A Miracle at the Cabin Ch. 04


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"Maybe it's the barn ladder, or you're relaxed and very happy being here with your mom. Maybe it's the smell of the hay or that you find me totally charming and irresistible!" She grinned.

"It's got to be those last two. Whatever caused it, that was AMAZING!"

I suggested, "Let's get your clothes on and walk around some to let 'em dry."

I held her waist while she reached down to pull up the panties and jeans from around her ankles. Only the front part and one leg were wet. My shirt and jeans were also wet but only a little had hit my jacket.

We decided to postpone the hayloft visit till another day. Instead we walked down a hill and over into the next valley. There was a cool breeze blowing. Even thought it was the beginning of winter, there was still green grass in the pasture and we could see the cattle grazing down near one of the creeks. We kept an eye out for the bull but he seemed to be focused on other matters.

We turned and walked around the crest of a second hill and down to another creek bed in the next pasture. This was a serene and very pretty place. From this spot, there were no houses or man-made structures in sight, in any direction. We saw a great blue heron in the creek and it watched us warily before flying in the other direction.

After about an hour, it seemed that our clothes were dry enough for no one to notice so we headed back to the house.

As we walked, I asked, "So you're not interested in keeping the farm."

"No, not really. It was a good place to grow up and my childhood was very happy here. But everywhere I look, I remember dad and that brings to mind how badly I hurt him. If mom wasn't here, I don't think I'd ever want to come back."

We walked in the back door and Ruth was still enjoying the fire while reading a newspaper. "Did you get the grand tour?"

"I sure did. The hills and valleys are beautiful with lots of water." Pam looked at me and frowned at the obvious double meaning.

"Mom, we're going up to change our clothes for the airport and dinner."

"I need to change too. We need to leave in about an hour."

We walked upstairs and to my bedroom. Pam closed the door and we kissed. "Let's get out of these dirty clothes and take a bath."

"I saw the old bath tub. It's been many years since I had a true bath. Showers are so easy."

"Yeah, but this old house never had showers. But we could bathe together."

"Let's do it. By the way, where's your mom's bedroom?"

"Oh, there's a large bedroom behind the living room and it's on the back side of the house. There's also a nice bath down there. So we have a lot of privacy up here."

She walked down the hall to the bathroom. I could hear the water as she started filling the tub. In just a moment, she appeared at the door with her change of clothes. I picked out mine and then followed her to the bath.

Once the door was closed, Pam decided to pee. "If I don't do it now, I'll have to jump out of the tub and do it. It always happens."

"Do you have to take the tampon out before bathing?"

"No, but I'll have to change it when I get out."

While the water was still running she added bubble bath, which worked quickly. I held her hand as she stepped into the large tub. She sat on one end and I sat on the other. We stared at each other and grinned. I suddenly felt her foot working its way between my legs. As it reached my balls and her toes started rubbing against them, I could feel my cock starting to grow.

"Oh, I think I feel something hard. Are you glad to see me?"

"My cock and your toes seem to be communicating."

I could feel her other foot joining the party and her toes stroked slowly up and down the hard shaft.

"Pam, why are you torturing me like this?" She just grinned.

It wasn't long till I knew I was cuming and there was no way to stop it. I grabbed the sides of the tub, stood up and jerked off over the edge onto the floor. She watched and laughed as I spurted stream after stream.

"I'm glad you're entertained." I sat down again and tried to resume my bath.

Then I felt her hand on my foot. Her breasts emerged from the bubbles as she sat up higher to gain some space. She then picked up my foot and placed it on her crotch. I could feel her fingers massaging my toes as she held it against her pussy.

"Push hard."

I pushed but not too hard and she started massaging her clit beneath my toes. Her other hand was on top of my foot and pressing it down and into her. This continued for a couple of minutes and she closed her eyes, seeming to go into a mild trance. This was a quiet and mild orgasm. She shuddered only once and then it passed.

Pam stared at me, smiled and continued massaging my foot.


As we dressed, I said, "I think we need to install one of these old tubs at the Chattanooga house. There's a lot to be said for them." She giggled.

