A Love Story: The Final Story


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Brett listened, and then he pulled her close. "Isla, you are my heart. No one will ever hurt you or our child. I'll die before that happens, OK." He whispered. He held her as she trembled. She sobbed softly, letting go of her demons. They sat on a blanket and soaked in the view. Isla dozed in his arms, and Brett let her sleep. As the day ended, he woke her gently and they returned to her brother's home.

Brett loved visiting with Oman. When they visited, he got to relax and not feel as if he was competing with his brothers. Mia was due anytime now and Oman was on high alert. Isla made her brother promise to call as soon as her friend went into labor. Soon, they returned home where Bria insisted they join the family. They had not told the family about the baby. But as they visited Oman, Isla visited the local clinic and she and the baby were doing well.

Bria was instantly concerned after learning about the incident. Brett and Isla arrived and the family sat for dinner. She told everyone about the visit, shared pictures of the babies, and even gave them regards from Chief Joe.

Earl offered everyone drinks and Cici refused. She was due to give birth soon so she had to abstain. Isla refused also, and at first no one seemed to notice. Brett acted as if nothing was strange, when Bria gasped. "Brett, Isla?"

Isla faced her mother-in-law and smiled. "Yes, in seven months we'll be welcoming..." Isla did not finish, Bria squealed.

Everyone was ecstatic. Then Bria had questions. She felt Isla's job was too stressful and she need to rest. Earl agreed, besides, she could join the staff as a consultant at the firm. Isla was trying to refuse when Kim smiled and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you."

Soon dinner ended, and Bria and Earl placed Andrew and Daniel on kitchen duty. Dina, Isla, Kim, and Cici, sat with Bria and the babies. The children loved the attention and Bria was so happy to have a new grand-baby being born. Everyone was laughing when Cici, grunted. Ever alert, Bria was ready.

"Cici, sweetheart, are you alright?" she asked, checking the time.

Cici smiled, "I'm fine. Aidan is just active." She explained. Ian and Kevin wanted to go home with Peter and Kim. Jose loved when his big cousins stayed over. Briana had just started sleeping most of the night, and Kim was not ready for a house full of boys, but before she could give an excuse, Cici moaned ever so softly again.

"Oh no, hospital now!" Bria declared, "Andrew, it's time."

The family moved and Cici was rushed to the hospital. Six hours later, Cici and Andrew welcomed a new addition to their family much to Cici's delight. Apparently, the technician misread the ultrasound because their son was born kicking and screaming and missing a key part of his anatomy. Cici finally had her little girl and Andrew knew he had to increase security tenfold. It was a good thing that he had boys, because he would train them like his dad trained him and his brothers. If his daughter was anything like her Mom, he had better start working out.

The family stayed at the hospital for a while, but eventually they all headed home. Brett and Isla were so excited for their older brother and his wife. They could not wait for their son or daughter to arrive. Isla believed the baby was a girl. Brett claimed that he didn't care. He just wanted the baby to be healthy. Secretly, he wanted a boy.

After everyone had gone, Cici was holding her daughter. For months they agreed the baby would be named Aidan. But she was not a boy. She needed a name for her beautiful little girl.

Andrew was quiet as he watched his wife stare at this new life they created together. Then he stood and moved to sit beside them. He reached for the baby, and Cici placed her gently in her father's arms. The baby squirmed.

Andrew lifted his daughter, "Shhhh, Cecelia, Daddy has got you." He cooed.

Cici frowned, glaring at her husband who wore a shit-eating grin, "No, we are not..."

Andrew smiled at his wife, " Yes we are. I let you pick Aidan, so I get to name our daughter. I think Cecelia is the perfect name for her." Cici opened her mouth to protest, when Andrew smiled and continued. "Cecelia Graves, you don't want to upset our daughter, do you?" he asked as the baby began to fret.

Cici reached for her daughter. "Fine, we can name her after me, but we'll call her Celia." She declared.

Andrew laughed, and kissed his wife once more.

Soon, Cici and Andrew took baby Celia home and Isla was anxious. She often visited her sister in law, and loved spending time with her nieces and nephews. As she knew Mia would give birth soon, so she was doubly anxious. One night, her phone rang with exciting news from her brother. She had a new nephew. At this point, Isla had take leave from work. With Brett calling every day, and Earl making reasons to stop by, her boss thought she needed to take time with her family. So the next morning all of the Graves family went home to meet the newest member of the clan. Kiana was there and Isla hugged her immediately. She was a bit hesitant, but once Kiana relaxed, the two women were inseparable.

