A Love Story: Peter and Kim


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"No, I have plans tonight. Peter, we are not together. We are not a family and it confuses Jose. I'm calling my lawyer and filing for divorce ." He gasped.

"Kim, wait." Peter pleaded.

"I'm sorry Peter. I'll call my lawyer and he can contact Daniel." Kim replied and she hang up.

Peter called Daniel, "She's filing for divorce, Daniel. I can't lose my wife. Look, can we stall. I can block the money. I need to keep her from leaving me for good." He sighed desperately.

"Peter, we expected this. I'm surprised she waited this long. It's been a few months." Daniel explained.

"Daniel, I love her. She is my everything. I cannot lose her over a foolish mistake." Peter declared.

Daniel's anger flared. Peter could not be this clueless. He debated staying in the role of attorney, or just tell his brother the truth. He chose the latter.

"You got another woman pregnant, and covered it up. You told your wife that you did not want kids, and didn't bother to see if she did." Daniel exhaled. "Peter, you are lucky all she wants is a divorce."

"Daniel, I fucked up. I admit that, and she has every right to hate me. But Daniel, I don't know if I can function if she is not in my life. I love her, Daniel despite my actions, my demeanor; Kim is the only woman for me. She can't leave me now." He cried.

"Daddy, why you crying?" Daniel heard his nephew ask.

"Nothing, son. I'm talking with Uncle Danny. Let's get ready to go to Grandmas, OK?" Jose squealed and Daniel heard him running off.

"Look, let Silas call me. When he does we can go from there." Daniel exhaled. He knew Peter was upset. Many people had no sympathy for him, but Daniel felt so bad for him. He and Dina decided to not share her opinion, because her loyalty lied with Kim. Peter hurt her and seemed to think I'm sorry was enough.

Daniel's concentration was shot at work. He had his assistant move his appointments and he called Silas. Silas answered immediately, and confirmed that Kim did call, but that was all. Daniel knew Peter was falling apart, but this was his own doing.

He called Dina, and she answered.

"Babe, I know you don't like what Pete did, but Kim called her lawyer today. He is barely holding on." Daniel sighed.

"Good, he needs to suffer. He needs to understand what he put her through. He needs to learn that she deserves better and can do better." Dina hissed softly.

"You hate him?" Daniel asked. He was really concerned. In the past, his wife Dina was used by the man she loved. He treated her like a common hooker and discarded her like trash. She empathized with Kim, and could not understand why Peter strayed.

"No, I love Peter, but he really does not know how he ripped her in two." Dina answered.

Since their separation, Dina and Kim developed a close friendship. All of the women grew closer. Soon, his assistant knocked and told him he had guest. Daniel looked and saw Silas waiting to talk to him.


Kim returned to her boutique. Her meeting with the Vegas upset her. Could they really take Jose from Peter? It was a sobering moment, but when Ms. Lotts reminded her that she really had no right to say anything, it was like being doused with freezing cold water. Jose was not hers. He was Peter's son. Then Peter called and told her about the dinner he was having with the Vegas. It was as if he expected her to just be there. Good old faithful Kim, his ever loving lap poodle. She couldn't do it. She could not pretend that she was OK.

Jose was so sweet, so lovable, but every time she looked at that baby she recalled his father's betrayal. She never faulted the child, but he was a reminder. She needed to move on. She had to let this go. She picked up her phone again and called Silas.

Silas told her he'd go see Daniel and start the process. If Peter was willing to be fair, then this should be simple. Kim thanked him and hang up her phone. She then forced herself to work. She arranged displays, dealt with customers, and did anything she could not to think about her husband and his son.

Meanwhile, Peter stopped by his parent's home. He needed to talk to someone and his Mom was there. Bria knew something had happened.

"How did the visit with the social worker go?" she asked. She suspected it should have been normal. Her daughter-in-law, Isla was a social worker, and she explained the process to them. The case manager had to follow up and make sure the baby was safe and being cared for. Even though Peter was his father, the fact that he was not in his life was a major concern.

Bria understood, and she told her son to do whatever he had to secure custody of his son. She could tell that something had happened today.

"Mom, Shania's brother is here with his wife. They want custody of Jose. I'm not giving my son to them or anyone else." Peter exhaled. His wife was filing for divorce. He had to stop her somehow. Bria was stunned. She knew the girl had a large family. In the two months since her death, many relatives came forward seeking custody of Jose. Many vanished when they realized their pursuit was pointless. However, some still lingered.

