A Master's Ring: Book 03


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A hand guided me to her entrance and held me steady.

"Please!" Alyssa begged.

I fucked into her hard; she wrestled her arms free from Susan and Nancy, grabbed the bed sheets, and pushed her hips back trying to fuck my cock through her.

She screamed as her pussy opened for me and hugged me tightly. Wetness flooded my dick as she bit the bed sheet and cried out as the orgasm she had been waiting for months arrived. Her entire body tensed, she shivered, and then collapsed on the bed. I waited for movement, but she was completely still. I pulled my hips back to retreat from her body.

"No!" every Sibling said.

"I think she fainted," I said.

"She did, David," Melisa confirmed. "But you can't stop."

"She fainted," I told her.

"You'll hurt her feelings if you don't finish," Nancy told me.

"She fainted," I repeated for everyone's benefit.

"Alyssa will be devastated if she wakes u, and finds out you didn't fuck her until you came, David. It's your first time with her," Doris Alex said knowingly. "I would want you to finish."

"I don't feel like being gentle," I warned.

"In that case, she'll probably wake up before you're done," Michael said playing with Alyssa's hair.

My dick pulsed inside of Alyssa as I shrugged. They were Siblings so they probably knew better when it came to one of their own. I grabbed Alyssa's hips as tight as I could, pulled back, and fucked into her powerfully.

"How do you faint twice during the same fucking?" Michael asked as the Siblings left the room ten minutes later.

"You faint on the first orgasm, the second one wakes you up, and the third one dropkicks you out of consciousness again," Nancy informed him.

"Yeah, but that hardly seems possible."

"You're good, Michael," Doris Alex told him loudly. "But you're not David."

"A week in your bed would be fun, sweetie," Susan said sitting down on the couch. "But a week in David's bed... I think I'm going have to find a way to piss Melisa off if that's her idea of punishment."

"Alyssa isn't going to walk right for a month after this week is over," Michael said laughing.

His laughter was drowned under a deluge of couch cushions.


A week later, I woke up when Alyssa climbed out of the bed. She did not return after a half-hour so I got up to investigate since I was horny. I used the bathroom and went looking for her.

"She's gone, David," Doris Alex said from the couch when I finished my search in the living room.

"Where?" I asked.

"They're flying her out to be indoctrinated," she told me.

"Oh!" I said. "How long will she be gone?"

"Six months for the indoctrination," she answered. "Then six months to two years for her Brother tour."

"Hmmm..." I said thoughtfully.

"She'll be back to finish school here, and is probably always going to want live near you, but she's not the type of Sibling that makes her life with us," Doris Alex said as I sat down.

Her eyes were on my hard dick. With Alyssa on erection duty, Doris Alex only had the one night with me after her return. She did not complain but was eager to make up for the three weeks without.

"What type of Sibling is she?" I asked.

"She'll get married to an outsider, have a couple of cute, chubby babies," she told me. "Her husband will be a very happy man since his wife maintains her good-looks religiously and keeps him fucked silly. He'll be so happy that he will never think of questioning when she goes out two or three times a month with her girlfriends. A man doesn't rock the boat when his wife has uninhibited sorority sisters that like to visit on major holidays and slip into his bed for a threesome."

"A double life," I said.

"No, David," she said. "One life that gives Alyssa everything she needs."

"What was that 'welcome home' thing about?" I asked curiously.

"Alyssa likes you, but it's not about you deep inside for her," she told me. "She knows that no matter what happens from now on, she'll always have a home."

I nodded slowly.

"Did Sandra like her reward?" she asked me suddenly.

"She insisted I couldn't leave her room while she remained an anal virgin," I told her. "She wants to save vaginal intercourse for when she joins the 'dark side' as she calls it, but that was the only thing we didn't do."

"Good," she said. "Usually there's some sexual shyness, but these three were taking it to extreme. What about Luanne?"

"What about Luanne?" I asked repeating her question.

"We've been waiting for her to break up with her high school sweetheart," she informed me. "You should take it slow with her, but the three you have on the verge will be gone after the semester ends. I would hate to see Michael chasing down his own pussy."

She said the last with a smirk.

"Luanne looks fantastic in lingerie," I told her. "Great kisser, too."

