A Mother with Benefits Ch. 01


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June panicked and started rambling. She reassured him that Theodore knew his place and that she was only going to their son's room because he had allowed it. She explained how both of them seemed to have a capacity to compartmentalize their relationship, remaining mother and son in all other aspects of their lives.

After a pause she added, "What happens in his room stays in his room."

June's repeated use of the word "room" prompted her to recall all the rooms she and her son had christened throughout the house. All of a sudden she felt heat rise to her face as those memories flooded back. That caused her to become even more rattled and then the floodgates opened.

She ended up telling Ward everything, taking all the blame for herself and apologizing for crossing that line without his permission. It was such a turn on that they left his luggage in the car and ran to their room where they fucked the rest of the night.


They woke up hungry but had sex one more time before having a late breakfast. Ward was at peace with how the situation had evolved. He hadn't wanted to admit it, even to himself, but the thought of his wife and son together was stimulating. He wanted to be mad, but the scientist within him couldn't deny the facts. Sex hadn't been as good as last night since their honeymoon. Both his family life and sex life improved when his wife started motivating their son. He had never been more content.

If June had let any other man fuck her, he would have divorced her without a second thought. He would have been devastated, but would have learned to live without her. Ward considered marriage to be a lifelong sharing of both the good and the bad. An affair was like a stranger dropping in for desert. They obviously had a lifelong relationship with their son. He was a good kid and would be there for them during any bad times that might come their way. Maybe that was why he wasn't mad.

He was admiring his wife's cleavage across the breakfast table when he said, "You should start wearing sports bras around the house again. You don't want to end up like your mom."

Wounded, June asked, "What if I do?"

Confused, Ward asked, "What if you do what?"

"End up like my mother."

Ward smiled and asked, "Are you my girl?"

June looked down at the table and answered, "I want to be."

"Well then, we're stuck with each other. I'll just have to pick up 'the twins' and do the best I can."

June's eyes clouded up and she blinked them several times until they were clear again.

Ward didn't know it, but he'd just earned himself a blow job, maybe two.

"All three of us seem to share the ability to compartmentalize this whole thing," he told his wife. "When we sit down to dinner we look like an episode of 'Leave It to Beaver.'" After a pause, he chuckled and added, "Pun intended. I think that's why it's so naughty and enjoyable for me."

"You can keep motivating Theodore just the way you have been, but only when I allow it. I don't want to know anything about what you two do except when I ask you to tell me in our bedroom. We won't discuss it anyplace else and I'll never discuss it with Theodore at all. I don't ever want him to bring up the subject with me either. Outside of our respective bedrooms, we're the typical American family.

We both know how vocal you can get during sex, so I plan on finding some kind of activity that meets on Friday nights. Maybe bowling, you can bowl year round. When I come home to my loving family I want no evidence of what went on while I was gone. Theodore mentioned a science fair. If he does something outstanding, we can reward him with something in addition to Friday nights. When we go on vacation I can come home a day earlier than you two, something like that. Just make sure he's aware that the gift is from both of us, because you are, and always will be, my girl."

June readily agreed to his new plan and said, "I'll make sure Theodore knows, but I want you to know something too. The thought of losing you scared some sense into me. Our marriage is more important to me than I ever realized."

"Theodore and I both love you. You can change your mind whenever you want. Just say the word and we will completely stop all inappropriate activity. We'll go back to being a regular mother and son, no questions asked."


Ward sat in the family room thinking about his wife and son. They had offered to end their affair totally, but Ward had given them permission to continue with certain conditions: He didn't want to see any evidence of the affair or ever discuss it with his son. Also, sex was limited to Friday nights when Theodore had the grades to pay for it or any other time Ward might decide to reward his son for exceptionally good behavior.

When a line from an old song popped into his head, he had an epiphany. If asked, June and Theodore might be able to permanently end their affair, but would they be able to turn it on and off each Friday night? Fittingly, the song was sung by "The Temptations" and the line was, "A taste of honey is worse than none at all." If he allowed his son to keep tasting his mother's "honey" on Friday nights, he seriously doubted if Theodore would be able to resist asking her for more at other times.

