A Love to Last Ch. 03


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David was somehow pissed although he didn't wanna show it. He looked at the boy that stared at him, flirting with him with his smile. He wore his mother's favorite apron with his hair tied in a ponytail. He could easily pass for a contestant on MasterChef but David didn't care about that.

"By the way, you look really sexy." He gestured with his hand. "I would kill to see how you looked before you left this morning."

"Err... thanks." David frowned.

He started moving past Jim to get out of the kitchen but he felt a hand grip him tightly. He stopped and watched as the boy moved in front of him, so close he could feel his breath on his face.

Shit! Jim felt his heart hammer in his chest, threatening to rip out. David was making him lose control.

"You didn't say anything, David." He said, not losing his smile. "Do you love the surprise?"

"It is lovely and I am sure the food tastes nice. But..." He paused and tried not to sound rude. "...I have already had my dinner. I passed at a restaurant on my way here so... don't worry about it."

A line appeared between Jim's brows. "What do you mean? I just heard you say you were starving. Besides, you have been out there whole day. Why don't you go and freshen up? Food will be ready soon."

David didn't understand why Jim wasn't getting the signal. He had been avoiding his calls or meeting him anywhere whether by coincidence or planned. He thought a guy like Jim was the type that gave up easily but he was so wrong.

He took a deep breath and asked a question that had been on his mind.

"Jim, why are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Jim shrugged.

"All this? I don't need you to this for me."

Jim laughed while licking his lips.

"Because I wanna do it for you. I want to take care of you. I want to show you that I like you a lot and I am serious about what I said the other day." He slowly took David's hands and began caressing them. "There's just so much about you that I wanna know. I want you to allow me in your world as I do mine as well."

Jim's hand shakily moved and touched David's cheek. He felt like he had been connected to a cable of electricity. God, his eyes just moved to stare at those lips that he wanted to connect his with.

"I love you, David, and I want you to be mine."

David moved away from Jim, staring at him like he had said something abominable. Then without saying a word, he walked past him and ignored his calls. He didn't wanna say anything that was gonna hurt the young boy so he left.

He was coming out of the kitchen when he met Amber coming into the living room with only a short and a blouse. When she saw him, she smiled brightly.

"Hey, big..."

"How many times have I told you to keep him away from me?" He snapped. "Why the fuck don't you listen?"

"He wanted to do something for you. I allowed him to come and cook because I didn't want him to feel bad. Is something wrong with that?"

"Everything." He yelled, making Amber take a step back. She had never seen him act that way. "Until when will you realize that I don't need all this? Despite everything I have said, you still allow this to happen? Why? What do you want me to say so that you will stop all this?"

Amber felt her heart thudding in her chest.

"Calm down." She pleaded. "It's not that big of a deal. It's just food."

"Just food?" He chuckled bitterly. "Is that what you think it is? That boy likes me and you know that very well. I have been trying to avoid him and despite knowing that, you still allow him to come to this house?"

Amber's mouth shook but she didn't say a thing.

"I am not in love with him and I do not plan to. Please." He put his hands together harshly and the clap startled Amber. "Get that into your head and tell him that I am not interested in whatever he is offering. He is only wasting his time with me because it will never work. It can never work. I do not need someone following me like a bodyguard. I need some space."

"What did you just say?" A voice came right behind him. It was full of pain.

When he turned, he found Jim coming to him with tears in his eyes. He looked hurt. He stood in front of him, staring at him like he had said he wanted to kill him. He could see the pain his eyes. Amber felt sorry.

"How could you say that about me?" He sucked in a sharp breath at the pain he felt. "Is it a crime to love someone and wanting to do something for them? I had something to do and despite that, I still came here because I care so much about you."

"I am not trying to be ungrateful but I do not need all this." He said without any fear. "I did not ask for this. I have specifically told you that I cannot be your boyfriend, lover or whatever you want me to be. I can only be your friend."

"I do not need that." Jim yelled. "I do not need to be your friend. Why can't you get that I love you? Why is it so difficult for you to accept me?"

"Because I don't love you!" He said harshly.

