A Mother's Dilemma Ch. 02

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Can a Mother's love submit to jealousy?
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/31/2008
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Chris, still in a sexual daze, left his room and walked tentatively down the hallway at his mom's call. As he reached her door he braced himself for what was coming. He knew he had gone way too far, but he had been right. She had wanted it. She had really wanted it. He turned and stepped into her room.

"Chris... Chris, come he.. no, I.. uh, Chris I... I just wanted to tell you goodnight honey. Don't be upset. Don't think I'm angry, I mean, I am but it's not just your doing. I'm upset that I let things get so completely out of hand. Everything just... just got out of control. We'll get past this and we'll talk. Tomorrow morning we'll have a nice breakfast together and everything will be fine. We'll make everything fine. We can't let this come between us."

In an attempt to lessen the tension she forced a smile, "And I'll put the laundry in the chute tomorrow, ok? Chris? Promise?"

Chris mumbled a little shamefaced, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Goodnight Chris."

"Goodnight mom."

"Hey, uh... mom."


"I... uh... never mind, nothing."

"Chris, it's ok. I'll be ok. We'll be ok. It just, happened."

Karen lay back pulling her sheet tightly to her chin, her insides shaking. She closed her eyes, trembling at how close she had come to asking him to lie down with her. She wanted to be held, needed to be held so much, missed the feel of a man's strength enclosing her, the smell of his skin, his hands holding her breasts. She just had so little time for relationships. The men at her office were such jerks and most of them her subordinate. She turned gazing at the luminous LED of her clock and once again felt the hard length of Chris in her hand, the warm smooth skin. Eyes closed, her fingertips lightly touched as her hand again caressed... her lips softly pulled apart as she felt the warm wetness splash against them and fall to her breast. The tip of her tongue touched her bottom lip as her teeth lightly bit, her hunger aching, scolding her that she had not pushed her lips over him..."

With a soft cry of despair she turned to her back. Somehow, she had to control him, control herself. Could she deny him and keep their closeness. She musn't lose him, yet, if he continued to push her what could she do. Could she play this game just a little, and yet keep him at some arm's length?

She got out of bed and walked to her son's room pushing the door open peering into the darkness. She walked to the edge of his bed.


"Yeah mom."

"Chris, will you hold me. Just hold me for a little while if I lie down?"

"Sure mom."

"I just want you to hold me, that's all. Just for a little while, please Chris?" she quietly asked laying down and turning her back to him.

Chris put his arm around her pulling her close, yet trying to keep his hand from her breast. He felt himself stirring and lengthening against her. Karen tensed and Chris began to pull away.

"No, it's ok Chris, I understand. It doesn't bother me, just hold me and I'll get up in a minute."

Karen's eyes fluttered, opening in some confusion then remembering where she was. Chris' hand was holding her breast, his hips and legs were folded tightly against her. She could feel the outline of him pressed to her. He was asleep. Pulling his hand tightly to her, her hips instinctively pressed against him. She could barely remember when she had felt so warm, comfortable. Pushing herself away Karen got up and silently went back to her room.

"Good morning Chris. Here baby, sit down. I have your breakfast ready. I think after we eat and I clean up the kitchen I'll run down and have the car washed. I won't have a minute to do it next week."

They ate quietly with a nervousness and hesitant smiles.

"I have to run to the office for a couple hours after I have the car cleaned. Then I'm meeting Jane for lunch and we're going shopping at the outlet mall out on the edge of town. I may be late. Is there anything you want me to pick up for you?"

"Uh... no. Hey, mom, look, I'm sorry, last night I didn't mean... I just.. I don't know."

Karen's heart ached at the misery on her son's face, his eyes filling with tears. Reaching across the table she lay her hand over his.

"No Chris, stop. It's ok. We're ok. It, it just happened. I'm still your Mother and you're still my son and I love you so very very much. I don't want us to be sorry for what happened, but, we can't keep up with this tension between us. I can't think, I can't work. I never know what you're going to do. I don't know, but we'll work it out."

She got up moving around the table to hold his head against her breast and kissed him on the forehead.

"Now lets just try to forget it for now, ok? So tell me, what are your plans for today?"

"I don't know mom, mess around the house some. Maybe catch a ride or walk down to the Garden Center and see what I'm going to be doing. I'm going to start as soon as schools out."

