A Lost Lover, Changes for Melissa Pt. 01-02

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After a divorce Melissa becomes a new lover.
24.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/31/2018
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Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate the editing assistance of Santacruzman.

There is an inspiration for this tale and the character Thom in the film directed by Jean Negulesco: "How to Marry a Millionaire". I love the three women characters, Shatze, Pola and Loco and their manipulations. This tale does NOT follow that plot though. I hope you enjoy this story.

The final third part will be submitted within two days. MQ


Part ONE

Being loved is great. Being in love is so much better. When something comes between you and your lover, you have to change or you at least admit to have failed at love. Falling out of love was my problem. I wondered how it happen to her and I; how had we fallen out of love?

My Ex seemed to stop caring about having me around, having me in her life. It wasn't that I cheated but I hadn't been a devoted partner since her attitude shifted ten months earlier. It was several months afterward that I would find out how she had moved beyond our marriage but it was still a surprise. We were together for two years before marrying. Now fifty months later we were both in very complicated and different relationships.

Her shift away from us was dramatic and I believe her change of heart was not related to me. It seemed that one day she just found reasons to be away. Her employer required her to work long hours but there was more to it. I had begun to suspect that she was seeing someone but I had learned not to probe. My previous lover Shelly had been secretive and I erred once and regretted my curiosity. I chose to meddle into her secret only to discover she had been caring for a sickly sister rather than having an affair. Shelly left me the following week and I was saddened by my blunder for months. Maybe that failure had allowed me to be naive about my Ex-wife's behavior as her time away from the house increased. I began to assume that she was playing around at her office and I suppose that led to my unease but the specifics are not typical.

It didn't matter now though. We were not together.

- - - - - - -

Since the breakup of my marriage I had been planning for a big event. The arrangements had consumed many hours during the past weeks. In a way, I had been working on this weekend since I had returned from a Las Vegas business presentation almost a year ago. I had a new home and had completed the renovations. The work and details had consumed me with the research and ordering of the special items I wanted.

The two high-end video cameras had arrived the other day. I had set each up and practiced using them sufficiently to make the recordings of the celebration and both were now connected with the wireless system to the hard-drive.

During the previous four months the house renovation had been my focus. I have a habit of getting too much into details but that's a different matter. Now the systems and the decorative finishing were completed. The interiors of this unique but older home had required months of work. Many of the work items I had completed without a contractor but the mechanical systems were beyond me. The installation of a new air-conditioning system and the all-house system control had been expensive even for this modestly sized home.

The audio and video system were integrated with the whole house control. It had cost more than the proposal but I was past the point of considering it willful. Now I just enjoyed seeing my favorite videos on all five of the large displays about the house. The hard-drive system included all of my favorite music as well as movies (and the best porn I could find as well). I had come to love watching porn movies.

As I checked the image quality from the two new cameras and made the minor adjustments I paused. On the monitor I saw the visage I had prepared and become. I wore a black bodycon dress that highlighted my long, elegant neck. The pearls I had bought for the color and drape line helped my less than oval face appear acceptable. I had been blessed with a feminine chin and a soft jaw line. The injections had made my thin lips appear thicker and I wore a deep red lipcolor. At the beginning of my marriage my Ex had insisted that I spend the money and therefore my straight, white teeth only helped my appearance. I had my mom's small duchess nose, which was perfect, but it was my light blue eyes that drew my appearance away from a typical girls. I now tended to wear large earrings and 7-centimeter hoops now hung from my delicate ears. My face had been what convinced Cindy, a lover, that my looks would present as feminine. However my hair, though silky and full was way too short, impossibly short so I wore a wig.

I was excited to have the house complete so that I could focus on my other needs. More than eleven months had passed since I had surprised my Ex and began this adventure.

With our divorce completed I had determined to more aggressively develop my side practice of investing and the daily trading had begun to show benefits. It was startling that three of the securities I had gambling on had done so well. I hadn't made any really money in the market before these three securities shot up so dramatically. Within a few weeks I had squirreled away a sizeable chunk of cash; enough so that I left my job at the end month. The extra time and freedom had allowed me to finish the new home to my taste. Really the spike in the value of my investments allowed me to change many of the details of my life.