Once ready, we walked downstairs and waited for her mom. I separated what little wood was left in the fireplace so it would extinguish quicker.

In just a few moments, Ruth walked in. She had on a lovely fall dress. I could see where the girls got their looks. She was a beautiful woman in very nice shape and still young in her mid-40's. Any man would be proud to be with her.

I escorted the ladies to my car and opened the doors for them. Pam insisted that her mom sit up front with me.

As we headed toward the airport, Pam asked, "Mom, when we were walking around, we found a bushel of black walnuts in the tool shed. Do you want them for any reason or can I have them?"

"Sweet, I didn't even know they were there. I'd like a gallon or so. A friend of mine loves black walnut cake but I've not been able to find the nuts."

Pam sensed an opening, "Now is this friend a woman or a man?"

Ruth paused and said, "It's a man." I glanced over at Ruth. She was looking straight ahead but was smiling. I glanced in the mirror at Pam and she obviously was trying not to laugh.

She got control long enough to say, "Now mom, tell me about this man."

"Well, he lives a couple of miles down the road and we go to church together. He lost his wife to cancer last year. We've become good friends."

"How good?"

"PAM! That's not something I'm ready to talk about."

"OK, just remember if you need any advice on how to please a man, don't call me. Maybe Tom can help you."

"You keep me out of this. I'm sure Ruth has everything under control." I again glanced at Ruth and she was looking straight ahead and still smiling. I looked in the mirror again and Pam had her hand over her mouth and was shaking as she tried not to laugh.

We arrived at the airport and parked in the short-term lot. All of us went to the arrival area to await Jerri.

About ten minutes later, the doors opened and people flooded through, looking for their loved ones, a driver or for baggage claim. Jerri was in the middle of the pack and started waving to us when she saw Ruth and Pam.

"Hi guys." She hugged her mom and then Pam.

Pam then put her arm inside mine, "Jerri, I want you to meet Tom. Tom, this is Jerri."

She noticed me for the first time. "PAM! I had no idea you were seeing someone. Tom, it's a pleasure to meet you." I expected a handshake but she insisted on a hug.

She was indeed beautiful. Long auburn hair, very wavy like Pam's and it had a brilliant luster. Jerri was approximately 5'7", which was just a bit taller than Pam. They shared very similar facial features, including the same gorgeous blue eyes, but Jerri had a couple of very sexy dimples. Like Pam, she was very curvy and not an ounce overweight.

"My honor, Jerri. Pam has told me a lot of good things about you."

"Wow, that's a shock. Are you sure it was this Pam?"

"Tom, I haven't told you about her dark side yet." We all laughed as Ruth butted in.

"Now girls, don't get started picking at each other until we at least get home." Pam and Jerri hugged again and both told each other how good it was to be together.

As we waited for Jerri's baggage, Pam told her that we were going to Soby's for dinner.

"Good, I've not been there in a couple of years. Is Jimmy still the manager?"

Pam responded, "I've no idea. You've been there since I was."

"You remember that night with Jimmy?"

Pam grabbed her arm and said, "Shhhhh! Don't bring that up."

Ruth asked, "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing mom."

The luggage finally arrived and I rolled it to the car. We drove back to Greenville with Ruth up front and the two sisters in the back. I could hear some soft whispering going on back there but just ignored it. I glanced in the mirror just once and saw the two of them giggling and holding their mouths closed with their hands.

We arrived at Soby's and the valet took our car. The restaurant was in the restored part of town and was housed in an old mill building. Very nice appearance and it fit perfectly with the old town character they were trying to achieve.

The hostess escorted us to the table, which was in the center of the room. I casually scanned the other tables and every male eye in the place was locked onto Jerri, Pam and Ruth. Even some of the women were staring.

As we studied the menu, a guy a few years younger than me walked over. Pam saw him first. "Hi Jimmy, good you see you."

"It's great to see y'all again. It's been too long. Hi, Mrs. Davis."

"Hi Jimmy."

Jimmy leaned over and gave both Pam and Jerri kisses on their offered cheeks. As Pam introduced me I stood and shook hands with him.

"Tom, you have a lovely trio of tablemates tonight. I'm glad y'all came in."