A cold wind blew on Jim's face and he grunted from the pain. The pain brought so much tears to his eyes and he quivered. He tried to rub them but they just kept on coming. For the first time in his life, a guy made him cry.

"But at the party..."

"Whatever it was you thought was happening at the party, whatever impression I gave you, forgive me." He said, shaking his head. "But I don't want this to continue. I don't wanna be in a relationship with you because... I have my eyes on someone else."

Jim felt his world crush before him. What he felt was worse than what he had expected, almost like a heartbreak, if that was the way it felt. For the first time ever, someone rejected his advances.

"You are a good guy, Jim, but I can't give you what you want. I am so sorry but I just can't."

"David!" Amber gasped, wrapping her arms around the crying boy.

"I am just telling him the truth. You deserve someone better."

"I don't want someone better, I want you." Jim sobbed softly. "Please, don't do this to me, David. I really like you. I... I told you that we can be together despite you not loving me. You'll develop that love later in our relationship."

"I am sorry." He apologized. "But I have no feelings for you, Jim. The only thing I can provide is friendship. But if you don't want that then I guess this is it."

Jim's lips quivered like a baby that had suddenly been denied breastmilk. He covered his mouth to prevent any sounds from coming out but his eyes spoke for him. Without wasting his time, he took a quick turn and ran outside crying.


Amber ran after him but when she was getting outside the outside, he was speaking away with his car. She came back and found David standing at the same spot she had left him. She was very mad at him.

"How could you?" She shook her head. "That was very harsh. I never expected that from you, David."

"Well, truth hurts, Amber but we all have to face it one way or another." He said softly. "But this isn't my fault. Do you know who I blame? You, Amber!" He angrily pointed at her.

"Excuse me?" She gasped, her eyes widening. "Why are you blaming me for this? What did I do?"

"I have talked to you severally about Jim but you always give him these stupid ideas that he has a chance with me." He yelled, making her scared. "You know I am looking for that boy. I cannot give Jim anything but you always push him to me. So don't blame me for what happened here today. I am glad I have gotten that off my chest. But you..." He chuckled bitterly. "...find a way to fix this."

He stormed upstairs, leaving Amber standing there like a statue. She couldn't understand how her brother had shifted all the blame on her when she had been trying to help him.

"What just happened?" She said under her breath.

What was she gonna do next?


Ben was seated on the couch in his PJs with his legs crossed, his eyes on his laptop and a bowl of chocolate ice cream beside him. He was busy staring at the pictures that his father had sent him. He always enjoyed seeing his designs come to life. That was his best work yet and he was happy.

He heard the door open and he knew his brother had returned.

"Hey bud, why did you return so early? How did it go?" He asked without even looking in his direction.

But there was no answer. He knew Jim was excited after seeing the man he had been talking about for the longest time.

"It was that good, huh?" He chuckled. "Come on, tell me. You know I want details of how..."

But when he looked in the direction of Jim, he got shocked when he found him standing in the doorway looking weak and hurt. He had tears on his face... his eyes were swollen and his hair was messy. He wore an apron that he probably didn't even realize he did. Ben got hurt when he saw his brother in that condition.


He rushed to him and held him tightly. But that was all Jim needed. He broke down and began crying uncontrollably, dropping to his knees. He cried unlike Ben had ever seen him before. Ben felt so bad that he couldn't help but shed tears.

"Jimmy, what happened? Why are you crying? Who hurt you?"

But he didn't reply. He just kept weeping. The pain was too much.

"Jim, talk to me." Ben cupped his cheeks and stared into his eyes. "What's going on?"

"David!" That was the only word that came out of his mouth. "David!"

"What happened? Talk to me? Did he beat you or say something to you?"

"He... He... He..."

He couldn't bring himself to say it.

"Come on, Jim, you're hurting me too. Talk to me, baby." He pleaded as he rubbed his brother's tears but in a second, his face was wet again.

"He... he told me he doesn't wanna be in a relationship with me, Ben." He wailed at the top of his voice. "He... he said that... he doesn't want me doing anything for him. He... He... it hurts a lot, Ben. It hurts."

Ben felt like something was burning inside him. He hugged Jim tighter and tried to comfort him but it seemed like whatever effort he made only made Jim cry more. Not once had he seen Jim cry because of a boy. Whatever this David had done must have been very painful.