"Well, before you leave be an angel. While I'm cleaning up here get the dirty clothes out of your room and start the wash, ok?"

"Yeah, sure mom."

He heard the door swing closed and the car start as his mom backed out of the drive. Chris closed his eyes and felt the fullness of her breasts against his cheek when she hugged him at the table. He had watched the soft curves of her ass stretch her skirt as she turned and walked across the kitchen. An instant stirring forced him to shake off the thought. A long walk to the Garden Center would pass some time and expend some of the pent up energy he felt.

Chris found where he would punch the clock and what his starting duties were to be. Some of the people that worked there knew Chris and his Mother and they were glad he would be joining them for the summer.

The woman showing him around pointed out the huge array of flowers they had in stock. It seemed every time she leaned to point at something she brushed her almost matronly large breasts against his arm.

"This is a perfect place to work Chris. You're right here where you don't have any excuse not to pick up some flowers for your girlfriend. You do have a girlfriend don't you?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I guess I do, kind of."

"Well here, take this vase of spring mix. It's marked down and she will love them. Don't you know we women love flowers. You men are so... well anyway tell the cashier I said to give you the employee discount and the sale price because your going to be working here."

"Thanks Mrs. Sovell."

"Oh don't worry about it, and Chris honey, don't call me Mrs. Sovell. Please, call me Joan."

The cute girl at the register looked him over and asked who the flowers were for. Chris stammered out that they were for his Mom. With a little brighter smile she told him how sweet he was to get them for his Mother and that she was really happy that he would be working with them this summer. Chris blushed and mumbled a quick thanks.

He caught a ride home with a customer he knew. Setting the vase on the kitchen table Chris went to his room and changed into a pair of gym shorts. His mom's exercise bike and a weight bench were in the spare room and he flipped on the radio as he lay back on the bench to work out a little.

"Karen... Karen, wake up!" Jane called out as Karen stood staring into the store window. "Where are you today? Or for that matter for the last week. Is everything all right at home? At work? You just seem really out of sorts. Come on, lets go sit for a minute."

"I'll get us some coffee and you tell me what's going on."

"I don't know Jane. It's just that some days, most days, I think Chris is about to make me crazy. He's too old for the teenage years but he grew up a lot slower than his class for some reason and he really missed all that, which was wonderful for me at the time. It just seems like he's deep into them now and one minute I think I want to strangle him and the next I want to love him to pieces."

Looking over the edge of her styrofoam cup Jane asked, "Ok, so whats he doing?"

"I think it's his hormones raging. I swear Jane I think he's just a walking hard-on."

Jane shrieked with laughter. "Oh my God Karen. Is that all? Are you kidding? Then find him a girlfriend. My God he's so hot. Have you ever really looked at him? I can't believe the girls aren't calling him day and night. He looks like a Greek God. On second thought, just send him over to my house. I'll work off those hormones for you."

"Now how are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to fuck him all day long."

"JANE! Oh God Jane don't you say such a thing. You wouldn't!"

"Oh wouldn't I? I would fuck the boy silly, and while I was at it I would teach him how to treat a woman.

"Hush Jane, someone will hear you."

"Well, there are things he needs to know. Things a Mother can't teach, or maybe not anyway. Well, Karen, I would. An older woman would do well to show a young man how to treat a girlfriend or wife. Some night during her moment of bliss, his lovely wife will thank me. And, while I'm teaching... it would be nice to have some of that delicious young manhood sending little shivers and quivers of delight all over me."

"JANE, that's my son we're talking about. Now stop."

"He's working at the Garden Center this summer isn't he?"

"Yeah, he starts the week after next I think."

"I know a couple of the girls that are working there. Those wild hormones will be taken care of soon enough Karen."

"Jane, I don't want him in any kind of trouble with some young girl. He has college, an education to worry about. He just wants a job and that would be a wonderful place for him to work."

"Karen, I didn't say anything about young girls."

"JANE, God you're impossible. I don't want my son messing around with any of those females down there, young or old. He has a future to look out for."

"Mmmmmmm well, I do have a few things he could do at my house. Like... me?"

"That's enough. You've got me a nervous wreck now. I won't be able to trust you around him, or those little summer bitches at the Center. I have to get home. I haven't anything laid out for supper and now you about have me sick with worry."

