A Naked Hike


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'Okey dokey, then. Let's go!'

Resentfully, you stood up. We strolled higher up the hills through the woods, both fighting our urges. We kept throwing glances at each other, caressing our naked bodies with our eyes. This truly was the longest time in a row that I've seen you fully naked. After a long and demanding half-hour, we were gonna be out in the open again, as we could see deep blue sky through the trees ahead. And like an answer to our prayers, the spring was right there, at the edge of the woods, making a cute little puddle over a bed of rock. It seemed clear and fresh, coming out from a plastic pipe, sticking out a heap of dirt. They must have diverted the stream from further up the hill and sent the water through separate ways for the benefits of the crops. The faint cooing of the trickling water was simply relaxing.

The sun was almost at the zenith, and we could almost see the round tip of the hill ahead of us. We decided that we were far enough, if we didn't want to stay too long in the sun. This spot was perfect to have a snack, stay cool in the shade or in the water, and still be able to lay in the fresh grass under the sun. Only when you stopped walking that you felt your legs getting all wobbly from the hike, so you decided it was time to remove the shoes and socks and walk right in the water, exhausted. You squealed sharply at the first touch, and started laughing hysterically. I stood there, observing you a few moments, watching the goosebumps making waves across your skin, although your nipples seemed to have retracted at the abrupt change of temperature. You sat on a bigger smooth rock, spreading your legs. You closed your eyes and let your mind drift, abandoned to yourself for a moment. Then a vision of me came right back to you as you felt your hot pussy contrast with the cool water, firing up your libido again.

Over by the water, I was unpacking a few fruits and crackers on the ground. I wanted to set ourselves a little spot so we could get comfortable, but my erection was still aching. I was a little shy to get in the water that seemed pretty damn cold from up here but I wanted to join you badly. I grunted, confused, and started rubbing my shaft behind your back. As you heard me, you turned your head and observed me for a bit. I didn't stop. Again, I couldn't tell where your eyes were looking from behind your sunglasses, but I assumed that you were intrigued by what I was doing to myself. Intrigued, but also turned on. I was drunk on sex. This whole trip had been nothing but sheer arousal and teasing, and it was affecting some deep regions of my soul, as if all this desire to get naked in nature was always part of me, like a primal instinct. It was almost debilitating.

I kept jerking off and I walked up to you, trying to put one foot in front of the other. As you faced me, you kept staring and I came down with you in the water. You wouldn't say anything, but you made a sudden gesture with your hand, telling me to stop, which I did. Your legs were still spread wide open, exposing your wet cunt in front of me. Your huge tits were magnificent, firm and full, slightly drooping down each side of your ribcage. Your arched your back and removed your sunglasses. Then you proceeded to run your hand down your legs and over your snatch, finally abandoning all resistance. You looked up to me as you were feeling it up, with your fingers spreading open your pussy lips and sticking out your clit. If that was sign language for "Do the same as me", then I started stroking my shaft again, a few feet only away from your face. Your little fingers were playing with your clit, making tiny circles around it. You were staring at my cock coming in and out of my hand: that was turning you on so bad. Your eyelids were getting heavy and you let out moans that became louder and louder, echoing in the hill. You drew your head back, which was right on level with where the water came out of the pipe. Your hair in that ponytail suddenly got drenched and water ran down your body, behind your ears, down your neck, between your breasts, over your nipples, along your tummy and inside your pussy. Your legs were still wide open, exposing your cunt to me, as you tickled your clitoris. What I had then in front of me was a powerful image of sex-appeal, a true goddess in communion with nature. You seemed aware of the force you were emanating: my legs started trembling , rubbing my sex feebly as you threw me a wild and luscious gaze.

Oh my god! I squinted my eyes, barely believing what I was seeing. I felt my eyes watery from the emotion and what I was witnessing. Then I looked away, laughing uncontrollably. Breaking out of your trance, you joined me in laughter, stood up and asked:

'What? What's the matter?'

'Nothing, honey.' I lied. 'I'm just so happy to be your man, that's all.'

'Awww, that's sweet. I'm all yours too, you know that, sweetie. Come with me then so we can lay down, cuddle a bit and have a snack.'