"Thanks Jimmy." We returned to our menus as he walked away.

For starters, we decided to split the Lobster Mac & Cheese with white truffle Parmesan streusel and the Hudson Valley Foie Gras on cinnamon bun French toast with huckleberry jam.

As we enjoyed these delicious starters, Jerri started asking me many of the same questions that Ruth asked. So I reviewed my life one more time. Then she threw a new one at me. "Now exactly what are your intentions toward my baby sister?"

Pam exclaimed, "JERRI!"

I touched Pam's arm and said, "Hey, that's a fair question." They all looked at me.

"Pam and I met just recently and we've spent a lot of time together. I think we both feel a connection and want to see how it develops. I find her to be a fascinating young lady, full of life and energy and someone that I admire." Pam was smiling.

Jerri then looked at Pam and asked, "OK, what's special about Tom?"

Pam pursed her lips and thought. "He's unlike anyone I've ever met. He's mature, fun, a great listener, a good cook, and he makes me feel important and wanted." She looked at me and continued, "I'm able to talk to him about anything and he's given me the wisest advice I've ever had. We don't know yet if we're in love but we have a start toward that and we want to see how it develops."

Jerri looked at me and smiled. "I think you've won my baby sister's heart." I smiled as Pam squeezed my hand. I could tell that Ruth was pleased.

The main courses arrived. Jerri had the shrimp and grits, low country style. The grits had small pieces of country ham and was made with a chardonnay cream sauce. Ruth had the North Carolina trout with creamy polenta and green beans. Pam had the duck breast with butternut squash ragout and mustard greens. I had a tough choice but finally decided on the hunter style rabbit confit leg, backstrap rabbit risotto, sweet peas, and carrots. We shared bites of each other's dishes. It was all very good. I decided to call one of my chefs the next day and have him think about adding rabbit to our menu.

Our dinner conversation continued with discussion of my family and background, Jerri's husband David and their house in Houston and the future of the farm. Pam stayed away from Ruth's new beau but I had a feeling it would come up later.


Around 11:00pm, Ruth said she needed to call it a night and she wished all of us sweet dreams.

Jerri, Pam and I continued to talk but soon decided we needed to head up to bed. All of us had a long day and we were tired.

We took turns in the bathroom and headed to our beds. All was quiet and I assumed that Pam had decided not to visit me when 12:30 came.

Suddenly, I heard a soft tap on my door. I opened it and found Jerri standing there in a short nightie and her panties.


"Can I come in?"

I stammered, "Uhhh, sure." Thankfully, I had my underwear on.

"Now don't get excited, Tom. I just want to talk."

My quick prayer was suddenly answered when the door opened again and Pam walked in. She also had on a short nightie and panties.

Pam exclaimed, "Well it sure didn't take long for you two to hook up." She had fire in her eyes.

Jerri said, "Pam, it's not what you think. I just came in to ask Tom for some advice."

"Sure you did." I expected Pam to attack her at any moment.

I stepped between them and added, "Pam, I haven't touched her and she just came in a minute ago. I'd never cheat on you." That seemed to calm her down and a silence filled the room but I could still feel the angry tension.

I asked, "Can we sit down and talk about this and hear what Jerri has to say."
They both continued to glare at each other.

There were no chairs in the room so I suggested we sit on the bed. I climbed up first and sat on the pillows. Pam sat next to me and Jerri sat at the foot of the bed. All of us sat cross-legged. Jerri's perfectly shaped tanned legs and her thinly covered pussy was very distracting so I tried to focus on her eyes.

I broke the silence and asked, "Jerri, what do you want to discuss?"

Jerri looked at Pam and then me, "My husband and I are thinking about a divorce." Pam gasped. "When Pam said tonight that you had given her great advice, I decided I needed to ask for some also." Pam laid her hand on my leg and squeezed it. She then crawled down to Jerri and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"No one does. I came here this week to tell mom about our problems and seek her advice. I still need to do that. But then I was thinking earlier tonight that maybe Tom could take a more impersonal view of the situation and give me some ideas."

Pam looked at me and responded, "A very wise person told me one time that it's easier to talk to a stranger than to a loved one."

