A Mother and Aunt Story Ch. 02


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She looked at me as though she didn't really believe me. 'Well whatever. Come in and have some tea.'

I followed her in and went into her lounge and sat down on a sofa and she went into the kitchen and I heard the sound of the electric kettle and a few minutes later she came in with a tray of teacups and saucers and a teapot and a plate of biscuits and I remembered that my aunt always insisted on cups and saucers instead of mugs. She poured us both a cup and sat down and looked at me expectantly.

'It's about what we talked about on Wednesday,' I began, staring at the carpet and feeling myself blush.

'I rather thought it might be,' said my aunt. 'Did you tell your mother that we'd met and what we'd talked about?'

'Yes,' I replied, raising my eyes and looking at her sitting the other side of the coffee table. My aunt has wonderful eyes, the colour of toffee, like mum's. 'Why didn't you tell me that you and she were in a relationship for all those years?'

It was my aunt's turn to colour slightly. 'Too complicated, I suppose. Your mother and I haven't slept together for months,' she added.

'Would you like to join us one day,' I blurted out, feeling myself flush again.

Aunt Laura was silent for a while, looking carefully at me. 'You mean join you and my sister in bed?'

'Yes,' I croaked. 'If you'd like to that is.'

'What does your mother think?' she asked, quietly.

I hesitated for half a second. 'Mum's really up for it,' I said, finally.

Aunt Laura raised a hand to her face and flicked her hair behind her ear. 'In that case I accept.'

'You do?' I gasped, my heart thudding in my ribcage.

'Yes, Oliver, I do.' She smiled, showing even, white teeth. 'I would love to join your mother and you in bed.' She leaned back in her chair and crossed one elegant leg over the other. 'When had you got in mind?'

It wasn't something that I'd discussed with my mum and I looked blank. 'Next weekend?' I hazarded.

'Next weekend would suit me very well, Oliver. Whose house will we be using?'

Another blank look from me. 'Mum's, I suppose,' I said, feeling that I really should have thought about these things beforehand. I suppose I'd never really believed that my aunt would agree.

'Ok. Well what if we meet at your mum's house next Saturday, about seven, and we go out for a meal to that nice Italian restaurant in the High Street and afterwards we go back to your mum's house and, well, see what happens. Does that sound like a good idea?'

'Sounds great,' I said.

'If we have a meal and a few drinks I think we'll all be a bit more relaxed.' My aunt finished her tea and stood up. 'And now I have to go, Oliver. I was on my way out when you arrived.'

'A hot date, Aunt Laura?' I grinned at her, feeling a wave of relief that the potentially difficult conversation was over and it had been a resounding success.

She laughed 'No. It's my Art Appreciation for Middle-Aged Spinsters class at the town gallery. Now come and give your aunt a nice big kiss before you go.'

I stood up and we came together and my aunt wrapped her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist and our mouths met in a long, sensuous kiss, lips mashed together, mouths working, tongues darting. I felt so excited I thought my head was going to explode. I was actually kissing my gorgeous aunt! After all those years of masturbatory fantasies here she was, in my arms and I could feel her small breasts pressed against me and smell her perfume and taste her lipstick and her saliva and next weekend I would make love to her, actually penetrate her, while my mother looked on.

Thinking of my mother, and what she had said about being displaced, brought me up short and I broke the kiss, still holding my aunt, who looked at me keenly.

'You're sure this is what you both want, Oliver? You seemed to hesitate when I asked about your mum.'

'She's a bit nervous about it,' I admitted. 'She's worried that...,' I paused, trying to decide how to put it. 'She's worried that you're prettier and slimmer than her and...' I tailed off.

'And she's worried that I'll run off with you?' My aunt looked pained. 'I love my sister very much and I'd never do anything like that! But thanks for the warning. Perhaps we'd better not have another kiss,' she said, releasing me and stepping back. 'Not until next weekend, anyway. Now I really must go.'

My mother was a pain for the rest of the weekend. By turns nervous and irritable. I tried to soothe her but she pushed me away. She didn't even want to make love, which was unheard of for my mum. So I left on Sunday afternoon.

On Thursday she was a different person; Aunt Laura had visited on Tuesday and they'd had a heart-to-heart and mum was really looking forward to Saturday. But when I went round about five o'clock on Saturday afternoon she was a bag of nerves again, this time about her appearance and how her sister would eclipse her.