Jane laughed as she got up kissing Karen on the cheek, "Well, all right dear. Maybe I'll give him a ride home from work some day."

Grabbing her purse and laughing with her as they parted Karen warned, "You stay away from my son. If anyone is going to corrupt him I will."

In shock, Karen suddenly realized what she had said as she walked down the concourse towards the exit. "Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. Surely Jane didn't hear, or make anything of it," she thought.

As she drove home she bemoaned the thought of the girls working at the Center as well as Jane. In a moment of thought, seriously, would she rather it be one of those girls or someone like Jane? At least an older woman wouldn't be trouble. And Jane was right about most men being such louts when it came to knowing what a woman needed and wanted.

Chris groaned as he pushed up the barbell one more time and rested it on the supports. He lay there waiting for his arms to relax. His thoughts soon turned to the girl working the register at the Garden Center. She was really hot but the image of Mrs. Sovell, Joan, soon replaced her. She wasn't too much older than his mom. He could still see the soft curve of her breast as it disappeared at the white edge of her bra. Her full breasts strained against the material of her blouse as she twisted, turned and bent over showing him the garden stock. She had the soft full rounded hips of an older woman and yet still promised a nice figure hidden beneath her clothes.

A stirring beneath his gym shorts, slowly reached uncomfortably down his thigh. Chris reached down pushing his shorts below his hips and wrapped his hand around the growing member. Eyes closed, his hand began moving up and down the rigid length as his thoughts returned to Mrs Sovell... Joan.

Karen stood in the kitchen, her eyes misted in tears looking at the flowers Chris had brought home for her. They were so beautiful. Her heart was melting at his thoughtfulness. He could be such an angel when he wanted to be. She heard the radio from the spare room and walked down the hall to hug him and thank him for being so sweet.

Staring in shock, and then captivated, Karen stood quietly at the doorway watching her son move his hand up and down the hard swollen shaft. Closing her eyes, she couldn't remember, perhaps it was the way he was laying, that made it look like... he looked so big... As she watched agape unbidden thoughts tugged at her. Who was he thinking of? Was he thinking of one of those girls? Of Jane? No, God no she was being silly, not Jane, yet she could not stop gazing at his movements and wondering with the slightest tinge of... jealousy?

Chris suddenly opened his eyes and looked toward the door. "Oh Jeez mom, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't know you were home. Mom I'm sorry," as he began to sit up.

Grasping her courage before she fled, Karen walked quickly across the carpet with the corner of her lip turned up in a slight smirk.

"What Chris? You think you know how to do that better than me? Better than a woman?" Kneeling down next to the bench she pushed her hair back and smugly quipped, "This is only yours to carry around. It actually belongs to women, or someday your wife. So, I'll show you how you should really do it."

Her small hand slipped around the base of the swollen shaft. Slowly Karen began moving her hand up and down the length of him. She reached with the palm of her other hand and lightly circled the rounded tip spreading the little droplets that her grasp was coaxing from him. Fingertips lightly caressed the underside of the velvet curve as her hand continued it's slow rhythm. Reaching lower her hand carefully held his balls, lightly squeezing each time her hand stroked downward. Over and over her hand slowly slid up and down his cock. Her long nails softly scratched the wrinkled skin below as they moved upwards toward the base and finally pushed her other hand higher on the rigid warmth.

Both hands now encircled him and began to move quicker pumping up and down. Karen slid them together, the fingertips and the heels of her palms touching as she now held his throbbing cock between them slightly rocking back and forth as they caressed up and down the hard length. Her heart pounding Karen gave a soft cry at the sight between her hands. The swollen reddish tip, the veins slipping down the length disappearing beneath her hands, skin pulling tight as she moved her hands downward and the little beads of slipperiness as she slid upwards. She closed her eyes and leaned forward pressing the warm tip against her cheek as her hands continued to slide up and down.

Chris couldn't believe what his mom was doing. The incredible feeling of her hands. He knew he couldn't wait much longer, felt the tightening, his muscles tensing, fingertips digging into the bench. He had watched his mom, her lips lightly parted as she stared entranced, heard her quiet wail of need as she pressed his cock to her cheek.

