A Lost Daughter Ch. 21

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Part 21 of the 25 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 05/16/2018
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My loins ached longingly as I bore witness to Kayla's first foray into opiate experimentation--a pursuit that I hoped would develop into a torrid love affair. Having been only a few hours from my last sexual release I knew my anatomy might not be immediately receptive to my desires, but I was determined to force the issue.

Kayla was now taking her third hit of heroin off the foil; Sienna having insisted that she finish it when Kayla tried to pass it back after the completion of her second hit. I was no expert but it looked like there was plenty of life left in the dark brown ball so I figured that Kayla would have more than enough to get stoned off her ass.

I wondered if she'd manage to nod out after doing so much coke earlier in the evening, I figured the answer was probably 'no' but I hadn't lost all hope. As she held the smoke of her third hit in her lungs, she caught me staring at her intently and turned her face to smile at me. Her eyes were glassy, and her pupils pinned, which made her bright green irises stand out in the most beautiful way. Along with her still carefully applied eyeliner, she was a vision.

Finally, she relented to her body's need for oxygen and exhaled a near invisible stream of smoke, pursing her lips as sexily as she could to tantalize me.

"You're loving this, aren't you?" she asked me point blank.

I felt no need to conceal my joy and answered plainly.

"I really am. You look so incredibly sexy when you're getting fucked up," I admitted.

Her thick lips curled into a smile, and she bit her lower lip, looking a bit demure despite a foil being in her hands. It did what I suspected it meant to do, however, and I scooted over and leaned in to kiss her passionately. Kissing Kayla was always a truly otherworldly experience. Her lips were so large and so plump that it sometimes felt like she was devouring me in the best possible way.

Her thin tongue jutting out from those massive, soft pillows seemed so slight that sometimes I'd have trouble keeping track of it to suckle and taste it the way that I liked to do. Amber and Sienna both had thick, 'bee stung' lips that represented traditional 'DSL's' or 'Dick-Sucking-Lips' as they were called when I was a kid. But Kayla had lips that seemed oversized for her face, and if I didn't know better, I'd have wagered that they were filler enhanced.

For some, they might be considered too big but for me I couldn't get enough. Sometimes while we kissed, I would take an uncharacteristically passive role and let her lips envelop me and smother me like the sexiest monster movie scene in cinematic history. Other times I tried sucking them into my mouth and suckling them, tasting them, and enjoying them like the most delicious food in the world that I wasn't quite able to swallow.

This time I was intent on doing it all, and after letting Kayla assault me for a few moments I went on the offensive and took to tasting and slurping on them to try and detect any nuances introduced by the heroin. Truthfully, I wasn't able to detect anything too different and they still seemed to have 'tobacco' as the primary flavor profile which I certainly wasn't complaining about. I pulled back after nearly a minute straight of getting lost in the ecstasy of kissing her and we smiled at each other like two goofy kids.

"I think I love you," she blurted out suddenly

My smile faltered before I had a chance to catch it, and although my composure had only broken for a moment Kayla had picked up on it and her expression had shifted into mix of embarrassment and shame.

I scrambled for something to say, not sure what was even appropriate or true. I didn't think I was in love with this gorgeous young woman, but not due to anything she had or hadn't done. Besides fucking like rabbits, we hadn't really spent a ton of time together. We did have a fairly long history of being boss and subordinate at work, where we engaged in light banter and occasionally a bit of 'fatherly' advice or encouragement but that hardly accounted for enough to determine deeper feelings, at least from my point of view.

"I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to say," she said, placing the foil down on the coffee table and standing up.

"I think it worked because I feel warm and cozy, but also tired and pretty out of it. Forget I said that, I'm gonna go to bed," she continued, smiling awkwardly and trudging down the hall.

Sienna stared at me with an unreadable expression before standing up and following her.

I turned to look at Amber who looked bemused.

"What the fuck?" I said to her in a strained whisper.

She shook her head slowly back and forth, a smile blossoming on her face.

"You've got that something, you always have. It's a curse that beautiful women can't help but fall in love with you," she explained.

