A Model Garden


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Tammy interrupted my thoughts.

"That was pretty impressive, Ty. How often do you work out?"

"Normally five days a week, an hour and a half each time."

"Oh." I could see that had impressed her. Why, I wasn't sure. Lots of guys do more, I knew.

"What's the heaviest you've lifted?"

"Bodybuilding isn't weight-lifting like in the Olympics, Tammy, where the strongest person wins a medal. I push a lot of iron in the gym, but I'm not trying to set any records. In bodybuilding, the weights are just a means to the end."

"Which is growing big muscles?"

"Mmm-hmm. I wouldn't put it quite like that but yes, basically."

"Well, how much do you normally lift?"

"Lately, I've been pressing close to 300."

"Pounds?" she whispered. "Three hundred pounds? Bench-press?"


Her eyes dropped. "I think I did sixty pounds once."

I chuckled quietly.

She bit her lower lip, looked up at me. "Show me."

"Show you?" I pointedly looked around the yard, shook my head. "I can't, I'm afraid. Catch me in the gym sometime."

"I weigh 125 pounds. That should be easy."

"You're serious."

The conversation level fell away again. I thought we'd been talking just between us, but it was obvious that the other three had been listening in. I would have thought it would have been Quinn seconding the request, but it was Gale who spoke next.

"What would you need to try, Ty?"

"What? Bench-pressing Tammy?"

She nodded. "Uh-huh."

I'd seen it done once in a gym as a joke, but it was on a bench and that gave his arms more room to move.

"I don't suppose you have a gym bench? I don't want to lie on the ground for that."

"Um, no, but I have a long Ottoman in my bedroom. Would that do?"

We followed Gale inside and took a look. Legless and covered in black leather, the thing was maybe four feet long and knee-high, about the same size as a gym bench, perhaps a shade wider and a touch lower.

"I think this would do, Gale, but I'm concerned about strength. May I look inside it? It'd have to hold a few hundred pounds without collapsing."

The ottoman was full of spare sheets and duvets. Gale emptied them onto the bed and I took a closer look. The thing was heavy, solid.

"I think it will work," I looked around the small bedroom, "but there isn't much room in here."

"We can move it outside," Gale smiled. "I want to see this."

It wasn't all that heavy, but it was a little awkward and she helped me carry it outside, settled it in the middle of the lawn on a level spot. I turned to Tammy.

"You're sure about this?"

She wasn't, I could see, but the other three were staring at her, wordlessly egging her on.

"Either say yes, girl, or get out of my way," Quinn announced.

Tammy bit her lip, made up her mind.

"I will. Um, how?" She looked at me for guidance.

"The best way... I mean, the way I've seen it done, is for us to be face-to-face - as opposed to you lying across me sideways like a barbell."

She nodded solemnly, then blushed as she realized she would be lying on top of a totally bare Tyson. I too was trying to ignore that reality.

"All I would need you to do would be to lie absolutely still, lie as stiff as possible. Wiggling or shifting would make it hard for me to keep my balance."

She nodded, a small nervous smile on her face.

"Good, but here's where it gets, um, touchy, no pun intended. I'm going to have to hold you at your center of gravity. For most people, that's somewhere around their hips. Once you get on top of me, I'm going to have to adjust my grip, move my hands around a bit so I can find the balance point. Are you OK with that?"

I could see that my hands being on her hadn't occurred to the shy woman, either. She bit her lip. Her eyes ran up and down over my naked form, lingered momentarily on my sex. She took a breath, nodded again.

"OK, then." I lay down on the ottoman. It was a bit short, but my head was supported and my legs bent at the knees on a normal gym bench anyway. It would do.

I looked at Tammy, let my arms fall to my hips.

Her weight was comfortable, her breath sweet even though she tried to keep her face turned away.

I realized that her hips, her likely centre of balance, were too far down my body for me to lift her easily, at least initially. She'd have to shift, bring her hips further up, nearer to my chest.

I explained the problem to her and she began to change her position, slide up towards my head. She stopped suddenly, both of us recognizing another issue at the same time. If Tammy's hips were over my chest, her breasts would be...


I wasn't sure what to say. I could almost hear her mental shrug and she moved further along. I turned my head to avoid her having to rest her breasts on my face.

"Good enough,´ I muttered, half to myself. I reached up, grasped her hips.

"OK. You need to go rigid now," I said.

"Isn't that the man's job at times like this?" Quinn quipped. Tammy turned her head and stuck out her tongue.

"Hush!" Gale hissed.

