A Mother's Expectations

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As I reflected on my son becoming a man, I wondered.
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Description: As I reflected on my son becoming a man, I wondered at the circumstances that led me to having him clean up both his own and other men's cum.

A Mother 's Expectations

By Mugsgame

We had just returned home from Jimmy's Bar. My son had been the designated driver. While I had a few cocktails with a couple of my regular companions in a booth, he sat watching sipping a cola at the bar. I had always loved flirting and displaying my charms. When sliding into a booth at the bar, the hemline of my dress to almost always was rising up my thighs.

Although my head was turned to face my regulars sitting opposite me in the booth, I could feel the eyes of a few men sitting at the bar furtively casting glances at my legs. I turned my head towards the bar, nodding my head towards them before spreading my legs a little more knowing that they could now see the pretty blue nylon panties I was wearing as well. As I turned back to my regulars, some of their mouths were left dangling open.

I enjoyed a few cocktails, chatting with my regulars until my son came over asking me to buy him another coke. I had been controlling his finances as well as even the most intimate aspects of his life for the last six months. As I stood at the bar paying for the coke, the bar owner, Jimmy motioned with his head to two young men at the end of the bar. He told me they were sailors on leave after a long deployment. Being a patriot, I paid for a round for the sailors.

Jimmy gave them their drinks pointing towards me. I came over to the good-looking young boys, leaning over between them before thanking them for their service. I bent forward, giving them along with the others at the bar a good view of my decolletage. The dress was low cut in the front. Tonight, I was wearing a lacy blue half bra with matching panties. I glanced back down the bar seeing my son's red face turning away. One of the sailors also blushed handsomely. My panties were more than a little damp when I nodded at Jimmy as I chatted with the sailors.

Jimmy knew our signal. A minute later the phone at the bar rang. I had started running a hand up each of the sailor's inner thighs when Jimmy came over. He said that I had a phone call, asking if I wanted to take it in the basement office. I thanked him before asking the sailors if they would like a sweet treat for their services. I let my hands glide up over their thighs. I was pleased that I could feel that they were excited. I thought that their eyes would bug out as they looked at each other in amazement.

The blushing one, Steve only nodded while his buddy John eagerly replied that they both would. My panties were absolutely dripping when I took Steve's hand, leading them to the door to the basement. I switched on the light before guiding them to the office door between cases of booze.

With the office door closed, I turned the lock before sitting on the corner of the desk with one leg spread on either side. I pulled the dress higher up my thighs until I was sure that they could see my wet panties. I could almost see the bulges in their pants throbbing as I sweetly asked if they liked what they saw. They nodded, I could see anticipation in their eyes, hear their breathing deepening.

I licked my lips and reached out for the hand of the blushing one pulling him close before kissing him deeply. As my tongue was entwined in his mouth, I guided his hand up my thighs. I helped him push the gusset away before leaning both of my hands back on the desk as he began plunging his fingers into my wet pussy.

Steve's long fingers were being pushed deep into my pussy. John leaned over, beginning to rub my throbbing clit. I felt my juices running down my thighs. It did not take long before my pussy was gushing. I told Steve that I wanted more than his fingers in my pussy. I was delighted that he bent down, licking my dripping pussy. John pulled down my top, pushing my lacy bra down before starting to play with my boobies. Soon I was cumming again with sailors sucking both my boobs and pussy.

I felt deserted for a moment when Steve stopped licking me until I heard the sound of his pants dropping to the floor. I smiled as I felt his cock slide into me. When he quickly came, John was ready to take his place. He didn't cum quite as quickly but it was a little disappointing that they didn't last very long. They both seemed to be pleased as punch as they started getting dressed.

Well, if they weren't up to do it again, I knew my regulars didn't mind sloppy seconds. I asked the sailors to tell Jimmy the phone call was much harder than I expected and perhaps he could ask the regulars if they could come down to help.

Forty-five minutes later I sat up from the desk, straightening out my dress after pulling on my panties. At some point, Jimmy had joined my regulars in the office. I climbed the stairs with five loads of cum in my dripping pussy leaking into my panties. Collecting my son, I kissed both sailors on the way out.

At home I went to the upstairs bathroom, stripping off my dress and lingerie as my son stood in the bathroom door silently watching. I knew that his cock was throbbing, I could see his face burning as I shimmied out of the panties, holding them below my crotch for a minute before carefully laying them on top of the dress. My son was rooted in place as I casually sat on the toilet before beginning to pee.

"Well, you know what I expect don't you? I'm disappointed in you. I shouldn't have to ask you to clean my panties. You know that I don't want any stains in them."