Everyone was excited by the news of Quentin and Kiana's wedding. Isla hugged the other woman who was fast learning to not be so wary of human contact. She stayed with her brother and his wife, holding her nephew. Kajika Storm was a beautiful little boy. He was a welcomed addition to their family. Soon, they had to return home, but not before Mia made Brett promise to call them. Brett smiled and kissed her brow. He kissed his new nephew and even hugged Oman. There was no way he would forget to call them.

A few months past and Isla was well into her second trimester. At seven months she felt huge. Brett wanted to cheer her up, so he invited everyone to visit them at their home. He even arranged for Oman and Mia to arrive with Kajika. He was really looking forward to seeing the little scamp. Sunnet and Jacob were visiting and bring their son Hunter along.

Isla had no idea. Lately, she was often at his parents' home and people rarely visited them. He knew their lack of visitors bothered her, and that was why he wanted to have this surprise shower for her. Chief Joe wanted to come, but he was not feeling to well, so Marcus would visit with him and they would call and talk on Skype.

Brett called his brothers who surprisingly were more than willing to help. He was surprised at his brother, Peter. He took charge and made sure everything fell into place. Snake was in charge of distracting Isla. He did with Emily's help.

If Emily suspected anything, she didn't say so. Isla was at Earl and Bria's Friday when Brett had to work late. He asked if they could stay there for the night. He was exhausted and did not want to drive home. The next morning, he went for a jog, but really he met with his brothers and they helped him set up for her party.

Brett returned and he and Isla headed home. Before getting home, he wanted to show her something. They stopped at a car lot, where he showed her a small hatch back. He wanted to purchase a car that was safer for children. Isla didn't thing they needed a new car, besides her Maxima was big enough.

After a few hours, Brett received a text. He smiled and drove his very pregnant, very cranky wife home. He played it cool. Not letting anything go.

Soon they pulled into their yard, and Brett pretended that he could not find the key to the front door. Apologizing profusely, he led Isla out back. As they entered the yard, everyone greeted her and she was speechless. Even more so when Mia and Oman came out of the house with Sunnet, Jacob, Kerri, Ja'Mal and Chief Joe, who even though he was tired, made this trip to see her.

Isla was so happy. Everyone went inside and had a nice time. Cici and Kim loved their home. Dina had visited and she complimented the house as well. Earl and Bria realized something. As much as they wanted Brett and Isla to move near them, this small home was perfect for them. Bria already realized this, but she still wanted them close to home.

Isla gave everyone a quick tour as the men went into the backyard to watch the kids and start the grills. Snake considered himself King of the Grill, but this was Brett's home. So with two grills the two men had a cook off.

The party lasted with the family showering them with every gift imaginable. Chief Joe gave them his blessings and told them to bring the baby home often. Brett shook the elder's hand and gave his word that this child would learn their heritage. They decided not to learn the sex of the baby. So, out of respect the family stopped asking.

Cici and Kim needed to nurse their daughters, and Isla told then they could use the guest room. Cici went and got Celia from her Dad as Kim picked up Briana. The women had grown close and now were practically inseparable.

Isla and Dina talked with the other guest and learned of everything going on at home. Kiana drove over with Oman and Mia. Isla was a good friend and she wanted to share in this joy with her. She had not conceived, not that she and Quentin were giving up. She had seen the healers and they saw no reason they could not have their own little one.

Isla was so happy to see her brother and sister-in-law. Since she was so far long, her doctor had her on watch. Brett followed the doctor's instructions to the letter. He was determined that Isla and his child had the best care possible.

The party went on and the kids grew cranky. The Dads took the kids to the park. The women stayed and helped Isla set up the nursery. The women were awed with the simple decor both Isla and Brett had chosen. Not knowing the gender of the baby, they chose to go with light neutral colors, a simple baby animal border. The crib was a deep red oak, which could be adjusted into a full sized bedroom. In the corner, furniture that needed assembling sat, and Emily knew that Snake and Oman would have them done before they left. She was impressed with their small home. She had never really visited Brett's home. Mom was the only person to actually drive up this far to visit them, but after today, she'd make it her business to check in often.