I stared at her unblinking for a moment, wondering if she falsely believed that she had cleared anything up for me.

"Hon, she's a young girl who probably doesn't have much to compare it to and she was stoned out of her mind. I'm sure she was just caught up in the moment. But honestly, your attention is a powerful thing. The way you look at us, the intensity and passion of your love is... it's like the greatest drug there is. I don't know if you've ever really understood that part," she went on.

I mulled it over and thought about it a moment. What was so amazing about my attention?

"I'm sure it's part of your 'special interests,' but it's intoxicating to draw your eye. I'm not stupid, I've had thousands of men look at me like a piece of meat and that's not what I'm talking about. The raw passion that you have for me when I'm smoking or getting fucked up, it's like I have a special key to unlock a depth of desire that nothing else can even come close to matching. It's a silly schoolgirl thing to say, but it makes me feel like I am the most important thing in the world in those moments," she continued.

"But you are the most important thing in the world, whether smoking or getting high, that's been true since we were fifteen years old," I countered.

Amber smiled, tilted her head knowingly and reached for her pack of Newport 100s. I wanted to protest, but at the same time I would never dream of it. She shook out a cork-tipped cigarette and placed it between her lips, flicking her yellow Bic and training the flame on the very tip. In a brief moment of intense suction, the cigarette was alight, and her cheeks were hollowed out in a mighty drag. An obscene snap inhale, impossibly large but effortlessly reclaimed, formed as a tight ball of milky white smoke that quickly met its demise as Amber's ravenous lungs snatched it down the back of her throat with a 'pop.'

As her lips pursed to begin an exhale, I instinctively interrupted her with a kiss that bordered on primal. After swirling our tongues together in an age-old tradition that felt as natural as anything else about our relationship, I pulled back hesitantly and smiled.

"I know you love me, whether I'm smoking or not. But nothing else compares to that," she said with a nod to her cigarette.

"I have never had anyone 'need' me the way that you do when I'm being a 'bad girl,'" she said, winking at me before taking another drag.

This time I was able to keep my libido in check to focus on the conversation.

"But we're talking about lust here too, I am turned on sexually and it's something I don't feel like I can even control," I explained.

"Sure, I know that when you wanted to fuck that little pothead minx that you didn't love her, you wanted her. But that's how it always starts, doesn't it? You sure looked starry-eyed tonight when you were staring into those big green eyes, looked at the very least like a bit of puppy love," she challenged.

Was she trying to talk me into admitting my love for Kayla? I was so confused, by my own feelings and by the interminably incomprehensible motives of my soul mate who never missed an opportunity to turn the tables as soon as I felt like I was finally able follow along with her schemes.

"So, I don't think I love Kayla, but at the same time maybe I care about her more than I thought I did. I just didn't think this would be something that I'd have to deal with or think about. And I definitely don't know what to do about it. I guess my weird kinks give me a superpower to make women fall in love with me? None of this makes all that much sense right now," I admitted in frustration.

"It's not that complicated, babe. Women like to feel like they're special, and besides being hot, smart, kind, compassionate, and a bunch of other great things you probably make a woman feel more special than any other man I have ever known. That's a deadly combination, and a big reason why I knew that I couldn't let you get away from me even for a moment all those years ago in high school. You would have had another beauty ready to do what I wouldn't, totally in love with you within the week. Luckily for both of us, I knew that and stopped it from happening. But now," she paused, opening her hands up to motion towards the back bedroom, "you're getting to see firsthand what I knew and was so worried about," she concluded.

I felt a little like a supervillain at this point. I seemed to have way too much power to influence the women in my life than any man deserved. A part of me, however, still struggled to believe I was anything other than supremely lucky.

"So, what do I do here?" I asked, exasperated.

Amber looked at me like I was crazy, like she had already made clear exactly what I was supposed to have done and I just wasn't getting it.

"Kayla is back in that room, probably bawling her eyes out and beside herself with embarrassment and shame. What do you think you should do?" she asked.

