A Matter of Will Ch. 06-10


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Depending on who won the fight Mom was having with Bill right now.

It was a little confusing, to say the least.

Around 11:30, Mom poked her head in his room. "Hey, hon."

See? That didn't sound like she lost the fight with Bill. It didn't sound like she'd won the fight. It actually sounded like a battle hadn't even occurred. Had they decided to not have the fight or something? "Hey, Mom," he answered.

"You should come out, and we'll have lunch in a few minutes."

"Uhm, is Uncle Bill still here?"

"Yes." Simple, plain, not revealing anything.

Was a massive argument occurring between them now? Or not?! He couldn't tell. Mom acted kind of like not.

"I'll be right out."

She gave him a sweet smile and headed back out to the kitchen.

He'd have no idea if the social landscape had been landmined or not, though.

What he could say or not say?

What were Bill and Kayla permitted to do or not do at this point?

Could they kiss freely now, for instance? Or not? Kyle had not a clue.

He stepped out of his room, and Kayla was right there. Her eyes lit up, and she reached her arms up to wrap around his neck, and--

He held his finger up in front of her lips. "Not ... a good idea right now." Jesus! What if Mom stumbled across them kissing?! Not a good idea at all ...

She looked a little sad, then gave his finger a broad-tongue lick. And then another, with a twinkle in her eye.

She was still braless under her T-shirt. It ... showed.

Kyle took a step back, and she unwrapped her arms from around his shoulders. "I'm going to go get some lunch."

"Well, I'm going to stop by the bathroom first," she stepped toward there.

Maybe to put a bra on for Mom, he wondered as he headed up the hall. He was getting really confused about where things stood at the moment.

That's why he halted outside the kitchen door when he heard Bill from inside, "C'mon, Jenny, give your baby brother a kiss."

Holy! Fucking! Cow!

What the hell?!

He crept around the doorframe to see ...

It had taken him several seconds to move silently, but Mom was still standing there.

Arms wrapped about Bill's neck.

Her ... lips pressed to his.

Eyes closed, breathing a little heavily.

They were ... obviously using tongue, the way their jaws were held.

Ohmigod! Mom was pod-peopled!

She was standing there, French kissing her baby brother?!

The world made! No! Sense!

Her eyes parted slightly, lazily, then snapped wide when she saw him.

The kiss broke, and she stepped back, her face flaming red with embarrassment.

Kyle just stood there, gape-mouthed. He didn't have anything better to do than that at that moment.

Uncle Bill turned around and grinned. "Hey, sport. Your mom was just sharing a little tongue with me."

"Bill, stop--!" she was looking down, fingers fidgeting with themselves.

"What? There's nothing wrong with it."

"Not. In front of. Kyle!"

"Come on in," Bill gestured Kyle over. "We're going to have a family lunch."

Kyle ... walked to the table.

Mom wouldn't meet his eye.

And was still pink-faced.

He sat down. They had the bread on the table, along with some lunch meats and mustard.

Mom found something she needed to do on the other side of the kitchen.

Then Kayla flounced into the kitchen -- still braless -- and over to Bill. She straddled his thigh, then settled in to his lips like she was just going to play with his tongue all during lunch.

Kyle looked over at Mom. She was still pink, but she walked to the table, then sat down next to him.

And ... started spreading mustard on a slice of bread. While her daughter bralessly made out with Mom's brother Bill at the end of the table.

"Do you want beef, Kyle? Or chicken?" Mom asked, without meeting his eye.

"Uhm ... beef?"

She handed him the packet of beef.

"Who is Daddy's bitch?" Bill asked between kisses.

"Ohgod!" Kayla licked his lips, "I am Daddy's slutty little bitch!"

Bill, uhm ... pawed her ass while they made out, but he did keep his hands off her braless boobs.

So, uh ... points for Mom, Kyle guessed?

Kayla eventually broke the kissing long enough to make a sandwich, that she then fed to Bill in between kisses.

Mom ate her sandwich silently. Face still pinkish. Eyes on the table.

Kyle ate silently too.

Mom finished her sandwich, and sat there. Uncomfortable.

Kyle finished his then, about the same time that Kayla was done feeding Bill his sandwich.

"Well, I'm beat," Bill declared, and headed off to the guest room to take a nap. Kayla headed back to her room too.



Kyle gathered up the dishes to the sink and began washing the food off them.