Without my Ex to question me, I had been working to decrease my body fat. When my mother had died prematurely her doctor had suggested that her poor diet had contributed to early passing so after the divorce, I decided that my health should be part of my rebuilding process. A friend had suggested I get one of the Pilates systems. I didn't resist her idea and now the Peak unit was in the exercise room and the workouts had helped over the past months to reduce my weight from one hundred and sixty-two to about one hundred thirty pounds. I also enjoyed walking as it got me out into the new neighborhood and the morning path had grown to three miles every other day.

Being female, lead me to wanting a soft body with little or no flab and I was already quite slim except for my hips. Thankfully my skin showed little signs of the dreaded cellulite. I was about sixty-eight inches tall and closing in on the four-zero; and now without someone special to celebrate with.

My gender alignment seemed correct to me today; it was more fluid and yet individual. How different I felt was due to a series of decisions, each with consequences. I might be alone but I had achieved some level of independence. The Ex might see this all quite differently but I no longer matter to her. Her lover was now the center of her imagination.

Of course I didn't feel very masculine any longer. You might understand now that I was moving towards a different life. My feminine nature had complete control at this point and I could not be happier. Well except I hadn't had sex with anyone in months!

The phone rang and I got it before the machine picked up, "Yes, this is Melissa,"

The caller was confirming the timing for tomorrow. I had made the arrangements two weeks ago for the two to visit me and spend the night.

"Yes, okay. So the young woman's name is Gloria, I like that. Good, she should arrive about 1pm, humm. Can you ask Gloria to make it nearer to Noon?"

The manager said that was okay, "That will be better. Gloria is a redhead correct? Oh yes."

I wanted my assistant to have a different hair color then mine, "Excuse me, can I ask you to confirm her measurements?"

The woman's voice continued, "She is a true redhead so her hair color is soft red, sort of the color of Jessica Chastain's. Gloria is her real name Melissa. She is five-foot nine and her weight is about one hundred and twenty pounds. We normally do not quote our girls breast size since many clients seem to request girls with big chests these days. Since you have requested a girl with, your note said, 'perfect but smaller breasts' I'll tell you that Gloria is a 35B."

The discussion turned to the second reason for the confirmation call.

"Now Turner is a big man at one hundred ninety-five pounds and he is six-two. His blonde hair isn't too short but he's a hunk like you requested," she said quietly.

She then spoke of his penis, "Not too big though, about seven inches. You requested that we have him arrive via taxi after five tomorrow is that correct Miss Melissa?"

I considered my time with Gloria, "Yes, five will work, thank you."

I wanted my special day to be perfect and I wanted a video record of the events as well. Gloria would be helping with that.

"Yes the time with Gloria alone should be sufficient. Turner understands what he is to wear correct?"

She paused, "Yes, a grey two-piece suit with black dress shoes, but no tie nor a belt." She was clearly reading from the notes I had sent them.

I remembered about the release, "They both must have the signed video release for my records please."

"Certainly Miss Melissa, they have executed the document. We're sure that the two we're sending will more than meet you expectations Miss Melissa."

The vocal coaching had helped, my Ex had recommended the woman who had visited for the past six weeks. During these weeks she taught me to use my feminine range and this confirmation made me tingle. I hung up the telephone.

I was excited to have the details settled. Now I needed to relax and I went to the wine cooler for a glass of Chardonnay. Stopping in the hall, I looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I was wearing my grey skinny jeans with ankle cuffs, a white blouse and medium saddle-toned heels. I had applied a simple makeup scheme; mascara and lipstick over a soft foundation without a deep tone of eye shadow. My hair was simply too short still, so I wore a medium length natural wig of soft chestnut color. Maybe in another year I would be able to use a stylist and forgo the various wigs I had collected.

My Ex had not been too enthused about my dressing and the other changes. I was quite surprised that I'd even considered it but the convention trip to Las Vegas last year had been full of surprises.

