A Lost Daughter Ch. 17

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Everything is going to plan.
4.6k words

Part 17 of the 25 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 05/16/2018
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I looked down at my pruning fingers as the hot water from my second shower of the day cascaded down the back of my neck. I allowed the warm sensation of the water to lull me into a deep calm that quieted my mind and I pushed aside all my machinations and aspirations for a moment to be still of mind and body. It lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough for me to finally shut off the water and feel refreshed and refocused--despite the sexual gymnastics that I had endured throughout the morning.

After our hijinks in the kitchen--apparently the new hot spot for me to get down--each of us went our separate ways. Sienna and Kayla headed out to shop and I particularly enjoyed the fact that Kayla hadn't even bothered to clean up. She was going to head out with my cum still leaking from her cunt, which gave me a sick thrill. I had gone back to bed for an hour or so to cuddle up with my comatose wife before finally getting up and taking another shower.

I had already vowed it once, but this time I was dedicated to being up for the day. By the time I was out of the shower and into the kitchen for a bit of lunch it was 2:04pm. I picked at the asinine 'meal' in front of me--a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some Cheez-It crackers--while I daydreamed about the future implications of my newfound harem.

I had a wife, a daughter who wanted to be my wife--and saw herself in that role regardless of what the laws would say--and a teenager freshly kicked out of her parents' home. They were all now relying on me for a great many things--financial support, sex, housing, and at least two of them for drugs. It had been a couple of weeks since Amber and I had discussed her employment situation and I couldn't imagine she'd be given much more leeway to extend what was already a lengthy leave of absence.

I wanted to ask her about the state of these types of things, but I know that she'd swat away my anxieties like an annoying gnat and try to assuage my concerns regardless of how legitimate they were. I had to face the fact that there were certain things about where she was at mentally that would prevent her from being honest with me about her situation. I knew it wasn't an intentional effort to deceive me, but her burgeoning addiction twisting her perspective.

She was beginning and ending each day with a syringe of heroin, and I knew it wouldn't take long before that wasn't enough. I also knew that Sienna was still tweaking and recognized her accelerated speech and mannerisms, which meant that she may or may not be sleeping at all. It would come to a head eventually when she crashed and that would give rise to new questions from Kayla. Our lives were akin to a house of cards in a lot of ways, and unless I kept my hands on the wheel the whole thing could collapse.

It had long passed the point of return--for any of us--but it was imperative that I maintain focus on the foundations of our lives even as more and more tantalizing elements vied for my attention. I longed to see Kayla splayed out with a needle in her arm, skin pallid, eyes glassy and unfocused, her full lips chapped, and her hair matted and unkempt. I did want to realize the endgame that Amber had envisioned, but I didn't want a mad sprint for the finish line to jeopardize our safety, security and privacy as an incestuous love triangle.

It had truly gotten to the point where I was incapable of visualizing my life without both of my wonderful 'wives' being present. If there had been doubt before, I was now staunchly against any notion of Sienna leaving for college or for any other reason. I knew that her devotion to me was absolute at this point, and she wouldn't leave of her own volition, but I was now committed to maintaining our lives together at all costs.

I shuddered at the thought of her adoptive parents making a stink but knew that Sienna being of legal age and able to make her own decisions meant that a burned bridge wouldn't be able to change anything. I always did my best to fight my tendency to focus on the long-term instead of enjoying the present, and it was particularly challenging in this area of my life. I was not naïve to believe that the lifestyles of my two lovers would never catch up to them, but there was something exciting about dancing on the edge of a knife.

As much as I loved both Amber and Sienna with all my heart, I knew that eventually addiction would consume them and hollow them out. It would be at that time when we would need to find redemption or alter our course, if we found that life to be a hopeless facsimile of our most depraved fantasies. I didn't entirely know how I would react to that reality, but I knew that the journey getting there was something that enticed and aroused me to no end--and that I would need to see it through.

As cautiously as I wanted to proceed, I also did not want Amber to leave Sienna behind. Right now, in order to accommodate our newfound guest, Sienna had stepped away from heroin. Amber, being in a position where she could hide it more easily had continued to delve deeper into her relationship with opiates. If left to unfold in this way too long, Amber could put Sienna in a position where she was faced with her future and possibly shake her resolve.

