A Mermaid's Tale


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"Bad," he growled his eyes shimmering in the fading light. His voice dropped a full octave in his register.

"Do you like me teasing you Ares?" She asked giving his cock a gentle squeeze. "Like a bar of surgical steel."

"I love it when you touch me." He rumbled as she began stroking him again as if to say right answer so here is your reward. The tip of his erection was oozing, and she was ready for the next step in his indoctrination.

"Want to see a magic trick?" She asked and he smiled like a kid on Christmas. "Stand up and take five steps and stop. I will do the rest."

Ares stood and counted out each step. When he reached five, she was gone. He was about to pout when he felt it. Holy shit he thought as Ariel opened her mouth under the water and slowly gobbled up his cock an inch at a time. He looked down and saw the cloud of her hair obscuring her face and what she was doing. She took his entirety with ease.

"I guess fish don't have a gag reflex." He whimpered softy to himself. "Keep on going. This feels amazing."

She must have heard him because her hands shot forward and cupped his ass cheeks to help keep her in place. The door to the roof opened and Leo, the black lion, strode onto the roof. He made an unhappy face as his mane and body hair were soon soaked and clung to him. He was shivering from the combination of being wet from head to tail and the dropping temperature. Leo saw no sign of Ariel and grew alarmed.

"Where the hell is she?!" Leo snapped but relaxed when Ares pointed at the water. "No shit, you lucky bastard. I will leave you two alone. Mags just wanted to make sure she had not pulled a runner. Have fun." He turned to leave and shivered uncontrollably. "How the hell can you just stand there?" He asked never expecting a reply.

"Because I can I suppose." Ares responded jovially. Once Leo had retreated inside, he gently stroked Ariel's head and asked. "May I?" In response she knelt, grabbed the back of his thighs and stopped moving. "Thank you." He grabbed her hair on either side of her head firmly and began moving his hips. "Pity I cannot see your expression so I will assume you love getting your throat fucked." The water fought him a bit but soon the wave his movements were making worked for him instead of against. He timed his thrusts with the waves, and it became easier. Ariel was in lust. Was it the way he worked with the water? Was it how far his erection pierced her throat? No, it was his boyish charm as he pummeled her. "Swallow!" He roared and she did. The moment his load hit the back of her throat something inexplicable happened. Her body reacted to his genetic material. She felt stronger. Her mind became sharper like a fog had been lifted. The rush of energy coursed through her and she breached the water with a cloud of scarlet obscuring her vision.

"UNNN... UNNN... UNNN... yeah fuck me bitch!" Were the first words she heard once the haze had lifted. Ariel blinked and she was atop the powerful figure of Ares. She felt him buried deep inside of her and the flood of pleasure swept her away. He was on his back with his hips in the air and she was straddling him. Their thighs were touching giving her control since she could raise her body while he was pinned beneath her. She was the one doing the pounding for a change. She liked it.

"I am going to milk your balls god of war." Ariel growled and he relented and quite eagerly by the look of it.

"Cumming again," he howled as a gush of sperm hit her deep.

"Again?" Ariel asked as she slowed to savor the pleasure. "How long have we been at it?" She asked as she looked up and the sun was long gone. The clouds had passed, and the stars twinkled as she moved.

"That was number seven for me. I lost track of yours." Ares gasped. "Keep going."

"Of course, I will." She snapped. "I am in charge. I... oh shut up." She said as the parade of lovers filled her mind. All of them had dominated her. No. One face stood out. No. One man had been tender when she needed it and fierce when she begged him. Where are you Booker? She picked up speed and made this about her for a change. Here was this powerful man beneath her and begging for her to make him feel good. The sense of power was intoxicating. She smiled as she took her pleasure from him. Her body quivered and she told him she was close. Her body shook as she climaxed. Ariel found her voice and unleashed it. Windows half a block around rattled. Those within one hundred feet shattered. Luckily for Ares her head had been aimed skyward. He was spared the brunt of her sonic lance.

"Whoa." He exclaimed knowing he had dodged a bullet. "Easy now."