Eventually she went to have a bath and put her makeup on and when she came down an hour later I told her that she looked enchanting, which she did: she was wearing a mid-length black cocktail dress in a satiny material that showed off her hips and bust. She'd washed her hair and it was cascading over her shoulders in a dark wave. Her makeup was carefully and cunningly applied to make her eyes look huge and reduce the size of her jaw. Her nails were painted dark red to match her lipstick and she was wearing black stockings and four-inch heels.

'You look fabulous,' I said with feeling, pressing a gin and tonic into her hand. 'I'll be the envy of every man in the restaurant.'

'You haven't seen your aunt, yet,' she muttered.

Aunt Laura turned up five minutes later and parked her Mini Countryman next to my Audi. As luck would have it she was also wearing a mid-length black cocktail dress, albeit a woollen one, and I saw mum's mouth tighten as she watched her sister get out of the car.

Aunt Laura's dress fitted exquisitely, highlighting the slender perfection of her body. Her raven-black hair shone with health and framed a face that was sparingly made-up. She too was wearing black stockings and heels and her nail varnish could have come out of the same pot as my mother's.

'Oops,' she said, coming through the doorway. 'They'll think we're twins in the restaurant.' I was mildly pissed off with my aunt for outshining my mother, but in retrospect it was always going to happen; she's just a stunning lady.

I got another G&T down my mum and Aunt Laura had one and then the taxi arrived and we bundled in, me in the front passenger seat. Strangely enough I didn't feel in the least nervous. In fact I was looking forward to a meal in the company of two such glorious examples of mature female sophistication, especially as I would be fucking both of them before the night was out.

The restaurant was an old favourite of my mum's and it didn't disappoint that Saturday night. The food was superb, the wines a perfect complement and the service fast and efficient. We drank an aperitif and a bottle and a half of wine with the meal and we had brandies with our coffee and as a result we became very relaxed and quite loud; a number of other tables looked over at us with faint disapproval, or envy, most likely. The table was candlelit and I couldn't take my eyes of my mother and her sister. They just shone that evening.

Eventually we finished up and paid the bill and took a taxi back to mum's house where we stood in the lounge, faintly embarrassed, looking at each other. It could all have fizzled out at that point but my mother, bless her, was equal to the situation.

'Come here, Laura,' she said. 'Let's show my son what a proper sister-on-sister kiss looks like.'

They came together and my prick stiffened as my mum took her sister's face in her hands and brushed her lips over hers. Aunt Laura held mums hips and pressed herself against her sister's body, her eyes closed, her mouth partly open. Before their mouths came fully together I saw my mother's tongue snake into my aunt's mouth and I gasped at the spectacle.

They kissed for long moments, heads turning and weaving, lips mashed against lips, mum stroking her sister's hair, Aunt Laura cupping her sister's buttocks and pressing them to her crotch. I had never seen anything like it - well maybe in a porn movie. I stroked absently at my erection and wondered if I should go up behind mum or my aunt and join in.

My mother took the decision out of my hands. Half turning, she held an arm out to me and the three of us went into a sort of triangular huddle, taking it in turns to kiss each other.

'Let's go upstairs,' said mum, after a minute or two. So the three of us went up into mum's bedroom and mum drew the curtains and switched on a low-wattage lamp giving the room an intimate and cosy feel. Then she turned to my aunt and me.

'Laura, darling, would you like to sit on the bed and watch your naughty nephew undress his mummy?' And then I realised that we weren't just going to have a threesome, we were going to have an incest-fuelled sexual romp with no physical or moral holds barred and my mother was going to take the role of master of ceremonies. I was surprised, I would have expected her to approach the thing with more circumspection. Much later I found out that she was way ahead of me; my mother and her sister had agreed this strategy beforehand.

My aunt sat herself down and I went over to mum and kissed her in the same intense manner that she had kissed her sister, downstairs. I pressed my open mouth to hers and she slid her tongue into me as I grasped her buttocks and pressed my erection into her crotch. Breaking the kiss, I pulled down the zip of her cocktail dress and slid it off her shoulders and arms and over her hips, letting it fall rustling over her stockings to puddle on the floor. She stepped out of it, looking at me with half-closed eyes, her red lips parted. It was clear that my mother was intensely aroused by the situation.