As much game as she talked, I knew Sienna's ultimate goal was to satisfy her subordinate nature and probably did not have the same shade of depraved darkness that was inside of Amber--but that might be true of anyone; even me. For this reason, I really wanted to get Kayla on the track to being a junkie sooner rather than later so Sienna could resume her descent into heroin addiction herself. I was pondering this when I heard my bedroom door creak open in the hall.

I waited for the trail of footsteps to reveal Amber, who looked a little worse-for-wear as she appeared finally.

"Hey hon," I greeted.

She didn't respond verbally, instead giving me a quick hug around my shoulders and a kiss on the cheek. She plopped down on the chair across from me at the kitchen table and fished the pack of cigarettes out of her light pink robe. As she lit herself up and exhaled a lazy stream of smoke in my direction, I decided it was a good time to pick her devious brain for possible solutions to my concerns--but first she needed to be caught up to the state of things.

"Some things have changed," I began, eliciting a look of mild interest from Amber.

"Sienna has Kayla believing that we're in an open relationship together and that she is not our biological daughter but our plaything," I explained.

Amber let out a chuckle and exhaled a stream of smoke up toward the ceiling, waiting for me to continue.

"Which led to Sienna proposing Kayla join our little 'family' and her accepting, complete with a celebratory three-way right here on the table," I continued, unable to conceal a wolfish grin.

This led to Amber full on laughing, clearly not expecting to hear something so insane despite the relative insanity of our daily life.

"I sleep in for one day," she teased as she regained her composure.

This time I laughed, a brief appreciation for the continued outlandish events that had now become commonplace.

"She's definitely your daughter," I appraised, noting how quickly Sienna had picked up the mantle in her mother's brief absence.

"At this rate, she's gonna be smoking crack by the weekend," Amber joked.

"Yeah, I wish," I replied honestly.

This coaxed another snort of laughter from Amber who should've expected my response.

"So where are they now?" Amber followed.

"They're out shopping and being teenage girls," I explained, smiling to myself at the thought.

Amber nodded silently as she finished her cigarette, double-dragging hard and stubbing it out into the brown glass ashtray on the table.

I puttered around the house for a couple of hours cleaning and straightening up while Amber lazed around and watched TV. It wasn't until nearly 5pm that the two young women returned from their trip, but they were not alone. Following behind Kayla was a stocky man in his early 20's wearing red Chicago Bulls basketball shorts that hung well below his waistline, a wife beater and a flat-billed black hat.

"Hey Matt, is it okay if my boyfriend comes in for a bit?" Kayla asked sweetly.

I looked the little punk up and down and smiled, thinking of the two loads of cum I'd dumped in his girlfriend already that day.

"Yeah, make yourself at home," I replied.

He just nodded in my direction, a curt gesture of appreciation.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," Kayla jumped in, filling in where her boyfriend had failed to be properly thankful.

I watched Sienna as she trailed behind them to the guest room and just before entering behind them, she smiled at me deviously and closed the door.

It excited me to think of the various things she was probably trying to put into motion behind that closed door and I longed to be a part of it and see it unfold. Instead, however, I manned my post as the unassuming father and stayed out of their business--mostly confident in Sienna's ability to progress my aspirations on my behalf.

After about an hour of waiting on the couch with Amber and not being able to discern anything about what was happening, I began to grow inpatient. I envisioned all sorts of sexual escapades and illicit substances being dabbled in and wondered why it was all being carried out so quietly.

"What do you think is going on in there?" I whispered to Amber.

She just looked over to me and shrugged, herself equally mystified.

"Whatever it is, they sure are doing it quietly," I mused, mostly to myself.

Finally, the door opened and Kayla, her boyfriend and Sienna all filed out into the hall. I tried not to stare and instead played it cool while I scrolled mindlessly through something on my phone.

Sienna walked over to the couch and sat next to me while Kayla and her boyfriend left out of the front door.