"Was that me?" Ariel laughed. "Oh, I get it." She said as she dismounted him. "Let's wash up." Dolphins used sound to stun and kill their prey. They must have coded that into her as well. "Ha. Do not tell anyone what happened. It was a sonic boom, got it."

"Anything you say," Ares said clearly enthralled. "I have never been fucked like that ever." He said her words. How many times had she praised the man above or behind her for making her come so hard she saw spots? She had done that to him. Ariel kissed Ares sealing their bond.

"Your neck." She gasped in surprise seeing the marks, finger marks, her fingers no doubt. "I never meant to hurt you." She said and that tripped memories of rough lovers. "Tell me what happened. I do not want this to happen again. I could hurt someone." He spoke and as he did the wounds healed. By the time he finished the gouges were gone. "You shot down my throat and then I went berserk." She said processing the events. "I grabbed you by the throat, lifted you up, and then slammed you to the ground." She continued and looked to see the damaged rooftop. "The rest was me fucking you. I felt something when your swimmers hit the back of my throat. A surge of energy and for lack of a better term clarity. It was like a fog or veil had been lifted from my mind."

"Phase two!" Ares exclaimed. "When I was given the second treatment, I felt that clarity. I was focused and ideas and solutions came so much easier and faster. It is still like that, but I am used to it now. Listen, you are going to feel like you are tripping balls. Keep it together. Colors will appear more vibrant and a sense of euphoria will grip you. Do your best to act normal. If they make the connection... I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Ariel nodded as they left the roof and hit the communal showers on the ground floor. He was right. The dull dark roof had not triggered her, but the brightly lit walls and hallways made her feel lightheaded. With an enormous act of will she fought the urge to giggle and touch things and people. Lights bounced off reflective surfaces and all the sensory input was staggering. At one point she leaned against Ares.

"What is up with her?" Omaha snarled.

"Me. I fucked her rotten." Ares bragged and the cat laughed.

"I knew she couldn't keep up with you. Pathetic." Omaha sneered.

"Almost there," Ares whispered in Ariel's ear. "I am going to turn off the lights. That should help you balance out." The sound of running water and then she gasped as she was standing beneath the shower. "I got you." Ares said behind her. "Damn it, sorry." He moaned as her ass caressed his cock. He was hard again. "One more for the road."

"Do me." Ariel whimpered. "We have all the time in the world."

It was the beginning of the best two weeks of their lives. The changes brought on by his genetic material were all beneath the surface. Her musculature improved and she was capable of feats of strength and agility beyond even the Olympic ideal. The most difficult part was hiding her new strengths, her new gifts that manifested, and her need to see Booker. Ares, while handsome and eager, did not touch her the way the other had. The love she had forsaken had been rekindled in her heart and blazed away in the quiet moments when she slept in her watery prison.

"We all lie." She whispered in the dark. "My lie comes to an end soon." She giggled as she stroked the tentacles of the giant red octopus, they had given to her. "They think I wanted you for food." Ariel watched it move, observed how it swam, and how it changed color. She held up her webbed hand and remembered Ares' scent she had tasted with her fingers. She smiled in the darkness and waited.

Opening Night at the Zoo.

Despite the controversial nature of cosmetic genetics opening night was sold out, had been for two weeks. Once Mags was assured that the renovation would be finished as scheduled tickets went on sale. Five days before you would hardly recognize the interior. The great thing about the Zoo was its ability to camouflage its sluttier side in favor of a more normal venue. The dance stages and stripper poles were powered by hydraulics. With the flip of a switch the poles would either rise to the surface or sink to hide from innocent eyes. The same was true of the stages. They could be positioned into several different configurations for mundane theatrical plays, musicals, and even a vintage movie theater.

The cleaning crew hit it hard the last few days before opening night. There was sawdust, powdered plaster, and the slow fill of the lighted glass tubes for Ariel to swim through. The soft creak as the metal pillars settled against the diorite floor made them all squeamish. If the system failed the underground would be flooded and folks could die. Once the system was filled, they opened the metal iris that connected her tank to the network of tubes. She swam through them slowly the first time. She felt around each corner and connecting tunnel as she thought of them. She made the entire circuit in twenty minutes. The second time her innate mental map kicked in and she resolved it in three minutes. After that she could swim at full speed and pass from her tank to the stage opening in twenty seconds. This augmented muscle memory exhilarated her. She knew she could swim the tubes with her eyes closed and still navigated it flawlessly.

