A Month in the Heart... Ch. 04


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"You're going to fuck Lesley," Elaine said. "Then, before you've cum, I want you to roll her over and . . ."

"What?" asked Lesley, her blue eyes wider than ever.

"You know what," said Elaine.

"Oooh . . ." Lesley moaned, and she reached up to me as I got down on top of her. I caressed her pale breasts and she stroked my bum and parted her legs, and I locked eyes with her as I slid my stiffening cock into Lesley's moist pussy. Lesley looked at me with a beseeching expression and as I entered her she shut her eyes and moaned, clearly finding this more arousing than Elaine and her vibrator.

It was very strange, to find myself having sex with a cute girl I didn't know, and found attractive, when the girl I really had feelings for was being fucked only a few feet away by two of my friends. The bonds and tensions of attraction and shame and power in the room were electric; for some reason, all of us seemed to be willing to do whatever Elaine commanded us to do. Glancing at Elaine, I couldn't really understand why; she was attractive too, in her dark-haired way, but she seemed to be the one who was getting off most on reconfiguring us all in different combinations.

Lesley, under me, opened her eyes and stared at me, panting as she reached arousal, her compact body squirming, grinding her naked pubis against mine. She also looked from time to time at Elaine, who was standing by us watching her, smiling thoughtfully, still fully clothed. Elaine knew all too well that her presence, her own cool, clinical overseeing of this whole mini-orgy that we were staging, was one of the reasons we found it arousing. I guessed that, like me, Lesley was aching for Elaine to come down from her cruel pedestal and take her clothes off and join us, but Elaine showed no signs of wanting to do so. In the meantime, our exposure -- the way that she'd got us to be naked, while she was still clothed, and enticed us to couple with each other, while she stood apart -- was what kept us going. Grace, Lesley and I were the real performers; we had gone all the way, stripping naked, letting others enter us. The other guys, fucking us with their trousers still on, were nothing but Elaine's mooks. The other girls, meanwhile, were mere voyeurs; Jan had left the room early on, clearly not interested in Elaine's psychosexual gameplaying.

I was close to cumming again, and I looked down at Lesley, who returned my gaze, her eyes wide open and young and a little scared. Out of something like friendship, or pity, I leaned down and kissed her. She returned the kiss, but our lips stayed shut, and when we parted lips and she stared into my eyes, sure enough we heard Elaine say it.

"All right, you two, that's enough. Alex, roll her over."

Lesley looked at me in mute protest, but she knew as well as I did what was coming, and I pulled out of her, knelt and rolled her onto her belly.

"Oh fuck," she gasped, twisting her head to look at Elaine over her bare shoulder, her blonde hair escaping from her ponytail in wisps, "no, Elaine, please --"

Elaine, she had said. Not Alex. Lesley knew as well as I did who was in charge.

"Do it to her, Alex," said Elaine.

"Do what," I said.

"Bugger her," Elaine drawled.

I put my hands on Lesley's tight white buttocks, which were marked with fluff and the ridge lines from the carpet that had been underneath them a moment earlier, and I parted them, staring down at Lesley's pink, glistening asshole, which only recently Elaine had been in with her vibrator. I inserted a finger; Lesley was loose and slippery. She breathed "Oh, Jesus . . ." and her anal muscle tightened briefly around my finger, reflexively, as her body fought with itself.

I leaned forward and grasped her hand. She clutched it and gasped as she felt me push my cock into the cleft of her arse, and then she turned her head, shut her eyes and went "AaaaahhhhHHH!" as I leaned gently on her, letting my slippery cock push through the tight ring of her arsehole, and into her anus. Lesley's anus surrounded my cock and I slid into the warm darkness of her rectum. I had done yet another first; never before had I been in a girl's arse. Lesley's small body strained against me and she groaned, but she didn't fight it. I felt her forcing herself to relax, and her bum cheeks pressed against the base of my cock.

Lesley kicked her legs feebly and moaned, clutching my hand as I buggered her. I could only do it by imagining I was doing it to Elaine. Lesley's ass tightened and relaxed around my cock and I whispered in her ear "I can stop . . ."

"No," she whispered, "don't, god, it's . . . oh god, oh fuck, it's so dirty . . ."

Ray, lying underneath Grace, got out from underneath her, and Grace sagged and raised her head. Her eyes focused on me. Chris eased himself off Grace, and she lowered herself until she was prone on the floor, and folded her arms and buried her face in them, giving a muffled whimper.

Jesus, I thought. This is costing us too much. How are we going to stop Elaine? What do we all have to do, for her to have a good time?

My throat tightened and I looked down at Lesley, squirming, impaled on my cock, and I felt like I was coming to my senses.

"Someone else can do it," I said to Elaine, and I very gently withdrew from Lesley, and she lay on her belly on the carpet, naked and panting.

"Fine," Elaine snapped, pushing a lock of damp black hair past her ear. "Danny."