"I-- I'm sorry, Kyle," Mom followed him over to the sink. Her face was still red. "You shouldn't have seen that."

"Hmm? You mean you kissing your brother?"

"It was ... a peck."

"You were polishing each other's teeth, Mom. With your tongues."

"I-- I don't know ... what I'm-- Look, I got to thinking, and maybe-- maybe it's not so bad for Kayla to be kissing her ... uncle."

"Just like for you to be kissing your younger brother, Mom?"

"Y-yeah," she hesitantly agreed. "Maybe it's ... y'know, not good, but ... not sooo bad either ..."

Kyle sighed and looked at her. She did meet his eyes then. He shrugged, "Look, it's okay. If you want to kiss your brother, I'm not going to judge or anything."

She shook her head, "No, it's not okay. But maybe it's not so bad to ... do it in private. Maybe. But, I shouldn't be-- I won't be doing it in front of you."

"Mom. Relax. It's okay. I don't think any less of you for it. Really."

She touched her fingers to his chest. "Thank you, Kyle. But I'm not going to do that in front of you. I ... I'm not going to promise that I won't kiss him" -- her brother -- "but I'm going to do it in private if I do. Oh, that sounds terrible."

"I know what you mean, Mom. It's okay. Whatever makes you happy."

She ran the back of her fingers down the side of his face. "You are a wonderful son. And a wonderful brother to Kayla. What did I do to deserve you?"

"Hey," he spread his hands, "I'm God's gift to--"

"Yeah," she grinned and tapped his nose with her index finger, "you stop right there, young man. I'm being serious."

For a brief flash of a moment, Kyle wondered if she could lean in and kiss him on the lips.

He guessed he stalled too long, because Mom looked slightly funny, and he kicked that idea out of his head!

"I rely on you, Kyle. To talk things out with. And I may need to ... rely on you again soon."

"Is ... everything okay?"

"We'll see. I think so, but ... we'll see."

With a smile, she tapped his nose again and stepped back. "Anyway, thanks. Thanks for not being too grossed out about your mom tongue-kissing her brother. And I promise, I won't let it happen in public again."

She stepped into the den. Kyle finished rinsing a couple more plates off and set them in the dishwasher, then started it up.

He waved at Mom as he passed through the den back to his room.



Kyle stepped through his door and was suddenly met with lips and arms hurling around his neck.

Kayla was licking his lips playfully, giggling, then settling into a long kiss with her tongue in his mouth.

"You never used to do anything like this," he breathed when she finally let her lips slip off his for a moment.

"I know. Wasted years, right?" and she slipped into another long kiss.

It's, uhm, not like he was complaining about the kisses. Kayla was a ... very good kisser. It was just odd that she was the kisser. They'd always kind of taunted each other, or grossed each other out. Never ... shared spit.

"Ohmigod!" a gasp came from his doorway.

Kyle jerked his head back from Kayla's to see Mom, standing in the doorway, shocked. Kayla twisted enough to see who it was, then snapped two feet to the side, away from her brother.

"Uhm ... hey ... it's ..." Kyle stammered.

"We were ... just-- we weren't ..." Kayla was just as eloquent as he was.

Shaking her head, Mom headed silently back up the hallway.

"Now she's going to think I make out with everyone," Kayla muttered quietly, staring after her.

"She-- she won't," Kyle reflexively tried to make Kayla feel better.

"You and Bill -- you're the only guys I've ever kissed," she bemoaned, then turned to look at him again, "And she's going to think I'm some type of kissing tramp."

"Bill and I are the only men you've ever-- kissed?"

She shrugged. "Bill's Bill. And I like kissing you." She shrugged again. "That's it."

"You're a, uhm ... good kisser too, Kayla," he said, then gave her a peck so she wouldn't feel bad, and stepped out his door, "Let me go make sure she's okay ..."

Kyle hurried up the hallway after Mom, and found her sitting on the sofa in the den.

"Hey, uhm, about that ..." he pointed a thumb back toward the bedrooms.

"No, I'm ... not upset about it," she shook her head. "You're both consenting adults. You're not blood-related. It's a little weird, since you're brother and sister, but ... no sex, no actual problem." She looked at him some seconds, then shrugged. "Same as with Kayla and Bill. Same as with, uhm ... me and Bill ..."