The wealthy flocked to the grand reopening of the Zoo. Omaha and Ariel shared top billing. Omaha's reputation helped sell tickets and Ariel, the world's only mermaid, sold out a packed house. Jason and his friends had front row seats. There was an entire table reserved for Nick Shaw, but he did not appear. However, the enigmatic Bob Anderson was there, and he was not alone. He brought along three stunning women of various heritage and proportions. A tall curvy Middle Eastern woman sat on his right-hand side. An athletically built redhead with hair that fell nigh on to her firm round bottom sat on his left. The gorgeous Asian woman wore an expensive looking business suit and she stood behind him. Rumors abounded that she was his bodyguard. That was untrue, all three were highly trained, and there to ensure his safety.

Mags watched from on high at the filled seats and planned on orchestrating the entire evening's entertainment from beginning to end. The lights dimmed, the music swelled, and the DJ announced the first act to get the audience's appetite wetted.

"Cast your gaze to the center stage ladies and gentlemen. Once a freelance acquirer of rare items and treasures, professionally trained gymnast and aerialist, for your entertainment. Elrica!"

She appeared out of the darkness. She was clad head to foot in black and raced at a blistering speed towards the stage. She launched her body upwards with a strength no normal athlete could match. The petite figure did a full somersault and caught the stripper pole in her gloved hands. Her momentum spun her around twice before she sensuously slumped to the stage. The audience went wild. She got to her feet and unzipped the back of her costume freeing her bone white tail. She untied her hood and slowly in time with the music tugged it back and down revealing her blend of human and rodent features. Her trademark ears left no doubt that she was real and not mere makeup or prop.

What the DJ left out was Elrica's amazing singing voice. She sang as she slowly unzipped her bodysuit. For a figure that barely topped one and a half meters she had plenty of curves and the men in the audience hooted and howled. She was wearing a bikini underneath, but they did not get to see that until the beginning of the second song. She continued to sing as she worked the pole and the crowd equally well. By the third song she was naked and had them mesmerized and there were still two more dancers until Omaha. Cloud, the Snow Leopardess, followed up Elrica. Where Elrica was small and fast Cloud was slow sensuous and performed feats of strength even the albino mouse girl could not accomplish. She gripped the pole and assumed a flag position. As the audience watched she let go with her lower hand, maintained her horizontal angle, and with a twist of her upper wrist and torqueing of her body she flipped up the pole and gripped the pole with her free hand. They went crazy as she walked her body to the top of the pole. To show off her agility and flexibility she brought her feet behind her back and dug her toes against the stainless-steel cylinder. She flexed and built-up tension until she released her hands and launched her body into the air. Cloud landed and instantly went into a series of flips, spins, and landed near the entrance of the area. It just got more intense from there. By the time she ended her tips were staggering.

The third dancer was Minos, the minotaur, and the wives and girlfriend ate him up. He was tall, muscular, and hung well over twenty-six centimeters. Some of the men in the audience were not happy but were smart enough not to complain. His acts of raw strength were as impressive as those of dexterity and agility from the ladies before him. Bob's bodyguards tipped heavily, and he encouraged them to support the local talent. Mags watched on as the number of tips were far more than she anticipated.

Omaha helped the men in the audience forget the previous act. Her entrance was more traditional as the lights dimmed and a sultry jazz song filled the air. The lights came on and she stood with head bowed and arms akimbo. The music suddenly shifted to a full orchestra as she ignited two practice sabers and began a jaw dropping sword dance. She leapt and twirled and dove without ever losing speed, style, or the audience's attention. The music was an original piece written for her by an American fan.

