A Love to Last Ch. 07


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The door to the room opened and Elena let herself in, cat-walking to her husband. She wrapped her arms around him right before she kissed him passionately as if to mock the boy.

"Why are you so sad, my love?" She asked, staring into his eyes.

"I am so sorry, Elena." Jerome said with a sad sigh. "I don't even know what to say. If I had put restrictions on Ben from the very beginning, our son wouldn't have gotten hurt. And now because of me... my son is out there hurting. I don't know what I can say to make him feel better. I... I don't know..."

"Shhh..." Elena whispered, blocking his lips with her fingers. "...you wouldn't have known this. And I don't want to say I told you so. At least, you have seen what type of person you were calling your son. He didn't care that you gave him so much. He wanted what my son also had."

Ben sat silently, hunched over and with a sense of loss so powerful that his muscles couldn't respond to commands.

"What matters now is that you can be there for your son." She smiled brightly, cupping his cheeks. "He needs you more than ever. I have him waiting in the car so we can take him out and try to make him happy. Are you coming?"

"Yes!" Jerome nodded.

"Let's go." She coiled his arm

Jerome smiled and started walking out with his wife without even looking at his son. Elena gave him a smug smile and a wink before she left the room.

After what felt like hours, Ben picked himself and walked to his room robotically where he stayed on the floor for hours, reliving every painful word that his father had told him. Maybe he was to be blamed for what had happened and he was at fault. But shouldn't his father had attempted to listen to him, he thought? Didn't he deserve to be listened to.

'You won't be able to enjoy the same rights as my son.'

'Maybe I am being punished for what I did to Elena years ago. Karma is catching up with me.'

'I don't care what you do or where you go, but stay away from my son.'

Those ripped his heart to shreds. He moved in his pain and went to his wardrobe, got out a small bag and started packing some clothes while those memories haunted him. He remembered the first time he had slept in that room he had been so scared that Elena was gonna beat him to death that his father had to sleep with him.

'Whenever you need me, just call on me and I'll be there for you.' Those words rang in his head like a bell. 'I'll never let anything happen to you, I promise. I'll always be there to protect you from the world because you're my son.'

'I was so busy trying to protect you from the world that I neglected my son. I should have been protecting him from you.'

'I don't want you to go anywhere near my son. He doesn't deserve a brother like you.'

He realized at that point that things had changed. His father no longer believed in him and he couldn't even look into his face. He was no longer a part of the family just like he had feared. He had lost both his parents.

In pain, Ben struggled back to his feet, but almost immediately fell over.

'I am so sorry dad for the pain I've caused you and your family.' He thought as the tears decorated his face. 'But I don't think I can stay here if you cannot even look at me. I've caused you so much pain and now, I have to go away.'

His zipped his backpack and started walking out of the room. But before he could even reach the door, his phone started vibrating. It was David and although he didn't wanna talk to him at that point. But his heart unconsciously moved to the screen and pressed the answer button.

"Ben!" David gasped on the other end. "Thank God you've answered. I have been so worried sick and mom has me locked up in the house. I cannot leave. How are you?"

Ben's eyes welled up. "I am leaving." He said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"What? Where are you going?" The fear in David's voice couldn't be masked.

"Anywhere away from here." Ben sobbed. "I... I messed up everything and now my father doesn't even wanna talk to me. He doesn't regard me as his son anymore. I don't think I can bear this... I hurt his son and the only way to resolve this is to leave."

"What? No!" David cried on the other end. "It's all my fault. I caused this. I should have just listened to you when you told me to leave you alone. I destroyed your life with my selfishness."

Ben felt the water creep out of his eyes. "Honestly, I don't even blame you. Maybe... maybe this is my fate and I cannot escape it. But I would love to thank you for showing me so much love, David. Even if it was for a short time, you showed me so much love more than most people I've known for years. I can't say I regret knowing because I would be lying to you. I love you so much and maybe one day, we're gonna meet again."

"No-no-no!" David yelled on the other end. "You cannot leave, Ben, not like this. Where are you gonna go?"

"I don't know." He chuckled bitterly. "I'll decide that when I reach the bus station."

"No, wait for me..."

"Don't ruin your life because of me, David." He said softly. "You still have a family that loves you so much. Try and fix your relationship with them. Don't blame yourself for what has happened because I don't. Goodbye, David!"

"Ben, what..."

