A Love Story: Billy Clyde and Mildred


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"What did she look like Billy Clyde? Was she good looking, or was she some old heifer?"

"She was good looking Bubba, and a very nice lady. I think she is really going to help me. Now let's get back to work. I don't really have anything to report, and probably wouldn't tell you anyway. You would just blab it all over town."

Wednesday's session was better. We did a lot of touching, caressing, and kissing. She taught me how to kiss passionately. She was a great kisser. She said I got a lot better by the end of the session. We still didn't take off any clothes.

The next session was Friday. Things started heating up in this session. Her office had a bed in the corner. I knew that at some point, we would be in her bed.

We started the session practicing some of the things we did Wednesday. Then she told me to get undressed down to my drawers. What happened next almost made me blow my load right there in my drawers.

"Billy Clyde, I'm going to teach you how to slowly, and sensually, undress a woman."

I gulped as she turned her back to me, then slid back against me.

"Put your hands on my shoulders and massage me gently Billy Clyde. One thing to remember about good sex, never be in a hurry. Make it last, and make it feel good."

I massaged her shoulders as she pushed her ass against my crotch.

"Push forward against me Billy Clyde, while you massage. I know you have a boner. Let me feel it, so I know your interested. You are interested aren't you?"

I nodded real fast and said, "umm huh." It was all I could get out.

"That's it, rub my shoulders. Run your fingers lightly up and down my neck while you push your crotch against my ass. The more you can relax your partner, the hornier she will become. Now lightly kiss my neck as you massage."

I did this a few more minutes. I don't know about her, but I was ready to boil over.

"Next I want you to slowly, and sensually unzip my dress. Take it all the way down as far as it will go. Then I want you to run your fingers up and down my back. Don't let the dress fall off yet."

I went back and massaged the shoulders a little, then worked my way down her back.

"Good Billy Clyde. You're getting the hang of it. Be gentle, be slow. Kiss my neck and back while doing this."

I kissed, I rubbed, I massaged, and even used my tongue ever so slightly in places. Her breathing was really increasing. I was definitely turning her on.

"Slide both hands under my dress on my shoulders. Lift up my dress and slide it off my shoulders and down my arms. Then pull it down so that it slips off my body, and onto the floor."

The dress dropped to the floor, and she stepped out of it. She then positioned herself behind me again. She had on a bra and some short cut panties. She looked so hot. She had me continue rubbing her back, and kissing her neck and shoulders.

"I want you to unhook my bra and slip it off Billy Clyde. Do you know how to unhook a bra?"

"Oh yes ma'am. I'm real good at that."

I unhooked it, then slipped it off. My dick was so hard now. I sure hope I was going to get some relief soon.

"Reach your hands around me and take my breast in your hands. Squeeze gently, not rough. None of that honk honk stuff. After you squeeze for a bit, the take your thumb and forefinger and use them on my nipples. Remember, gently stimulate my nipples."

Her nipples got real hard. I kissed her neck, and started a gentle hump against her ass.

"That's it Billy Clyde. Honey you are a fast learner. Now run your finger tips up and down my front side, letting them slide over my nipples. Don't run your hands inside my panties, were not quite ready to go there yet."

Maybe she wasn't, but I sure was. A couple of minutes later she said our time was up. She wanted me back the next evening at 6:00. She thinks one more session and I will be ready. We might as well do it as soon as possible.

I agreed, and couldn't wait until tomorrow night. In the meantime I had to do something to relieve my situation. As soon as I got in my truck I checked to see if anyone was around. I didn't see anyone, so I pulled out my dick and whacked off. It didn't take long, and I had plenty of inspiration just thinking about our session.

The next evening we picked up where we left off, more or less. She had me do a little review to get us going, but then she led me over to the little bed. We were both standing there in our underwear. She had me go down on my knees, and slide off her panties.

Then she spread her legs and gave me a female anatomy lesson. She showed me exactly where a woman could feel stimulation, and thus have an orgasm. I had no idea. Then she sat on the bed and had me take off my drawers. She positioned me right in front of her. I though she was going to give me a nob job, but instead she inspected me for any kind of disease.

Next she showed me how to kiss and massage while laying next to each other on the bed. She was getting really turned on again. She was breathing pretty heavy. I guess I was doing it right.

After working my way kissing, and using my tongue up and down her body, she showed me how to perform oral sex on her. I had never done this before. I thought it was disgusting, but I found out I liked it a lot. Carina showed me exactly what to do, and where. She had an orgasm that seemed to last forever.