She waited, because she could see he was clearly upset. Peter continued. "Isla warned me about her family trying to have me declared unfit. They used the fact that I was not a part of his life early on as proof. Kim stood with me, and they lost. She has always been my support, Momma. I know I work long hours, but with your help and everyone else's, Jose is safe. Momma, she was so rude to Kim though. She spoke to her in a way that made me want to go off. She told Kim she has no right to ask anything about my son, and Kim shut down. Momma, she called her lawyer. She's leaving me for good this time." Peter spoke, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh my goodness, Peter, I wish..." She froze. In a way, she did not blame Kim. This man hurt her, caused her such heart break, that at first she could barely function. Now after some time had passed, she was coming into her own. Earl gave her full ownership of her shop, and she was blossoming. She even interacted with them more, where before she seemed to shadow Peter. Kimberly was an amazing woman and he messed things up.

"Peter, I honestly don't know what to say to you. I know this hurts, but what if this is what she needs. Have you two tried talking to someone?" Bria asked.

"No, I messed up and she moved out. That's where we are. She won't even talk to me Momma. The only time she speaks at all is when Jose is around. He is crazy about her. She loves him," he dropped his head, "I just wish..."

"She loves you, Peter. If she didn't she would have filed when it happened four years ago, but she stayed." Bria exhaled, "I want to empathize with you, but son you are being extremely selfish here. You are uncaring, spoiled, and you feel entitled. Kim does not owe you anything. You have ripped her world apart. How can you expect her to keep coming back for more hurt?"

"Mom," Peter whispered as Jose ran back in.

"Grandma, Grandma, I want a cookie." He called.

Bria smiled at her grandson, "Come on handsome, I have just what you would like." She left as Brett walked in. He was working with a victim of a fraudulent insurance company and needed a break. Peter took a deep breath. His younger brother had a few choice words for him when everything came out, and he suspected he was still pissed.


Meanwhile, Kim was getting ready to close the boutique. She had an early appointment with Silas, so she would be in late the next day. No one had called, so she figured once they learned she was filing, they were probably done with her. Staci was finishing up some last minute restocking, and the two would walk out together. As she approached her car, her phone rang. It was Dina. Kim smiled and answered.

"I guess you've heard?" Kim asked.

"Yes, and I wanted to see if you are alright?" Dina replied.

"I'm fine. I meet with Silas in the morning. He talked with Daniel today." Kim explained.

"I just want you to know. Whatever you decide, I've got your back." Dina stated.

Kim smiled as her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you." She whispered.

They spoke a few more minutes then Kim hung up, turning off her phone. She drove to her small apartment. Climbing out of the car, she went inside. It wasn't much, but it was hers. She found the place, and paid her own money to secure it. For the past two months, she paid her own bills. The first month, Peter tried to cover her bills, and she took his money back to him. She was going to make it on her own. She was going to take care of herself. She would be self-sufficient.

Turning on her phone, she saw that she had two missed calls from Peter. He left messages, but she refused to call back. However, in a moment of weakness, she listened to a message. Pete was frantic, and she could hear Jose screaming and crying in the background. Her heart pounded. Had something happened to the baby? Not thinking twice, Kim rushed to her car and headed to her former home.

She pulled onto the drive, and everything seemed normal. Using her key, she let herself in. She needed to return the key to Peter. "Kim! Kim!" Jose yelled as he abandoned his aunt and uncle and rushed to her. She kneeled and caught him, checking him for injuries.

She then faced her husband. Peter's heart raced. His last call to Kim was frantic. Jose wanted some toy, and was screaming but he needed to see her. He needed to talk to her. He never expected her to come over. After seeing that Jose was unharmed and safe, Kim turned on him. He could see the fury building in her eyes.

"Kim, baby, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to.." she cut him off.

"It's always what you want isn't it Peter, to hell with anyone else." Kim whispered.

Jose began to fret. "Kim, no, bad word." He called. His aunt gathered him close, "Mijo, let's give Momma and Poppa some privacy." She whispered as she and Fernando carried the fussy toddler out.

"Kim, please calm down." Peter pleaded, knowing that he'd gone too far this time.

