A Man on an Island Ch. 03


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Maya sank to her knees in front of him as she looked up and reached for him. "I think that I understand. Wherever we are, I only want to be with you there. And thank you. I know what you meant to say."

Cale had been hard for a while by then and she held it gently and kissed it softly for a moment or two before she began. Cale was surprised at how gentle and soft she was at this, and yet he responded to the slightest thing that she did. When it hit him a minute later, she sat staring at Maya in a lot of wonder as he looked at her face by the small amount of light which came in through the window curtains from the lot lights outside.

Her eyes were closed about as often as they were open, and he suddenly knew that she was making love to him for them both, needing this as much as she was giving to him and her very dark brown eyes told him many tales over the time. She never sped up very much; she just loved him and the depth of it blew him away. Nobody had ever come even close to this, and the sensations that she gave to him were only the surface and the means with which to say it.

At one point something rose in him and it wasn't his seed, though that was on the way. He touched her head and caressed her cheeks and ears and to his surprise, she understood. She stopped, holding him in her mouth to suck gently as her tongue worked the underside of his tip. He bent forward to kiss her head, "Thank you, Maya," he whispered.

Her eyes never left him, but he saw her tears well up and she held him as she opened her mouth and sat back a little. "Wherever we are here Cale," she whispered, "I have no one, but in this place, ... I have you and so I want the love of the man that I have."

Cale smiled and whispered back, "Wherever this is, Maya, I have you and. ... I feel a little like a king that I do."

She went back to it and he came a few minutes later. Cale didn't say anything because he knew that he wouldn't need to. He only released it and didn't try to hold it back. It wasn't anything dramatic and he made no sound other than a long sigh. Maya swallowed in her quiet joy to know that she'd pleased him.

Cale didn't know it, but the quiet way of this was just what Maya had wanted most of all. When they were together on the bed, Cale made love to her with his mouth and listened to her soft and gentle noises, and to him, it was really special. Maya gasped so quietly and barely whimpered as her passion mounted, and when she came, her cry sounded a lot closer to the sounds of an infant stirring in its crib, and for some reason, it said more to Cale than anything else could have.

He realised a lot of things as they loved that night. Maya's statement at the outset of this about her not being a young girl had not been said as though she was apologizing for her body. There wasn't anything to feel badly about. She was incredible to Cale and he let her know it.

It had been Maya's quiet statement of pride and as he took a moment to think about it, it spoke volumes and her body had nothing to do with it.

Their lovemaking was like that for the rest of the night, but there was nothing dull or ordinary about it. When she was on her back, they looked at each other and to him, it seemed as though she was regarding him an a sort of appraising way as she touched him and ran her hands over him for a time. Cale loved to watch her throat and the way that Maya seemed to be able to gasp so quietly every time that he thrust made him want to do this forever.

At one point, they both stopped suddenly as they looked at each other. Maya had been crying a tiny little bit, but when Cale noticed it, he stopped and stared. Maya shook her head as if to say that it was nothing, but he knew that if that were correct, then she'd have said it.

But she didn't, and he suddenly knew that she couldn't – not without bursting into tears.

She only looked at him and saw that he had a tear in his eye then. She pulled him down onto herself and she wrapped her legs around him tightly, leaving herself just enough room to rock her hips so that he might get the message that she didn't want him to stop and he didn't.

But they both found themselves weeping then. Maya rocked him and he thrust into her slowly again and again. They thought that the moment had passed and so he lifted himself a little to look at her again, treasuring the woman that he saw. They both gasped with every stroke then and she reached up to wipe his tears away as they both sobbed and it was the end for both of them then.

Maya held him tightly once more and wouldn't let go for anything and the pair fucked on as they cried a little, and they came very close together, both of them gasping and trying not to cry anymore.

Cale lifted his head afterward and moving a little, he touched her face gently, because he had to. It was something that Maya wouldn't normally have allowed, but she did for him and from him, it meant something to her.

He tried to lighten things a little by smiling as he asked her if she had any Kleenex handy, but he hadn't softened completely yet and Maya surprised him again when she shook her head as though she was a little angry and said, "Fuck the Klennex, and fuck me too, Cale – for as long as you can."

He went back to it, understanding her and she looked up and caressed his face then, "Nobody has ever done me like that, Cale. Nobody."

She bucked her hips gently, mindful that she'd likely be losing him any moment when he finally softened enough. "From the first time, all that I've had was hard. 'Come here, Chica, and let me fuck you.' That's all that I've ever heard.

I wasn't asking you to make love to me tonight so much as I was really hoping that you wouldn't just need me for a fuck to make some bullshit male pride feel a little better. Wherever this is – where we are here – not in the bedroom of a woman who runs a motel, but somewhere else, please dear GOD, don't let this end yet."

When he did slip out of her, they didn't move for a long time, and they didn't speak – they only looked and neither of them became self-conscious, more to Maya's surprise than Cale's. When he got off and lay down beside her, Maya turned herself around and went for his balls with her mouth, making love to him all over again. She said nothing, but Cale knew what her hope was and he guided her legs apart and they moved together in an embrace that both of them wanted as he buried his face between her long thighs.