After she recovered, she pulled me on top of her. First she put a rubber on me, then told me this.

"Now I'm going to show you how to maximum the use of your penis during intercourse. Size is not as important as how you use it. I want you to insert your penis inside me as far as you can, but once you get in I want you to hold it there."

I did like she said. I usually just started pounding away as hard as I could, but I have to admit this felt good.

"Kiss me like I showed you while you push your penis against my clitoris."

I did, which got got a pleasurable response from her.

"Hold it there while I move against your penis Billy Clyde."

Son of a bitch if she didn't have an orgasm. I could feel her tighten up. Then she told me to move slowly, but make it last. I had to concentrate on not finishing to quickly. I lasted longer than I ever had.

Yes, I did come. Yes, it felt very good. The whole thing had taken pretty much an hour. Mildred and I usually were finished within about 20 minutes, then went back to watching TV.

Afterwards she said, "Billy Clyde, I think you are ready to show Mildred a thing or two about good sex. I don't see any reason for any more sessions. I think you understand what you need to do. You're a good lover Billy Clyde. I did not fake anything. Feel free to call me if you still have any questions or concerns.

So I paid my bill, and left. All in in all, the whole thing, including the therapist, cost me around $1000. It was money well spent.

The next night I figured I needed to test out my new found skills on someone other than Mildred. I called up Penelope and told her I was feeling a little stressed, and wondered if she could come over.

"Oh Billy Clyde, you poor baby, of course I can come over. The kids are with Roy Luther tonight. I will be there in about 15 minutes."

Roy Luther was Penelope's ex husband. He was President of the bank, and made pretty good money. Penelope stuck it to him pretty good in their divorce.

That night I did everything to Penelope that Carina had taught me. I was gentle, loving, considerate, and very sexy. Penelope had several orgasms. We went on for over an hour and a half.

When we were done and Penelope was getting dressed, she said, "Billy Clyde, Mildred was full of shit when she said you were boring in bed. You were amazing honey. You feel free to call old Penelope anytime you are feeling a little stressed."

The next day at work Bubba came up and said, "Billy Clyde? Did you hear about Mildred and Reverend Jim?"

"No Bubba, what happened?"

"Apparently, she walked into his office and caught the good reverend with his secretary bent over his desk. He was reciting scripture while he fucked her brains out. Mildred started yelling at him, but Reverend Jim informed her that the Lord had spoken to him again. It seems that this time the Lord felt that his young little secretary needed his special form of spirituality."

"What did Mildred do?"

"They said she kicked Reverend Jim in the balls and stormed out."

This was my chance. I called Mildred and asked her out to dinner. I didn't let on that I knew about Reverend Jim and his secretary. Mildred accepted my invitation, and agreed to be at the double wide at 7:00 that evening.

Mildred arrived at 7:00 all dressed up. I put on my best pair of wranglers, my best western shirt, and even polished my boots. We had not done anything this fancy in a long time. I informed her we weren't just going anywhere, tonight I was treating her at Big Daddy's Steak House.

We had a nice dinner, pleasant conversation, and both agreed we had really missed each other. Nothing was said about her and Reverend Jim yet. Then I took her back home.

At Bubba's suggestion, I had bought a bottle of Cold Duck. It cost me almost ten bucks. I had to stop off at the dollar store and pick up a couple of champagne glasses. I poured us a glass of champagne, then offered a toast.

"Here is to you Mildred, the most beautiful woman in the world. I have really missed you. I just want you to know I love you very much, and tonight I am going to show you just how much.

"What do you mean Billy Clyde?" Giggled Mildred.

Mildred drank her champaign pretty fast. She could not hold her alcohol. She was already giddy.

I put my glass down and said, "I will show you."

I walked over to where Mildred sat and pulled her up to her feet. First I kissed her deeply like Carina showed me. Then I walked around behind her. I did everything I had done to Carina. I took my time and worked her shoulders and neck. She was like putty in my hands.

She said, "Billy Clyde, I don't know what you're doing, but I sure like it."

I did this for a good 10 to 15 minutes, totally relaxing her. Fortunately, she had on a dress that zipped down in back, just like Carina had on that day. I slowly unzipped her dress, but didn't take it off yet. I slipped my hands inside, and continued stimulating her by rubbing and massaging, while kissing her neck.

Finally I slipped my hands on her shoulder, then lifted the dress off her shoulders, then down to the floor. I didn't let her move while I took off my pants, shirt, and boots. My cock was very hard as I pushed against her ass. At this point I took off her bra like Carina instructed me.