Doris Alex stared at me for a minute before sighing.

"She wanted to say thank you for the stuff I bought her," I said with a shrug.

"Are you planning to double the Sibling numbers on your own?" she asked me seriously.

"There's thousands of you," I said dismissively.

"Quite a few of my sorority sister wouldn't mind a crack at you," she said with a shake of her head. "The new house is the subject of choice for conversation between any of us; meaning if two sisters are talking they can't help but talk about you. Next year, you're going to have an entire pledge class of freshmen to work with. There's never been an entire sorority chapter of Siblings."

"You do use the sorority to screen candidates!" I said with a smile.

"Of course, David," she said. "It makes perfect camouflage. No pledge is going to ask why we want psychological profiles of them. Think about Alyssa's future husband; it's not that she's a member of a secret society, but a sister in a sorority that never lets go."

"I wonder if I can reserve a room in the new chapter house for myself," I said jokingly. "It would definitely make things easier."

"It's already been picked out," she told me.

I snapped my head around to stare at her; it did not seem like she was joking.

"You're all fucking crazy," I told her.

"Like you said, it would make things easier," she told me.

"Doris Alex, be reasonable," I said patiently. "You cannot honestly expect me to convert an entire chapter of sorority sisters."

"There's too many right now, you haven't hit your recruitment stride yet," she agreed. "But soon you'll be aided by the fact Siblings will want to attend school here so there will plenty of pledges that come in as Siblings already. If you work on the rest, you could manage it in four years. I'm sure Jeremy will help!"

"No," I told her.

"You're a Bloodline Brother," she said in the hypnotic voice of a fanatic believer. "You have a certain reputation to uphold."

"Enough!" I said.

I ignored the pout; she had to be kidding after all.

"So what do we now?" I asked her.

I was not really sure what I was asking about though.

"You look... excited," she said with a tiny smile. "Lie down on the couch, and try to take a nap while we play my favorite game."

"It's a game!" I said with a quick laugh.

"Of course," she said smiling happily.

"What's the prize?" I asked.

"It depends," she answered. "Your semen, obviously, which is my favorite treat. The Sibling who catches the load is the clear winner and with that comes Rank. I'm pretty low on the totem pole so I'd appreciate you giving me an opportunity to work my way up. It's not always a clear victory though, if you decide to fuck any of us instead of letting us finish, then the Sibling you first fuck gets some Rank even if you don't finish inside them..."

"Stop!" I said lying down and putting my hands behind my head.

I really had to learn how to end a conversation as soon as any Sibling said 'Rank'; it always ended with me getting a headache.

The incredible thing was that I somehow managed a couple of minutes sleep.

=====Chapter 46=====

I sat in the chair staring out the window. The sun and sky were a beautiful perfection that I had only experienced in the Caribbean. I looked down at the beach and watched nurses accompany patients from the main building on their daily walks.

My first sanction lay sleeping on the bed.

The room did not have the antiseptic feel or smell of a hospital. The lighting was reading-before-sleep comfortable, and the bed might even have been imported from my sanction's home.

The old man's experiences were written on his face and a hard life could be read from the scars on his hands. His eyes opened slowly to stare at me. The smile he gave me was not the lost one I had gotten over the last two days from him and other patients at the facility.

"You're finally here," he said sitting up.

I nodded.

"How long have you been waiting?" he asked after clearing his throat.

"Two days," I told him.

"That long in a beachfront loony bin?" he asked with a knowing smirk.

I shrugged.

"Harrumph!" he voiced. "Is it walk time?"

I nodded looking down at the beach.

"Not a talkative one, are you?" he asked rhetorically. "Not that I expected one of your kind to have much to say, but a little conversation before I die would have been nice."

"What would you like to talk about?" I asked politely.

"So what do you think of this place?" he asked by way of response. "I put it together, you know."

"It's nice camouflage for our retirement center,' I told him.

He laughed uproariously until a coughing fit cut him off. I stood up and handed him the glass of water on the bedside table. His eyebrow went up so I shook my head to assure him it was safe to drink. I put the glass back when he finished and sat back down.

"Retirement," he said. "I like that; I didn't know your kind had a sense of humor."

"I wasn't trying to be funny."

"Sonny," he answered. "I'm sure you weren't."

