A Love that Lasts Forever Ch. 17

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Part 17 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/28/2022
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Seth Bowden argued against his betas not being allowed to carry their firearms inside of pack grounds but Quinton wasn't about to budge on that rule. Silver bullets were never allowed, under any circumstances, within Black River lands. Seth could chose to leave his betas outside by their vehicles, or they could escort him in but unarmed. In the end, he chose to allowed them to accompany him but without their guns.

Quinton led Seth to the Den and then inside and to his office. Zev and Jase followed them in while both Seth's men as well as Quinton's waited in the lobby. The tension was thick between the two groups but they were under orders not to engage with each other unless either side made an unprovoked attack on either Alpha.

"Is all this really necessary?" Seth grumbled as he took a seat in the chair across from Quinton who took a seat at his desk.

"Yes." Quinton answered flatly. "It's not that I don't trust you..." It was in fact though. He didn't trust the other man at all. "But, let's face it, Seth. You've been involved in some shady dealings in the past. I'm simply looking out for my pack."

Seth sighed and rolled his eyes. "Let's get on with it then." He crossed his leg over his knee and leaned back in the chair, one arm draped over the back, his other hand on the arm of the chair, his fingers drumming against the wood impatiently.

Quinton opened his lap top and waited for it to buzz to life then opened a new file and began to type. "I'm typing up the terms as you've presented them to me." Quinton explained. "I'm making sure to add that the challenge was presented as a 'fight to the death' but that I personally would accept surrender and total submission with the provision that should I spare your life, you and your pack mates leave Black River and never return, and that you take Shelby with you as she will then be exiled from Black River for the rest of her life and never permitted to return, under any circumstances."

"Yes, yes, fine." Seth huffed. "Type it, print it, I'll sign. Let's just get this over with."

"You seem pretty eager for a man about to get his ass handed to him." Zev smirked. "Maybe being beaten by a bigger, stronger, Alpha turns you on."

"Fuck you." Seth sneered.

"Nah." Zev shook his head mockingly, "You ain't my type."

Quinton looked up at Zev and frowned but then went back to his typing. "Since Shelby, a member of my pack, made the initial challenge, I reserve the right to have the fight take place here, on my lands or, if you'd rather, you could choose neutral ground by having the challenge take place at the northern territories public arena on council grounds. Of course, that would mean getting the council involved, having the challenge approved, and reserving the arena for a future date."

"Here is fine." Seth was growing more impatient with every passing second and his annoyance at the whole ordeal was showing.

Quinton nodded and added the location of the challenge to his form. A couple more moments passed and he'd finished filling out the form then printed it. He printed out two copies and handed both to Seth and Jase to read over before having them each sign one copy, Jase signing as a witness.

Jase merely glanced at the form then folded it up and stuffed it in his back pocket, not really concerned with the details. He leaned against the wall near the window, phone in hand, and appeared to be playing some video game from the sound of it. Seth paid him little mind as he read over the form which was essentially a contract between them holding him to the terms of the challenge. Quinton had added in a small clause saying that the fight was between the two pack Alphas, fighting in wolf form only, and any interference from either of their packs would cause the one breaching the contract to forfeit the challenge.

Seth seemed fine with the contract and eagerly signed his name. At his command, Jase quickly scrawled his signature beside his brothers then went back to his game. Quinton and Zev also signed and then Quinton made a copy of the signed contract and handed it to Seth who then handed it to Jase. This one he also folded up and stuffed into his pocket with the first copy, never even looking at it.

"I'll send a copy of the signed contract to Hollister as well." Quinton said, making eye contact with Seth, letting him know the implications of what he was saying.

"Yes, I understand." Bowden waved his hand through the air as though he found the entire thing pointless. "You'll make sure the council knows if I try to renege on the deal. I get it. Can we get this over with now? You've dragged this out long enough."

"Fine." Quinton slipped his own copy into a file cabinet near his desk then motioned for the others to follow him out of the office and back into the lobby where the others waited.

Seth nearly leapt from his seat to follow. Jase staggered along behind, still showing little to no interest in the situation. Odd, Quinton thought. He would have expected Jase to be more concerned that his brother might die but he acted as though a fight to the death was a normal, every day, occurrence.