As he bent down, picking them up, I knew that his cock was getting even harder. In the gusset there was a pool of cum. I watched as with resignation he brought the panties up to his face before starting to lick up the cum.

"Don't spill a drop of that baby batter" I laughingly said as he was licking up the other men's cum.

"For making me need to ask, no cumming for you tonight. That is the only cum you get."

He approached the toilet for me to inspect the job he did cleaning the cum from my panties. I smiled up at him pleased that he had licked it all up. I reflected on how this all began as he poured Woolite in the sink, washing my lingerie before hanging it in the shower to dry.


My son was at the end of his freshman year in college having just turned nineteen when he started dating a cute cheerleader. I was hopeful he would come out of his shell to be the man his father was, a confident and skilled lover.

Alas, I came home early from work one day to discover him sitting on the couch with the cheerleader. I had quietly come through the back door. He was pleading with her to let him touch her pussy.

Instead, she laughed saying "What use do I have for you? You think you could please me? Look at you. I barely touched you before you came in your pants." My son looked abashed as she laughed and laughed.

I should have backed out but she noticed me as she got up. She smiled cruelly walking past me.

In her wake, I told my son I didn't him to drown in a pit of self-pity. Neither did I want stains in his underwear. He needed to clean up his cum right now. As he turned to leave, I told him to stop and do it right here, right now. He looked bewildered as I folded my arms, waiting with a stern look on my face.

As he slowly started taking off his jeans, I told him that there were going to be a lot of changes. Firstly, he needed to sign over to me his paychecks starting tomorrow. I told him that I wanted his credit cards too. He needed to ask me for any money he wanted.

He hesitated before taking off his sticky underwear. I walked over to him, whispering in his ear that he would need to ask me to cum as well. I don't think he believed me before I kneed his balls. He fell to the floor as I told him it was for his own good, spreading his legs with my foot before pressing it down on his penis.

I started applying more pressure with my foot saying, "Well, are you going to clean them?"

When he gave me a dazed look, I stuck out my tongue making a licking motion. He slowly started licking up his cum as I told him that he could look at any pornography he wished but he could not cum. If he came without asking for permission to masturbate there would be consequences. He looked like a deer blinded by headlights as I added that he would also be cleaning up all his cum from now on.


My husband passed away five years ago. He was the love of my life. My son had difficulties throughout high school without his dad being around. Even after a few years had passed, I found it hard to try to date other men. My son had always brought friends around and I enjoyed making dinners for them. Lately, I had found it both oddly fascinating as well as exciting when I noticed some of them staring at me with longing in their eyes.

I was of medium height. I have always worn my long black hair either falling loosely over my shoulders or in a ponytail. I was busty but had not worn clothes that emphasized that for a very long time. Over the years, I had also added lines to my face as well as gained a few extra pounds. It seemed however much I worked out; my ass was never going to be any smaller than it was now.

In my bedroom, I opened a drawer that had not seen the light of day in many years. Lacy bras and panties stared back at me. I found that I could not even try them on to see if they still fit. They reminded me too much of my husband. A few days later I shopped online for some new lacy bras and full-figured panties in a variety of colors. I also bought a few more revealing dresses and blouses.

When my son now brought friends home, I found myself flirting with the boys. I carefully watched for opportunities to accidentally spread my legs showing off my panties or bending so that my boobs threatened to spill from my blouse or dress.

I looked for chances when shopping to accidentally drop things in stores before bending over to pick them up or trying to decide what item I wanted from the bottom shelves when men were watching me, especially when my son was with me. My son would get so embarrassed. It delighted me when I would see a man or a boy looking guiltily away. Alone in my bedroom, I would cum and cum, soaking my panties.

Every day I questioned my son about whether he had masturbated. I always received the answer that he had not jerked off. A week went by before his hesitant reply told me that today he was lying. I slapped his face twice.

As he looked at me with tears in his eyes, I told him "I don't think you believed me before. You had better believe me now. I will be lenient with you today. The next time someone other than me will be applying for your chastisement."

He started to occasionally ask for permission to cum. A month went by before I found him lying to me again. As promised, the next day when he got home from work there was one of his old high school classmates in the basement.

Iris was a neighborhood schoolmate of my son who was just over five feet but had been taking karate and boxing lessons since she was a little girl. I had tried several times to get my sone involved with those activities. Iris and I had always gotten along. She sometimes talked to me about things she could not discuss with her mother. Iris knew most of what I was doing with my son and she agreed to administer the punishment to him.

She smiled sweetly before putting on lightweight boxing gloves. When he just stood there looking dumbfounded, she punched him in the gut, doubling him over. He looked at me with surprise in his eyes before she began pounding his ribs. He fell to the floor with Iris commanding him to stand. When he remained prone, Iris kicked him until he stood again.