"It's okay. I am here." He assured as he rubbed on his back. "I am right here. You won't get any more hurt. Cry it out if you have to."

And that was what Jim did, cry it out like a baby. Ben stayed with him the entire time. It took a long time before he finally calmed down. Ben didn't ask any more because he didn't wanna make him cry. He just took him to his room and helped him in bed. That night, Ben slept in his brother's room holding him as they slept.


"Here you go, ma'am." The huge man in a suit bowed as he handed over a file to the beautiful lady in front of him.

Elena took the file and opened it. There were some pictures in there that made her smile like she had won a lottery. It was of her son and a very handsome man, David Paola.

"Are you sure this is what my son has been up to nowadays?"

"Yes, ma'am." The guard answered in a deep manly voice. "The last several days, Jim has been seen with him."

"Interesting. Does this mean that my son is dating this man right here?"

"On the contrary, your son is chasing after him." He said. "According to my sources, your son has been spotted several times trying to get with him. But it seems like the young man isn't interested in him. Just this evening, he was seen leaving the Paola mansion in tears."

"Interesting!" She said, rubbing her temple sexily. "I never knew my son would beg or chase a man for so long. To the point where he made him cry. He must really love him."

"Is there anything you want me to do about this?"

"Not at all. The Paolas are very powerful people." She laughed. "Almost as powerful as us. But luckily, I have a trick up my sleeve. I shall make sure my son gets what he wants."

She put the pictures on the table and looked at him sternly.

"What about the other thing, is it ready? There's an important day that is coming for me."

"Everything is ready." He bowed. "All that is required is for you to just give the order."

"Good!" She crossed jutted her hip and crossed her arm on her chest. "You may leave now. Wait for my instructions."

"Yes!" He nodded, slowly bowing. He left.

Elena had an evil grin on her face. Her victory was gonna be epic and she was gonna kill two birds with one stone.

"This is gonna be fun." She laughed maniacally. "I will enjoy every bit of it. I hope you're ready."


Ben lit the two incense sticks and placed them in a small cup. He then put his hands together, staring at the picture in front of him. There were two candles lit, one on either side of the portrait with some flowers. Ben was kneeling in front of the small table were he had placed everything.

There was a lot going on in his mind. It was an emotional day. Exactly 13 years ago, his mother had passed on. Thirteen years ago, that day, he had been brought to the Henandez mansion where his nightmares had begun.

He kept staring at the beautiful woman in the portrait like she was staring at him with a smile. She was a very beautiful woman with pitch black hair, piercing brown eyes and humble looking. She was so young, maybe 18 or 19 years. To him, she was the most beautiful woman that he had ever set his eyes on.

"Hello, mom," he said softly. "I don't know if you like what I have been doing for the last 13 years but it hasn't been easy for me. Every year, when this day comes, I just wish that would rise and spend time with me even if it's for a few seconds because I feel so lost.

I feel so close to you and yet I also feel like I don't know much about you. If only I could have that one wish be granted to me, I would be the happiest soul on earth. But I know that's impossible. I have a lot of questions in my mind and yet there's no one to answer me. Dad always gets sad when I ask anything so I stopped asking.

But what I know is that although I was too young to remember much, you were an amazing woman. I can only wish to be even as half amazing as you were. I love you so much, mom. One day, we're gonna be together, you and I, just the two of us. In a place that has no sadness. But for now, I ask for your guidance and your protection."

He closed his eyes and began praying softly. He didn't even realize that there were tears on his face.

It had become a tradition for Ben to dedicate that day to his mother. He always woke up and prayed for her soul and then spent the entire day at an orphanage helping out children and widows. He always made sure he helped with cooking of food, buying of gifts and helping out in any way he could. He had been doing that since he was 10 years old. His father had been supportive.

Although he loved doing that, he just wished his father would open up to him more about his mother. Whenever he brought it up, his father got sad and refused to tell him much. As much as he knew, his birth had torn his mother's family and they had all disowned her. However, when she had died, they had taken her body and buried her where his father didn't know. They had given Ben to him and told him they never wanted to see him again.