"OK, Tammy. First try." I lifted a bit, lowered her, shifted my hands. Through that beautiful womanly padding, I could feel her pelvis on my palms. Another minor adjustment and I felt more confident.

"OK, one-twenty-five in three, in two, in one..."

I took a half breath, pushed and she rose up and away from me. Her long dark hair suddenly fell in a cascade around my head like a curtain; in a second, all I could see was Tammy's face. Her eyes were closed.

She started to move and I gripped her hips more tightly.

"Hold still!" I spoke. "Let me do the work."

There were titters of laughter and light applause from the others. I lowered her, let her rest against me.

"How was that?" I asked.

She turned her face down towards me, her eyes open now and a slight smile on her face.

"That was fun!" she whispered.

"Then let's give the crowd what they paid for," I whispered back. I pressed her up again to full extension, barked for the others to hear.


She wasn't heavy, not by the standards of what I normally did in the gym. She was still unwieldy, but it wasn't really difficult.

With Tammy's hair veiling us, we might as well have been in our own world, but I could hear the others' counting as she moved up and down.

"Three... Four..."

"Doing OK?" I asked.

"Yes," she said softly. Her eyes opened, looked into mine. Her smile was broader now.

"Nine... Ten..."

I lowered her all the way down, but kept my hands on her hips.

"That was fun," she repeated. She blinked her eyes. I could feel her take a deep breath, then her head came down and the softest lips I'd ever known touched mine. I squeezed her hips, felt the tip of her tongue sweep gently along my lips. I met her tongue with my own.

And I suddenly had a problem.

Do models ever get erections? I suppose so. It had never happened to me, but I'd sometimes wondered what I'd do.

It was now time for me to find out. It wasn't a full woody, but I was definitely half-hard; it would be instantly noticeable once Tammy got off me. And I was getting harder with every second. Equally bad, I could see that Tammy had noticed. Her lips pulled away from mine, wide blue eyes staring at me.

"Hi!" said Quinn, a burst of sunlight on my face as she swept Tammy's hair away, pushed her face close to ours.

"Giving up, big fella?" she giggled.

Tammy's face had turned away at the sound of Quinn's voice. I could feel the heat of her blushing.

"Taking a rest," I said. Tammy's weight was pleasant but meant I had to work a little at breathing.

"You said you do three hundred in the gym?" Quinn asked.

"Sometimes as low as two-eighty, but generally three. Why?"

"Figure you can handle me as well? We've got a bet going out here."

"Um, what do you weigh?"

"Ninety-seven pounds. Ninety-seven pounds of feisty, fightin' female!"

Two-twenty-two. Even with whatever their clothes weighed, it was well short of my max. I was more worried about the ottoman, but considered that this new challenge might give me a bit of time for the 'gallant reflex' to pass.

"Tammy?" I asked. Right then, I had two brains competing for my blood supply. It had to be her call anyway.

I could almost hear her thinking. She knew I was hard and knew her kisses had lit the fire and knew what the reaction would be if the others saw.

She lifted her head from my shoulder, stared at me with those amazing eyes. She shrugged, just enough that I could feel it, whispered a reply.


"Right. Quinn, you have two jobs, once we get you balanced. The first is to stay absolutely still without wiggling or moving and the second is to hang on to Tammy. Got it?"

"Got it."

I still couldn't see beyond Tammy's hair, but there was no doubt once Quinn gingerly swung herself into place.

I tried a press, recovered, told Quinn to shift her position a bit. And again. This was a mistake, I realized. Each time Quinn moved, Tammy moved a little, too...

...drawing the soft, soft fabric of her shorts over my cock each time, making me that much harder. I could see in her wide eyes that she was suddenly aware of that, too.

Quinn having settled into place, I took a breath, grunted slightly and pressed upward. The two lifted, then up further until my arms were fully extended. I held it, with just a bit of a sway.

Gale and Heather broken into applause, clapping wildly, but the applause changed suddenly to open laughter.

A slight breeze told me why. My having lifted the other two off my body had left my no-longer-partial erection totally exposed to view. Dammit!

I lowered the two carefully. Quinn hopping off lightened the load and I pulled in a deep breath. I looked up to see Tammy staring at me. I couldn't read her expression. Her tongue tip ran over her lips, then she leaned down and kissed me, lightly, quickly.

"Sorry," she whispered, then rolled part-way off my body, as if trying to shield me from view. With her hair gone from around my face, I could see again.