After the second time he fell, I nodded to Iris indicating that this was enough. As she turned towards me my son took a wild swing at her. Iris quickly pivoted before delivering a straight right directly to his face. He collapsed on the floor with blood streaming from his nose.

I told Iris I was deducting fifty dollars as I counted out her money. The understanding was that there was to be no physical damage to my son. She looked at me questioningly as she took off the gloves. I pointed at his bent broken nose. Iris just chuckled before reaching out, snapping his nose back into position as my son yelped.

"Just a scratch," she said, wiping the blood from her hand on his discarded shirt. I added the fifty back to her fee before handing it to her.


It all started when I felt the need to get out one evening. I had my son drive us to Jimmy's Tavern. My husband had been friends with Jimmy. We frequented his tavern often.

A couple of gentlemen at the end of the bar had some drinks delivered to me. I joined them, chatting before we moved to the large corner booth. As I sipped the cocktail with one man on either side of me. I was surprised at myself when felt their hands start to tentatively run up my thighs. Rather than discourage them, I let my hands glide over their thighs. They both got bolder with their fingers brushing my panties

One of the men went up to the bar, chatting with Jimmy for a moment before returning to the booth. Shortly after, the bar phone rang. Jimmy came over telling me I had a call. He said these gentlemen could show me to his basement office where I could take the call if I wanted a little privacy.

I was a little confused until the gentleman still sitting by me slipped his fingers under my panties and into my wet pussy. As he fingered me, he whispered in my ear that the office could be locked, adding that there was both a large desk as well as a sofa in the office.

This was the first time that what would come to be my signal was used. Jimmy came out from behind the bar and held the door open. Before we descended, he whispered in my ear asking he might join me after the others were finished. I could have laughed out loud. I had done nothing but masturbate for more than five years. I was more than ready for all three. I wondered if they were ready for me.

As I started down the stairs, I turned back telling Jimmy "Yes, of course."

After each of them had filled my pussy with cum, I climbed the stairs collecting my son. Jimmy had opened a bottle in the office and I was a little drunk when we got home. My son accompanied me to the bathroom as I peeled off my panties before sitting to pee. The crotch was glistening with cum. On a whim, I tossed them to my son telling him to lick them clean.

He looked at me wishing that I was joking. I told him to make it fast before the cum got cold. I could not help smiling at him as he slowly started licking up the cum from my panties.


What a difference six months makes. After starting to clean the cum from my panties a few times, my son began asking for permission to masturbate more often. When he was asking me for permission to masturbate every day, I started making him jerk off in front of me. I would usually slide my panties off telling him to cum on them. He never lasted very long before shooting streams of cum onto my panties. It was both extremely weird and exciting seeing him licking up his cum from my panties.

A few weeks later, I promised my son he would be rewarded if he could masturbate without cumming for five minutes. The first time he barely lasted more than a minute. The next day when he asked for permission, I denied him.

When he asked the following day, I allowed him but said that he should do a better job of holding out or maybe I should talk to Iris again. His face twisted before freezing. It was something more than just fright.

"Ah, you naughty boy. even after the beating she gave you, you think about her, don't you? How often do you think of fucking Iris when you jerk off that cock?" Caught in the truth, he looked down guiltily.

"You are almost an adult. There is no shame in wanting her after what she did to you. When we were younger your father and I played many games. You know that I like teasing. After a long time, I also like being fucked again too.

It was not long afterwards that my son made it to both five and then ten minutes. I still enjoyed teasing as well as making regular evenings out to Jimmy's Tavern and my regulars. It gave a glow to my heart the day that he brought home Iris. She smiled warmly at me as he blushed.

I would have to have a long private talk with Iris. It was now up to her to guide my son; it was her right.

The end

If you made it this far, I hope that you enjoyed the tale. Feedback and comments are welcome whether you liked or disliked the tale.

With many thanks to my Literotica editors Ravenna933, CongoloBistone & Carmilla234 whose comments and suggestions helped me improve the story.

Any errors or omissions are the authors alone.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a horrible mother and her son get the fuck out of there!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ya I ended the story when the son licked the guys cum off the panties not my kind of stuff sorry.

VeryopenmindedloverVeryopenmindedloverover 2 years ago

I hope iris uses him for her pleasure. makes him her bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think it sucked that shit lame incest is hot but it ain't incest of the mother is fucking everyone except her son it was bunk because this is suppose to be mom son stories mom getting fucked like a bitch by her son that's sexy mom taking her son big cock and loving it being his bitch that gets my cock hard not other people fucking her I want to see a mother beg 4 sons cock

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

M/S incest can be very hot, but not when the mom is a complete whore. Pretty much ruins it.

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