A Love Like Ours Ch. 01


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"When love like ours arrives, We guard it with our lives". I opened my eyes to see him there, staring down at me. "Oh Tom," I whispered. "I think I'm ready now." He smiled and touched my face, his fingers brushing my cheek as my lips parted slightly. He leant forward and his lips touched mine in such a tender kiss. I melted against him, melted into that kiss, feeling his hand move into my hair, pulling me up to him as Barbara sang -- "A love like ours will keep us safe and sound."

Surely that was true. Whatever happened next, our love would keep us safe and sound. "I love you baby boy," I told him as we finally broke the kiss to the backdrop of the gentle humming of the interlude.

"I know Mum, I know," he replied softly and kissed me again as Barbara began the reprise, the music swelling as we kissed, our tongues dancing together like the flames that flickered around us. His hand was on my ass now, pulling me into him, against him, as if he could make us one again as we had been all those years before when I had grown him inside me. We just carried on kissing as the next song started. For now this was enough, I just needed this. His strong arms around me, giving myself utterly to this moment, to him, my boy, my man now.

I drew my leg up, rubbing my inner thigh against his hip but before I could go further, I heard the distant sound of my phone going off. It was David's ring tone. I didn't feel a sudden start of guilt at this reminder of my husband, just frustrated. Tom pulled away and smiled sadly.

"You'd better get that Mum," he said. I didn't want to but I knew I must. Agonisingly, I broke away from him and retreated to the kitchen.

"Lindy?" I heard David say when I answered. "It's me, we're coming back. The weather's broken and we didn't bring the right gear. Bloody Simon, not checking the weather forecast. I'll be back in about 20 minutes, ok? I hope I've not ruined your evening. Is that Streisand I can hear in the background?"

"Sorry David, what a shame, I hadn't noticed it was raining." It was true, so wrapped up was I in the moment I was sharing with Tom but now I heard the insistent hammering of rain against the windows. "I was just getting ready for the Barn Dance, getting myself in the mood, you know."

"Poor Tom, I doubt she's exactly his cup of tea."

"You'd be surprised," I managed to say with a straight face. "But he did retreat off to his room after a few minutes. See you soon darling."

By the time I returned to the living room, the candles were gone, the music off and Tom leaned against the sofa casually, as if nothing had happened. "I'm sorry darling," I said. What was I sorry for -- that we had started kissing or that we had had to stop. Tom answered for me.

"Don't worry Mum," he said with that lovely smile. "We'll have other opportunities, now we know what we want." I opened my mouth to say that I was no longer so sure as I had been a few minutes before, but he stopped me by kissing me one last time. "Let's just cuddle up and put the telly on while we wait for Dad. And that was how David found us, him sitting on the end of the sofa, me with my leg out behind me, resting my head on our son's shoulder as we watched an episode of Masterchef, all perfectly innocent.

* * * * *

"Come on Lindy, cheer up and dance with me," David broke into my reverie. I blinked and then looked at him.

"Sorry dear, I was miles away. What did you want?" David frowned.

"You've been like this since my fishing trip. I said I was sorry and anyway, as it turned out I wasn't away for long and..." I held up a hand and smiled weakly.

"No David, please. Don't worry, I'm not angry with you. Just, well...Nothing, it doesn't matter and I'll be fine I'm sure." I couldn't say more than that to explain my introspection over the past few days since Tom and I had come so close. It had been ok at the moment, after all there wasn't anything else we could do and we had to ensure that nothing could give us away. Afterwards, however, I had felt such a sense of deflation and disappointment. All my energy had gone, like a balloon with all its air released. So affected was I that I could barely eat, like I was some lovesick teenager again. I kept telling myself to get a grip but I couldn't. Tom was out both Thursday and Friday evenings and so we had no chance to talk properly, just a lingering hug on Friday morning and a whispered promise. That had to be enough for now. I couldn't imagine that we'd have a chance tonight, not with all these people.

