A Love Story: Emily and Snake


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"Snake, Man. I know Emily annoys you, but if she marries this guy she'll have less time." Andrew tried to explain. Snake cut him off.

"She's your sister. It's not my business." Snake went on. "Look I want to tell you about this James guy. Lionel James is a ghost. Nothing, he just disappeared. He's dead, Andrew. From looking into his dealings, he was into some weird shit. I think he went overboard and killed himself. Since no one liked him, they didn't bother to search the forest or drag the lake. He was a piece of work."

Andrew nodded. "Has a death certificate been issued?"

"Yes, and his assets are frozen. The sheriff stepped up and with Sunnet's help everything is going into a trust for Leona." Snake explained.

Andrew nodded. "Thanks man, I'll share this report with Daniel. He can adopt her now. I know he has wanted to since she came into his life."

"Is that all?" Snake asked. He needed time to himself.

"No, what's going on with you?" Andrew demanded.

"Nothing, it's personal." Snake replied.

"You don't like our scheme do you?" Andrew asked.

"It's not my business." Snake answered. His reply was cold, unfeeling, but Andrew had known this guy for years. They served together and he adopted this tone when he was hiding something. Andrew stopped. He knew. He was not sure how, but his best friend was in love with his sitter. His heart raced. He had to call Cici. Cici was at work. She worked with Emily so he had to get her alone.

"Hey, you've just finished this last case. Take the day off. You can go back to the house. Your room is ready." Andrew told him. His heart was racing. If Snake and Emily got together, that would be fucking awesome. The only thing they had to get Emily to notice Snake. She dated girly guys. That was why they liked Oman. He was a guy's guy. Emily called him and checked on him often. She even checked on Isla at the university.

Snake stood and thanked his friend. He called a car to go back to Andrew's house.

Snake arrived at his friend's home. He went to the bedroom they allowed him to use. He lay down and thought about Emily. She never mentioned this guy. Her silence had to mean something. He needed to talk to her so he headed to her office.

Emily was distracted. Terrance was here and she wanted to be with him. Her brothers would not approve though. They wanted her with a suit like them. As she worked on an event they were hired to plan, Mom called. She was coming up.

"Emily was working when her Mom and Oman walked in. She rushed to her friend and hugged him.

"Welcome, when did you get here?" she asked.

"This morning, I stopped by your parents. They said come by anytime. Besides, I called Isla, and she was still sleeping I guess."He replied.

"Really, I'm so glad you're here. I wish I didn't have to work so we can hang out." She declared. Cici gasped and Emily looked up, right in the face of her angry lover. He wore an impenetrable mask. He walked into her office area.

Bria smiled and he greeted her, spoke to Cici, but his eyes never left Emily completely. He stopped and Emily introduced Oman. Snake extended his hand, then removed his shades.

Oman nodded, receiving his message loud and clear. Emily was taken. Oman quickly released his friend. Snake ignored Emily at this point to focus on her Mom. "Ms. Bria, Andrew wanted me to find someone. But I had no luck. You are as beautiful as ever. Old Earl better be careful."

Bria laughed and shoved him playfully. "I cannot wait until you meet your match. She will bring you to your knees." Bria joked.

Snake laughed, he purposely refused to look at Emily. "Well, Ms. Bria That may have happened already." he teased. Emily's pulse raced. He would not look at her. She needed him to at least look at her. "I just stopped by to say hello to everyone. I'm getting my next assignment soon, so I'll be out of your hair."

Emily gasped. He looked at her then. Then his eyes moved to Oman. "Oman," He then looked at Emily and then faced the others, "Ladies, I'm out." He announced. He started leaving. Emily was frozen trying to appear unaffected.

Oman moved. "Snake, can I ask you something about your work?"

Snake stopped. Oman joined him and they walked out together. As soon as they were away from the office, Oman spoke. "Emily is my friend, that's all. I think her brothers are seeing something that is not there, but she isn't the one for me. I know she belongs to you."

Snake faced the dark-haired man, barely breathing, "How do you know this?" he demanded. She told him no one other than him had seen the tattoo. That was his mark.

"I am a seer. My grandfather trained me. Emily has been in love with you for years, but she is afraid. She is afraid you don't really want someone like her." Oman exhaled. "She is my friend. I owe her my life. I can see you love her. You hide it, but right now you want to smash my face in because her brothers think she wants me." Oman took a breath, "The only man she wants is you."