Ben cut the call and quickly switched it off. He didn't want it to be harder than it was. He picked up his bag and headed down the stairs. As he was coming down the stairs, flashbacks of the first time he had entered that house came to him and he felt so hopeless.

'This is gonna be your house now.' His father's voice echoed in his head. 'You'll have everything you need right here. Don't feel like a stranger. It is your house and you can do whatever you want.'

He took out a small note he had written for his father and placed it on the table. He was still looking around when...

"Wow! Am I not lucky to be witnessing this scene?"

Bern heard Elena's voice and he didn't even bother to look in her direction. She walked elegantly to where he was and leaned to pick up the note that he had left on the table. A grin appeared on that beautiful face of hers.

"I am so sorry, papa, but I had to leave." She read with fake emotions in her voice. "I cannot endure to stay in a house where you don't talk to me or consider me your son anymore. I am hoping one day you will understand and forgive me for what I have done. And I am hoping you get the family you've always deserved."

"Oh!" She moaned, placing her hand on his shoulder. "This is really so emotional. Why are you leaving, Ben?" Then she burst into laughter.

Right in his face, she ripped the note to shreds and threw it in his face. "And you think that's gonna reach my husband and make him come running after you? Not a chance!" She got closer to his face. "In case you haven't realized it yet, my husband has already disowned you. He doesn't wanna do anything with you because he already has a family that he's been yearning for."

She chirped. "This is how it should have been from the very beginning, just the three of us. Destiny might be delayed but it cannot be stopped. Stay very far away from us, Ben. Go in a village and rot there for all I care. You can even join your whore of a mother. That would be good for everyone. I'll let you go without doing anything but if I see you anywhere near my family again, I'll send you six feet underground."

Without a word, Ben picked up his bag and started going before Elena gripped his arm.

"One more thing." She said as she pulled him back.

Her hand moved to his pocket and took out his phone. With an evil grin, she threw it on the floor, breaking it to pieces. Ben just looked at her without saying a word.

"Now you can go."

He went on his way and Elena made sure she watched him walk out that door. Once she was sure, she spun around like a child as all the happiness of the world possessed her body. She was on cloud 9. Finally, the family she had always wanted.

'Good riddance for bad rubbish.'


David was rushing down the stairs like the hounds of hell were after him. He was sweating profusely and breathing harshly. He had a backpack with him and he was only putting on white t-shirt and black trousers with red sneakers. He was so scared but what he was planning had to be done or he was gonna lose everything.

Before he could even reach the exit, two muscular guards blocked him.

"You better not try this shit with me." He warned, pointing at the two of them. "You're not gonna stop me from going out."

"We're just following orders."

"To hell with your orders." He snapped. "You can do any shit you want as soon as I am out of here. Get out of my way before I do something that we'll all regret here."

"Sorry, sir!" One of them apologized. "This is not easy for us. Just go back to your room like your mother told you."

David chuckled bitterly and then took a step backward. But just like a flash, he quickly moved forward and slapped one of the guards with his open hand full across the face. It rocked him and he took a step back and then steadied himself, blinking his eyes and staring at David with his eyes wide open. He was staring into the barrel of the gun that he was sure he had a few seconds. David had gotten the gun from the guard.

"I told you I was gonna get out of here whether you liked it or not." He said with an evil grin, pointing at the other guy. "Drop your gun or the both of you are gonna be sorry. And get on the floor."

The other guard didn't need to be told twice. He dropped the gun and the both of them lay on the floor.

"David!" Claudia couldn't mask the shock in her voice. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Don't come closer!" David warned, directing the gun at her.

Claudia's entire body jerked to a stand still unexpectedly. Her lips parted into an O shape and she swore her jaw almost dropped to the floor.

"What?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. "You point the gun at your mother?"

David's eyes welled up. "I am sorry mother but I'll not let you stop me this time. Ben is suffering because of me so why should I live happily? You've refused to understand my feelings and keep pushing me to someone I don't love."

Claudia saw the bag on his back and she knew he was about to do something stupid.

"Where are you going? Don't tell me you're going with that boy. Do you know how stupid that is? Get back to you room and I'll forget this happened." She slowly started moving towards him.

"Don't come any closer." He yelled, making her stop. "I'll not do such a thing mom. The only way I am coming back to this house is you allow Ben to come here."