"Isn't this where a Brother comes when he is ready to retire from the Brotherhood?"

"Be retired, you mean," he replied.

"A forced retirement would not be done in such a beautiful setting," I told him.

"No, those Brothers die where you find them," he agreed. "I have enjoyed these last few weeks. My children did not understand, but they are not involved!"

The last was spoken with force.

"I was told to assure you we are satisfied with your care in keeping them out of this," I said.

He nodded and lay back.

"You sat there the whole time, didn't you?" he asked staring at the ceiling.

"Except for exercise, and bathroom breaks," I told him.

"It's hard now," he said. "The moments of lucidity are few and far between."

"That is why I am here," I told him.

"Only Siblings work in the Brother house," he said but not as argument.

The Brother house lay a distance from the main part of the estate. Unbeknownst to the regular staff, only Siblings were allowed into the Brother house. The pay was very good and the expectation that patients would be well sedated made the staff's job easy so no one asked questions.

"Siblings are not allowed to know everything," I answered. "This last episode started three days before I was asked to become involved. The on-staff Brother was in the room whenever the Sibling nurses needed to care for you until I arrived."

"I guess it's time anyway," he whispered.

"I was told you requested this," I said softly.

"No one lied to you, Enforcer," he said sitting up again. "Allow an old man a little fear at the prospect of death."

I raised an eyebrow.

"It's not very dignified," he told me. "I've lived too hard a life to have one of your kind slip a knife between my ribs when I can't fight back."

"The on-staff Brother gave me this," I said pulling the small tube from my pocket. "She assures me it is painless; sleep and then the other side. You could take care of it."

"I would probably pour it all over myself rather than down my throat," he said. "Damn old age!"

"My hands could steady yours," I offered. He snorted and stared at me.

"You wouldn't do it this way, would you?" he asked.

"A bullet would be my choice," I told him honestly.

"Ex-military?" he asked.

I nodded.

"The stamp stays on a man for the rest of his life, one way or another," he told me. "So does the blood."

"World War Two?" I asked him.

"How can you tell?"

"It's in your eyes, you've killed for the greater good," I told him.

"Is that what you call this?" he asked angrily. "Killing for the greater good!"

"No," I answered. "Expedient is what I would call it."

He deflated instantly.

"Why a bullet?" he asked.

"It would let me spit at death and smile before it took me to join my brother," I answered.

"Your brother?"

"Closer than blood could be," I answered with another shrug.

"The two of you shed blood together?"

"From others and our own," I answered.

"What happened to him?" he asked.

"He died in a jungle," I said.

"I had many friends who died on Omaha Beach," he told me. "Many brothers, too."

We sat quietly for a few minutes remembering.

"Let's get to it, young man," he said. "I can't expect this clarity to last much longer."

I nodded and stood up.

"Pour that crap into a glass of water and help me drink," he instructed.

I refilled the glass from the pitcher beside it. I stirred the contents of the tube into the glass. The old man was holding his hands up almost eagerly when I was done. I stepped towards him and handed him the glass. His hands were trembling slightly as I put mine over them. He smiled peacefully and pulled the glass close to his lips.

"Thank you," he said.

I met his eyes, recognized the intent, but was too close.

He spit in my face!

I stepped back letting his hands go; the glass dropped like he predicted. His smile was satisfied as the bullet impacted his forehead.

The double-tap to the heart was automatic.

I was wiping my face when the door slammed open. The two Siblings fell to their knees noticing Jason's gift pointing at them. The Brother stepped inside the room calmly and surveyed the damage.

"Your personal firearm?" she asked.

"Yes," I said with annoyance slipping into my voice. She waited until I put the gun away before speaking again.

"If you will follow me to the morgue, you can witness the removal and disposure of the bullets."

"Thank you," I answered.

"There is no worry about witnesses," she said. "The house is resistant to escaping sound, and no one is allowed close enough to see anything."

I nodded again.

"You know what to do with the body," she instructed the Siblings. "Get the rest to clean the room."

One of the Siblings headed out the door, while the other approached the bed.

"Brother," the on-staff Brother said. "I would like to discuss a request while we wait."