I got up to dance with David and tried to get into it. David certainly loved my outfit. I was wearing my one significant party dress, a royal blue halter neck velvet number which a long split from near the knee almost to my waist. It was scooped low at the back and ruched down the back which served to emphasise my ass in a most pleasing way. It was pretty daring and always involved a certain amount of care to ensure that not too much was revealed. I wasn't brave enough to wear it with stockings or without a bra, which strictly speaking it required, but I got away with open-crotched tights and a strapless bra, which was as far as I was prepared to go, despite David's encouragement.

Normally, he'd have to work quite hard to get me into it (though not usually very hard to get me out of it!). Tonight, however, I'd worn it for Tom. I'd wanted to look my best for him, even if there was no hope of anything happening in public, I wanted him to be proud of me, to want me. I'd taken care over my makeup and adorned my ears with perfect little diamond studs he'd given me for my 40th birthday. David wouldn't know but Tom would remember that they were his gift to me. Wrapped in this dress I felt like a present for him, sadly one that would remain unopened this evening. My eyes were on him all through the slow dance with David and as we looked at each, we both knew that I was feeling my son's hands on my body and not my husband's. He smiled at me and, when the song ended, I saw him rise and walk towards me. My heart began to beat harder in my chest and my tongue flicked out to moisten my lips. Tom tapped his father on the shoulder. David turned and Tom smiled apologetically.

"I was wondering if I could cut in Dad," he said. David looked surprised and a little disappointed but he stepped back.

"Sure, why not?" He replied and released me. Happily, eagerly I stepped into the embrace of my son. "Have fun you two," he said and I smiled at him, my first genuine smile of the evening I reflected guilty.

David retreated and David and I began to dance. I didn't recognise the song, but it was pleasant enough. All that really mattered though was that I was dancing with Tom again, the lights low and the dance floor full of people of all ages. None of them mattered to me, all that mattered was my son's strong arms and the pulse of the music to which we moved in harmony. We were not dancing as close as we had at home, we couldn't do that in public no matter how much my body might want it.

"I'm sorry about the other night Mum," he said in a low tone.

"Sorry?" I asked, looking into those deep, beautiful eyes. Sorry about what I wondered.

"Sorry that I couldn't finish what I started," he told me with a wicked grin that made me weak at the knees.

"Surely, though, it was a sign. Didn't it save us from something mad, something wrong?" I protested in a last attempt at sanity.

"Did it feel wrong to you?" He asked. "When I held you?" I couldn't answer. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "When I kissed you?" He straightened up again and I shook my head, words impossible. "I didn't think so. It didn't feel wrong to me. I wanted it, wanted you Mum," he said. I was grateful that the music was so loud that no one could hear us despite the throng of bodies nearby. "You want that too. I can feel it, can see it. It's why you're wearing this dress, my earrings, isn't it?" He'd seen through me again. I lowered my gaze, down and away and nodded.

"But, but Tom. It's incest," I whispered and even as I spoke that taboo word, I could sense a slight thrill run through me and, even more exciting, through him. "What if we're caught?"

"How many people do you know in our situation?" He replied. "With these feelings?"

"None. I don't follow." I responded, confused.

"You think we're the first to feel this way? The first mother and son to fall in love?" I looked shocked but he just smiled. "That is how you feel isn't it? It's what I feel." I could sense my last chance to get off this ride slipping away but I didn't care, not any longer.

"Yes," I whispered urgently. "I love you Tom. I need you, so badly." He smiled.

"It's dark outside now," he said. "Meet me round the back in 10 minutes. Go dance with Dad some more and then say you want to get some air."

He squeezed my hand and then released it, retreating into the crowd. He walked over to David, spoke to him for a moment and then made his way over towards the bar. David reappeared by my side.