Gale and Heather were laughing almost hysterically. Quinn on the other hand, being the only one who wasn't aware of my raging hard-on, was looking a little puzzled. Tammy was blushing madly. Eventually she stood up and Quinn got the joke.

"Tammy, you bad, wicked girl!" she laughed. "Look what you did to the poor boy!"

I was by now blushing myself, seriously embarrassed. This hadn't gone anything like it should have. Scarlet, I rolled off the ottoman, got to my feet and started for the house, my dick waving in front of me. My robe was inside and it would have been both pointless and silly to try to cover myself with my hands.

Heather's hand caught me by the elbow. I stopped, but tried to shrug her off. She let go, tried to smile in the face of my scowl.

"I'm sorry, Ty," she said repentantly. "I'm sorry for laughing, but that's nothing to be embarrassed about. I think it's... nice." Her words trickled to a stop; her expression was almost pleading for forgiveness.

I was surprised when Tammy's hand took my other arm.

"It's my fault," she said. She looked down at my woody, back up at me.

"And Heather's right, Ty. It's nice, really nice."

Her eyes dropped to it again.

Let's be clear. I'm not hugely equipped, none of that crazy porn actor massiveness. I am however a big guy and am certainly 'to proportion'. I could see the same look on all four faces - certainly not fear, but maybe a combination of wonder and fascination.

I took a deep breath, made myself relax a little and felt the tension in my belly subside. We'd all had a couple of drinks - let it be, I thought. It was  kind of funny. I wouldn't let this ruin everything.

I looked back at Tammy, at those mountain-lake eyes, and suddenly wondered why I'd thought redheads were trump.

"OK." My smile might have been a little stiff, but it wasn't forced.

I turned, moved towards my chair to sit down.

I stopped when all four women drifted up, stood in a circle around me, their eyes flipping from my face to my dick, up and down. Tammy reached up with one hand and turned my chin towards her.

"It was my fault, Ty," she repeated. "Don't be angry at them. I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Tammy And it's me who should apologize, but you're a truly lovely woman. I can't help..." My eyes dropped, indicating.

She smiled slightly, tilted her head up, her lips a couple of inches from mine in invitation.

How could I not? When I bent towards her, those lips were as soft as they had been before, her tongue every bit as exciting. Then her hand touched my chest. I opened my eyes to see her looking at me. I leaned into the kiss, sensed her take a deeper breath.

Her hand ran over my chest, traced my collarbone, circled a nipple, slowly explored my sixpack, then stopped just above my now rampant wood. Her lips pulled back half an inch, uttered just one word in a very low voice.


I let my lips answer for me and moaned slightly as soft fingers made a circle around my shaft, eased along me, just barely touching. She stopped at my rim, ran her thumb lightly over my crown, then moved back to my base and started again.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Quinn's mouth drop open. She was breathing hard, her nostrils expanded. Her nipples poked stiffly against the thin fabric of her blouse. Even with Tammy's hand running up and down me, the sight of them sent a little more voltage through my system. My cock twitched, pulsed slightly and Tammy giggled.

"Day-um!" Quinn breathed, staring at the slim hand moving along me. "I didn't... I mean, I had no idea..."

The expression on her face made me smile more; whether it was sangria or lust, her eyes had almost glazed over, were barely focussed. I could see her gently gnawing her lower lip.

Gale shook herself like a dog coming in from the rain. Keeping her eyes locked on Tammy and me, she backed away to her chair, found her sketchpad and charcoal. She began scrawling furiously over the paper, her eyes flipping back and forth from her drawing to my cock as it grew harder and darker under Tammy's gently-moving hand.

Heather found her own sketchpad but tossed it back on her chair.

"No," she mumbled. 'I'd need a bigger sheet of paper."

Gale snorted. She didn't stop sketching.

Heather and Quinn came to me on soft feet, stopped. Their eyes were enormous as their hands approached, touched, began to sweep over my face and neck and arms and chest and buttocks, stroking my skin, tracing my muscles. Their touch felt sizzling, captivating. Heather leaned in, her nose touching my skin, inhaled deeply.

Tammy pulled my lips into hers, continued to gently tease and stroke my cock, driving up my lust with each stroke. The girl was an expert; she would take a very long time, but I knew I'd be in a coma when it finally happened.

Heather knelt now, her eyes inches from it. She licked her lips, her hands swirling over my legs, squeezing my bum, fingers slipping between my cheeks. A drop of liquid appeared on my tip; Heather extended one forefinger. Tammy held me in place while the lovely redhead gently spread it over my mushroom. It felt as exciting as the smile on her face. Her hand dropped and Tammy recommenced her caresses.

