A Miracle at the Cabin Ch. 02


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"And what about your mom?"

"She's doing well. She's always wanted to travel and see the world; and that's what they're doing. She adores my dad. He has always been the leader and final decision maker in the family and she's been the unseen rock supporting him. I think that dad was always smart enough to learn what decision she wanted him to make before he made it." We both chuckled.

"Mom volunteered with several charities for many years and talked dad into hosting quite a few fundraisers at the restaurants. He was always very proud of her and I never heard him say a cross word to her. It's almost like he put her on a pedestal and worshipped her somehow. Their marriage has been very happy for over 45 years.

"They sound like a wonderful couple."

"They are and I'd love for you to meet them someday. In fact, I would pay big money to see you and him cook together in a kitchen one day."

"Why do you say that?"

"I've seen the way you move around this kitchen and I've tasted your cooking. I think he would just get out of your way and say 'you go girl.' He's quick to recognize and praise excellence in anyone."

"What a sweet thing for you to say. Thank you." She reached for me and we hugged.

Pam's biscuits were some of the best I've ever eaten. They were very light, airy and had just a wonderful flakey top and bottom crust. Their buttery flavor made me want more. I would love to serve these in our restaurants and said so. "Maybe you could teach my pastry guys how to make these."

"Wow, thanks again. You really think they're that good?"

"No doubt about it. Just don't sell them to my competition."

After cleaning up and putting everything away, we sat by the roaring fire the rest of the morning and read the books on dreams and angels. Many times, when I glanced at her, she'd be staring at me.

I'd say, "What?"

She would grin and respond, "Oh nothing."

Around lunchtime, I suggested that we drive over to a little diner I frequented. "It's called Susan's Place and the food's really good."

"Let's go; just let me grab a jacket and freshen up."

Her idea of freshening up included a shower and glamorous makeup; therefore, I gazed at the fire for a good while. She finally emerged and, my god, she was gorgeous. She wore black pants and a black lacy top that had belonged to Lydia. It fit her perfectly and she looked sexy, to say the least. The way her small bottom flared out from her tiny waist and her long wavy blonde hair draped over the black top were showstoppers. She completed the outfit with a light blue silk scarf. This was the first time I had seen her with full make-up. Not even professional makeup artists could have done better.

"My god, Pam, you're beautiful! Can you drive while I just gaze at you?"

"Very funny but thank you."

I opened the car door for this ravishing beauty and she smiled. On the way to Susan's Place, I explained that Carl and Susan had opened this small diner about 40 years ago, long before I was born.

"My parents loved going there for the conversation as much as the food. Even though they knew my dad was a well-known chef, they didn't do anything special for him. If he thought something could have been improved, he kept it to himself for discussion on the way home.

"Susan's is the local gathering place. In the off-season, like now, only a few of the locals will be there. Since I've been coming here all my life, I'll probably know some of them so be ready for a lot of good-natured ribbing. They love to have a good time."

"Sounds like fun."

"They're going to assume we're a couple so just play along with it. The truth is too hard to explain."

"I agree."

There were several cars parked in front, a few more than I expected. When we walked in the door, a shout penetrated the room, "TOM! WOW, so good to see you!" yelled Susan. Even though she was in her early 70's, she still had that genuine friendly enthusiasm for her guests. You always knew you were welcome.

"Susan, you look lovely as always." I said. We walked toward each other and hugged. I kissed her lightly on the cheek and she just beamed.

"And who is this beautiful young lady?"

"Susan, this is Pam. Pam, this is the best cook in the world, Susan."

Pam said, "I'm thrilled to meet you Susan. Tom has told me all about you and this wonderful diner."

"God, she's gorgeous Tom. Let me get Carl out here. CARL! CARL! Come look who's here."

Carl emerged from the kitchen and yelled, "TOM! Damn boy, it's great to see you."

He then stopped to study Pam. "Tom, I may have to sit down, this girl's taking my breath away."

We laughed and I introduced them. About that time, I noticed Bill and Gene sitting at one of the tables. They were about my dad's age and had also known me from the time I was in diapers.

They both got up from the table and walked over, talking to me as they came.

Gene said, "Jesus Christ, Tom, I don't know how you do it. You're not that handsome. How do you get these world-class beauties to even talk to you, much less eat lunch with you?" He stood there and tried to absorb as much of Pam as he could.

While that was going on, Bill added, "I think he's got a secret that we just don't know. How else, do you explain it?"