I had to travel to Las Vegas with my boss at the time for an important meeting. That night after we had won the contract she had made a pass at me!

We had traveled several times previously without such an incident so I was surprised when the meeting finished that she suggested that we stop for a drink in the Hotel bar. As the evening became night she slipped closer to me at the bar. I could tell she was about to cross the line so I moved my chair away.

"Cindy we can't do this. One, I'm married, two I work with you and lastly you're just not my type."

She was offended, "How am I not? I am very attracted to you Thom. Is it that you know something about me that others don't?"

We had been drinking, a lot, "What do you mean by that?" I asked.

I had moved back closer thinking I had missed her say something and looked at her face, but she had turned away towards the window.

She had spoken earlier about how most bosses were discussed by those who report to them. The fact that she was a successful Ivy League educated MBA also caused others to attack her character behind her back. We worked for a firm with only a hundred and ninety employees and I had heard the upper managers sometimes taking stabs at her success.

But now a woman ran the firm. The founder had recently passed away and his wife Justine had taken control of the company. Her husband had died of cancer several months earlier and Justine felt Cindy could do no wrong and most of the time I agreed.

I could see that Cindy now had tears in her eyes. She told me how hard it was always trying to be perfect. The other women didn't allow her into their group and the men were terribly jealous of her success.

"To make matters worse I'm a transgender woman Thom."

This last statement was said so quietly, I had not clearly heard her and I shifted closer again. She thought I was moving to kiss her. She turned to me and kissed my cheek.

"Oh Thom I've wanted you for the past fifteen months," she was nearer now and I don't know how but the next moment we were kissing.

She kissed me deeply as her left hand went to my crotch. Her statement about her gender was lost to me at that moment.

- - - - - - -

My Ex didn't see how I could have slept with my boss. I didn't share the detail about Cindy's sexuality, at first.

"It was harmless and I won't be sleeping with her again dear,"

She had discovered a pair of panties that weren't hers in my suitcase.

"and anyway who are you to talk?" I said.

There were three misstatements in my one sentence; that night had caused me to reconsider everything in my world a new, and I did sleep with Cindy in Vegas and again weeks later, and lastly my Ex was no 'dear' any longer.

We both had not been working on our marriage for almost a year. It seemed that we weren't attending to the each other. A drift had occurred. Sadness is somehow a part of every breakup but ours was safe and fair. I thought that she didn't love me any longer and I had found out a few weeks after the Vegas trip that she had been seeing a woman on the side for some months.

"Lindsay gives me something you can't or won't Thom," she had admitted to me.

This surprised me since she seemed to love cock. Yeah, well it turns out it was more than just sex.

- - - - - - - -

After my return from Las Vegas I tried to minimize my contact with Cindy but we worked together every day. One evening a few weeks after the trip we were out with the others on our team celebrating the completion of another important contract. Maybe I was a little hurt by my wife's playing around but I stayed out too late. After the third or maybe it was the fourth drink Cindy and I were the only ones left of our group.

She was wearing her normal uniform; a nice gray skirt that fell just passed her knees, a white blouse beneath her jacket and fairly tall black heels. These had a strap I have since learned are called 'slingbacks', and her face was flawless.

"I need to get out of these shoes," Cindy said as we were standing and she moved towards the bar.

"Here, let's grab these," I saw two bar stools and she sat on the one on the right.

I remember thinking that we had stayed at the bar too long. Cindy started talking and forty minutes later I knew of how she had come to her gender changes. Shit, I knew about her undergarments!

"I wear a slightly boned corset everyday Thom. It's the worst part of this, this womanhood I've selected, created, shit Thom you don't need to hear this."

I smiled and said, "Why do you do that, I mean your figure doesn't demand that you shrink your waist Cindy."

She laughed out loud, "And you would have slept with poor Cindy in Las Vegas if I wasn't thin, I mean a model thin sexy bitch? Come on Thom. You knew I was attracted to you, way ahead of my pass. Don't fib Thom. You wanted to fuck me, though my 'surprise', I think made me curiously more attractive."

