A Loving Wife's Story Ch. 02


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"We made love. I was his pretend whore in my mind. Pretending he had paid me a wad of money and could do with me whatever he liked. It was a fantastic opportunity for me to do that. Something I had never given a single thought about before. But everything about our meeting, to end up on that bed that night, conspired to put that wild notion in my mind and I seized it and went for the ride. What do you think of that my darling husband? That your Sondra was capable of doing such a thing?"

"I think my beautiful Sondra is the sexiest woman in the world."

I almost burst with pleasure on hearing him say that. My clit almost burst from a tremendous surge of pleasure sparks.

"He put his hand behind my head and pulled it down to suck him. I would do anything he wanted. And he did have a very nice and exciting cock. Average man cock, but lovely and powerful. Most all of them are. Most all I've had, anyway. I sucked him deep and loved doing it. He loved it even more and gasped out genuine praise that I was the best cock sucker he ever had. That pushed me even deeper into my whore fantasy. The label being spoken out like that. Me, Sondra, a cock sucker. I felt great pride in being the best cock sucker he ever had! But I didn't want him to cum in my mouth. He made love to my breasts. His fingers knew what to do on and in my pussy. He didn't rush. He kissed me a lot. I melted into the pleasure of sex with a man, and pretending to be a whore with a customer made the pleasure all the more exciting. He saw me watch with great interest as he rolled the condom on his cock, my knowing he would put it in me, my legs apart to receive him, lying on my back on the bed. Relaxed, but so highly sexually aroused. Playing the whore he owned for the night. Exchanging my body for his money. The drinks and the dinner being payment enough."

Jamie moaned, seeing every detail in his mind.

"There was nothing super duper about his fucking me. He was just a man, an energetic and capable one. And most of all a new one. That is the benefit of promiscuity, if a dozen men before you counts as promiscuous. And I suppose it does. A new man, different. Shape and construction. Movement and rhythm. A new cock and the way he uses it. A different man smell. Different man sounds. My new and different man fucked me and the pleasure exploded and thrashed us both. I thrust my pelvis up in timing with his thrusts in and out of me. And I forgot about being a whore and dove into that state I told you about. That spike of just letting all go and being a slut. A woman surrendered to a man and his hard cock in her, thrusting and taking her, using her, driving her almost insane with pleasure.

"Oh God Jamie. Put it in me. Fuck me. Now!"

He put it in me. He fucked me with frenzied lust, his wife the slut. Our joined abandon to lust was almost savage. I thrust my pelvis up to meet his like a practiced prostitute, like a loving wife who was also a slut. We came at the same time.

Lust! Desire! Union! Rapture! We were spent and in a stupor. He pulled out and flopped on his back. I rolled over on my stomach, feeling those after fuck tingles hop skip and jump all about. Feeling that deep relaxation, that sweet contentment. We needed our private time and we took it.

"That was glorious." I said.

"That was stupendous." Jamie said. After a while he said, "And when the man was finished with his college girl whore she counted her money and left."

"Not right away." I said, with a toying, teasing lilt. Juicing him with anticipation. Indirect. Devious. Using the wiles every woman is born with.

"Sooooooo?" Janie finally said, the anticipation stretched to the breaking point.

"I had to praise him, like any whore worth the title would do. I said you are good - Kirk! That was his name! It just now came to me - I told him he was a wonderful lover. He told me I was too. We snuggled and caressed. We rested. We took turns going to pee and snuggled some more. Happy. He made a quick recovery, wanted some more. He caressed my ass a good while, dipped a finger in the crease, rubbed the tip on my rose bud. The sensation was surprising, but it felt nice. I liked it."

Jamie's hand went to my ass. His long finger snaked in, stimulated my rose bud.

"Kirk didn't waste any words. He came right out with it. I want to fuck your ass. I froze. I knew what anal sex was, with no experience of it of course. I had the usual idle and passing curiosity of what it might be like. But no man had ever bluntly said to me I want to fuck your ass. No man had ever used his finger to deliberately rub my hole before. I was frozen. That's why I didn't shout HELL NO. I did manage to say I had never done that before. He said it would be a very special experience for me, then."

"So, he was your first." Jamie said.

"My first and only until I met you. You were the second man to fuck my ass, and the only one I want there. There will never be a third man."

"No," Jamie said with finality, "there won't be." He stimulated my rose bud which now belonged only to him. My ass made a little lift to his finger.

"I asked Kirk, didn't it hurt a lot? He said putting it in would hurt me some, but not terribly. And the pain would quickly go away and I would like it a lot. I asked how he knew all that and he said with his wife. She greatly enjoyed it from time to time and he loved it. So that accounted for his buying the lube along with the condoms. He had big plans in mind. And that put me right back in my whore fantasy. It occurred to me Kirk had his own fantasy of me as a whore. Though I made perfectly clear I was not. But sitting alone at a bar, his hilarious blunder, laughing it off, dinner, my hand over his on my leg, the way I pointed us in the direction of his hotel room.... College girl as whore made an easy blend. College girl as whore was my fantasy because of situational opportunity and the sheer novelty of it. And it resulted in a new blasting thrill. Getting fucked in the ass for the first time was another situational opportunity, for even a greater blasting thrill for a whore and slut set free. I chose to let him do it. In my whore fantasy, after all, he had paid for it."