Unclipping her bra I took that off, exposing her full breasts. I kissed her again then spent some time massaging and squeezing her tits, aware of Aunt Laura looking intently from her place on the bed. I gently tweaked my mother's big teats and sucked them into my mouth and she moaned softly and held my head to her chest.

Then I was kneeling, pulling her black, lacy panties down over her stockings, supporting her as she stepped out of them before burying my face in her bush and inhaling deeply. But mum gently disengaged me before I could go any further and sat down in the upholstered chair, the same one she had sat in the first time I'd licked her cunt.

'Now, Oliver, why don't you go and undress your naughty aunt?' The blood rose to my face and roared in my ears and I breathed deeply to relax myself, my cock an uncomfortable pole in my trousers. Aunt Laura stood and came to me and I took her in my arms and we kissed, as we had done at her house, and outside the pub. But this time it was in front of my mother and it would lead to other things.

I pressed my aunt's slender frame to me, feeling her small, hard breasts against my chest, my hands cupping her buttocks, firm and rounded. My mouth was on her mouth, her tongue exploring me expertly, mum's eyes on us from the chair as she sat quietly, one hand at her loins, gently stroking herself.

I broke the kiss, gasping for air. Christ, if I wasn't careful I was going to come in my pants. I felt behind my aunt and unzipped her dress, helping her out of it so that she stood before me only in her underwear and heels. And mum had been right, she was stunning! Long, stockinged legs, shapely hips and a flat, toned stomach. Alright, in the harsh light of day I knew there would be tiny wrinkles in her upper arms and at the bottom of her buttocks, mum had them. But in this dim light they were barely discernible and I was aware only of her honey-toned skin and her intensely feminine presence. It seemed almost inconceivable that she would be sixty next year.

'Would you like to take off your auntie's bra?' she asked, seductively, joining in mum's game.

I unclipped her bra and she slipped it off, revealing small, pert breasts with surprisingly big, raspberry-coloured nipples. 'Do you like them?' she asked, softly, cupping and stroking them. Then she reached for my hand and placed it on her left breast and my knees went a bit weak as I felt her warm flesh and touched her stiff teat with a fingertip.

'Now auntie's panties,' she whispered and I knelt and pulled her knickers down over her thighs and stockings, revealing a thick, jet-black bush and big, pink labia. She stepped out of her panties with a hand on my shoulder and then I stood up and looked at my mother for guidance. We were both now in her thrall and would do whatever she told us to do.

'Get on the bed, Laura,' mum told her, 'and wait for Oliver. You'd better undress now, darling,' she said to me, so I undressed quickly, trying not to make it look like a striptease. 'Get on the bed with your aunt,' mum ordered, getting up from her chair. I got onto the bed and mum came and sat on the edge.

'Would you like your naughty nephew to lick his auntie's cunt?' she said softly to her sister.

'Mmm, yes please.' My aunt opened her legs and drew her knees up to expose herself to me and I knelt between her legs and lowered my face to her black bush, inhaling her scent, thick and musky, my hands on her soft inner thighs, feeling her lacy suspender straps.

I pressed my lips to her labia, feeling the loose folds of skin against mine, feeling the wetness of her secretions. My aunt moaned as my tongue began to explore her pussy, dipping into her vagina, flicking over her perineum, seeking her clitoris, a small, hard bud in a little cloak of skin. Her pubic hair was soft and silky against my face, her juices were sweet and strong, like her sister's.

'Does that feel good, Laura?' mum asked from the edge of the bed.

'Mmm,' she replied. 'You've taught him well.'

My mother laughed softly. 'He didn't need any teaching.'

I pressed my face harder to Aunt Laura's cunt and she grunted and arched her back as I concentrated on her clitoris.

'Stop, Oliver,' said mum suddenly. 'And lie on your back. I want to see my big sister ride her nephew!'

I rolled over and Aunt Laura got up and swung one long, stockinged leg over so that she was kneeling over me, straddling my loins. Looking me in the eye, she reached between her legs and grasped the shaft of my cock.

'Ooh, that's a lovely big, thick one,' she whispered, rubbing the head up and down her slit and making me shiver with anticipation. Still looking at me with her lovely hazel eyes, she gripped me harder and pressed my cockhead to her slit. I felt her labia part as she slowly lowered herself onto me. I watched the head disappear and felt the heat and the silky-smooth wetness of her vagina as she took me inside her, slowly, slowly.