"What, uh ..." Kyle asked softly, "what made you ... kiss him? I thought--"

"I don't want to talk about it. You shouldn't have seen that. It's not right for me to do things like that in front of you. Or Kayla."

"It's okay. I don't think any the less of you, Mom."

"Still ..."

"It's just a ... surprise, that's all," he tried again. "Last night, you were ... furious with him. And then today, you're ... in a kissing session with him. On the lips?"

She shook her head. "I ... don't want to talk about it right now, Kyle. I just ... need a little private time to digest everything that's going on."

"Okay," he took the hint. "If you do want to talk, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Kyle."

He headed back up the hallway. The guest bedroom door was closed. His bedroom was empty now, and he walked by Kayla's bedroom door -- to ... make sure she was in there and not in Bill's bedroom. She was there, typing on her laptop.

He headed into his room and got on his computer too.


Chapter 8


Jennifer sat on the sofa, trying to figure exactly when -- and how -- it became okay for Kayla to just ... kiss ... Bill.

Kyle had been right earlier. Last night she had been furious. Angry enough to send Bill out of everyone's lives forever.

She'd been sitting at the kitchen table, still fuming at what she'd caught the two of them doing, when ...

Well, that was when she climaxed herself right out of her chair! Gasped and writhed until she just-- toppled herself out onto the floor.

With the biggest orgasm she'd ever had in her life. She'd actually ... passed out a few minutes.

Nothing like that had ever even considered happening to her.

She was a practical girl. You sort of had to be when you were a mother with children. You couldn't be just-- passing out in ecstasy when you had kids around.

But before that, before she spilled herself onto the floor, being deliciously ravished by that passionate behemoth of orgasm ...

Bill had come out to get a glass of water. And joined her at the table. They'd sat there in silence for several minutes.

And, letting her mind wander, she ... almost half-remembered parts of what may have been a vague dream or something. Something about ... following some string. And ... sharp, broken up rocks ... melting together. And then ... sinking into the ground ...

And she had been nervous that ... too much was going to just become okay when ... big rocks, boulders sank into the ground.

That was when it happened -- sometime between Bill joining her at the table and when she climaxed herself unconscious. Something to do with that dream. And something with that orgasm, of course. That was when things changed. Because after she came to, utterly contented and exhausted from her climax, she had thought that Bill and Kayla kissing wasn't that bad. Her thinking had changed: they were adults, and could kiss if they wanted to. She hadn't thought that earlier.

And then this morning, almost the same thing happened again. She was angry, chastising Bill for his inappropriate behavior, when-- well, she didn't remember exactly, but she'd been set back on her butt again, in a chair this time, as a herd of orgasms stampeded over her.

God, she'd been hornier the last couple days than she was the previous three months!

But after her huge climax this morning, it was ... okay ... for Kayla to call Bill Daddy, and to tell him she was "juicing up".

Okay for her daughter to juice up and share that sensitive information. But Kayla was an adult, so she could if she wanted to. But that wasn't how Jen thought yesterday.

And it was almost okay for Jennifer herself to kiss Bill. Her little brother. On the lips. With tongue. It was odd, and should probably be done in private, but it was no longer wrong.

Bill. She knew Bill was behind this.

He'd just come out and joined her when the first of these orgasms had literally knocked her out of her seat.

And she'd been scolding Bill this morning when the second of these orgasms dumped her in a kitchen chair while she came her brains out.

He was doing-- something. She was sure of it.

And she needed to get to the bottom of it.

She stood and walked to the guest bedroom. The door was closed, and Bill was in there. Without bothering to knock, she eased the door open, stepped inside, and shut the door behind her. Kyle and Kayla would not be part of this discussion. Turning around, she looked at the man behind these weird occurrences. Her little brother.

He was sitting in the bed, back propped against the headboard and pillows.

"You're doing this," she came right out and asked him, "Aren't you?"

"Hmm?" he looked at her. "Doing what?"

"Making things okay that ... weren't okay before." She swallowed -- confrontations always made her nervous. "Making me ..." she lowered her voice to a whisper, "all horny like this ..."

"Now ... why would you think ... I'm doing that?"

She just looked at him, giving him space to answer that himself ...

A grin spread across his face. "And, more importantly: you're all horny, big sister?"

"What are you doing to me, Bill?" she breathed.

"Come here, Jenny ... and I'll ... explain ..."