"Did it hurt?" Jamie said.

"More than he said it would. I didn't know what to expect. All the techniques of easier entry I had to learn with you. But the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure, just as he said. You know all I felt. I have told you what your cock in my ass does to me. It wasn't exactly the same with him, but close enough. With you the excitement and pleasure has the intensity of us loving each other. With him it was the intense excitement of playing the slut whore.... How big and hard your cock is! Put it in me again. In my pussy."

I rose up on my knees and put my head on the sheets, the posture of presenting submission. The portrait of a whore and a slut. He got behind me on his knees and speared me. My fantasy was entirely of Jamie fantasizing all the words I had spoken to him, all the scenes and searing images flashing in his mind. My husband behind me, fucking me, his imagination on fire with images of me as young woman experiencing the depraved excitement of playing a whore, being ass fucked the first time. And the power of both our fantasies blasted us, lifted us off planet earth and shot us into another space.


The next morning we sat at the breakfast table with finish up coffee cups in hand. We gazed at each other in rose tinted wonder. It was a gaze into the depths of each other, seeing shades of inner person never fully examined before.

"Last night," I said, "was out of this world. I was out of this world. And you... What a powerful lover you are. Your cock took me out of this world."

"Your story was potent fuel."

"I loved telling it to you. I loved the way the telling fueled your flames. We both have our private and very healthy sexualities to do that. To share in that way. And I am ecstatic that we do. I love it! We have a toy box all our own, just for us and no one else. No one else will ever know the games we play."

"For sure! This is a freedom I have never known. Never imagined."

"The freedom to have such a fierce erection, be so erotically enflamed by my stories of other men."

"Yes." He said, with opened eyed pellucid honesty.

"It's the same freedom for me. One I never imagined before. I have never opened up this way with any of my female friends, and we are known to share our most intimate thoughts and feelings. Only with you. God I love our new toy box!"

"I love my new Scheherazade."

"Oooooh I like that. Being your Scheherazade. That's what I will be. Entertain you. Enthrall you. Not to save my life. Because I get such a ravishing sexual thrill by entertaining you, enthralling you that way. A win-win for both of us. However, I don't have a thousand and one lovers to draw on."

"There's still ten left of your dozen."

"Yes. But after Ken and Kirk they are, well, maybe run of the mill. I will have to dig deep into my memories."

"Would you like a switch? Me tell you a story of me with a woman?"

I froze. The same freeze as when Kirk said he wanted to fuck my ass. A mass of conflicting emotions showering on me with the weight of gravel dumped from a truck. Would I like to hear my husband tell me how good it was when he fucked a previous woman? I froze. No, I wouldn't like that at all. I am a woman for God's sake! Our men belong to us! A hussy even giving a wink to our man and we are ready to claw her eyes out! A story of Jamie fucking a previous lover in our toy box? No and hell no. It didn't fit. But how could I say that to Jamie without appearing absurd? His off the cuff question was a bomb shell. He knew it was.

"Well... I donno... Is that something you want to do? Be a male Scheherazade?"

"Not particularly. Just thought I would toss out the option. See if you wanted it."

"You felt no jealousy at all last night, did you. Nor any this morning."

"No I didn't. You know what your stories do to me. There is no point in hiding that crazy excitement. That you want me to have."

"Yes. We are together in that. Equal sharing. But reversing that. I don't think I could escape stabs of jealousy. I don't think I could play on your side with the same freedom of joining in that you do. Maybe it's just a female thing, one of the many things that make us different from males. Why you don't expect us to always be logical." Jamie's smile was warm with love. "I will give it a try, though, if you want to be my entertainer and enthraller."

"We can skip that. If it made you uncomfortable, the whole thing would be a waste."

"You were very uncomfortable at first. When I told you my Red Rooster Inn story. But you adapted to that alien excitement and accepted it as wonderful and fulfilling and right for you. Perhaps I would do the same. Eventually. Now, in all honesty, I think it would be very difficult for me. I don't know what else I can say."

He stood and pulled me up to hold me in his strong arms and kissed my lips. He looked into my eyes with that clear eyed pellucid honesty derived from our toy box sharing.

"In all honesty? I prefer you be the Scheherazade. I want to be entertained and enthralled by you and your rich experience. My stories would be tepid compared with yours. And I don't come close to your verbal skills of description. We will go with what we've got. You are best on your side of the coin, me on my side. It give us what we both want."

I melted into him, relieved and jubilant. His cock grew hard against me. "Done." I said.


After Jamie left for his office, his words sang in in my head. "It gives us what we both want." The truth, succinct and controlling. A truth that made me giddy with a power I didn't fully comprehend.