With that suggestion in mind, who knew that we would be doing the three at the same time. You laid on your back in the grass as I disposed grapes and bits of cheese on your body, only to run down your skin with my tongue and eat them all out. I insisted on your nipples to clear out the cracker crumbs and you squirmed and twisted in pleasure as you moaned louder with your mouth open. Then I put a grape in my mouth, went for your pussy and pushed it inside, but your muscles being so contracted around there only pushed it back out in my mouth. I repeated the motion many times while I thumbed your clitoris, penetrating you with that grape. You were clearly on your way to a powerful orgasm, so I kept going harder and harder. From my point of view, you still looked like the wet goddess of my fantasies.You licked your fingers sticky from the fruits we've eaten; your other hand massaged your tits and pulled your nipples high towards the burning sun. Milk was squirting up in the air like a fountain and landed on your face and body, in my hair. You expressed so much milk, it was coming down in streams down your belly and into my mouth. Your boobs got so full after all that time that you were apart from our baby, and I was here to enjoy it. You were moaning so loud, it sounded like a porn movie was playing. Truly, with no one around to hear us, you knew it was much better to just let it all out.

I stood up on my knees and rubbed my cock. You looked up suddenly, wondered why I stopped, but I made this gesture with my finger, indicating you to turn around so I'd get behind you. I was almost deaf from my heart pounding in my ears and my mouth was watering from the view of your milk covered tits. Then as you turned around, your butt crack reached my throbbing erection and I couldn't help myself but to slide myself inside it again. I pressed your buttocks tightly against my cock and, feeling an unnamable amount of friction, I started moving up and down, moaning like a beast.

'Baby, that's incredible, you're making me so haaard!'

'You really love my ass, do you? You love fucking my butt cheeks like that? Mmmmm, I love feeling the whole length of your big meat crawling down my butt, it's making me so wet. Look at what you're doing to me, I'm putting four fingers inside me!'

'That's right, my big cock loves getting stuck in your ass cheeks. But now, I'm gonna get you more than just fingers inside you.'

On these words, I backed off from your hips, aimed my wet tip for your pussy and pushed slowly forward, as we both held on to our breaths, groaning in unison. The sun was striking down on us and sweat started to pearl our skins as we embarked on this wild erotic tango. With one knee up, I smacked my hips against your ass as my member came in and out of you, and I could lean over you and reach down for your dangling super-tits. As I pinched your nipples and expressed more milk out of you, your squeal went up another octave. All the while, you had reached one hand between your legs and you were making circles around your swollen clitoris. I could feel your fingers touching my cock in the process.

I was fucking you like a sport professional and I was taking you with me to the finish line. You weren't speaking much anymore: your breathing became staggered and your movements quickened. You were going to trap me inside you in order to feel my pulsating cock shoot out yet another load of semen. I could feel it coming fast.

'Oh my god, keep going!' you yelled. 'Fuck me harder!'

Then in broad daylight, I saw stars appearing in my field of vision and the sky started falling. I could hear both our screams as we went down this maelstrom of absurd orgasmic bliss, abandoning ourselves to mother nature. I was squinting my eyes so hard, trying to handle the shock, but the orgasm was such that my knees gave way and made me collapse over you, sending both our faces in the fresh moss of the field. We were on the verge of blacking out from sunstroke.

We laid there for what seemed like 20 minutes before I felt reality crawl back to me, when I heard this faint and remote noise of a plane overhead. Then I heard the birds, and the breeze, and as I opened my eyes slowly, you, my wife, Cindy, were there in front of me, your nose touching mine. You smiled and I smiled back, caressing your hip.

'Hi.' you said.


'Really, those things you make me do, sometimes. This is all your fault. You're such a pervert, but you're MY pervert.'

'If you think you never had this in you, I'm glad I helped to bring it out. We should do this more often. This was an unbelievable experience.'

'Yeah, and it's far from over, remember?' you said, looking around us. 'We didn't bring our clothes with us and I'm afraid that you will get dirty thoughts again on our way back down.

'Well, you know me too well, honey. What can I do? With your naked body at my disposition, it's a miracle I even managed to walk all the way through this "hike" of yours.'

As you laughed, you pushed yourself up to kneel beside me, stretching your back. Your big titties came in full view again and, miraculously, it sent another jolt of blood to my organ. Subconsciously, I reached out for them and started massaging their flesh, barely covering one up with my hand. Sort of unimpressed, your eyebrows raised as you looked at my hand on your breast with an air of hopelessness. Then your eyes watched my dick lift itself, as if attached to a helium balloon.

'So predictable.' you said, shaking your head.

'I plead guilty.' I said, shrugging.

You let yourself getting felt up a little longer than I thought you would, given that we had to start heading back to the campground. That got me into thinking that you were still willing to have some sexy time. But you stood up in a playful manner, looking falsely offended and turned around to pack my bag. I loved that you were fooling around with me this way, and kept an ongoing intrigue between us, a partial and unresolved tension, a perpetual tease.