He recalled the days when his son was close to his mother, before his downward spiral. He could play his mother like a fiddle, getting almost anything he wanted. Well, now they were close again and she was sure to yield to his advances sooner or later.

Ward was a sly devil. He decided to make the best of the facts as they were. It would be great fun for Theodore to seduce his mother into breaking the rules. June would also enjoy resisting. Sneaking around would be exciting for them and entertaining for him. He could randomly come home unexpectedly on a day other than Friday.

Of course he didn't want to catch them. If he did, it would put an end to everyone's fun. He would take is time coming in from the garage and linger in the kitchen, giving them time to make themselves presentable. Sitting in his easy chair, remote control in hand, he pictured himself as a benevolent puppet master, pulling the strings for his families benefit. "That should keep things fresh," he said out loud.


When it became time for Theodore to choose a university, an important consideration was finding one close enough for him to come home every Friday. Before he left for college, June purchased a box of condoms which they used until she was confident he could use them properly. As she helped him pack for college, she slipped in the condoms they didn't use.

Theodore treasured everything his mom had done for him. He promised her that he would never go bareback with anyone else until he was married. June suppressed a smile when he made his pledge. He was so adorable and sincere. In fact, his mom was so moved that it earned him a going away blow job.

Theodore's free time at school was somewhat limited because he had to study and he preferred to go home most weekends. As he became more and more accustomed to college life, he found some time to date. Sometimes a date would tell him that she was on the pill and there was no need to worry. Theodore was too smart for that and would just smile and say, "You can never be too careful."

Even if they were telling the truth about being on the pill, they may not have been taking it properly. His mom told him that with the new "low dose" pills, you can get pregnant if you only miss a single day. He also didn't want to bring a nasty sexually transmitted infection home to his mom and dad.

Some weekends Theodore couldn't make it home because of a school function. When he came home the following weekend, Ward would often announce that he had something he needed to do for a couple of hours on Saturday or Sunday.

Ward was very pleased when Theodore made the honor roll, but warned that if his grades fell, the proper remedy would be for him to remain at college and study.

With all the motivation Theodore received, he couldn't help but do well. In fact, he did so well that he was going to graduate Summa Cum Laude. Many of his relatives wanted to be there, so they reserved several hotel rooms and essentially had a family reunion. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were all understandably proud, but the proudest of them all were his parents.

When they returned home from graduation, Ward surprised them both with reservations to a fancy restaurant located downtown near his work. He volunteered to be the designated driver so the guest of honor and his mother could drink. Everyone got dressed up and dinner was fantastic. June looked incredible in her favorite "little black dress" and both of her men told her that she was the best looking woman in the place, which she was.

When they were about to leave, Ward got a call. He hung up and said, "They need me at the hospital."

June, who was clearly intoxicated, winked at him and said, "Why are they calling you darling, we're both officially still on vacation?"

Ward recovered quickly and replied, "I don't know, but I'm close and they need me. You can't drive yourselves home because you've been drinking. If I take you two with me, I don't know how long you'll be stuck at the hospital."

Fortunately, the restaurant was located in a nice hotel and Ward could just pick them up the next day.

Ward checked them in and returned with a key card that he gave to Theodore before shaking his hand. "Congratulations again son," he said with obvious pride, and then escorted them both to an elevator.

Once they were inside, he reached in to push the button for their floor and said, "Goodnight." Before the doors closed, June gave him a big kiss and silently congratulated herself for being married to such a wonderful man.

June lost her balance when the elevator started moving and Theodore caught her. She giggled and said, "I seem to be a bit tipsy." They embraced and kissed until they felt the elevator slow for their floor. When the doors opened, they were standing several feet apart in case anyone they knew was at the hotel.

Once safely within their room they hurriedly returned to each other's arms. As they kissed, Theodore could feel his mother's breasts heaving against his chest with each inhalation. He didn't think it was possible, but her lips seemed even more inviting than usual.

"Excuse me for a minute," June said with a reluctant sigh as she backed away from her son. She placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself and slipped off her high heels.

"That's better," she exclaimed as she opened her evening bag and began rummaging around for their special flavor lipstick.