I began a research on the internet, hoping to find other "Scheherazades," see how they compared with me, see what they knew that I didn't. Every search question took me straight to porn sites. My exposure to porn was limited. I had seen a couple of films, which were half arousing and half boring. The porn sites my search turned up were worse than boring. They were utterly repulsive. But they did provide information, reliable or not, about areas I was only vaguely aware of. BDSM. Fetishes. Gays and Lesbians. Swinging. Group sex. I skimmed those categories and could not find in them the slightest reflection of me and Jamie. There seemed an endless list of sites with so called erotic stories. I picked only husband and wife stories. They were poorly written and were obviously fantasies. But they did bring out what I had told Jamie earlier, the number one fantasy of married men was another man fucking their wives. But none of those stories echoed my Jamie and his Scheherazade. Infidelity? Not possible. Humiliation? Even less possible. Wife fucking another man with husbands full knowledge and loving consent? I had to think about that one. Another man with Jamie's full knowledge and consent was in fact the content of our Scheherazade fun, "Giving us what we both want," as Jamie had concluded, his cock hard against me as we hugged in the kitchen. And where exactly did his conclusion and hard cock put me?

I gave up on the internet and went to the University library. If there were other Scheherazades out there, I would find them on the shelves. I didn't find a single one that matched me. The scholarly profiles revealed many women who exerted sexual power over their husbands in a variety of ways. But none of them seemed to use that power for the end I did, to attain their own singular erotic excitement in giving their husband that equally singular erotic excitement in fantasizing her with another man.

There were many, many profiles of men something like Jamie. Those who had and greatly enjoyed thoughts of other men with their wives, at least. But the variety and divergence of those thoughts, and acting on them, was great. Most had elements of stories portrayed on the porn sites. BDSM submission, or almost. Threesomes with another man were popular. I wondered if that notion would have any appeal to Jamie? At that point I could wonder anything. Jamie with me for real, in the same room, on the same bed, watching another man fuck me for real. It might possibly work out. But I had grave doubts. Because I had grave doubts I could ever really let go with another man with Jamie there, let go and provide him with the full free range of mental thrill my hearsay stories gave him. The truth is, the notion of a threesome with another man had only mild appeal to me.

One case study gave me a hell of a jolt. The husband gave his wife permission to go out and fuck men of her choice, to be rewarded by her returning and telling him all the details. They both got what they wanted. The sharing when she returned to her husband. In essence, what they did is what Jamie and I had begun to do. Except, instead of going out to have another man I go into my memory for one and share all the details with him. He gets what he wants by hearing, I get what I want by telling. But the wife in the case study got more. She got all the excitement of meeting and seducing a new lover too. That couple also had professional careers, high income, appearing typically conservative in all ways. And her lovers were widely separated over time. And by the self reports, their marriage was unusually strong and healthy. That case study gave me a hell of a jolt.

I didn't tell Jamie about the research I did. There was no particular reason I should have. I did it primarily to construct, shape, give infrastructure to my delicious role as Scheherazade. I also wanted a deeper understanding of Jamie's sexual psyche, why the visions I gave him of another man having me were so intensely arousing for him. I could not find a pat answer to either question. Why I was so eager to give him his intense arousal, and why my giving was so powerfully effective for both of us.

To be continued...

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irinmikeirinmikeover 1 year ago

So its okay for her to tell him her erotic moments in a past life, but not okay for him to reciprocate. I call total bullshit on this whole story.

Eatdessert1stEatdessert1stalmost 2 years ago

She’s heading to be a hotwife, isn’t she? Scherezade is a good alternative title.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Whore continues to prep her cuck.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 3 years ago

Very nice slow lead up that I am looking forward to following onward. Quite a lot of verbiage but it is worth the extended reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Still holding off voting

"You've made it, haven't you my sweet. Adapted. No more doubts or guilt. You are now free to be you. I am free to be me."

This is an incredible (as in, not credible) attempt by the female MC to define and entrench what is happening inside each other’s heads and add fuel to the sexual engine.

If, in the end, they are truly just stimulating each other, maybe that’s all they need to worry about.

But who knows what’s going on inside each other’s heads? Men are far more honest about their fantasy life, their real and desired perversions, where the real lines that are not to be crossed. And Jamie has several times defined these boundaries. But the female MC seems to seek, at least in the now, movement of those lines lines, and posits, again internally, how to make that happen.

The female MC, like most women, jealousy guard their internal slut tendencies so that they aren’t shamed by other women, society, and their men. They reflect the expectations of others. Why, with the opening quote of this comment, would the female MC presume to know or understand the male mind, or even her husbands mind, a person who has surprised her about something so personal and intimate that is abundantly clear that not even her husband can understand.

Sometimes, fantasies should remain fantasies.....letting out perversion can be a sugar high, and the damage can be hard to repair.

It’s clear to me that the female MC is convincing herself that it’s right and proper to manipulate her husband beyond his boundaries and doesn’t see the danger that exists in that wasteland. As long as she gets what she wants? And the word she used...ADAPTED....that is changed from what he was NOT....into something that clearly exists in her mind and now reality......


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