Sharing a look with Cici, Emily smiled. She knew that the other women were thinking the same. They talked and bounced baby names, Isla shared with them the names she and Brett had chosen. They loved the names and cold not wait for the newest member of their family to arrive.

The men returned, and the women insisted that they help Brett assemble the baby furniture. Earl filled in as a supervisor. The men went to work. Before everyone headed home, everyone had eaten, the nursery was set up, and the women had informed Isla that for the next two months she'd have frequent visitors.

This news made Bria happy. Brett and Isla did not live too far away from the family, but it was over an hour long drive. She really wanted them to move back home at least until the baby was born, but the two wanted to remain independent. As much as she wanted to insist that it would be better if Isla was closer to them, Earl reminded her that they were adults and they needed to respect their decision.

He was right, but there was nothing that said she could not visit them and stay in the guest room when it came close to the time for the baby to be born. Earl knew his wife and he knew she would be there for the birth of her new grandchild. Brett and Isla needed to prepare for a guest in the next month or so.

Soon everyone left and Brett held Isla close. He caressed her blossoming tummy, and the baby kicked.

"You're tired, rest." He whispered.

"No, I'm not that tired." She turned and kissed her husband.

"Babe, you've had a full day. We can wait." Brett replied. Her doctor did not restrict them from making love, but he feared hurting her or the baby, so he tried to refrain.

"You don't want me." She whispered. Her voice was laced with pain."I'm fat."

Brett kissed her then. "No one is more beautiful to me my love. You are everything to me. The one thing I've always wanted and never thought I'd have. Not only that, but you are giving me a beautiful child. I wake up hard and aching every morning. I go to bed hard every night. Don't want you? Isla, you're all I've ever wanted."

Isla sighed and hugged her husband. "I love you, Brett. I love you so much."

The two went to bed, where Brett spent the next hour loving her gently but thorough. Placing her on her side, Brett entered her from behind. She was so hot, so ready for him. Moving in and out of her hot sheath, Brett rode his wife into a mind-numbing orgasm. After, he held her and they slept.

The next couple of months flew by. Kim, Cici, and Dina were visiting when Isla felt a sudden flutter of sadness. The women were concerned, but she dismissed it. Soon after, the phone rang. Oman called and told her that Chief Joe had passed. His ceremony was in two days, but she was not expected to attend. With her pregnancy so advance, he did not want to risk his niece or nephew.

She shared the news and Dina took the news hard as well. Chief Joe was like a father to them. She knew Isla could not make the trip, but she would with her husband and her daughters. The moment was sad with all of the women shedding a tear in remembrance of the great leader of the Hualapai people.

Kim called Earl and Bria and shared the news. They were devastated and called Oman. Arrangements were made and they were headed there later in the evening. Dina, Cici, and Emily were riding with them. Snake and Andrew would fly over the day of the ceremony. Brett knew Isla wanted to attend, but with the baby due anytime, it just was not safe for her travel.

The day of Chief Joe's funeral dawned bright and sunny. Brett did not report in. He stayed home with Isla. Peter and Kim did not go with the others and they chose to drive over and visit with the two of them. Briana was adorable and Jose was a heartbreaker in the making. As the four visited, Oman called and he and Mia spoke with everyone on speaker. He knew Isla wanted to be there, so he told her they were videotaping the ceremony and would get the video to her.

Isla smiled through her tears. Then Mia came in and said some words that made everyone laugh. They hung up, and the small group spent the day together. Isla was trying to be a good hostess, but in reality, she wanted to be alone. She had just lost a beloved family member, the baby kept treating her bladder like a soccer ball, and her back hurt. Even at times, Brett was getting on her nerves.

She knew he was worried, but did he have to hover. All of a sudden, she needed to use the restroom. That was nothing new, she was always running. Only this time, it was different. Kim could tell something was off and she was about to suggest to Peter that they should leave and allow Brett and Isla time alone.

She decided to let Isla know and walked to the door to tell her. She heard her sobbing. "Isla, are you OK?" she asked.

"Kim, Kim, I'm hurting and I think my water broke." Isla cried.

"Open the door." Kim called. "Can you move?"

Isla stood and managed to get to the door. Kim took in the scene and knew the young woman was in labor. She called Peter. Peter, Brett, and Jose rushed in. Peter and Brett helped Isla across the room to their bed, as she panted. Taking Jose back out, Kim called for an ambulance.