She took tiny little steps, unsteadily, toward the bed ...

"Bill," she licked her lips again, "I'm, uhm ..."


Yes, she was. Her body was ... anticipating another of those climaxes. She could feel it -- a thrill, the hope of ... of more. Her flesh was ... exhilarated. Ready to do it again! To ... give in. And have something changed about her.

Breath trembly, she ... gave the tiniest of nods ...

"Get your ... pretty little butt over here ... before you pop ..."

She made her way to the bed.

Bill looked up at her. "Are you wet? Have you creamed your panties?"

He sooo should not be asking his big sister that. But, Godhelpher, she ... had. She was-- she was-- her body was so ready that--

Eyes closed against the shame, she ... scantly nodded ...

"But ..." she tried to keep her voice from quivering, "what ...?"


She ... sat on the bed.

"Lean back against me ..."

She rotated a little more and leaned back against his chest.

Then sighed. And her eyes unfocused.

And she was back there again. Back in that room that she remembered now. In a half dream again.

She was naked, but this time, instead of being bent over the table, she was on the table. On her knees and forearms, naked ass in the air.

She felt hands on her back, and her body gave a trembly little gasp. They were Bill's hands, she knew that.

Wonderful hands.

Hands shouldn't ... feel this good.

"Remember this morning," he asked in a whisper, "when you felt so ashamed, being caught by your son, making out with your brother?"

"Nngh-hnngh," she whimpered.

"God, you were humiliated! You were furious at your brother, going to throw him out of your house, and then ... there you were, betraying yourself and every bit of that shit you spouted earlier. Suddenly, instead of throwing him out, you were desperately kissing him.

"And your son saw ... all of it ..."

Jennifer mentally writhed a little. "Nngh-hnngh ..."

"He saw you eagerly sharing tongue with your brother. After shitting yourself over your daughter ... doing the same thing."

She fidgeted on her knees and elbows, flustered. His hands felt wonderful on her back, way too wonderful for the shame that was churning around in her tummy ...

"Do you see the string? The fishing line?"

In her mind she did.

"Follow the string. Through the woods, to the rocky area."

She started. And she knew what would follow. Lava would surge below, warming the landscape until it was soft. And edges would round, shards would merge, the boulder's teeth would smooth down to be just the boulder's gums, and then the boulder itself would simply sink below the ground.

Gone. And no more shame then. Nothing wrong with her and her brother sharing tongues in front of her son anymore.

She'd be "fixed." Changed. "Better."

If she really didn't want to change ... then don't follow the string, she told herself.

But she whimpered. It was already done. The last of the boulder sank below the ground. She'd already done it, before she could stop herself. Like something inside her almost wanted freedom from that boulder.

Bill chuckled and patted her naked, presented ass. "Good girl."

Ohgod! Her tummy swelled with pride! Shit!

She sensed the orgasm that she knew was coming, circling her like a vulture ... waiting for its opportunity to strike and overwhelm her ...

Bill continued walking around behind her. His fingers touched the tops of her thighs, and she gasped in air. Then a fingertip ... slid down the ... lips of her soaked wet slit back there ... and almost lit her up!

She was panting!

The orgasm ... the giant vulture ... was armed with nuclear weapons ... and was circling ... waiting to suddenly snatch her ...

Waiting to make her cum like a whimpering little pussy ...

Then that dear finger just slipped away from her twat, pulling a whine out of her, as Bill continued walking around her.

"So ... kissing your brother ... there's nothing really wrong with that, is there?"

"N-noo ..." Her voice trembled. She couldn't keep it from revealing ... how overwhelmed with excitement she was right now.

But ... it should be wrong. It should be wrong to make out with her brother. Especially in front of her children. There ought to be a stern, scary, crazy woman that stepped out of the shadows and whacked you with a switch if you even thought about pressing your lips to your brother's.

But ... there was no such old woman, no stern, harsh guardian of morality. She could kiss Bill right now, could slip her tongue into his mouth. And the world would not even end. No stern woman wielding a switch. No big boulder with shards like teeth, ready to gnash you for doing the impermissible.

The world would just ... continue on.

Because it wasn't impermissible anymore. It never was.

She turned her head and looked longingly at Bill. Pleeease? Kiss her?

He bent down and kissed her on the lips. Slipped his tongue in her. And hers followed his back into his mouth.