- - - - - - - -

That Vegas night wasn't really as easy as she made it seem. I did share her bed but she did most of the work. That night when I closed the door to her suite Cindy had blown me with my back against the door. Watching her suck my stiff dick was amazing. She has beautiful eyes and she looked onto mine as she loving licked my cock. She allowed my penis into her throat for god sakes! I came strongly. I watched as Cindy licked me clean, and not a drip was missed.

"You seem to enjoy that, oh yes, you do," I moaned as she kissed the tip again.

"Was it always that way, I mean you and blowjobs?" I asked.

She told me that she had developed a taste for dick but that cocksucking was amazing, "The control and the joy of making a lover happy is special Thom. After my first I became obsessed. There is a joy for me in the act of fellatio."

I was with a woman who knew about sucking cock; it was a crazy blowjob. I looked into her eyes as she licked and kissed my penis. Neither my Ex nor any woman had ever been with was this full of passion for sucking my dick.

Now it was time to sleep. Cindy had caused me to reconsider the nature of femininity because she certainly wasn't a man. I could have just excused myself, as my room was down the hall but there was something keeping me near her, another element to her sexuality that was appealing. Her dress was still hugging her curves and I smiled thinking of how easily I had agreed to her proposed rendezvous.

As I rested sitting in a chair I watched this very beautiful 'girl' move about the suite. I still marvel at her looks and manner. She was so sexy. I didn't even think of what she had hidden below her dress. Cindy was a woman, feminine and beautiful. Though I knew of her secret I still couldn't see anything but a woman.

"I need to freshen up Thom," she said, softly closing the bath door. Then a minute later the door slowly swung open and I saw her in her heels. Cindy was backlit from the dimmed bath lights and she slowly stripped off her dark lingerie. She kept my focus but I still could not see any sign of her boy parts. Then she walked over to the chair and slipped to her knees.

"I want that beautiful cock in my mouth again Thom," she slowly, I mean really slowly since I had already blasted into her lovely mouth, she sucked me off again. I hadn't come twice in an hour since before I had married years ago.

After I came I closed my eyes and leaned back, wondering, could I now get into a bed with her? I had to admit I was tried and I didn't feel like walking to my room.

"Come on Thom, I won't bite, " I looked at her and gave into her sultry eyes and the thought of more sex.

She stood and though she was naked I did not look low as she took my hand, "Sleep with me Thom. If you think it will make you gay then I will understand. But it won't since I am a girl."

I stood at the edge of the bed as Cindy climbed beneath the covers. I bent forward as I closed my eyes and I kissed her. Our tongue play helped convince me. Cindy seemed so feminine as my hands moved across her breasts while we kissed.

"See they are quite real Thom," she moaned as I rolled into her bed. We hugged as we fell asleep.

I recall that I dreamed of sex, having sex with her; Cindy's ass was wrapped around my hard cock, but my hand was holding her, she was on her back and my dick was inside her bottom and I was holding her small penis. I was fucking her. The image stirred me awake and I looked about realizing where I was and saw Cindy sleeping quietly inches away. She had made love to me and I hadn't even considered her needs.

Earlier she had offered, "Thom just having someone with me sexually will be amazing," then I had shot my semen into her warm mouth, twice.

I studied her face as she slept so near. How different was this than sleeping with my Ex? Cindy and I were slightly separated on the large hotel bed. I could see her nipples, as the sheets were not covering her breasts.

I considered getting up and dressing to return to my room but instead lay back onto the pillow awake thinking of how befuddled I was. She was actually more beautiful then my Ex, maybe she had to try harder to conceal her secret. Being ultra-feminine was a part of her life disguise. I knew her body was inches away and slowly I moved closer and carefully pulled the sheet free without disturbing her. Her little penis was slightly hard and why I did so I don't know but I touched her. She didn't move or react and her breathing remained steady. Cindy's was the first penis other than my own that I had ever touched. I looked at her clipped little dick. It was about three inches long and almost cute for she was nearly bare of hair. I rubbed the soft tuff of hair she had shaped into a triangle on her mons and she rolled slightly.