Seth's behavior was equally as strange. He was so sure of himself. Looking around the landscape as though scouting out a new home rather than a man that was walking to his death. Quinton wasn't sure yet if he actually planned to kill the other wolf or not. It would certainly be within his right and would also avenge Rhys death. He knew that Seth wouldn't hesitate for one second to kill Quinton if he got the chance and probably planned on doing just that. Still, his entire challenge made little sense. He was completely out matched and stood little chance of winning.

Maybe he sensed that Quinton didn't intend to kill him and that was why he didn't appear worried. Even if that were the case, why bring the challenge to Quinton in the first place? What did he stand to gain from it? Knowing he'd likely lose. It couldn't have been just to save Shelby. Why would he care about her at all? Would he really be willing to give up his coveted prize, a magical omega, to save one beta he barely knew?

No. Quinton already knew the answer to that. Seth was out for himself and what he could gain in return. He didn't even care about his own brother. That was obvious from the way he treated him. Jase was just another thing to be used for Seth's own benefit. So, why was he so willing to put his own life on the line in a fight he knew he couldn't possibly win? There had to be something else. Some angle that made Bowden think he had the upper hand.

Quinton pulled Zev to the side, close enough that he could speak to him without the others hearing. "I want you to keep an eye on Bowden and his betas when this fight begins. Something isn't right here. He's way too cocky."

Zev and Quinton both looked back to see Bowden talking to his betas. He was already making plans for Black River once he took over the pack and giving the betas orders to round up all the pack members so he could make a public announcement.

"You think he's going to try and cheat?" Zev asked, concern washing over his face.

"He would forfeit the fight if any of his betas jumps in to save him but he's up to something. I just haven't figured out his angle yet. This entire thing stinks. He clearly thinks he can beat me and I want to know why. What's he got up his sleeve?"

"Right, Boss." Zev told him. "I'll keep an eye out. Don't worry, Quin. I've got your back."

"I know you do." Quinton smiled as he placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "You're a good friend and a good Alpha. I know I made the right choice when I chose you as my second in command."

Zev scrunched up his nose and pretended to gag. "Don't get all sappy on me now, man. I ain't your omega."

Zev laughed and Quinton forced a smile for Zev's benefit but he couldn't share in his levity. Something was still bothering him, he just couldn't put his finger on it but this entire thing felt like a set up.


Quinton hadn't wanted to alarm his pack mates so he told very little people about the challenge but it was difficult in a small pack to hide what was going on, especially once Seth Bowden and his small entourage had been spotted. By the time they had reached the small clearing near the lake about half the pack had shown up. Shelby of course was brought out too as the original challenger. Her wrists were bound and two, large, male betas held her arms as she was brought to the center of crowd that had formed around the two Alpha's.

Shelby smiled and glared smugly at Quinton as she was brought to stand before him. The murmurs from the crowd had quieted down once Quinton raised his hand. Everyone stood, waiting to hear what was going on. Rusty looked to Zev questioningly. Zev put an arm around his mate's shoulders then instructed him to wait, and listen, though he could tell that Rusty clearly was not liking what was gong on.

Quinton began by reciting the charges pending against Shelby, detailing her crimes for all the pack to hear. There were muffled gasps from the crowd and even growls. Shelby bristled against the negative responses but kept her head held high as Quinton continued to speak, laying her guilt out for everyone to hear. Next, Quinton explained the challenge that Shelby had made and how she had reached out to the Silver Moon Alpha, Seth Bowden for help.

More gasps and angry shouts from the crowd. One member yelled traitor and another demanded Shelby be exiled. Shelby's eyes moved over the crowd until she found her own parents standing a few feet off. Her father looked up at her with a look of pain and disappointment. He shook his head as if to say. "How could you?" She looked to her mother then. The older woman was in tears but when she saw her daughter locking eyes with her, she slowly turned her back and walked out of the crowd.

Shelby felt as if the air had just been knocked out of her as she watched her own mother turn her back on her. Her father, after watching his wife leave, held his head in shame, unable to look at his daughter anymore. Shelby wanted to call out to him, tell him how sorry she was, but that would only make her appear weak and that was something she couldn't do. Not here, not now. She had to stay strong. When this was all over, Quinton would need her strength.