I introduced both Bill and Gene to Pam and they both insisted on a hug. I knew they just wanted to press against those breasts. But no harm and Pam seemed to enjoy it. These two and Carl were well known as dirty old men.

Susan jumped in, "Here, let's get this big table set up so y'all can eat together. I'm sure Pam and Tom won't mind."

We both said in unison, "Of course not." I glanced at Pam and she seemed delighted.

Susan and Carl popped the leaves out on a large round table that seated eight and quickly set the dinnerware and napkins.

Bill and Gene brought their food and drinks over and we all took a seat. Susan handed us menus and then took a quick glance around the restaurant to be sure no one was waiting for service. Then she sat with us.

The interrogation began, "Pam, where are you from?" asked Carl.

"I grew up near Greenville, South Carolina."

Bill added, "That's God's country."

Gene cut in, "Are all the ladies there as pretty as you are?"

I could tell that Pam was uncertain of a proper response. She finally said, "I'm sure a lot of them are prettier than me."

Carl looked at Bill and Gene. "I'm going to head up that way tomorrow; you guys wanna come?"

Gene was the first to respond, "We'll leave at 6:00am and I'll bring the beer but don't tell Linda."

My mind couldn't process the thought of three 70-year-old men in a pickup truck driving to Greenville to ogle the girls.

Susan added, "Gene, I'm going to tell Linda." Linda was Gene's wife of at least 50 years. Bill had lost his wife so, for the time being, he was safe from Susan's threats.

Back to the interrogation, Susan asked, "So how'd you two meet?"

I looked at Pam and she said, "Someone introduced us."

Susan came back, "How long ago?"

I responded, "It's been quite a while now."

Carl asked, "Have your parents met her yet?"

"No, they've been in Europe on several cruises and I haven't seen them in almost two months."

Susan added, "I'll bet they're going to be thrilled." Pam and I just smiled.

This interrogation continued for a few minutes as Pam and I skillfully deflected all the questions. We finally were able to read the menu and make our choices.

"Pam, what can I get you?"

"I'd really love the fried chicken."

"Great choice." Bill said. Pam was pleased and smiled at him. He ate it up.

"Susan, I think I'm having your famous meatloaf with jalapenos." I looked to Pam and asked if she wanted Diet Coke.

"Yes, sweetheart, that'd be great." What? She called me sweetheart?

I looked back to Susan and said, "And I'll just have ice water."

Susan yelled the order back to Tony who'd been their primary cook for at least 20 years. She then made her rounds to check all the other guests.

Pam asked to be excused and made her way to the ladies room. While she was gone, the interrogation really began.

Carl was first, "OK Tom, now tell me the truth. You've got to be blackmailing her or something. Lydia was gorgeous-a 10 on anyone's scale. But this girl is off the damn charts. I've never seen a woman this beautiful."

Bill added, "I've seen a lot of beautiful women, mostly in magazines, but she's just stunning. In fact, she looks like a girl inPlayboy; but I'm sure she's not. And she really seems to like you. Shocks the hell out of me." Everyone chuckled.

Gene was the first to get really serious. "Tom, I'm excited for you. All of us just hated it when Lydia died. She was some lady and always so nice to all of us. We loved to just be here when you two came in. She was the light in any room."

I noticed, while Bill was talking, that Pam was engaged in conversation with Susan back near the ladies room.

Carl then spoke, "All of us were really worried about you. We knew you came alone to the cabin each November after she died. Grief is very dangerous and we wondered if you would somehow hasten your death to be with her. Last year, you didn't come here to eat; and after the week was over, I called your dad. He assured me that he'd talked to you just the day before and that you were OK. I was very relieved. In fact, we were all very relieved."

I noticed that Pam and Susan were still in a lively conversation, occasionally hugging each other and wiping tears from their eyes.

"Carl, I love all of you guys. You're like family to me." Gene reached over and put his hand on my shoulder. "I should've come last year and seen y'all. I'm sorry I didn't. It was an especially tough week for me. I couldn't get Lydia out of my mind and the grief was almost consuming me. I was really dreading coming back to the cabin this week. I knew I had to come but I was afraid.

"But that has changed. For the first time in over two years, I'm looking forward and not back."

Bill said, "Praise the Lord." I glanced at Gene and saw tears welling in his eyes. I then looked back at Pam and they were still talking.

"So guys, sunshine has returned to my world and things are going to be OK." All three men agreed.