"Okay, she's saying goodbye to him, so we only have a few seconds, but I have to tell you what just happened. So, Kayla's boyfriend is a total druggie and he's been offering all kinds of stuff to her for a while now, but Kayla has never wanted to do anything other than smoke weed. Well, today Jaren, that's his name, offered Kayla some coke in front of me and she declined. He turns toward me and asks the same thing and of course, I pretend to think about it but ultimately agree. So, we all come over here and Jaren and I do some lines and good old peer pressure worked, and Kayla tried it!" Sienna gushed at a million miles an hour--the stimulant clearly having taken its' toll.

"Did she like it?" I asked, instantly intrigued.

"Yes! I made sure to say how much I liked it and how I wanted to do it again and she obviously didn't want to be left out, so she jumped on board and now we got our own little stash," she continued, piling on the good news.

"Wow, this is perfect," I marveled, imagining Kayla railing lines on the kitchen table in my dreams.

The door reopened and Kayla strode back in and smiled at us on the couch.

"Didn't suspect a thing!" She exclaimed with a beaming smile.

"Great, I can appear pretty normal from a distance," I joked with a wink.

"So, I heard you guys had some fun in the room together?" Amber inferred brazenly.

As much as my thumping heart wanted me to feel terrified by Amber's line of questioning and their implications, it was adrenaline that manifested as excitement that took its place this time.

Kayla, though, looked surprised.

"Yeah, I told them, it's okay," Sienna joined in, accepting Amber's audible and falling inline instantly and telepathically with her equally devious mother.

"Told them?" Kayla continued, perhaps not fully believing that Sienna had immediately divulged what she'd obviously believed would be a secret.

"The coke," Sienna concluded, replete with a finger on her nostril to leave nothing unsaid.

Kayla was clearly caught so off-guard that she was rendered speechless.

"I'm sorry, my boyfriend--"

She began to apologize and perhaps throw her boyfriend under the bus when Amber interrupted her.

"Don't, don't, it's fine. We have no secrets here and trust me, we're no strangers to a good time," Amber assuaged.

Kayla's eyes bulged a little and looked from Amber to Sienna and then to me incredulously.

"You?" She asked me.

"No, no, not me. But them...," I left the details unclear and instead let the sentence trail off, allowing whatever plan I was unaware of unfold at whatever frequency Amber intended it to.

Kayla was now just staring--mouth agape--at the three of us on the couch.

In response, Amber reached into the purse that was perched on the coffee table in front of her and dug out a little bag of white powder. She looked to Kayla momentarily and flashed a grin before shaking some of the powder onto the table.

We all watched in baited silence while she separated the small mound of cocaine into several lines and began rolling a $20 bill up. She smiled once more at her perplexed audience of one and ganked a line back without a second thought. As Amber sniffled and tilted her head back she handed the rolled-up bill to Sienna, who took it graciously.

In an equally confident manner Sienna bent down to the coffee table and snorted the next line in a single fluid motion. I could all but envision the next part, but seeing it happen was still just as tantalizing.

Sienna extended her hand out towards Kayla with the bill between her fingers and beckoned her to follow suit. For a moment I was worried that Kayla was going to run out of the room but after a few moments of frozen silence she took a few shaky steps toward us and accepted the makeshift apparatus.

"I can't even believe this is my life right now," she uttered, kneeling on the floor in front of the final line of cocaine that seemed all but destined to end up plastered to her pre-frontal cortex in mere moments.

Where I expected either Amber or Sienna to press the issue and ensure her compliance there was only a supportive silence that seemed to beckon Kayla toward her destiny. I watched as she awkwardly positioned the rolled-up bill in her right nostril and pressed her other closed. She leaned the final few inches needed to bridge the gap and angled the twenty at the beginning of the line. Finally, it happened--she began snorting and the white powder disappeared into the rolled-up bill and up her nose.

Where moments before she had seemed timid and unsure, now her focus was intent on the complete vacuuming of the line before her. With a shaky hand she placed the twenty-dollar bill on the table and joined the other two women in a chorus of sniffles.

"We need something to drink daddy," Sienna chirped in my direction.

I immediately traveled to the kitchen and took the bottle of Grey Goose out of the cupboard. I poured three tumblers full over a few ice cubes and dispensed them to their various recipients.

"Control the drip with small sips like this," Amber instructed, taking a small sip of her vodka.