Shelby had made Bowden promise that he wouldn't actually kill Quinton, just force him to submit. The only one she wanted dead was Caleb. Once Bowden had control of Quinton's pack she'd try to convince Seth to exile Quinton. He'd lose his pack and his lands but at least he'd be alive. The entire plan of course hinged on Jase Bowden doing his part and not flaking out at the last minute. Shelby turned her head to the side and looked at him. He was a lousy excuse for an alpha. How Seth could trust him with something so important was beyond her. She narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to fuck up. He huffed and rolled his eyes, obviously offended that she would even doubt him.

Her eyes then darted to Seth himself and he only nodded to her, confidently. He knew he had this fight in the bag. He wasn't even worried. That made Shelby feel a bit more at ease, though only a bit. How Seth could be so calm she had no idea. If any of them failed, they'd all be dead. It wasn't a matter of if but when and how. Quinton would surely slaughter them all.

Their plan was risky but it was a risk that Shelby was willing to take and apparently so was Bowden. Shelby could hardly believe that one stupid little omega could be worth so much to so many people. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to crush his skull. She would too. As soon as Quinton lost the fight and Shelby was released, her first task was to take out Caleb. That was the part of the plan that she liked the most. She couldn't wait. She wasn't just going to kill him though. She'd make him suffer first and she'd make Quinton watch. He'd learn first hand what it felt like to lose the man you loved. Maybe then he'd understand her pain.

As Quinton went on to explain the terms of the challenge Shelby was suddenly shocked and appalled at the stipulation Seth had added should he lose. Exile was one thing but being forced to mate Jase? How absurd! They wouldn't even be able to have pups of their own but suddenly Shelby wondered if that wasn't his plan all along. No pups meant no heirs which meant Jase's heir would then become Seth's oldest alpha son, Marcus. He was a product of one of the many 'surrogate' omega's Seth used, but still his heir none the less. Jase would never use a surrogate. He'd said as much. He hated omega's, male or female, he hated the idea of even touching one let alone mating one.

Shelby was certain that had Caleb gone along with the mating contract that Seth would have been the one to breed him and not Jase. Seth wanted strong alpha pups. Ones that could potentially inherit whatever black magic Caleb possessed. Once he'd popped out a few brats or if his magic couldn't be passed on, Seth would have most likely had Caleb killed as he would have been no use to him. He was never meant to have been anyone's mate. Not really. The mating was just to look good for the benefit of the council. Caleb's life in Silver Moon would have been that of a slave and a sex toy. A fitting position for the omega, but not for her. She was a beta, she deserved better.

Shelby turned to Bowden when Quinton mentioned her mating Jase and she hissed, "I never agreed to that."

"Shut your mouth, bitch, You wanted your freedom, this is the price you pay." Seth growled.

"Enough." Quinton yelled, his voice loud and causing Shelby to flinch away from him. Her first show of actual fear. "The contract has been signed." Quinton directed that statement to Shelby. "The terms are non-negotiable. When Silver Moon loses, you will be given to Jase Bowden. What he does with you then is out of my hands."

Shelby glared at Quinton. She couldn't believe he would have agreed to those terms but really, what did it matter? He wasn't going to win this challenge. She was certain of that and so was Seth. "Fine." She growled. "IF, Seth loses."

Quinton raised an eyebrow as he stared at Shelby, looking for anything, any movement or side ways glance that would give her away. He was more certain now than ever that she and Silver Moon were planning something. Something bad. He gave one last look to Zev and he nodded. The unspoken command hung between them and Zev understood it at once. 'Keep your eyes open.' Quinton was saying. 'This shits about to get real.'


"You can't let this happen." Rusty looked up at Zev as Zev moved him further back into the crowd.

"It's done." Zev told him. "Nothing we can do about it now."

Rusty stomped his foot. "How could you allow Quin to go through with this?"

"Do you doubt your Alpha?" Zev asked sternly.

"I do not." Rusty retorted. "But I don't trust Seth Bowden. I don't trust anyone from Silver Moon and I certainly don't trust Shelby. She tried to kill my best friend!"

"Have faith in Quinton." Zev told him. "There is no way that Seth Bowden is going to beat him and if he tries to cheat, he'll forfeit the challenge and lose."