"They won't approve. I won't make her choose." Snake exhaled. "Tell her I'll see her tonight. She knows where." He climbed on his bike and rode off.

Bria was quiet and could not figure out how she missed this. Cici and the other ladies went back to work, Emily pretended to be busy.

Bria eyed her daughter. She and Terrance fought like cats and dogs. He would always goad her. But last year they stopped fighting as much. She smiled and followed Emily into her office.

Emily was in shock. Terrance was furious and she feared he might leave for good this time. She just had to stay busy. No one knew they were involved. He insisted that they keep their relationship secret. "Emily, how long have you been sleeping with Terrance?" She dropped the book she was holding and faced her mother, mouth opened.

"Momma, um, what are you talking about?" Emily feigned innocence.

Bria laughed, "Cut the bullshit, Emily. He is furious about Oman. He purposely avoided looking at you and even though you masked it, it hurt. I could see the pain in your eyes. Oman went with him to speak on your behalf." Bria had a seat.

"I was in love with your father the first time he walked into my economics class. He was the stiffest man I'd ever seen. He never noticed me until the internship. It hits you like a load of bricks. When did you realize you love him?" she asked.

"Momma, there is nothing between Terrance and me. I'm sure you're seeing things that aren't there." She denied her feelings again. She knew Mom didn't believe her, but Terrance asked her to be discreet.

Bria nodded, "OK, we can play it your way. Are you going to the university with Oman tonight?" she asked.

"Yes, of course. This is a big deal for both of them." Emily answered.

"Would you go if Terrance asked you not too?" she asked.

Emily hesitated. Bria smiled. "I like him. You two need to talk." Oman returned and Bria smiled. "Oman, I need to go see my husband. Will you go with me?" she asked. Oman smiled and answered of curse.

Cici waited and then she walked in to check on Emily. Andrew called and suspected that something was up between Emily and Snake. From the devastated look on her sister-in-laws face; she believed her husband might be right.

"Hey, Em, you OK?" Cici asked.

"I'm fine, just distracted. We have an event, let's get to work." Emily stated.

Snake thought about his talk with Oman. He liked the guy. If he wasn't in love with her, then he would like to see her with a guy like Oman. But she was his and one of two things had to happen. He and Emily would tell everyone they were together, or they ended it.

His phone rang and he answered.

He could hear her breathing. He closed his eyes. "Emily, I need to see you."

She answered, "OK, where?"

Snake smiled, "What time are you going to lunch?"

She answered. He told her, "I'm picking you up."

Emily hang up the phone, worried now more than ever. She shook her head. They'd talk and then she'd move on from there. Meanwhile her parents were having a conversation.

Earl did not want his baby girl involved with a guy like Terrance. He traveled too much and his job was dangerous. Oman was safe. Even that young man, Brad was safe. Terrance was not a man he could somehow control. He didn't like it.

Bria was becoming annoyed again. "Earl Graves, your sons dated all kinds of women. Hell, Brett and Andrew even dated strippers. You never interfered, but Emily. You want to handpick the guy for her, Why?

"She's a girl. A man can take advantage of her. That's why I trained the boys...." He stopped realizing he's said a bit too much.

Bria was furious at him. "You told her brothers to monitor who she dates. You amaze me. How could you do that? That is so wrong..." Earl kissed his furious wife. She pushed him back, "

"It won't work this time Earl Graves. This is my baby's life you're playing with. She is in love with him, and from his reaction he feels the same way about her. He needs your blessing Earl. Give it." She demanded.

"Bria, the guy is not necessarily safe. Andrew says he has done all sort of things." Earl argued.

"He served with Andrew. They both have done all sorts of things. Do you love your daughter, Earl?" Bria asked.

"Baby, of course, that's why..." Earl started to answer when she stopped him.

"Accept Terrance. She is in love with him." Bria stated finally. Earl pulled his wife into his arms and held her. She was right. If Emily and Terrance were meant to be then he would accept it.

"Love, I'm hungry. Join me for lunch. I know the perfect little café." The two left and Oman joined them. Meanwhile, Andrew called his brothers. He wanted to share his suspicion. So Brett and Peter picked up subs and they met at Daniel's firm.

It was lunchtime and Emily was about to go. Cici asked if she wanted to join her, but before she could refuse, Terrance walked in. Cici smiled and said, "Go, enjoy your lunch.

