peppermint toothpaste and I kissed and licked and sucked her thick lips ravenously. As I continued kissing Sienna I noticed that her tongue began flitting out occasionally, signaling that Sienna was gaining some of her function back. I enjoyed a couple more kisses and then pulled back and replaced my mouth with my cock.

I didn't ease my way into her mouth like before but instead cupped the back of her head with my right hand and slipped the length of my prick into her velvety warm mouth all at once. She gagged initially but with Amber's help began meeting my thrusts, as Amber used both of her hands to guide her rhythm to match mine. I was already way past the point of approaching orgasm and it only took a minute or so of pumping my rod down my daughter's throat to feel the beginnings of a powerful orgasm. Sienna had regained almost all her faculties at this point and had both of her hands gripping the sides of my pelvis.

I tightened my grip around the back of her head and clenched my teeth as the first ejaculation ripped through me and shot down Sienna's throat. She gagged softly at the unexpected first volley and I could feel her mouth and throat work to swallow around my cock which remained balls deep in her mouth. I continued pumping what felt like an enormous load of cum into my little girl and watched as she struggled to maintain her deepthroated position, her eyes watering and blinking and her gag reflex being tested repeatedly. She didn't yet have the cock sucking proficiency of her mother, but she was faring better than anyone would expect of a girl who had only given one blowjob in her entire life—yesterday.

Finally, my orgasm sputtered to a close and my shrinking phallus slipped from her mouth. While a fair bit of my semen had ended up being shot directly down her throat Sienna was still happy to open her mouth and show a healthy pool of cum.

Suddenly Amber appeared from behind Sienna, moving between myself and my daughter and kneeling on the floor in front of both of us.

"Give mommy a taste," Amber purred, tilting her head back and opening her mouth.

Still unsteady but never without motivation to meet the demands of her mother, Sienna stood up slowly and bent over my wife's face. She pursed those plump, delicious lips and slowly spat a giant glob of thick white cum into Amber's mouth. The load emerged from her lips in a clump that slipped out quickly but then hung between the two beautiful women for a few seconds while it stretched and detached from Sienna's lips. Amber sat up a bit and tried to meet the stringy deposit in the middle, which prompted Sienna to lean down a little further to accommodate.

With one final spit the load broke free from Sienna's mouth and landed in Amber's, which elicited an approving purr from my wife. Amber worked the ball of cum around her mouth a few seconds, seeming to want to get a feel for the second-hand semen before doing her best pornstar impersonation by blowing a few cum bubbles. She even did a couple spit and sucks, allowing the cum to emerge from her mouth momentarily before hungrily slurping it back into her mouth with another murmur of pleasure at her debasement.

"Your turn," Amber gurgled playfully, looking intently to Sienna.