Again, silence engulfed us. Pam then asked Jerri, "Is it OK if I stay and hear the discussion? I promise to keep it totally to myself and maybe there's some way I can help."

Jerri studied her face and finally agreed. "My husband hasn't been faithful to me and I have to admit that I've not been faithful to him. It started about three months ago. He had been working very late several nights in a row and I went to sleep without him. One morning, I found a note in his pants pocket from a woman named Brenda asking him to meet her at one of the bars. I worried about it all day and confronted him with it that night. He said that Brenda was a co-worker and that she just wanted to have a drink and talk about a project they were estimating. That sounded plausible but I still had a nagging feeling about it.

"A couple of days later, I called his office and asked for Brenda. The operator said no one by that name worked there. They only have the one office building so now I was really angry. But I decided to wait and see if anything else happened.

"The following week, I could detect the fragrance of a strange perfume on one of his shirts. So I confronted him again. He finally admitted that a woman had been coming on to him and that he'd had sex with her one time. But he started crying and promised me it was over and that he regretted it.

"I was so mad I could have killed him. We didn't speak for several days and didn't have sex for several weeks. Pam, you know how I am about needing sex. You're the same way. I just kind of go crazy and don't think straight.

"Anyway, there's a guy living behind us who's been out of work for a while. He's cute, not married and he's hit on me a few times. I always told him I wasn't interested. But then, one morning I was sunning near the pool and one thing led to another and we ended up doing it in every possible position all day. That was some of the best sex I've ever had."

I sat there and watched Jerri cry. Pam had her arm around her and tried to console her.

Finally, the question came. "Tom, is there anyway you see for us to save our marriage? I really don't want to leave him but I can't trust him and I know he shouldn't trust me."

"Jerri, I'm not a marriage counselor and I just don't know all the answers. But let me say that honesty and a frank and open discussion with your husband is very important. He probably already knows that you need frequent sex and may have already guessed that after several weeks you were getting it somewhere else. But guessing isn't the same as knowing and I think it would be wise for you to tell him how it happened. Since you're both guilty, I think that any true love you have for each other will survive and that you both need to be totally up front and honest about the causes of your straying. Has he given you any reason to think he's continued to be unfaithful?


"Then don't give up on him. Do you still love him?


"Even more reason to try again. Could I suggest that before you tell your mom about any of this and get her concerned that you call your husband and tell him you love him. Tell him that you want to get away for a weekend and talk through all your mutual concerns and the future. Ask him to take you to a nice resort for two or three days and just totally focus on each other. I'll bet he'll come to his senses, if he hasn't already, and that you two will have a great, sex-filled weekend."

"You really think so?"

"Jerri, other than Pam, you're the prettiest women I've ever seen. You two women are amazing and so full of love. No man would turn his back on you without thinking long and hard. But with that beauty comes a responsibility that requires self-discipline. It is now gut-check time. If you truly feel that you can't be totally committed to one man, you should admit that to yourself and to him and then move on. You and your husband will only end up heartbroken if you try to live a lie."

"Thanks Tom. I like your ideas. Pam, you're one lucky girl to have this man. I'm sorry to burden you with my problems."

Pam and Jerri hugged again before she left. Pam looked at me and said, "I'm sorry I assumed the worst when I saw you two. Thank you for trying to help her. Your advice also helped me."

She walked to the door, turned the lights off and slipped under the covers with me. We held each other and kissed. Pam was clearly too upset for any sex tonight. She turned on her side with her back to me and we spooned with my hand on her breast and her hand on my cock.

End of Chapter 4. Stay tuned for Chapter 5 coming soon. It's a hot one.

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fanfarefanfarealmost 11 years ago
a pleasant change

m_e, I am pleased to see an author on this site who writes their characters as adults. With adult challenges and making adult mistakes, facing up to adult consequences.

That mature adults can learn from their errors and work at improving themselves. That mature adults can overcome adversity and go on to build new lives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Great story

A solid five stars. Great story that has fully captured my attention. I absolutely love your writing style. My husband and I are both reading it and have had many good discussions after each chapter. We look forward to the next chapter.

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