Finding it, she stumbled over to the bathroom vanity which had a large mirror and a facial tissue dispenser. June used a tissue to wipe her lips bare before beginning the process of repainting them. Theodore was admiring his mother's reflection when it occurred to him that he hadn't told her how special she was in quite a while.

"Mom, I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do for me."

"You mean our 'special Fridays?'" June asked with a smirk.

Theodore blushed and answered, "Well of course I appreciate that, but I was also thinking of all the regular mom stuff you do. I just want you to know that I don't take any of it for granted.

Her eyes met his in the mirror. He looked so handsome standing there in his suit. After a moment she said, "No one could ask for a better son."

"I haven't always been a good son," Theodore confessed. "I wouldn't have graduated without you mom. I wouldn't have gotten all those job interviews and the whole family wouldn't have been proud of me."

When she grabbed another tissue, Theodore noticed tears welling up in her beautiful blue eyes.

"My makeup is going to be ruined if you keep saying things like that," she scolded.

"I was hoping to ruin it one way or another," her son admitted.

June grinned and resumed applying the lipstick. "Your graduation present should look nice before you open it"

"Nice?" he objected. "I've never seen you look more beautiful than you do tonight mom. You're glowing."

"Well thank you son." After some thought she speculated, "That might be the alcohol."

Confused, Theodore asked, "What might be the alcohol?"

"My glow might be because I've been drinking."

"Honey," she went on to explain. "You don't realize the full extent of what your father has done for you. Not only did he come up with a scheme that places me alone with you, he also got me drunk. He's aware that when I'm drunk, I'm not quite the lady I typically am."

Theodore smiled and said, "Then dad's even luckier than I thought."

Lips painted, she staggered back to him and said in a throaty voice, "You have no idea."

Theodore raised his eyebrows and she continued, "For example, I normally don't like dirty talk."

He could feel her warm breath as she leaned against him and whispered into his ear, "Your dad is so delighted with you that he gave you my pussy. My tight little pussy is yours until checkout, as many times as you can put it to good use. It's wet and ready for you."

Theodore thought he was already hard, but he instantly got harder.

Pleased with her son's reaction, June continued, "Alcohol not only lowers my inhibitions, it also provides me with an excuse for doing naughty things."

She took his hand and brought his index finger to her mouth where she leisurely licked it. After sliding the wet finger slowly up and down across her twin mounds, she looked up at him and said, "I've always wondered why you've never asked to fuck my tits. If you want, we can remedy that tonight. You can cum all over them or you can finish in my mouth. I don't want my baby to grow old regretting that he never fucked 'the twins.'"

After giving her son's hand a parting squeeze, June made her way to the bed with a sensual swaying of her hips. She began absently humming as she busied herself turning back the covers. It took a moment for Theodore to place the tune and when the lyrics came to mind, he couldn't help but smile.

"Mama's got a squeeze box

She wears on her chest

And when Daddy comes home

He never gets no rest

'Cause she's playing all night

And the music's all right

Mama's got a squeeze box

Daddy never sleeps at night."

The End Ch. 01

For you younger people, search for "Squeeze Box" by "The Who" and give it a listen.

I hope you enjoyed my story and be sure to vote. A minimum average of 4.5 stars is required to earn the coveted red "H" hot logo.



Squeeze box is a colloquial expression for a musical instrument that has a hand driven bellows such as an accordion.



The beaver (genus Castor) is a furry, semi-aquatic rodent. Their colonies create one or more dams in streams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators and to float food and building material. Much of the early exploration of North America was driven by the quest for this animal's pelt which was used to make clothing, top-hats and merkins. A merkin is a pubic wig. Merkins were originally worn by women after shaving their pubic hair in an effort to combat pubic lice (a.k.a. crabs) and by prostitutes to cover up signs of disease, such as syphilis. Today, merkins are worn during film making to prevent inadvertent exposure of the genitalia during nude scenes. Lucy Lawless was fitted for a merkin for Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

The term "beaver" is American slang for female genitalia or pussy. However, given its origin, the term should apply only to the "furry" portion. The first known published use of "beaver" in this context occurred in 1927 in an anthology of American folk verse: "She took off her clothes from her head to her toes and a voice at the keyhole yelled, "Beaver!"