About that time, the ladies conference broke up and Pam returned to the table. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot but she was all smiles. Gene and Bill asked to be excused and made their way out after again hugging Pam. Carl gently kissed Pam on her offered cheek and told her he was very happy for us. We finished our meal and bid farewell to Susan and headed to the car.

As we drove home, I asked, "What did you and Susan talk about for so long?"

"Just girl talk."

"Girl talk?"

"Yeah, just things that women talk about."


"You know, things like which vibrators we prefer."

I laughed so hard I almost had to stop the car.

After regaining my composure, I said, "I understand. When you're ready to tell me, you will." She smiled and nodded.

"So what did you think about Susan's gang?"

"I really enjoyed them. Glad you warned me what to expect. They're fun loving guys with a great sense of humor."

"I noticed that Gene and Bill couldn't wait to give you a big hug."

"Yeah, they wanted to check out my boobs, to see if they're real. I'm used to that."

"Well, are they real?"

She looked at me with an ugly frown. "Of course, they're real! Every part of my body is real! Is that cock I was rubbing against last night real or do you have an implant?"

"I didn't know you were rubbing against my cock last night."

"Tom, you were asleep!"

"Well, why didn't you wake me up?"

"I snuggled into you as much as I could but all you wanted to do was wrap your arm around my stomach."

"Next time, jab me with your elbow and wake me up."

"OK, just remember you told me to."


We arrived at the cabin and I began the normal routine of building the fire. Pam went to her room and changed clothes. She emerged wearing tan slacks and a dark blue blouse. For the first time, it looked like she wasn't wearing a bra; she jiggled a lot more when she walked over.

She plopped down on the sofa beside me, placed her hand on my leg, leaned over and kissed me for the first time. I was very surprised.

"Pam, that was nice but why the kiss?"

"I just wanted to kiss you. You've been very nice to me."

I stared into the fire, uncertain of what to say or do.

She asked, "Was it all that bad?"

"Of course not. You're a beautiful young lady. I'm sorry."

"Tom, you need a woman's companionship. And I need a man's companionship. It's time for you to let go of the grief and enjoy life again."

I looked into her eyes and decided that she was right. I returned the kiss. That ignited a long dead fire within me. We exchanged at least a dozen kisses, but no French kissing. After each one, she would look into my eyes as if I were the only person in the world. She held the side of my face and gently ran her fingers through my hair. I didn't really know what to think.

Pam asked, "Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?"


"Do you mind if we sleep together tonight?"

"What brought this on all of a sudden? Kissing is one thing but sleeping together?"

"I need you, and I really think you need me. Besides that, I really like you."

"Do you jump into bed with everyone you like?"

"No, but you're different. If you don't want to, I understand."

"I promised to respect you Pam."

"You mean you can't respect me if I want to have sex with you?"

"No, that's not what I mean."

"Tom, I know I'm not Lydia and never will be. But I'd like to have just recreational sex with you. I think you would enjoy it and so would I. No strings attached. OK?"

"Recreational sex? You make it sound like going out jogging."

"I'm not into making babies yet. Listen Tom, I know I'm a free spirit and you're not. That's fine. I love sex. I get a real high from it. I don't do drugs and I've never rented my body to anyone. What I have, I give freely to those men I find attractive and interesting. You're one of those men."

I couldn't believe I was sitting her arguing with a gorgeous young lady who wanted to have sex with me. I finally came to my senses.

I grinned, "Can we go to bed now?"

"OK, but here's the problem. My period began this morning."

"Oh. Bummer."

"But I still have other assets I think you'd enjoy."

"Can I massage your breasts and suck you nipples?"

"You can even massage my clit and ass."

"I was hoping you'd say that." We kissed at least another six or seven times and held each other in front of the fire as I unbuttoned her blouse.

End of Chapter 2 – Stay tuned. Chapter 3 will come very soon and it's a hot one.

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bruce22bruce22almost 10 years ago

Wow she went from the screaming meemies to cuddly awfully quickly! Lots of fun and pleasant people.

memorable_eventmemorable_eventalmost 11 years agoAuthor

There is another restaurant scene in Chapter 7 that I think you will enjoy.

Glad you like the story so far.

RhomanovRhomanovalmost 11 years ago

Great restaurant scene - reminds in a way of Statler and Waldorf - LMAO!!!

Keep it going :)


CrisInGACrisInGAalmost 11 years ago

There are days when you just HAVE to believe that this can and does happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Wow, splendid.

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