Danny eagerly came forward and lowered his jeans and mounted Lesley's naked hips, and I saw her shut her eyes once more and gasp as he entered her, the third one of us to penetrate her semi-willing asshole; but she willed herself to take a third person, and as he got into a rhythm, she pushed her naked hips backwards, revelling in being the passive one, the receptacle for his cock. He pumped her. Soon she, once more, was noisily moving towards her own climax. Clearly, Lesley got off on being sodomised just as much as I did.

But I wasn't so concerned about Lesley. I started to make my way over to Grace, who was still lying prone and naked, her ribcage heaving.

"Hey!" Elaine shouted. "No touching!"

Grace raised her head. Her face was flushed and sweating and her eyes were puffy, and she looked at me and

saw as someone grabbed me as I crawled towards her, and as I whimpered in protest, and flung out a hand towards me, whoever it was clamped his hand over my eyes and lay on top of me, his stiff cock pressing into my bare arse through the fabric of his jeans.

From the tone of his panting, and from his smell, I knew it was Steve. It figured. Steve always had to bring himself to fuck me and when he did so, he did with aggression.

I could see nothing, but felt Steve fumbling with the zipper on his jeans, and then his cock was a thick, warm pole of muscle resting between my ass cheeks, and then I was moaning "AAAAHHH!" as I felt him easing himself down towards my asshole, and I submitted to taking him once again.


The experience of having Ray and Chris inside me at the same time had broken something in me; I no longer had much, if any, will to resist, but when I saw Alex refuse to go on servicing Lesley, and come towards me, I just wanted to grab and get us both out of there.

So when Steve grabbed Alex and pinned him and took him, I lost hope that this night was going to be anything other than the bigger shitheads among us taking the opportunity to fuck the brains out of the nicer ones amongst us. I had never had much time for Lesley, but as I saw Elaine encourage Danny into bringing Lesley up onto all fours so that Chris could fuck her mouth, I couldn't help feeling for the girl. Lesley's eyes were shut tight and her naked white body was quivering as Danny took her at one end and Chris at the other, and she raised a hand in a feeble gesture of protest even as Chris's cock was filling her mouth. Lesley had always been Elaine's right-hand girl, but now that Elaine could do whatever she wanted, it was clear that she was happy to sacrifice Lesley if it made for something she liked watching. She'd even got Alex to take part in that. I was tired and feeling wrung out and humiliated and a little weepy, but I knew I'd have to give him shit for that. I would have liked him to be a little stronger.

In the meantime, though, I was one of only two official sex slaves to the room in general, and I was reminded of this when Ray rolled me onto my back and sat on my belly, and -- after doing me the weird courtesy of carefully removing my glasses and setting them on one side -- putting his cock between my breasts and squashing them together.

Tired as I was, I was still quivering with the excitement of the boundaries that we were all crossing. And Ray was a tall, hunky, handsome guy. If it had just been he and I in a room, I would probably have been turned on by it. As it was, without my glasses I could hardly make him out and I was hardly electrified to find him fucking my tits.

I was, however, good at faking it. And if you faked being aroused well enough, there was a chance that you'd get aroused enough for real that you might be able to take something back from it.

I turned my head, though, to see Steve holding Alex down and fucking him vigorously, and Alex grimacing and panting and clearly not taking it like any kind of declaration of love. He'd told me that, of all of them, Steve had been the one who seemed to have the biggest problem about sex, and from the way he was fucking Alex, who was squirming under him, his lithe naked body getting increasingly carpet-burned, Alex was on the receiving end of Steve's problems.

Oh god, I thought. Let this end. Let this end so we can all take the ones we like back to our beds.

Ray had already come in me, but he seemed to have no problem getting another hard-on and using my tits as

a new orifice, or rather the cleavage between them. It was dirty and intimate and as I closed my eyes and moaned and encouraged him, I have to admit that I got into it. As he pumped harder and harder, he had the decency to reach behind him and at least make some gesture towards stroking my pussy. He was heavy, though, and I got breathless as he bounced on my ribs, and when he finally came -- his cum splashing over my face -- I blinked and gasped and licked it up and was relieved.

Ray got off me, and when I weakly turned my head I saw Steve getting off of Alex, and turning my head in the other direction I saw Lesley whimpering as Danny pistoned his cock into her arse and Chris pulled his cock out of her mouth and spurted his cum over her face. Then Elaine made a gesture, and both Danny and Chris left off Lesley and she slumped face down on the floor, trembling, sweaty and spent.

"Finally," said Elaine, "all right, you two."

I wiped my eyes and looked at Alex, who was breathless on his belly on the floor a few feet away.

"Take her, Alex," she said.

Alex got up on all fours and crawled over to me and helped me wipe my face.

"You okay?" he said tenderly.

"I don't know," I gasped.

"Don't get all lovey dovey on me," Elaine said.

"Fuck off, Elaine," Alex said, annoyed. "That's enough, okay?"

"I'll tell you when we've had enough," said Elaine.