"Tom said you asked for me again," he said happily. I smiled at my husband and took his hand. We danced close, very close, his hands on me and I could feel him getting excited. I was excited too but relieved too. "Better now?" Asked David, perhaps sensing the weight which had lifted off me. I felt only slightly guilty when I smiled and replied. "Much."

I kept an eye on Tom, looking smart in his jacket and chinos, by the bar and noticed him slip away and out of the barn. A few minutes later, I gathered all my courage and said to David. "I'm feeling a bit giddy after all this exercise. I'm just going to get some air. I shan't be too long but could you get me a Diet Coke please? I'll see you in a bit. No need to worry," I added as he looked at me concernedly.

With a deep breath I pushed my way through the crowd and out into the cool night air. I checked my watch, 9.30, reflecting on how quickly it could get dark once the sun went down as it had about an hour before. The area around the barn was all tarmaced which was a relief but I could hear my high heels click clack on the surface as I crept my way around the barn to the back.

In the dark, I felt a man's hand on my wrist. Before I could cry out, he pulled me into an embrace as I felt his lips on mine. I could tase, feel and smell that it was my Tom and my shock gave way to pleasure. I melted into the kiss, delighting in it, letting all the pent up emotions I had been hiding for so long release into that kiss. It was at once urgent, passionate and deeply erotic.

"Oh Tom," I gasped as we broke the kiss for just a moment before returning to it with even greater intensity. His hands were everywhere, in my hair, armours my neck, down my back, on my breasts, my hips, my ass, my thighs and I gloried in it, oblivious of the dangers of our situation. Just the other side of the wall was half the village and here were we surrendering to our illicit passion, at any moment at risk of discovery. What has gotten into me? Into us? All I can say is that you do mad things when you're in love and I was utterly in love with Tom, as crazy as it seemed then and now.

Tom knew what he was doing, though. No one would come back here, why would they? It faced away from the village and from the car park and all that was behind us was open fields. No, we were safe from prying eyes, at least until David cake to look for me. "Tom," I muttered. "We don't have long..." I told him.

"I know," he replied. "But we won't need long. Not this time. Soon I will take all the time in the world Mum, and savour you like you deserve but now, fuck I just need to have you." I trembled at his words and the emotion I could hear in his voice. He gently pushed me back against the barn wall and I felt him shifting my position.

"Oh yes Tom," I whispered. "Yes, please." His hand was between my thighs now and I heard a little chuckle when it came into contact with bare flesh around my upper thigh.

"I thought I'd glimpsed some thigh you naughty Mummy," he said and I felt his fingers creep higher. I moaned into his mouth as he touched my pussy through my knickers. I quivered, fearing that I might cum there and then, such was the intensity of my excitement. To distract myself, I reached down with my own trembling fingers and unzipped his chinos. My hand snaked inside and pulled his cock from his boxers. Oh God but it was lovely. Smooth and hard, so very hard. I couldn't see it in the dark but he was nicely big and I wondered if he would feel bigger than David inside me. He reached inside his jacket and I hear the distinctive sound of foil wrapping. I hadn't heard it for years, since David had had the snip but it's not a sound you forget. I shook my head.

"No time, no need," I muttered and pulled him towards me. He pulled my knickers aside and I felt his cockhead against my entrance. I was too wet to offer more than the briefest of resistance before my pussy hungrily swallowed his length, welcoming my boy home with joy. I arched my back and gave a low cry of utter joy and relief. Finally, after years of frustration and fantasy, this was really happening and it felt a million times better than any of those fantasies. I was one with my son, my pride and joy and we gave ourselves to each other.

Our coupling was urgent as he held me against that wall, his knees slightly bent, and thrust into me with those snake-like hips. I felt so full with him, I couldn't imagine him ever not being inside me again. Life would never be complete again without my boy's cock in my pussy.

My arms were around his neck and I kissed him frantically as we simultaneously fucked and made love. "Oh fuck Tom, I love you so much," I moaned, barely conscious is what I was saying. "Mummy loves you baby, fuck her, fuck me, fuck me like I know you want to."