"Over my dead body will I allow that." She said angrily. "If you go out of this house, you'll not return. You'll seize to be my son, David."

David chuckled bitterly, nodding. "I love you, mom, but a life without Ben is worthless. If you don't want me as your son anymore, so be it."

With one final look at his mother, David opened the door and began running away as fast as could. He was running so fast that he thought his legs were going to explode.

"Ma'am, should we go after him."

"No!" Claudia shook her head. "He's made his decision."

She turned and stormed out of the living room. Man, she was so mad that she saw red. Her pulse raced and she breathed heavily, almost as if she would burst. Her body temperature rose, and she could feel her blood boiling.


Ben was seated on a bench, lost in deep thought, looking helpless and hopeless. The last bus that he had found was almost boarding and it was only a matter of minutes before his journey began. There were lots of questions on his mind but he didn't have answers to them. He didn't know if he was making the right decision by leaving the city but he was sure no one was gonna miss him. He was giving his father the family he had always wanted. He didn't wanna be selfish.

Belt felt a hand on his shoulder that got him out of his thoughts. He looked to his side and found a beautiful old woman smiling at him.

"Son, we're boarding now."

He nodded, trying to put up a smile. "Thanks."

Ben got up and stood still, looking all around his surroundings. It was gonna be a long time before he returned. He was only hoping that when he returned, things were gonna be different and he was gonna be happy.

He sighed. 'Goodbye, beautiful city.'

He started heading for the bus and took one final look before he stepped inside. He had only taken one step when...

"Ben, wait!"

He heard a voice a distance from him, a very familiar voice. He quickly turned and found the greatest surprise of his life. It looked like he just saw a ghost. He froze in one place. I'm fact, he was sure that he was imagining that moment.

It was when he felt David's arms wrapped tightly around him when he realized that the man was there. His lower body trembled as he tried coming back to reality. It was too good to be true because he remembered not telling the man anything.

"Oh my God!" David pulled away from the hug, but he held the boy's hands. "You have no idea how happy I am that I found you. I was so scared that I had lost you."

"David!" Ben's voice was barely audible. "What are you doing here?"

"What? You thought I was gonna let you go alone?" He said happily. "I told God that whatever your fate was, I was gonna share it with you. And now, I am here and I am ready to go with you anywhere you want, Ben. Let's run away together where no one will ever bother us again."

Ben was confused. "I told you to stay with your family. Go back to them."

"I have already made up my mind, Ben." He shook his head, kissing his hand. "My place is by your side and nothing will ever separate you from me."

Ben tried to open his mouth but sighed.

"You know I don't even know where I am going."

"We'll figure it out together." David held out his hand. "Now come on, we'll talk about this later. The bus will leave us."

Ben glanced at David's hand. "Are you sure?"

David smiled brightly. "Like my life depends on it."

Ben took David's hand and they smiled at each other before they boarded the bus. They sat together, hand in hand. David placed Ben's head on his shoulder and held him tightly like his life depended on it. The bus started and they knew at that moment that there was no going back. This was it.

What is in store for them?

To be continued...

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BarefootmarvellBarefootmarvellabout 1 year ago

Hi Vanalas when can we expect chapter 8?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am happy and passed!! Jim is a freaking idiot. Elaine and Claudia need to get what is coming to them real soon. And Jerome needs to wake the freak up. He's so stupid no backbone no sense of reasoning. Nothing and if Jim decides to doing something evil I hope it comes back to bite him in the butt royally.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I want Elaine to be exposed when David and Ben returns

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFerover 1 year ago

Straycatndc wrote in his comment, most of what I thought after reading this chapter. I however found this so heart wrenching, I wanted the story to end with Ben and David riding off in the bus, like Ben and Elaine did in the movie "The Graduate". But after some time to reflect, I realized that would cheat us out of seeing Elena, Jim, Jerome and Claudia get the payback they deserve for their cruelty and betrayal. I wonder if Ben wasn't headed off to see the only family member who hadn't disowned him, his aunt, when David found him at the bus station. She would be the only one who could get to Jerome and explain what really happened. Whatever happens in this written telenovela, I'll be here waiting for it, but only because you ended this chapter with Ben and David finally being together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Shocking two such awful mothers exist. The father is an ass too. Glad ben left and David grew a pair good job finding ben. Those conniving ladies and the rotten dad and son need to get theirs!

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