"Sienna and Kayla followed suit and before long I was having trouble dealing with the erection in my pants.

"Let's keep this party going," Sienna said, grabbing the small bag of white powder from off the table and dumping it unceremoniously onto the table.

"Should we really do that much? Aren't we gonna OD or something?" Kayla resisted futilely.

Sienna snorted in response, not even trying to hide her derision.

"What she means is; no, you don't need to worry. People OD when they get bad product and do too much before they realize it," Amber comforted, albeit with dubious data.

Luckily, Kayla was either not interested or informed enough to challenge it and seemed to take it at face value. The three women scooted onto the floor, and each took a place at the coffee table. I had decided there was no longer any reason to hold back and yanked my pants off, kicking my boxers to the floor as well. That elicited a smile from all at the table but ultimately changed nothing about what was about to happen.

I slowly began stroking my cock as the decently sized mountain of narcotics was separated into nine thick lines by Amber's deft hand wielding a debit card. Each woman was bestowed with three lines, arranged neatly in front of them like they were sitting down to a family dinner. There remained a small amount left over, and it was piled in the middle--apparently unclaimed for the time being.

Sienna dug into her purse and revealed a glass tube that I recognized immediately as the one that she had been using to hot rail meth. I pushed the delicious images of that out of my mind to focus on the present as Sienna wasted no time in getting to work. She leaned down and snorted the first line with her right nostril and then expertly switched it to the other to do the next one. After a quick sip of her vodka, she went back to her right nostril to snort the third and final line.

"Fuck that's good," she cursed as I continued pumping my cock between my hand.

She handed the glass straw to Amber and then lit a cigarette, the merry-go-round of debauchery continuing to my delight.

Amber was even more steady-handed than Sienna. She leaned into her treasure and ganked the lines back like they were nothing more than the appetizers--a sentiment that may have been close to the truth. She did the exact same thing as Sienna and sparked up a Newport 100 just after passing the tube to Kayla.

"You're sure I'm not gonna die, right?" Kayla questioned, her fears and reservations on full display as she warred with her conscience.

"You're gonna feel amazing," Amber encouraged, thick smoke cascading from her lips as she spoke in a way that seemed to infuse her tone with an ominous sensuality.

She didn't seem particularly comforted, but just as a fly eventually stops trying to wriggle out of the grasp of a spider's web, Kayla had seemed to accept her fate to some degree and allow herself to free fall into the depths of the moment.

I stroked my cock vigorously as she bent down and snorted her way through the first line and then the second. By the time she was doing her third and last line I was pent up and ready to impale something.

Kayla seemed to be struggling to contend with the sniffling and drip, sipping her way through her tumbler of vodka quickly. Her glassy-eyed gaze barely registered the two ravenous women who were sidling up to her on both sides. Each of them raised their glasses of vodka up to Kayla's mouth and began tilting their contents in alternating fashion.

"Good girl," Amber cooed as she worked with Sienna in drowning whatever reservations remained within Kayla with the incessant burn of liquor.

They began to intersperse sips of vodka with drags on their cigarettes, placing the filter between Kayla's lips and instructing her to apply suction. She would be administered a sip of alcohol after she accepted a lungful of smoke and as the tumblers emptied the cigarettes burned down to the filter. It was a mesmerizing display of intense befouling, a tag team operation intended to convey the pecking order of our troupe and the mechanics of its operation.

I had no doubt after witnessing the spectacle that Kayla had intuitively understood her role and by her lack of revolt--condoned it to a degree. Whether it would hold up in the light of day without the intense pressure of the moment after being scrutinized by hours of sober rationalizing I had no idea--but it was a glorious display, nonetheless.

"There's still a little more, and since you're our new toy," Amber implicated provocatively.

Kayla--seemingly in a sort of trance--reached back to the table for the glass tube and began bending down toward the unruly mound of coke.

"Wait, let's have some fun," Sienna suggested.

She dipped the corner of the debit card into the pile of coke and scooped up a bit, which she proceeded to spread across her cleavage. Kayla ditched the tube and leaned into Sienna's bosom, mashing her nose across her supple flesh as she snorted all traces of the white powder from her fleshy mounds.