"Oh Mum, you feel so fucking good," he told me. "I always knew you would, always. You're mine now Mum, I can't let you go after this, you know that right?" I nodded frantically.

"Yes, yes my darling, yours, oh fuck, yours. Don't stop, don't, ah, yes, don't ever stop," I babbled as my pussy muscles ripples back and forth over his cock as he moved inside me.

"Can't hold much longer Mum," he warned me. I only tightened my grip on his back in response, urging him on to the finish.

"Don't hold it baby," I told him. "I'm yours, yours, cum for your Mummy, please cum in my pussy, in my cunt!" I hissed those last words and they had the desired effect.

"Fuuuuck!" Tom cried softly and I felt him cum, that warm, incestuous seed filling my dripping pussy. I wasn't expecting to cum, I didn't think it had been long enough, but the feeling of cum pumping into me flicked a switch inside my body and my orgasm rushed over me like a wave that hits you before you're ready. I shuddered, spasming against him. I buried my face in his neck, gasping wordless sounds as I screwed my eyes right and let the feelings wash over me.

Slowly I returned to earth and Tom gently pulled me off him and lowered me to the ground. I looked up at him in awe. I wanted to speak but he put his finger on my lip. I kissed it and he smiled.

"No words, not now," he said calmly, lovingly with wisdom in those eyes well beyond his years. "I love you, but it's time you got back to Dad." I pulled my knickers back into place just in time to stop his cum leaking out of my pussy and down my thigh. The feeling of it pooling in my knickers, something I loved when I fucked in public with David was mind blowing with the knowledge that it was Tom's cum. "Off you go, naughty Mummy," he said with a chuckle and slapped my bottom just hard enough to make me jump. In the dark we just just make eye contact and we both knew that wouldn't be the last time he spanked me. My own son spanking me? Just the thought made me feel so dirty but so wonderful. Surely I needed help, I wondered as I made my back inside to find my husband. No, I smiled to myself, all I needed was my son.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was so good and it felt so real, like I can actually imagine it happening to someone and playing out like that, instead of just being some fantasy where I have to suspend my disbelief somewhat in order to get into it.

The opener and the build up were really good, showing how she is a devoted, loving wife but she harbours a deep secret, one that is slowly but surely consuming her: her love for her son. Very entertaining and gripping stuff, I only wish it was longer.

It could have done with less scenes between Linda and her husband. It always feels a bit weird when reading mother/son stories when there are descriptive sex scenes between the mom and her husband. Kind of like it's cheating even though it's not really, but for the purposes of the story I can't help but feel that, because you know it's really about the mom and son, so anyone else getting to have sex with her (or the son for that matter) just feels wrong. But what about David, you ask? Yes, he seems to be a genuinely good guy, loving and caring husband, and is ultimately an unknowing victim. I don't condone the cheating but the alternative isn't much better for Linda. I wonder how this will play out long-term.

When they finally had their first fuck, sneaking outside and passionately fucking in the dark behind the barn, with so many people mere feet away behind the wall including her husband, shit that was hot as hell. Especially when she begged for him to cum inside her. So intense! I hope she gets to have those extra children she has always wanted, gifted unto her by her true love: her son.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very nice story although a bit long before the incest, looking forward for more 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awesome so far 5 stars

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

Excellent story. All characters have been properly developed. The plot is realistic. The respect between all characters is present and understood. The intimacy, romantic, erotic, and sensual feelings between husband and wife/mother and son have been honestly developed. This is the first story I have read that combines my sexual realities, to wit: natural, sexual submissive female and erotic spanking. Unfortunately, incest has never been a possibility. 5 star rating. I hope the author is able to develop this series into multiple chapters 10, 12, etc.

jcus0511jcus0511about 3 years ago

Gun story so well written - hot & sensual.

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