I raised an eyebrow and followed her out the door so we could talk privately. It had been a long time since a young male Brother visited them, and she wanted me to extend my stay for a couple of days to give the Siblings a change of pace.


Robert's car was parked in front of my house when I arrived home. I walked around the house and into the backyard. I put my bags down by the back door before walking to the backyard table where he waited for me.

He raised a hand to signal his Sibling companion to step out of hearing range as I sat down. I put the sanctioned Brother's ring on the table and slid it over to Robert. He studied the crest for almost a minute before putting the ring into his pocket.

"Was it necessary to shoot him?" he asked.

"Yes," I told him.


I raised an eyebrow.

"It seems excessive, David," he said.

"You are not a soldier, Robert," I told him.

"Don't you mean, were not?"

"You are not a soldier, Robert," I repeated. "If it makes you feel better, he chose the bullet."

Robert pursed his lips as if he wanted to say more, but shook his head.

"Enforcers!" he said under his breath.

I smiled at his tone.

"Samuel was a good Brother," he told me.

"I've read the profile."

"Thank you for taking care of this," Robert said.

"It is my duty."

"Yes, it is," he answered.

"I would like to be kept aware of how his family is doing," I said standing up.

"That's a strange request from an Enforcer?" he said questioningly.

"I owe Samuel," I answered.


"He saved my life," I told him and turned to walk into my house.

The house was quieter with three less Siblings around. They had not lived with me but did spend most of their free time there. It would not have been quite as bad except that Nancy and Susan were not being as attentive as they had once been.

Michael was the only boisterous Sibling left, but he did not have Janet's more comfortable humor and watching him walk around mostly naked did not have the allure of Malia doing it.

I sat on the couch and let Jason come at me. He had held back while I gave the Siblings attention, but I could feel his anger the entire time. He was in a full rage when I let the gates down; only my persistent agreement with his points calmed him after a few minutes.

We analyzed what happened.

I allowed Samuel having asked for an Enforcer to influence my reactions. His age had lulled me into thinking he was no longer dangerous. I smiled when Jason admitted he had let his guard down too.

Samuel had saved my life by ensuring that no Brother would ever surprise me again.

I heard Stephanie's door open and then steps in the hallway. I did not turn around as someone came down the stairs; Stephanie's scent preceded her into the living room.

"You're back late," she said sitting down across from me. Her voice had the challenge in it that was becoming common when she spoke to me.

"You need to stop sleeping with Nancy," I told her.

Stephanie visibly bristled.

"You're jealous," she announced with amusement settling back down. I stood up and walked behind the couch.

"You are endangering her, Stephanie," I said staring at the ceiling.

"By fucking her?"

"Is that all you are doing?" I asked blankly.

"Yes, and quite well," she answered snobbishly. I turned and studied her. She was not lying to me, only to herself.

"Your psychiatrist is losing her objectivity," I told her. "Sleeping with her is a mistake on your part."

"That cold voice of yours doesn't fool me, David," she said angrily.

She stood up and walked around the table to stand on the other side of the couch.

"You're jealous," she said. "Just admit it and order me not to fuck her so she'll give you some of the attention you lost when three Siblings walked out on you."

I turned so my body almost completely faced her and held out one of Jason's gifts with the butt towards her. She took a step back bumping into the coffee table.

"What?" she asked nervously.

"You told me if it became necessary you would do it yourself," I said calmly.

"You're going to kill me for sleeping with Nancy?" she asked incuriously.

"I will only kill you if you cannot do it," I told her.

"You're a bloodthirsty animal!"

"It's time, Stephanie," I said. "Take the gun and finish this."

"WHY?" she asked near panic.

"I will not allow you to destroy a Sibling in my house," I told her.

"I'm not doing anything to Nancy," she insisted.

"You're hiding behind the sex," I said. "Nancy has pushed you far, but you've chosen to go no further. You want her to stop digging so you're distracting her."

"I am not!"

"You're in a desert and have stopped at an oasis," I replied. "It is not enough for us! You will continue walking, or I will kill you."

"I just need more time," she said.

"Giving you more time risks Nancy," I said.

"David, I'm not doing anything to her!" she exclaimed desperately.

"She will blame herself for your death if this goes any further," I replied. "Nancy will know getting into bed with you was the mistake that made your death necessary."