Snake waited in the lobby. She walked out, heart pounding, not sure what to expect. Terrance placed his hand on her waist and escorted her to the elevator. Neither spoke. They went to the garage and she gave him the keys to her car, and he drove. They went back to her house. He made quick sandwiches and they ate. Then looked at each other.

"Oman? Why have you never mentioned him?" Terrance waited

"He's a friend. I met him at Sunnet's wedding and he lost his grandfather. He only has a sister and I tried to comfort him. We became friends. That's all. I like Oman, but I'm in love with..." she stopped.

Terrance's heart raced. "I know I said I would go on another case and we could decide when I get back. I need the answer now. Are we coming out to your family or are we through?" he asked.

Emily started crying and his heart dropped. She could choose to end it. "I can't lose you Terrance. I love you."

He moved; he could not help it. The one woman he'd waited his whole life for was in love with him. Her brothers be damned, she was his. She kissed him and he carried her into the bedroom. She didn't have much time but he was not rushing. Today he claimed his woman.

They made love, and as he cried out when his body reached its peak, he held her close. Emily, realizing she had stayed a little too long, gasped and told him she needed to get back to her office. Terrance laughed and asked her to call in.

"Emily Graves, are you my girlfriend, now?" he teased. Emily pushed against his huge chest as he laughed and pulled her on top of him. "I love you, Emily. I can't imagine my life without you being in it." She kissed her lover.

"I have to get back. I'm late." She declared. Terrance laughed. They dressed quickly and went back to the office where both of her parents were waiting. Terrance was actually nervous, but Emily squeezed his hand. Her father glowered at him and frowned. "Emily, Snake. Come to dinner after the program tonight. Emily, you have an event to prepare for. Snake, tell me what you've been up too." Her Mom hugged her and they took Terrance and left.

Emily forced herself to focus, but she could not stop thinking about Terrance. Soon the day ended and she headed home. Before she left, Dina called. Daniel told her his suspicions about Snake. Emily loved all three of her sister in laws and appreciated their support.

Snake left with Earl and Earl told him to meet him at his office. He went straight to his office. As he walked in, Earl smiled, Son, you're whipped. he thought.

Earl and Snake talked and Earl went straight to the point.

Snake smiled and admitted that he was in love with Emily. They had been seeing each other secretly for three years now. Earl was shocked that they were all so clueless. But he liked this young man. He also realized something else. He was trying to protect Emily by being discreet. He knew Earl had an idea of the type of man he wanted for his daughter, and he definitely did not fit that mold.

Earl stood, extended his hand and said, "Son, welcome to the family. Now you have to get her to agree to marry you. Good luck. I had to blackmail her mother."

Snake looked shocked and Earl laughed. "I'll share the story one day.

Snake left. He rode his bike back to Emily's and found one of her brothers standing in the front of the house. Never one to avoid conflict, he pulled in.

"I'm mad as hell. I thought we were friends, almost brothers. How could you sit there and let us tell you about other men and not tell us to fuck off?" Andrew demanded.

Snake did not answer. He looked at his friend and answered softly. "I love her and I'm not good enough. She deserves a man that can give her whatever her heart desires. But I'm selfish because I refuse to live without her Andrew. Emily is it for me. If you have a problem with it, I'm sorry."

Andrew nodded, "Well do you have a key or what? I want to talk inside." Snake laughed and the two men entered Emily's home. They talked and Snake told his best friend about the secret love affair he had with the only woman he ever wanted.

Andrew was happy for his friends, and he told him that his brothers weren't angry. Emily was so nosy and they could not find anything on her. She conducted a secret affair for years and they were clueless.

"Can you do us one favor? Tonight, when you and Emily announce that you're together. I'm going to pretend to beat your ass. Emily will jump in and I will blast her ass." Andrew laughed. "Man you have to give me this."

Snake laughed. The idea of his woman defending him made him smile a little. "Deal, but if she gets too upset, I'm calling it."

Andrew laughed and called Peter. "It's set up." He left and Snake prepared a quick snack for Emily to have when she got home. Ten minutes later, she pulled up. He smiled and his heart raced when she walked in.

Emily came home and had to dress to attend Isla's presentation at the university. Terrance didn't mine her going to support her friend, but there was no way another man was taking her. So he dressed in casual slacks and a dress shirt and accompanied her.