"Leave It to Beaver" was an American television situation comedy (1957 -1963) that attained iconic status exemplifying the idealized suburban family of the mid-20th century. It was about an inquisitive but often naïve boy named Theodore "The Beaver" Cleaver (portrayed by Jerry Mathers) and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood. The show also starred Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont as Beaver's parents, June and Ward Cleaver.



A kissing booth was a carnival attraction where the person running the booth kissed customers for money, often to raise funds for charity. Customarily, no tongue was involved. Today, dogs are commonly placed in the booth to raise money for a charity such as the Humane Society. In this case, tongue is always involved.



The concept for which Dr. Ivan Pavlov is famous is the "conditioned reflex." He noticed that dogs tended to salivate before food was actually delivered to their mouths. He developed an experiment where he would ring a bell when he fed his dogs. Initially, the dogs salivated due to the food, but after some time with the bell, the dogs would salivate after just hearing the bell with no food required.



All women naturally have very low levels of testosterone. One theory is that women with a high sex drive have a greater number of testosterone receptors on their cells or receptors that are more sensitive to testosterone. Thus, the natural low level of testosterone in these women would have a greater effect. Women with a very high sex drive are uncommon enough to have a special name: nymphomaniac. Men with a very high sex drive are common and are just called men.



The breasts of the human female are unique in the animal world. Other species of primates produce an abundant supply of milk for their offspring without developing well-defined hemispherical breasts.

According to one hypothesis the breasts we know today are an evolutionary side-effect of bipedal locomotion. Walking upright gave our ancestors an edge by freeing up appendages for carrying things, manipulating tools and having a higher vantage point when they walked on the ground. Walking upright also meant that the round buttocks that attracted the male were no longer at eye level. Females that deployed similar round shapes at eye level were more attractive to males and therefore had a selective advantage.



Cooper's ligaments are connective tissue in the breast that helps maintain structural integrity. They are named for Astley Cooper, who first described them in 1840. Ward considered himself quite clever when back in medical school he coined the term "Cooper's Droopers" to describe sagging breasts and shared it with his fellow students as a device to remember the ligaments name.



From 1995 to 1997 United States President Bill Clinton received blow jobs from White House intern Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Mr. Clinton did not consider blow jobs to be sex. One of the best-known sound bites of his presidency was, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

According to a 2007 survey only 20% of college students think of oral-genital contact as having sex. This represents a dramatic and abrupt decrease since 1991, when a similar survey found that nearly twice as many young adults would classify oral-genital contact as sex.

Researchers point to President Clinton's notorious statement, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," as the pivotal turning point in society's changing views about oral sex. This attitude shift has been called the "Clinton-Lewinsky" effect.

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MilothatchMilothatch11 months ago

Absolutely stunning! Loved every line!

SlickerzSlickerzover 1 year ago

He, she, he, she you fuckin' moron, are you writing mother-son incest erotica or just another dumb bland fiction?

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

As an avid reader of incestuous love stories, especially between mother and son, this is one of the most beautifully constructed, and logically developed stories I have read. This story reflects how I envision an incestuous family would exist in real life. All parties are emotionally and mentally mature. The self-awareness, self-confidence, ego and id are solid. There is no positional powerplay, There is no emotional nor physical abandonment or abuse. All parties are secure in their position. They respect, adore, love and respect the sensual and sexual sensitivity of each person involved. The emotional and sexual epiphany mother and son was amazing. The husband/father is the most emotionally and sexually mature and secure of the three. Finally, who better to teach a son about pleasing a woman and sexually meeting her needs than a mother. The son knows that she will not be judgmental nor embarrass him. Her love is unconditional and no other woman will ever love him more completely than her. In real life, I would like to know and associate with this family.

jcus0511jcus0511almost 3 years ago

Really well written & great structure etc. while erotic I enjoy a bit more heat in my stories so I have been in a quandary over how to rate the piece. I eventually went for 5 because of your effort and the consistent quality of your yarning. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Erotic and Magnificiently Written

Your story was not only charged with eroticism, but also excellently written. Those are a rare combination in this type of writing. Reading your work was a pleasure in more ways than one.

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