"Honey," said Chris, who was buttoning up his pants, "I think, seriously, let's call it a night, yeah?" He was looking at us nervously and he tugged at her arm. Elaine looked frustrated and sullen, but the other guys were clearly spent and were leaving the room.

"Elaine," I said, "come on, we can't go on all night. Enough games."

"Fine," said Elaine at last. "I'll let you recover. We'll continue this tomorrow."

Chris took her hand, and Elaine slinked out of the room. Danny and Ray and Steve also melted into the shadows.

Alex and I crawled over to Lesley, who was lying on her belly, trembling.


"You okay?" said Grace. "Lesley? You okay?"

Lesley raised her face. Her eyes were sticky with cum and we helped her wipe them.

"Jesus," she muttered. "Fucking Elaine. That fucking bitch. I didn't think she would."

"This all got a little bit out of hand," Grace said.

"Are we okay?" I said. "Grace?"

She shot me a dark look. "I'm okay," she said. "But I'm kind of pissed off with you."

"Look, it's fine, Grace, don't worry," said Lesley, laying a hand on her friend's arm. Grace looked at me sidelong and glanced at Lesley. "He has to do what he's told to do. So do you. He was told to, and he did it. I'm fine. He was dead gentle. It's Chris who nearly drilled me a new arsehole."

"Seriously, honey, are you all right?" said Grace with real concern. "Do you need . . . sudocreme, or anything?"

"I don't think so," said Lesley. "Oh fuck. I'm still shaking. That's the maddest fucking thing I've ever done."

"Double for me," said Grace dryly.

"Me too," I said. Lesley managed a grin and stroked my face.

"Hold onto this one, Gracie," she said. "He's all right."

Grace regarded me for a long moment, and my heart paused.

"Okay," she said finally. "If you say so. But in future, I expect you to have more backbone."

"I will," I said. "I do think that this is getting a bit crazy. We can't be doing this every night. I said that after the first night, and . . . it's just like, the stakes are getting raised every time. It's insane. What are we going to end up doing?"

"It's got to be more equal," Grace said. "You're right, how's this gonna end?"

I thought about how it had played out. Elaine had fucked Grace; then Ray and Chris had fucked Grace; finally Chris, again, had gone to work on her tits. No wonder she looked so spent. Meanwhile, I'd been fucked by Chris, then Elaine, with Lesley's help; then by Steve. Lesley, in turn, had sucked Danny's cock; then been fucked by Elaine, then I had had a turn, then Danny and Chris. Chris was insatiable. Presumably Elaine was finding that out in bed with him, although how and when they had got together, I had no idea.

"We've got to turn this around," I said. "Make it more fun, lighter. Not this sex show that it is now. And we've got to get Elaine involved. The question is how."

The girls were silent. Grace looked sombre and thoughtful. Lesley just looked exhausted.

"This is a very important question," she said at last, "but I'm too fuckin' tired to answer it. I need my bed."

"You know," said Grace, glancing at me, "Alex's bed is a king size. And Elaine seems to regard you as the newest slave." She raised her eyebrows at me. I took the cue.

"You want to share with us?" I said.

"Would that be okay?" Lesley said weakly. "I'm sorry, guys. I think . . . I just need a bit of a cuddle."

"Come on, Les," said Grace, getting to her feet and reaching down to Lesley. "We'll get cleaned up and get some sleep. We can start planning our takeover in the morning."

"That'd be fab," said Lesley.

The three of us limped upstairs, naked, lightly bruised, aching and still dripping the occasional bodily fluid, and we showered together, a gentle, sensual but non-sexual shower, in which Grace and I tenderly washed Lesley and Lesley and I did the same for Grace, before I quickly washed myself as the girls sat there, cuddling.

As I soaped myself down and winced as I washed my aching arse, Lesley looked up from where she sat on the floor of the shower in Grace's arms.

"We're out of depth here, lads," she said quietly. "We need to calm things down."

Grace stroked Lesley's wet head.

"I'm sorry I let her push us all to do this," Lesley said. "I knew she was a bit of a bitch, but I didn't think it would go this far."

"It's okay," said Grace. "We'll figure it out."

Then we made our way to my room, dried off, and fell into bed together, clean, naked, aching and tired.

I woke briefly, some time around four a.m., to find myself pressed into Grace's naked back, my arm over her shoulder, and Lesley naked on the other side of Grace, facing her, their limbs entwined, their breasts almost touching, both of them deeply asleep.

That was how Grace, Lesley and I formed the first alliance of the month.

It was to be the basis for nearly everything that followed.

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donaldelliott11donaldelliott11about 2 years ago

Years reading porn and this is one of my favorites. I love stories about a small group of men who turn out their least masculine friend and gang fuck him. Taking it in front of a woman adds to the humiliation.

It is such a shame you left this unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

what happened next?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
There is no way

I can see someone experimenting but, to take it that far is almost like rape. Screwed up story man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
More, good story...

Good story, keep it coming

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This was to much, disgusting.

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