They arrived at the university auditorium and Oman greeted them immediately. Isla was with her brother and clearly interested in Emily's companion. Snake greeted her and Isla smiled coyly. Emily feeling a tinge of possessiveness cleared her throat. Snake raised an eyebrow at her, hiding his grin. Emily quickly congratulated Isla who was happy for her friend. Oman mentioned that Emily was seeing someone earlier and at first she as concerned about him. But her brother seemed relieved. He admitted he like Emily, but she was really just a good friend.

Snake asked Isla about her presentation and she explained in detail what she was working on. He was clearly impressed. Oman stood beside his sister, pride evident in his face. Soon, she had to report to the stage and Oman, Emily, and Snake had a seat. There were three presenters. Isla was the third one. She had the toughest position so she had to captivate the audience. Finally she came up and presented her ideas.

Although all of the speakers spoke on specific problems citing various communities in this country, and how the more prominent members of society had a moral obligation to intervene, Isla offered an opposing viewpoint. Suffice it to say, Terrance was impressed. Oman was not; he knew his sister was gifted. Emily felt pride as she applauded for her friend. Terrance watched her and he smiled. Emily was such an amazing and complex person. How could he not love her?

The program ended and the crowd left. Oman, Emily, and Terrance waited on Isla. All three congratulated her and told her they were astounded. Isla smiled and thanked them. They rode back to Emily's parents where they were invited to a light dinner. Emily was not surprised to find all of her brothers and their spouses there. She walked in holding Terrance's hand.

Her brother's shared a look and Andrew approached Terrance. "You ass, " he hissed. "You took advantage of my baby sister."

Terrance smiled, "Um, Andy, she's not a baby and it's not your business."

Andrew exploded, advancing on Terrance who refused to back down. Earl intervened when Peter joined in. So far Brett and Daniel stayed out of it. Emily was upset and she screamed "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP!" Her reaction caused both men to freeze. Terrance rushed to her as he noticed she'd gone chalk white. Andrew realized she was truly upset. He expected her to get angry and call him on his bullshit, not shut down to this extent.

"Em, look it was a joke." Andrew explained. "I just wanted to make you mad and then tease you later for defending him."

She started crying. Terrance held her. "Baby, it's OK. Come on, he was not serious. It was a joke."

She was still crying and Terrance held her close as Cici ripped Andrew a new one. Andrew tried talking to his sister but she held onto Snake. Isla and Oman stayed back. Dina, Kim, and Bria went and extracted Emily from Terrance's arms. Taking her into another room, Bria held her daughter. She didn't understand what was going on with her, or why she reacted this way, but she would help her in any way that she could.

"Emily, sweetheart, it's OK. Andrew was being an ass like he usually is." She reassured her daughter.

"I love Terrance, Mom. I love my brothers. He always said Andrew wouldn't like it and now..." she sobbed.

Bria smiled, Andrew's opinion mattered so much to his little sister. He had to fix this mess on his own. Cici stood furious with Andrew's meddling ways. She went to find him and smack some sense into him. She was a little too late, because Earl had taken both Snake and Andrew to task. Daniel, Peter, and Brett did not escape unscathed. Waiting for her father in law to finish, Cici grabbed Andrew's ear, and like an errant little boy forced him talk to Emily and apologize.

"Hey Sis, it was a joke. I never meant to upset you so much. Hell I wish I knew that big goof caught your eye sooner. I would have pushed you off on him ages ago." He explained. Emily pushed him back. Andre hugged his sister tighter. She was truly upset. She must really care about Snake. He surmised.

"You really don't mind?" Emily asked softly.

Andrew laughed, "Hell no. I'm so fucking stoked right now. Pete, Daniel, and Brett are too. We were pushing for Oman, but Snake is so much better." Emily shoved her brother. "He's so much cooler than those girly guys you dated. I mean the last one was called what? Oh I remember Frances. Who in the hell would name a boy Frances?" He teased.

Emily laughed; hugging her big brother back, she whispered, "Asshole."

Andre hugged his kid sister and answered, "Yep, my middle name. Hey Sis, can you talk to Cici? She's really pissed at me and..."

Emily laughed, "Nope, you're on your own. Where's Terrance?" She asked as she joined the rest of the group. She flowed right into his arm as a repentant Andrew came out begging his wife for mercy.