"No, I need to push." Isla groaned.

Brett looked at Peter. He was about to panic. Peter looked at his sister-in-law and asked. "Isla, do you trust me?" she nodded.

"Well, let's see if Peter the second is ready to arrive." He teased.

He checked her and could see that the baby was crowning. "Brett, warm water, wash cloths and a soft blanket, go." Brett rushed to gather the items. He hated leaving her side but it seemed that his son or daughter would not wait.

Kim told him she'd help and she tasked Jose with keeping an eye on Briana. As a big brother, he took looking after his younger sister seriously. So the two small ones sat in the front as the adults ran to help Auntie Isla.

Brett stayed by her side, even climbing into the bed behind her as she labored with their child. Isla lay back against him, thanking God for such a wonderful husband. Kim talked with Isla and encouraged her as the newest member of the Graves clan entered the world. Peter laughed, as he delivered the healthy squirming baby boy. Isla and Brett shed tears of joy. Kim wrapped the baby and took a moment to wash him off.

The ambulance could be heard as it made its approach. Kim placed the baby in his mother's arms and went outside to meet the medics. Peter rode with Isla and Brett drove to the hospital with Kim and the kids. His wife and son were fine. His brother was an amazing doctor. He never panicked. His admiration for Peter grew. Once they arrived at the hospital and Isla and Baby Graves were placed in their room. Brett called his parents. They did not answer so he figured they were at the ceremony. He'd call back.

An hour later, he called and spoke with Oman. Oman was so happy for his sister and he and Mia would head over to visit as soon as things settled a bit. With Chief Joe passing a new chief had to be named. There were several elder men to choose from, and Oman wanted to make sure they chose wisely.

Bria and Earl stayed with Sunnet a little longer. She had just lost her father and they did not want to leave her alone. So they would head home the next morning. This however did not stop Bria from calling and making sure that her son was taking care of Isla and the baby. The next morning, Earl and Bria rushed to the hospital to meet their new grandson. Emily rode back with them, but Dina stayed behind a bit longer.

Brett was sitting with Isla as she held the baby in her arms. Bria and Earl entered. "Isla, he's perfect." Bria whispered stroking the thick thatch of black hair that covered his perfect head. The baby eyes seemed to pierce her soul, so dark and alluring.

Bria held her grandson, kissing his brow while Earl checked on Isla. The baby squirmed and Bria began to talk to the baby. "Shhhh, Grandma's got you."

"Kane, his name is Kane Joseph. We named him in honor of Chief Joe." Brett whispered.

Bria smiled, "Don't worry Kane. Grandma has you." Earl laughed and said, "Let me have a look at this boy," Bria placed the baby in his grandfather's arms.

Peter and Kim came in. They stayed over and were headed back home soon. Isla thanked them for simply being there. She hugged Kim a bit longer. Peter watched and smiled then he had to ask, "Um, so what did you decide to name him? Peter, right?" he teased.

Isla laughed and answered, "No, although I'm glad your were there, His name is Kane."

Kim laughed. "I love that name. That was the name of my first real crush." She teased. Peter laughed and said "Oh well, that's OK. Kim and I will name our next one Peter, right babe?"

Kim shoved him and answered, "Who said there would be a next one?"

Everyone laughed.


A year passed, and everyone returned to the town to have its annual celebration. So much had happened in a year. It seemed strange to visit home with Chief Joe not being here. The Graves came and brought all of their young. The wolves came from their den to join the celebration. Everyone was overjoyed, and Isla was so happy for her friends Kiana and Quentin, who finally were expecting their first son.

Isla had a chance to talk with Kiana and congratulate her. She was absolutely radiant, and had more than enough help. She was actually changing Kane's diaper as Isla looked on. She told them they were naming their son Quade. Quentin's grandfather once told him the story of a wolf soldier with that name. Quentin never forgot the story. They rejoined everyone else.

Soon, Ja'Mal was alarmed. He called to his betas. A strange wolf was near. They looked around and him approaching José and Leona. The two children were frozen in place. Leona being a bit older stood in front of Jose. Everyone gasped and Peter vaulted. Kim screamed as did the other people that were present. Daniel was right with Peter as Quentin and Ja'Mal streaked pass them. Forgetting that humans were with them, Quentin and Jamal shifted, knocking the large black wolf away from his intended charges. Earl and Bria froze. What they saw terrified them.