That made things pretty clear, because as strange it was, I was equal part caregiver and equal part corrupter. It made for a Hell of a lot of conflicting thoughts and emotions and turmoil, but it clarified moments like these where all I wanted to do was take care of the women who I cared about. Which seemed to give me the answer I needed in that moment. I cared about Kayla. I'm not sure what love had to do with it but thinking of her in the bed feeling terrible hurt me on a physical level and made me feel sick.

"You're amazing," I said to my wife, kissing her in perfect time to interrupt the final exhale from her cigarette.

After properly appreciating the taste of her delectable mouth I made my way to the bedroom with a much clearer understanding of my intentions.

Tentatively approaching the door, I could hear the distinct sounds of sniffling and Sienna's sympathetic voice. She was doing her best to cheer her up, no doubt, but I still wasn't totally sure if anything had changed about her endgame. Sienna might only be trying to keep her engaged in our little sex group long enough to see her destroyed by addiction, but I was starting to have second thoughts about all that. Could she really be that duplicitous to be the doting and caring friend luring her to a preordained demise?

I shuddered at thinking it was likely, and how seriously I was considering the exact same thing. Perhaps I was being influenced by Sienna more than she was being corrupted by me at this point. I put all that out of my mind for a moment to focus on what I wanted to do right then, which was to comfort Kayla and undo the damage I had done.

I knocked softly on the door and the sniffling and voices stopped. I heard someone stand up and walk to the door, eventually opening it to reveal Sienna.

"Hi daddy, I was just leaving," she said, winking at me and stepping past me into the hall.

I guess I was up. I closed the door and crossed the room to where Kayla was laying on the bed on her side with her back to me. She was sniffling still, but clearly trying to hide it.

"So, I didn't handle that well, huh?" I began, opening with what I hoped was a bit of lighthearted self-deprecating humor.

She didn't respond, which made me feel a little awkward right away. I took a deep breath and considered my next attempt. I went with straightforward honesty.

"I care about you, and you've become someone who is important to me beyond simply your beauty and the fun we have together naked. I don't think that I truly realized that until you said what you said, and I had to process my feelings for a moment before I had anything intelligent or meaningful to say. I'm also an idiot and a man, and at that moment so much of my blood was traveling to my midsection while marveling at your beauty that my brain kind of short-circuited," I explained, eliciting a soft giggle at my last words.

She rolled over finally and her perfectly applied make-up could be seen running down her face in streaks. It hurt me to see her like that, and I wondered how I had managed to become so important to this beautiful young woman so quickly.

"I can't say that I love you Kayla, because that's something that I'm very cautious about but I can say that I appreciate you sharing your feelings with me and that I feel strongly about you and want you in my life as far more than simply a lover," I continued.

I saw her face blanche a bit when I admitted to not loving her, but she slowly recovered as I continued to explain my feelings. She seemed to be composing herself for a reply, so I smiled warmly at her until she had taken a couple of deep breaths and steeled herself to share her thoughts.

"I don't come from a great family. Aside from a few friends and a shitty dealer boyfriend who cheats on me constantly no one has ever really given a shit about me. You gave me a job when I couldn't pass the drug test, you always helped me when I didn't know what I was doing or who I could talk to, you gave me a place to live with no questions asked when I had literally nowhere to go... I don't think you realize how much I already cared about you before we'd ever even slept together. These past few weeks living with you and being a part of your crazy ass 'family' has been the best time of my life. At the center of everything though, is you. Holding it all together, taking care of everyone, and all the while making me feel like I am special every day and every time you see me," she explained, tears running continuously down her cheeks.

Shit. Amber might as well have been a psychic with how accurate she had been. Was I really doing anything so different from any other lucky bastard who found themselves in my position? How could you not be beyond grateful for getting to have all your fantasies satisfied by beautiful fallen angels? In some ways maybe I would never get it. But from the perspective of the women in my life, I was certainly doing something important.

"I... didn't know Kayla," I mumbled, feeling an acute loss for words.

She smiled finally, but a sadness in her beautiful green eyes tugged at me as she tried to put on a brave face--probably to make me feel better which stung.