Afterwards, Maya crawled up the bed overtop of Cale on her way back, wanting to be in his arms. But he smiled, and asked her to go a little farther so she did out of curiosity then. When he told her to stop, she saw that her breasts were above his face and he began to kiss them so well, but that hadn't been the thing, she learned.

As she lowered her breasts to him a little, she felt his fingers as they teased and caressed her loins in the sweetest way. His attentions weren't focused on her opening so much as they were on everything in the neighborhood, so to speak – just light little touches by a few fingers at once, both hands. Sometimes, he very gently tugged at her lips, but again – that was not the focus. His fingertips and hands went everywhere back there and it drove her to the sweetest distraction. She wanted to frig herself. She ached to be fucked again. Sometimes for a few moments, all that she really wanted to do was to lightly scratch the tickle that he'd left on her cheek back there.

Maya had never felt anything like it. She wanted him to stop so that they could screw some more, but she didn't want the feeling to stop completely either.

It was a hell of a conundrum.

They made love until they couldn't anymore and as the sky lightened, Maya looked up at him in a very haunting sort of way. She smiled very softly as she caressed his face, "Maltyoox, Cale, xok aaq'a'," she whispered.

His eyebrows rose and she sjghed, "I can speak several languages. That was Tz'utujiil, my mother tongue. I say it to you because I know where we are at last."

Maya closed her eyes then and in moments Cale heard the shift in her soft breathing as Maya slept comfortably in the arms of a man from far away who lay on his side and held her against him, looking down at her as she slept.

Cale stayed for a week and in that time, she needed their quiet way of making love often. Cale helped out wherever he could and he often felt himself being looked at and when he turned on the ladder where he was replacing a light fixture or something, he'd see her warm smile and then her little smirk.

She led him all over the area on their bikes when she had a little time in the early afternoons and at least once every time, she'd lead him to a quiet place, out of the wind and warmed by the sun – some old deserted barn or the ruins of an old fort from the Civil War which held little history and was too far gone for the state to rebuild with little more than two low crumbling walls left. They'd park their bikes and she'd take his hand to pull him to a place where she'd spread out a blanket and those times, Maya wasn't quiet at all.

She put everything that she had into breaking his back.

Near the end, they had a couple of long talks and decided that their realities and the border between their countries was too much for them to surmount. Maya was tied to her family's business and they knew that Cale would have a long struggle to get a green card - and that was if it was even possible. There were tears when he left and she sat on her old Harley by the side of the road at the outskirts of town, wishing with all of her heart that she could keep riding and not have to watch as he rode away from her.

Cale rode home, knowing that he was looking at a ton of changes and needing a job. Those were the simple things. If he's had his druthers, he'd have stayed with the woman whose dark eyes saw something in him which no one else ever had ,or if they had, it must not have been as important to them as it seemed to be to Maya. No matter what he did, Cale thought, there was no lasting happiness. The bitter irony was beyond his comprehension.


Over the next while, Emma tried to find Cale, but it looked to her as though he'd just dropped off the planet somehow. She kept trying to contact him and even drove by his house trying to catch him at home, but she never managed it, day or night. All that she learned was that the locks had been changed when she'd thought to leave him a note on the kitchen table one time.

Two months after he'd disappeared, Emma sat in her car out on the street in front of Cale's house in shock. The place was empty.

A 'For Sale' sign had appeared on Cale's lawn. She called in at the realty office, but they refused to give her any information, citing client confidentiality. The broker shrugged and said that she didn't see what the big deal was, but she'd been told that it was important to the seller.

Emma was about to make a trip to the land registry office, but she came to a couple of realizations instead; they'd been a little fucked–up, but they'd been happy. What had cost her so much was her one mistake and what she took as his insecurity not allowing him to find a way to giving her another chance.

For the longest time, that would have been all that she'd have wanted. But after a while, she just had to accept that he was gone. She knew that she could have found fault with the way that he'd just vanished. She'd have wanted to see him once to hear the final notes of the song from his lips, but she guessed that to him, she was no longer worth the time.

She took Arlene's offer and after Emma grew to feel a little better, they began a relationship as the love of the couple at the homestead faded and was as forgotten as the old buildings there.


NOT The End

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Wolfgang1955Wolfgang19556 months ago

Cale is a pussy. 5☆

auhunter04auhunter04over 2 years ago

I am honestly surprised he didn't find a big tree to stop his bike at high speed

a Vietnam I know told me this story, they were down in the delta pinned down with machine gun fire. Buddy of his opened a letter from his girl that he had gotten just before he left on mission. it was DEAR JOHN, he just sat up and died

I was an EMT decades ago Went to many single car accidents where there were no skid marks from breaking, where a guy most likely drunk out of his head said 'fuck it' and turned the wheel

I am Cale, no brother, no friends, every woman in my life did the same as his previous

dont want anymore am 72

90skjnk90skjnkover 6 years ago
I love this

Great story, I feel like Cale deserves much better than Emma and I hope he doesn't take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This is where I left this series...emma was by far my favourite character and I feel more could have been done with her. We don't even know what happens to her! I would've preferred to at least get some closure on her side. But I guess as the writer you take the story in the direction you want, and you do that with such an easy style.

Yobo36Yobo36about 10 years ago
O No.

LOL. Did not see that coming. Hooked big time now.

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