"Calm down, Kim. We don't want to upset everyone, Kim. What will Mom and Dad think if they find out, Kim?" Kim whispered. "Do you think it will still work Peter? Do you think you can still control me? I am not you little fool anymore. I won't be used by you. I won't let you hurt me again."

"Kim, sweetheart." Peter pleaded taking tentative steps forward.

"Don't call me sweetheart. You used that baby to manipulate me and get me over here. You know how I feel about him and you are trying to use that to your advantage." She marched up to him, looked him in the eye, and said. "I love you Peter, but I won't be your fool anymore. I won't let you hurt me again."

"Kim, Kim," Jose screamed as he ran back in. She scooped him up, inhaling his scent as tears flowed freely. Maria and Fernando followed the baby. They frowned but understood that this young couple was having serious problems. But they both loved Jose. Whether Kim realized it or not, she was this child's mother.

"Jose, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at Aunt Dina's ok." She explained as his big brown eyes filled with tears. "No, Kim don't go. Stay, stay."

He held her so tightly, she could not let him go. Maria spoke. "We know all we need to know now. He is home. Kim, I understand your anger. If I had the right, I'd smack your foolish husband. But forget him and listen. That woman was wrong today; Jose is as much yours as he is Peters. You are his mother."

Kim listened and cried as she held the child of her heart close. Fernando spoke now, "You two need to talk to someone, your priest, a therapist, someone. He needs both of you." Peter faced this man from another country, full of gratitude. He made sense.

"Kim, please, stay for a while. We can eat dinner. Momma cooked. Then we can talk, OK." Peter suggested, praying she would agree.

Jose still held on to her tightly. "Hey, I'm hungry. Grandma cooked, right?" she asked. Jose smiled and nodded. Soon the small group went to the kitchen.

Peter served his guest, watching his wife warily. She relaxed and conversed with his guest. He had to get her to stay and talk after they left, but how. Soon it was Jose's bedtime, and Maria and Kim put him to bed., Fernando and Peter talked. Fernando faced Peter and shook his head, "You are a fool. That woman is amazing, yet you messed around on her. Don't get me wrong. My sister was a good woman, but still. you are a fool. I pray she gives you another chance my friend."

Fernando and Maria left. Kim grabbed her bag and was headed out when Peter grabbed her hand. "Let go." She hissed.

"You said we could talk. Have you started lying Kim?" He accused.

"Maybe, you perfected it right. I owe you nothing. I'm leaving." She hissed as she stood to walk past him.

Peter blocked her. "No, please. Let's talk. We need you Kim. We need to be together, a family." He whispered.

Kim closed her eyes and confessed the one thing she never shared with him, "I wanted a baby with you more than my next breath, but you said no kids. That little boy should be mine, ours. I simply love him because he is a part of you. I loved you Peter. Why? I have no clue, but you hurt me. This time I can't close my eyes and forget. I need more . I need to become the woman I was meant to be before I became your footstool. You can't hurt me anymore than you already have. Even if you ban me from him, well he isn't mine anyway right." She walked to the door. "Goodbye Peter."

She left and he collapsed onto his sofa. He then realized that he destroyed the one woman that meant anything to him. He caused her so much pain that she may never forgive him.

Soon he fell asleep on the sofa to be roused by his son the next morning.

Peter awoke and dressed. He dropped Jose off at Dina's and reported to the clinic. As he worked, Daniel called and said he asked Silas to hold off on filing. They wanted to meet with him and Kimberly immediately.

Peter asked his colleague to cover and rushed to Daniels office. Kim was there but she didn't look happy. Silas spoke, "Kim, I've know you for over five years. In all honesty, I wanted you to leave him so I could get your attention, but it's obvious you two love each other. Daniel and I talked. We reached an agreement. If you two try counseling for six months, and cannot work through your problems, I will file for your divorce and Daniel will have Peter nullify the prenuptial agreement giving you half of everything he owns.'

Daniel spoke, "Peter, this is not some game. If she says no, it's done. I'll even arrange for her to have visitation with Jose if she wants it. This is your last chance and if you fuck up, you'll need a new lawyer."

Peter nodded as Kim glared at her lawyer. "I can hire a new lawyer. Thank you for your..."

Peter interrupted. "Please. Kim. Please, don't give up on us.," he pleaded.