"Don't worry about it, I'm a silly teenager and you're a grown man with a wife. I'm sure you've had dozens of girls with schoolgirl crushes and it's nothing new, probably even a little pathetic. I remember how all the courtesy clerk girls flirted with you. I guess I'm a bit of a cliché huh?" she joked painfully.

I simply stood up and laid down next to her on the bed, on my left side so that we were facing each other. I opened my arms and pulled her into me, wrapping her up in a tight embrace as I kissed the top of her head.

"You are not pathetic or a cliché. You're gorgeous and sweet and funny, and I'm thankful for every day I've gotten to spend with you," I whispered.

Kayla's small frame shuddered in my arms and seemed to snuggle up even closer to me.

"Did I screw everything up? Should I leave?" she squeaked out.

"You didn't screw anything up, and whether you leave is up to you. I want you to stay, but I also don't want you to feel weird or uncomfortable either," I explained, trying to be as diplomatic as possible.

"Just tell me you want me to stay, tell me I'm still yours. Tell me that I can't go, that you won't let me," she begged through some fits of crying.

"You can't leave, you're mine and I won't let you go anywhere. No one else can have you," I replied, feeling it almost as powerfully as I was saying it.

"Ever," she added, her nerves seeming to calm.

"Ever," I agreed.

Her quiet sobs finally stopped, and she wormed her way back a few inches to look up at me. Her face was a mess of smeared makeup and puffy eyes, red with irritation. She looked far younger than her 19-years, almost as if part of her maturity was simply the tough girl façade that she always wore.

"Take me, make me yours," she pleaded up to me with glassy eyes.

I wasted no time, leaning my head down to kiss her, and wrapping her in my arms possessively. We both began to undress as our kisses continued, taking only half a minute before we were both completely nude. Kayla's body was so warm pressed up against me, and her skin was impossibly soft. Her puffy areolas cried out to me, and I grabbed handfuls and began sucking and licking them, much to her delight.

"I don't care if you say it back, I love you and I want to be yours forever," she panted as I suckled her nipples.

"You're mine, you're all mine," I panted back.

"Yes, say it again," she begged.

"You're my woman, no one else can touch you," I replied.

"What about my boyfriend?" she asked with bated breath.

"He can go fuck himself, he will never touch you again. I own you now," I growled.

"God, I've wanted you to tell me to break up with him since you fucked me the first time," she moaned.

My cluelessness bewildered me sometimes. How was I always behind the curve on the kinks of my women?

"Really?" was all I could manage.

"Yes, I wanted you to claim me, tell me I was your property. I want to be owned by you and forbidden from even looking at anyone else," she further detailed.

Wow. She was harboring all this while waiting for me to get a clue? I couldn't say that I was opposed to the idea, although it would be quite a different arrangement than I had with Amber and Sienna--which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Consider yourself claimed," I replied, reaching my hand down between my legs to position my prick.

"I need you," she panted in my ear as I pressed my cock at the entrance of her pussy.

I gave the young beauty what we wanted and slid myself into her in one long stroke. She gasped in delight as I filled her up and began bucking herself against me feverishly.

I wrapped my right arm around her waist and grabbed a handful of her ass, while with my left arm snaking it under her neck and around her head. I pulled her into me in rhythm with my thrusts with my right hand and cradled her head in my arm and kissed her deeply with my left. It was such an intimate and passionate way of making love to her that I lost myself in the pleasure of it all for several minutes.

"I want to be closer," she breathed, slipping me out of her as she spun around and laid on her left side with her back to me.

She snuggled back into me and reached down between her legs to guide my cock back inside of her. Her body seemed to melt into me as every curve accommodated my position and we became one. Every inch of our skin was now touching, from feet to head, as her entire form was cradled against me. My left arm remained snaked under her neck but was now wrapped around and held against her chest with both of her hands.

Kayla kissed my hand softly as I kissed the back of her head, enjoying the silkiness of her platinum blonde hair and the feminine fragrance of her shampoo mixed with the lingering smell of cigarettes. My right arm was wrapped tightly around her waist and across her lower belly, finding purchase on her left hip bone as I pulled her into me in-time with my thrusting hips.