The blur of movement and light as the glowing blades, one red and one blue, painted designs in the air for the crowd to ooh and ah over. Unseen by most were the two figures dressed in all black that plucked off tear away pieces of her costume. A sleeve here or a pants leg there and soon she was down to a sports bra and matching shorts. By the time, the first song ended, she had them in the palm of her paw. There was a clear reason why she was showcasing and getting a percentage of the ticket sales. Her second dance was a performance of black dragon kung fu, but she made it exciting and sensual. Her final number was a slow grind with two huge, feathered fans and done in a burlesque style tease. They ate it up.

Anuba, the Jackal, followed up with a blend of belly dancing and pole work. When she danced her entire body became an expression of sensuality.

"I have to give it to her. Knowing that she was just ahead of a living mermaid, she held the crowd enraptured." Bob commented to the ladies about him. "Here it comes."

Anuba left the stage. The lights dimmed and then went out completely. The club was plunged into complete darkness for what felt like forever. It was merely five seconds. The light welled up slowly but not from above but below. The large cylindrical glass tubes began to glow, then pulse, and finally shone with a steady white light. She rocketed through one tube and then another. They were so caught up watching her they missed the stage splitting open and with a triumphant roar from the crowd Ariel sped through the central tube and launched herself skyward and landed with one foot on either side of the gap. She was gasping for air until her body changed right before our eyes. The fish tail she possessed in the tubes was gone. The longer she stood upon the dry stage the more human she became. The noticeable translucent webbing between her hands, which she was holding up, seemed to recede and vanish as they watched. The same was true of the ridges on the back of her legs, arms, and spine. Soon all that was left of the mermaid was her blue-green tinged skin, large dark eyes, and the gills in her neck and just below her rib cage.

"I am Ariel." She announced as she absently brushed her neon blue hair behind her elvish ears. "I have been brought here to entertain you mortals." That was the cue for her music to be piped in. The loud pounding song accentuated her dancing perfectly. She performed a backward bridge, grabbed the stripper pole that had descended from the ceiling and supported her entire body weight with her upper body strength. When her feet left the stage, she performed a flag maneuver the crowd lost its collective shit. They roared for more and she performed one impossible feat of strength, agility, and flexibility after the other. She like those before her put Olympic level athletes to shame. There were things she did that male gymnasts could never achieve.

"I told you she would live up to your expectations." Jason boasted as the General and his cohorts watched the mermaid perform like a trained seal. "Well?"

"Better than anticipated." The General agreed. "She and her like will change naval warfare forever."

"Her ability to adapt between water and land expands her parameters, nice touch there Jason." Brian Meriwether, the CEO of Jet Stream a corporate front for mercenaries, said quite pleased with the demonstration. "Tell us about phase two."

"A little modification on the original therapy. It wipes out long term memory and facilitates the training process."

"I do not understand." The General said.

"A clean slate gentleman you can think of it as resetting your computer to factory settings. The mind is empty and eager for information. The brain adapts and craves identity and functionality." Jason explained.

"It is a pity they outlawed crystal patterning." Brian commented.

"You lost me there Brian." The General said. "What is that?"

"For a short while there Numenor was on the threshold of immortality." Jason commented. "Nick could copy your entire mind, memories, the whole shebang. He could hold it in a data crystal and then clone a younger version of your body and then plop you back in as good as new. The religious nuts lost their shit and demanded the project be shut down. He was going to offer it to those that could afford it. Pity really."

"What about before it was outlawed? Could there be wealthy clients inside of young new bodies?" The General asked.

"Anything is possible," Jason replied.

"Speaking of, how is the new body?" Brian asked Jason. "You stand out even more now than you did before."

"I am still adapting but I highly recommend it." Jason replied.

"Pity that wife of yours decided to stay home." The General said. "Did you ever find out what happened?"

"No. She and her sister just up and did a runner for twenty-four hours. Showed up the next day as if nothing had happened. I did not press her on it. She was home safe and sound. Besides what could happen in one day?" He joked. "Worse case she went off and slept with an old flame. Cannot say as I blame her, I have been beastly busy lately."

"What happened to her sister? I heard she ran off and joined the circus." Brian laughed as he watched Ariel perform. "You can almost see it in her eyes. You do damn fine work Jason."

"I know." Jason said with a huge sense of pride. Ivy looked amazing in her new persona as Ariel. "She is going to make us all very wealthy."