"Mom, oh God mom, Its...its... I can't wait.... "

He looked down at her holding him tightly against her cheek. Without thought he reached down grabbing his cock pressing it to her lips.

"Chris, no, noooo," she moaned trying to turn away but his hand followed pushing harder.

Karen could feel him begin to thrust harder, his hips beginning to lift. She held him tighter waiting for the rush of wetness. Startled as his hand moved over hers pressing the rigid tip against her lips, she turned trying to move away. Chris pressed harder forcing his cock against her. With an aching cry of abandon Karen took him pulling him deeply into her mouth. With a moan of hunger she moved her lips quickly up and down his cock.

"Mom, Jeezzz mom I'm.... I'm going to cummmm.... please....."

Karen's hand moved furiously pumping up and down the throbbing hardness. Her lips barely caressed the tip as she whispered, "Ok baby, ok, come on Chris... come on... cum for me... come on baby..... please, cum for me... yes... oh yes, oh God there it is... there it is... cummmmm baby..." She quickly slipped her lips over him as the warm spurts of cum covered her tongue. Karen quickly swallowed as Chris groaned and spilled more cum into her. Her lips slid tightly up and down the length of his cock as her hands squeezed the last drops from him.

Patting him on the stomach she pushed to her feet.

Karen whispered with a voice thick with a need of her own, "There Chris, now that's how you do it."

As she turned the corner from the doorway she ran down the hall and up the stairs to her room. Closing the door behind her she leaned back against it gasping, her heart pounding. Her hand slipped beneath her skirt to touch her panties now soaked with her desire. She hurried to her dresser reaching for her dildo and the bottle of lubricant. Kicking out of her panties and skirt she fell to the bed in a moan as she poured the slippery liquid into her hand and spread it over warm folds of her pussy. Karen pressed the hardness between the slippery swells and a soft cry escaped her as she moved to take the entire length inside her warm opening.

As her hand moved back and forth between her thighs, behind closed eyes Karen was entranced. The sight of her hands wrapped around Chris' cock. The velvety soft feel brushing against her cheek as she held it tightly to her, the warmth as it throbbed beneath the touch of her fingertips... the feel of the warm hardness as her lips slid over him, the wetness spilling inside her mouth covering her cheeks, tongue... she tensed turning to her side thighs closing tightly... an aching cry of release.

It was the last week of school as Chris tentatively stepped into the kitchen. His mom had stayed in her room though he thought her heard her once after he went to bed.

"Good morning Chris. I loved the flowers. they're beautiful. That was so sweet of you. Did you pick them out?"

"Uh, no, Mrs. Slovell helped at the Garden Center when she was showing me around."

"Well, I don't believe I know her."

She's kind of nice. Told me to call her Joan but I don't know. She's alot older."

"Older? Well, I hope you mean older than me. I guess you should call her what ever she wants. Is she your supervisor?"

"Yeah, sort of. I guess I'll be working with her most of the time."

"Well, I should meet her sometime."

"Sure mom. Hey, I have to go or I'll be late."

Chris hesitantly leaned forward, then kissed his mom on the cheek.

Karen watched as her son walked down the drive. Mrs. Scovill? Joan? Her lips tightening she decided she would have to meet this Mrs. Scovill that wanted her son to call her Joan. The phone rang and she walked to the counter to answer.


"Karen, how are you today? Feeling better I hope?"

"Jane, yeah, much better actually. Maybe I just needed some rest."

"Well, you had me worried. Is Chris available to do a couple of things for me this afternoon?"

"What? uh, oh... JANE," Karen laughed, "You leave your hands off my son you wanton bitch. I remember what you said."

"Oh, well then, I guess you decided to follow your own advice?"

"Well Jane, just what advice was that?"

Jane laughed, "Well if you're not going to let me corrupt him, then I guess you've decided to do it yourself? Remember? You said?"

Karen stood stunned. Her heart skipped as she tried to regain her breath, her voice.

"Karen? Karen, I didn't drop the call did I? Are you still there?"

She forced her heart to slow, "Jane, that's uh... silly. You can't imagine... you can't think...?"

"Oh Karen, I'm just kidding. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I do want to stop over later. I need to drop off your carpet cleaner I borrowed and I've bought this wine I heard of that you'll just love. I got a bottle for you too so I'll see you about five, ok?"