Rusty huffed then turned on his heels and started to stomp away. Zev grabbed his arm. Not enough to hurt him but enough to stop him and spun him around. "Where are you going?"

"The clinic." Rusty barked, pulling his arm away from Zev. "Caleb needs to know what Quinton is doing."

"Are you crazy?" Zev practically screamed at his mate. "You can't tell Caleb any of this."

"He has a right to know." Rusty argued.

"Do you think he'd just lay back and accept that Quinton's going to fight? No, he'd rush to Quinton's side and try to stop him."

"Maybe he should." Rusty snapped. "At any rate, he'd want to be here for Quinton. I would if it were you fighting."

"And you'd be a distraction keeping me from focusing on the fight." Zev explained. "Right now, Caleb is a liability. Quinton will be too concerned with his safety, giving Seth the opening he needs to go in for the kill. The best thing for Quin is keeping Caleb in the dark for now."

"And if something happens to Quinton, how do we explain to Caleb that his mate is dead..again?"

Zev sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "We'll cross that bridge when and IF we come to it."


The crowd of onlookers formed a large circle around Seth and Quinton who had, by now, shifted to their wolf forms. Seth's betas as well as Jase stood, in human form, near the front of the circle on one side while Zev and Quinton's guards stood on the other. Zev had moved Rusty back a safe distance from where the fight would take place. He'd worried at first that Rusty would go against his advice and run to tell Caleb anyway but to Zev's great relief, Rusty stayed put. The rest of the crowd stood around, waiting with bated breath, for the fight to begin.

The two wolves circled each other at first, sizing each other up. Seth's wolf was about half the size of Quinton's. Grey and speckled with whites and black. His eyes, two narrowed slits of brownish-yellow. He dug his claws into the ground, lowered his ears and growled. Quinton huffed then threw his head back and howled, daring Seth to strike first.

Seth's slender, almost mangy frame made him look like a runt next to Quinton's taller and more muscled frame. From the point of view of those looking on, this fight would be over in a second. Quinton could easily overpower the smaller wolf, shake him in his mouth like a rag doll, and break him in half. Still, the obvious difference in size and strength didn't seem to deter Seth from his purpose. He wanted Quinton dead.

Seth lowered his head and then suddenly charged forward. He was fast. Quinton had to give him that. It might have been his only strength. Before Quinton had time to react, Seth's head made contact with Quinton's left shoulder as he tried to throw the larger wolf off balance. Quinton stumbled for a brief second but managed to keep his footing as he turned and lunged at Seth. In a matter of seconds, Quinton had the smaller wolf pinned beneath him. Seth struggled to right himself but Quinton held him down, growling low, demanding he surrender.

Quinton could have killed him then and there. He was in position, he could have easily ripped Seth's throat out but he didn't. Too much blood had been spilled already. Quinton wanted Bowden beaten, humiliated, shamed before his pack even, but he didn't want him dead. Despite everything, Quinton just didn't feel right about ending the life of something so obviously weaker than himself.

The fight should have ended there. A smarter wolf would have submitted but Seth wasn't ready to give up. He fought beneath Quinton, kicking and biting at him as he struggled to free himself. Quinton landed one of his massive paws in the middle of Seth's throat, nearly choking him but still he would not yield. Having enough of Seth's games, Quinton quickly stepped back, allowed Seth to roll over then sank his fangs into the back of Seth's neck. Seth yelped in pain then in one swift motion, Quinton flung him across the circle effortlessly, as though he weighed nothing.

Seth lay on his side, panting. Blood poured from the wound in his neck but he was still alive. His eyes darted around as though he were looking for something, desperately searching for whatever or whoever it was. Quinton advanced forward, barking a warning to Seth to give up. Seth rolled to his feet, slowly lowering his head down as though he were about to surrender then his eyes focused on the spot where his brother Jase had been watching. Something in Seth's demeanor changed and he lifted his head defiantly as he worked himself to his feet.

Zev glanced in the direction that Seth had been looking and realized suddenly that Jase was gone. 'Shit.' He cursed himself. When had Jase left and how had Zev not noticed it? He wanted to shrug it off. The coward probably knew that his brother was done for and decided to make a run for it before all hell broke loose but that scenario just didn't feel right to Zev. Jase was a coward, but would he really abandon his brother when he was about to lose the fight?