I groaned and thrust up with my hips and then I was inside my aunt, all the way, all seven and a bit inches of thick, veined cock. My aunt leaned back and supported herself with her hands on my thighs, her head back, her eyes closed, her lips parted, her breasts standing out from her chest, nipples upturned. 'Oh God,' she breathed.

'Does that feel good, big sister?' mum asked, leaning over and stroking my chest with her fingers, running her painted nails through the hair on my pectorals.

'Oh God,' said my aunt again, 'it feels like heaven.' She started a gentle backwards and forwards motion, her pubic mound mashed against mine. Mum leaned over and I watched as she took one of her sister's nipples in her mouth and started to suckle the big teat, licking and biting down gently so that my aunt gasped and bucked her hips harder.

After a couple of minutes of this insanely erotic play, mum guided her sister to lean forwards, supporting herself with her hands on my shoulders. In this position my aunt's clitoris was squashed against my pubic bone. The effect was electric: Aunt Laura started thrusting her hips harder and faster, panting and gasping.

'Yes, Laura, darling,' urged my mother, her hands on her sister's shoulder. 'Ride him until you come!'

My aunt rode me faster, her small tits jiggling up and down, her black hair flying around her face as she gasped and grunted to a climax. As it started to build she bucked even faster and harder, her nails digging into my flesh, and then it was on her and she was throwing her head back and emitting an animal cry as her orgasm throbbed through her. Then it was dying and she was slowing down and collapsing over me. I held her tightly and she kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, 'Oh God, Oliver.'

Mum helped her sister to climb off me and roll limply onto her back. 'What would you like mummy to do now?' she asked me.'

'Suck my cock, Mum,' I whispered. 'Suck all your big sister's juices off it.'

'Mmm, what a lovely idea.' She leaned over me and took my cock in her hand, her red-tipped fingers curling round the slippery, veined shaft. Then she lowered her head and took me in her mouth, stretching her rouged lips around my bulbous glans and sliding them down my shaft on a film of her own saliva and Aunt Laura's cunt juices.

My mother's blowjobs were fabulous things; she knew just how to excite and stimulate me and keep me at the edge of an orgasm for long minutes while she sucked and licked my cock, her tongue probing my urethra, her lips masturbating me, her hand gripping my rigid shaft tightly. And while my mother expertly fellated me, her sister watched from beside us, her eyes on mum's mouth and my cock.

'I'm getting close, mum,' I gasped, eventually. Mum stopped and took my cock out of her mouth. 'Do you want to finish him off, Laura? Do you want Oliver to come in your mouth?'

Aunt Laura roused herself from the bed. 'Yes please.' She took mum's place, her hand on my shaft, and took me inside her and I felt, for the first time, the warm wetness of my aunt's mouth around my erect penis. My aunt's technique was less subtle than my mother's. She sucked hard and swirled her tongue around my glans, then she sank her mouth down my shaft taking almost all of me inside her until I was sure she would gag. I saw the surprise in mum's face too. This was like a blowjob in a porn movie and it felt fantastic. I lay back on the pillows watching my aunt's head bob up and down, her long hair flicking against the skin of my loins, the glorious wet, hot feeling on my dick making me writhe with pleasure.

All too soon I felt the tingling in my balls that heralded an impending climax. I lay still as it grew and swelled and turned white hot.

'I'm coming, Auntie Laura,' I gasped. She sucked harder and my orgasm burst and I ejaculated into my aunt's mouth in six or seven big spurts of hot semen. My aunt rode me all the way, gagging a bit as my spunk hit the back of her throat, swallowing my ejaculation and licking me clean as I relaxed back onto the bed in a state of grace.

I watched, as if in slow-motion, as my aunt knelt up and my mum put her arm around her and they kissed and I could see mum's tongue going into her sister's mouth, searching for her son's spunk. I saw a string of the silvery liquid escape and stick itself to mum's chin and I watched as her sister licked it up and kissed mum again. It felt like I was in a pornographic film, but one far more realistic and exotic than anything I'd ever seen. This really was my mother and my aunt!

'Was that good, Oliver,' asked mum, breaking the kiss with her sister, her lips glossy with my come.

I smiled weakly. 'You could say that.'

'Well you just lie there and recover because in a little while your dirty mummy's going to want your big, fat cock inside her lovely wet pussy. And maybe your naughty auntie will want it again too. So you just relax and watch us.