She glared at him as her body shook with barely contained rage. Daniel spoke, "Kim, you need to deal with the anger. It's OK to be angry, but it's eating you alive. Talk to someone, and try to get it under control. No one is saying you have to take Peter back, but you need help. Go to counseling, and see if you can find some type of closure."

"Fine, six months, that's it." Kim agreed.

"Your first appointment is in thirty minutes, Silas and I are driving you there." Daniel explained.

The four journeyed to Beautiful Beginnings where Kim and Peter met Gloria Vane, the woman that would get them back on the right track.


Kim, Peter and both their lawyers walked into the lobby if the counseling center. The décor was simple with the soothing sounds of a waterfall playing. Silas and Daniel sat on two chairs leaving the sofa for Kim and Peter who sat on opposite ends away from each other. Immediately, Kim relaxed. It didn't look like a doctor's office more like the living room of a home. The receptionist greeted them.

"Hi, you must be Mr. Graves and Mr. Locke, Gloria is expecting you. I'm Evie, her assistant and receptionist. Please sit, she'll be right with you. Would you all like a coffee or muffin while you wait?" The young woman asked.

Gloria came out and met the couple she had agreed to work with. It was an unusual request. Normally divorce lawyers did not request marriage counseling for their clients. The simple fact that Silas called her piqued her interest.

"Hello, welcome to Beautiful Beginnings, I'm Gloria Vane. Please, come into my office." The four stood and followed her inside. Peter was nervous, yet hopeful. Maybe just maybe, he would be able to save his marriage. Kim was just done. Gloria noticed the body language of the couple. Peter leaned toward his wife as she stood away from him. She knew if they stood a chance, then she had her work cut out for her.

Daniel smiled and introduced everyone. Gloria waited. This was an initial meeting with sessions to be scheduled by Evie. The meeting did not last long, just thirty minutes or so. After they left, she made quick notes. Her main concern was Kimberly. Although they did not realize it, she had suffered at the hands of her husband. For over eight years, she tolerated the mistreatment. Many people did not see emotional abuse as abuse, but it was real. Kim was a classic victim. Peter was an abuser, although he did not realize it because his spouse was so submissive. He was used to being dominate, even though that was not his true nature.

As angry as Km was, she could also see that she still loved her husband and if they worked on things their marriage was salvageable. She had Evie to schedule Peter for three session, and then Kim for three consecutive sessions. She would see them once a week alternating the first couple of months and then in joint session the next two months. After that, they would see her when they needed support. She knew the sessions were scheduled for six months, but if they remained married, she'd extend the time for them.

The four rode back to Daniel's office. Silas spoke with Kim as Daniel talked with Peter. Soon Peter and Kim left. Peter stopped his wife. "I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry."

Kim glared at him, "Save it." She walked away.

As she returned to her shop, she pushed thoughts of her husband from her mind. She had a business to run, and she needed to concentrate. She went to her office and Staci came in to see if she was Ok. Soon she had visitors. Cici and Isla stopped by.

"Hey, we are here to tell you that you are joining us for lunch. We're hiring a babysitter for the babies, so Dina will join us. We are kidnapping you." Isla explained.

Kim smiled. She was about to make an excuse when Cici spoke, "No, no excuses. Kim, we are here for you whether you like it or not. Today, we are having lunch and you will vent." Cici explained.

Kim smiled, tears swimming in her eyes. "Ok." She whispered.

Isla took her hands. "Listen, we support you no matter what. Don't get me wrong we love Peter, but we want you to know that we love you also." She explained.

The tears spilled, and Kim grabbed a tissue. "OK, fine. Pick me up. I'll see you in a few hours." She declared.

Cici and Isla laughed. They stayed and chatted. Kim told them about talking with a counselor. Secretly, they prayed it worked,. No one wanted a divorce, but they wouldn't blame her if she did go on and file. Soon, Isla had a client she had to see, and Cici had an event to plan. Emily would join them also.

After her sisters-in-law left, Kim concentrated on her worked. This morning at eleven, she had a conference call with Mr. Mioyaki from China. He was a funny man, and he was always trying to recruit her for his company. Soon his call came in, but Mr. Mioyaki was absent. His son, Huo handled the call.

Kim talked with the younger man and made arrangements for their product to be sent to her store. Huo was impressed. His father spoke highly of the woman and admitted that he was curious. After the call ended, Cici knocked once more. Kim smiled and the women went to lunch. The floor manager ran the shop until they returned.