Those big tits of hers felt good in my hands. I slowly squeezed, then played with her nipples, getting them hard. She was breathing harder now. I ran my hands up and down her body as I continued to hump her ass. I was teasing the hell out of her.

Finally, I turned her around and kissed her some more, letting my tongue play with hers.

"Come on Billy Clyde, I need you to fuck me." She said.

"Patience Mildred, by the time I'm through with you I promise you will be completely satisfied."

At this point I took her by the hand and led her to our bed. Good thing I had washed the sheets after Penelope left. I slid her panties down, then took off my drawers. I sat her on the bed as I stood in front of her.

I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her onto my dick. Now Carina and I didn't do this, but she explained it as something I could do. Mildred loved the idea that I was making her suck my dick.

After a few minutes I pulled her off me, then laid her back on the bed. Her feet were still on the floor.

"What are you doing now Bill Clyde?"

"You'll see Mildred."

I spread her legs and before she knew it, I buried my tongue in her. Thanks to Carina's anatomy lesson, I knew exactly where to go, and what to do. I probably went on for about ten minutes when I heard, "OH FUCK BILLY CLYDE."

She had wave after wave of orgasm. She wrapped her legs around my head and pulled on the back of my head.

"Where in the shit did you learn all this? You've never done anything like this before."

"Never mind Mildred, I'm not done yet. Get up there and lay down on the bed. The best is yet to come, and I mean come!"

Now for the finale. I was very hard, even after all the sex I had lately. Mildred looked hot and horny, and I couldn't wait to get inside her now.

However, I remembered my training, so I took my time. I entered slowly, and all the way as far as I could go. Then I held it against her clitoris, and had her move against me. Boy did she ever. A wave of pleasure came over her as she moved against my stationary dick. All the while I was kissing her, and using my tongue on her nipples.

After her orgasm, I started fucking her slowly, gradually building up speed. She wrapped her legs around me as she continued to moan with pleasure. I focused on seeing how long I could go. I was able to prolong my orgasm longer than I ever had with Mildred. I waited until Mildred had her orgasm, then came with her. It was the most intense, and rewarding sex we had ever had with each other.

After her breathing calmed down Mildred said, "Damn Billy Clyde, what the hell was that? Did you learn all that by going to that sexual therapy? That is the best I have ever had, and by far exceeds anything you have ever done with me before."

"It was good wasn't it Mildred? Let's just say that I did learn a few things from my therapy. I had a great time tonight Mildred, but I guess you will be going back to Reverend Jim and his big dick."

"Big dick aside, Reverend Jim couldn't hold a candle to what you just did. I did a terrible thing leaving you Billy Clyde. Your the best thing that ever happened to me. I believed Reverend Jim was a true man of a God, but he wasn't. The Lord has never spoken to him, and never will, unless to inform him he was going to hell. I want to come home baby. I love you, and I need you. Please take me back Billy Clyde."

"You did hurt my feelings Mildred, but you also opened my eyes to make me realize there is a lot more to pleasing a woman than just sticking your dick in her. If you really liked what I did tonight, I can tell you there is a lot more yet to come. I want you back Mildred. I went to that therapist because I wanted to learn how to win you back."

"Oh Billy Clyde, that is about the sweetest thing you have ever said to me.

I love you with all my heart, and I want to keep trying to make a baby with you."

"What about Reverend Jim?"

"Fuck Reverend Jim. The last I saw him he was curled up on the floor after I kicked him in the balls. I came in and caught him fucking his secretary. He tried to tell me the Lord spoke to him again. After what you did tonight Billy Clyde you are a much better lover than Jim. His dick may be longer, but he doesn't know how to use it like you did tonight. You sure know how to make a woman feel good."

"Do we need to go get your stuff Mildred?"

"No, it's all in the car. I was hoping you would take me back tonight."

"I love you Mildred."

"I love you Billy Clyde."


I thought about getting revenge on Reverend Jim, but as it turns out, I didn't have to. I guess his flock was willing to believe him when he used his Lord speaking to him excuse for Mildred, but when he tried it concerning his secretary, they realized he was a fraud.

People began leaving his church by the droves. Not only that, the IRS decided to take a look at his books. Seems most of that tax free money from the offering plate, and donations went to his private bank account in another state. He was tried and convicted on tax fraud, and is currently doing time in the Federal Penitentiary. I think he has about 15 years left.

Six months after Mildred moved back in we found out we were having a little girl. Mildred asked me what to name it. I suggested Carina. Mildred liked the name, so Carina it was.

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