Ben was still lost in his prayer when he heard a voice behind him.


It was Jim. He opened his eyes and found Jim standing behind him with his hands together and his eyes on the picture.

"And aunt, can you please help Ben find a very good man that will love him? I am honestly tired of him being single." He said with such seriousness. "And also help me get my love very soon. If you can do this aunt, you'll forever be my favorite aunt."

Ben laughed as he rose. "You're acting crazy."

"I am being serious. I have never asked aunt for anything so this is my only wish." He sighed. "I don't want having my happily ever after while you still haven't found your prince charming. We're like twins so we must have the same things happening to us."

"Hmmm..." He raised an eyebrow. "...you still haven't told me exactly what happened last night. I have never seen you act like that. You cried so much; I couldn't sleep at night."

"Oh, forget about that." He didn't wanna talk about it. "I was just in a bad mood. Besides, my day has started very well. My prince charming has apologized for his behavior last night and I will be meeting Amber this morning."

"You can't be serious." Ben sounded mad. "Yesterday, you were crying because you said that he doesn't love you. Honestly, Jim, you're playing a very dangerous game here. If the man doesn't want you then stop chasing after him. You'll only get hurt, please."

Jim shook his head. "I am this close." He gestured with his pinky finger. "This close to finally getting the man I know I deserve and you're telling me to give up? No ways, Ben." He shook his head. "All my life, I have always thought men are just for pleasure until I met this one. David is the love of my life and I will do anything to make him mine. I don't care if there's someone in his life because I will drive that person out."

"You're crazy." His eyes widened. "In the end, you'll only get hurt. You've never been heartbroken before. I know what I am saying because I have experienced this and it's not a good feeling. Sometimes it's better to let certain things go even if we want them in order to protect our hearts. Please..."

"Well, I am not you, Ben!" Jim snapped. "I don't wanna let this go because I am not a coward. Whatever I want, I get and that's my rule. I don't want your advice on this if you're only gonna tell me to give up. That word is not in my vocabulary."

Ouch! Ben raised his hands like he was surrendering. He had never seen Jim act like that in front of him.

"I am sorry." He apologized. "I didn't mean to say anything. Forgive me for caring about you. You can go ahead and do anything you want."

He started leaving but Jim gripped his arm and pulled him back.

"Ben... Ben..." He stuttered. "I didn't mean to talk to you like that. I am sorry." He pulled on his ears to show how sorry he was. "I lost it and I am sorry."

"I get it." Ben said simply. "I won't be saying anything since it's your life."

"You can't say that to me." Jim felt scared. "I know I am stupid sometimes but I am your brother. Your advice has saved me so many times and you can't just be watching me making stupid mistakes. You might be right but I am not willing to let this one go. What I feel inside my heart is different and if I let this guy go, I will be the saddest person on earth. You wouldn't want to see me being sad, would you?"

"I don't wanna see you hurt." He said, shaking his head. "Seeing you crying yesterday was too much for me and you know it. What's gonna be next?"

"Me getting the man." He joked, wearing a beautiful smile. Ben rolled his eyes. "Nothing good comes easy, remember? You once told me that when you finally get something that you have been fighting for after so long feels good."

"That's not..."

"That's how I interpreted it. And what happened yesterday will never ever happen again. I promise."

Before he could answer, he heard his phone vibrate. He picked it and found a message from his father.

"It's dad." He said happily. "He just sent an address where he will be meeting me later. But..." He paused as he read the text. "...it seems to be outside town. And it's not our usual orphanage."

He tried to call him but the phone wasn't going through. He tried again but it still wasn't ringing.

"Maybe he's busy and just switched on to say that." Jim shrugged. "Now back to what I was saying, I promise to be careful. I won't myself be consumed by my love for David. I know my limits. I won't get hurt."

"If you say so." He couldn't argue anymore although he still didn't like the fact that Jim was chasing after him. "But always be careful. Don't lose yourself."

"I won't." He said happily. "Now what did you cook? I am starving."

Ben laughed. "Unfortunately, we don't have a maid." He teased, winking at his brother. "So, we both have to head to the kitchen to fix something."