I could see Quinn's body tremble as one of her thumbs ran over a fabric-covered nipple. Her hands dropped, crossed at her waist, seized the hem of the garment and with a smooth tug, pulled it up over her head. Her breasts were shapely, pert, high on her chest; her café-au-lait  nipples long and hard.

I ran my arm around Tammy's waist, began to fondle her bum, fingers sinking onto flesh both soft and firm. I held her head with my other hand, my thumb sweeping her cheekbone.

"Move your hand, Ty," Gale commanded. "I can't see your face. Put it behind your head. I want to capture your expression when..."

She didn't finish, but I knew what she meant. I kept my one hand on Tammy's bottom, continued that blazing, mind-warping kiss, but raised my other as Gale had ordered.

Quinn stepped to behind me. Her hands began running over my back and thighs. One slid between my buttocks, stretched forward to caress my balls, fondling and pulling them gently.

I felt a surge of lust roar within me. Breathing was suddenly difficult, my legs began to quiver.

Heather rose, began licking my nipple, ran her hands over my chest and abdomen.

Tammy pulled away, smiling impishly and began to pump my cock, harder, faster now, none of the extended, slow pleasuring she'd been giving me. Her free hand swept over my stomach and chest, fingertips gliding over shaven skin.

Gale looked at the scene, paused her art long enough to approach. She whispered in Tammy's ear and pushed her gently aside to give me a blistering kiss of her own before she backed away and returned to her drawing.

Tammy returned, gently caught my lower lip between sharp teeth, held me motionless as her pounding hand pulled me over the brink into searing, withering orgasm. Her mouth released me and eight wide eyes watched, almost in awe, the thick gouts erupting from my cock, landing across the grass in front of me, coating Tammy's hand and wrist. Laughing delightedly, Quinn gently pulled down on my sac. Heather pinched my nipple between thumb and finger. The jets continued; I don't think I've ever cum so hard or so long.

It faded. I groaned, felt my knees grow weak, began to sag. I closed my eyes, close to fainting.

I felt Gale's hand on my cheek, felt Quinn and Heather help me to the grass.

Tammy lay down, curled herself against me with almost feline grace, rested her head on my shoulder.

"Thanks for staying, Ty," she whispered.

Gale laughed softly, almost lovingly.

I felt somebody's hand on my sex, stroking softly, another under my balls, caressing, encouraging, reigniting. I felt myself beginning to grow hard again.

I heard Heather giggle. I opened my eyes to see she too had removed her blouse. Her arms were behind her back and I saw her bra straps suddenly loosen on her shoulders.

"Do you think we can convince him to stay a bit longer?" she whispered.


Thanks for reading.

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A question for those who enjoyed this tale. If a sequel was to happen, whose point of view should it be from? That of Ty or that of one of the women? Your thoughts in the comments below would be appreciated. Thanks.

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fegatonfegaton7 days ago

Really enjoyed this! Have posed for artists. Even in a mixed group, women usually outnumber the men by at least 2 to 1 and very often the group is all female. Story is pretty accurate as far as the model/instructor/artists setting. The playing would NEVER happen at a school, but for for a private booking, depending on the model, the instructor and the group dynamic, not unlikely, especially if alcohol is involved. Models are usually not built like greek gods and goddesses, they come in all shapes, sizes and age groups. When a young, good looking, well built model does show up, they do get noticed. A muscular 20 something male model posing privately for a group of slightly inebriated women in their 30s and 40s, could realistically find himself persuaded. Very well written. Thanks for sharing this.

HardBenHardBenabout 1 month ago

Thoroughly intoxicating!

You capture emotions - physical (and mental) so well.

OMG - lucky Ty!!!


AG31AG314 months ago

Delightful. I kept reading, hooked on the question of what an obviously competent author was going to do with this not-much set up. You did it wonderfully!

I read this because I wanted to find out more about you after I read your post in the Author's Hangout forum. Not enough actual authors and readers visit there, so here's a link: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/ethics-and-erotica.1602976/page-7#post-98215957

And then there's this:

"Let's be clear. I'm not hugely equipped, none of that crazy porn actor massiveness. I am however a big guy and am certainly 'to proportion'. " Thank goodness!!! Thank you!!!!

ManosHandsManosHands5 months ago

You turned the standard theme of a nude male model into something much more readable. Great job!

GmanicGmanic5 months ago

Fantasic story.

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