We put our shoes on and departed for the way back to the car. Given that the sun was just scorching, we opted again to go through the shade in the woods, as it was also the shortest way back. We walked hand in hand, keeping a casual conversation and making hilarious innuendos about our situation. Seeing your naked body in the corner of my eyes was just enough for me to maintain a rigid erection. From time to time, you made me check that the feeling was mutual as you took my hand and placed it against your pussy, still slick with your juices. You would even let me flick your clit, but that was only slowing down our pace. You kept pushing away my hand, even though you knew you'd have want me to have another go at you.

The way down the hill went by much faster, of course, and soon we arrived to where our car was parked. Not wanting this to end, you gave me signs that it was time to fool around again before we went back to the campground. So you turned around and gave me another wet kiss, while your hand reached for my knob again. It was always so good to feel your hand on my cock.

The car was close by, but further in the corner of my eye, I saw a silhouette, and metal gleaming in the sun... There was another car. I jumped, trying to react and run for it, take you by the hand in the process. But it was too late, the stranger by the car saw us. The person was actually laying on the hood of the car, on a towel, seemingly getting a tan. A woman.

'Hi!' she said.

You finally spun around, realizing there was someone there walking up to us, although you didn't seem as afraid as I was, like you recognized her tone of voice.


'That's me! I... got here earlier than I told you I would. My boss called in sick, couldn't open the office. When I got to the campground, you basically had just left and your mom told me of your possible whereabouts, so I decided to try and hunt you down. But it was harder than I thought, and I just got here and saw your car, so I decided I'd get a little tan... What's up, you guys?'

All the while, Evelyn tried to hold in from bursting out laughing at the obvious embarrassment, which I guess was a little more on my part than in between you two, as I've heard interesting stories from your trip to Europe: your nudity clearly didn't seem to be an issue here. You were standing there, fists on your hips, thinking of an answer.

'Oh, you know, we thought we'd get some fresh air, spend some time away from the kids. But as you can see, things got out of hand, and we encountered a little... wardrobe malfunction in the process.'

Both you and Evelyn laughed out loud at this, but I was quietly hoping you'd let go of my hand you were holding so tight, so I can go get my clothes. Evelyn was donning a cute little bikini which I guess she stripped down to as she waited for us to come back. The percentage of clothes being worn in the immediate sector was dangerously low, I thought.

You didn't need to be a rocket science specialist to figure out what we've been up to. Especially that I was still sporting a healthy erection, which was risky for Evelyn to think that it was aimed at her. I decided not to speak and let you handle this: she was your best friend after all.

'I saw you guys coming down.' she said. 'It seemed like a pretty cool idea for a hike. I'm surprised at you, though. I thought, since you're breastfeeding, a lack of support could hurt your breasts, especially during a hike this, wouldn't it?

'Oh, no, it's all good! See? They stand high enough, and don't droop too much. It's like my muscles in this area were trained better for a third baby, you know? Even though I'm sure they're making more milk now than ever, they still do the job. Only downside, though, is that I was leaking every now and then as I was walking up there. Not that it mattered, as I had my own little personal cleaner here with me, didn't I, honey?'

I suddenly pictured myself with a milk mustache as I forced a laugh.

'Huh, huh.' replied Evelyn.

I was sure she winked at me through her sunglasses.

'You look a little nervous, Dave, a little tense. Are Cindy's big boobies here putting you in this state?' she said, walking in closer towards us.

'Well, you can congratulate him, actually, Evelyn. He's still stiff as a bar after all the fun we got to have up there. He's very much a boob man and seeing big tits like mine, he just can't help himself.'

'With reason, right? I mean, they really are awesome. They get so full of milk, but they're still firm and nice... Mmmmh, remember back in elementary school, I kept telling you that you would be the one getting bigger boobs than mine and that you would feed one hundred babies?'

'Ah ah! Yeah. But I still think you have pretty tits. Right, honey?'

You put me out of my trance, trying to stare at four breasts at once. Now, this was getting out of hand. I couldn't answer.

'After all the times I've seen them in Europe, it's a view worth sharing, trust me. I think my boyfriend should see them, what do you think?'

'Oh, my pleasure.'

With a single twist of the wrist, Evelyn untied her bikini top and it fell to the ground. Her tits were pear shaped and creamy white, with little freckles on top. They definitely stood higher up than most average breasts, despite their visibly large and interesting consistence. The areola was not as broad as yours, but the nipples definitely seemed stiff. Was it the breeze, was it arousal slowly surging? Or both? Then, you raised a hand towards her and seized one of her tits, looking all natural, like you've done this before.

'I think my boyfriend enjoys the view. Look at his hard raging cock.'

At this, Evelyn didn't seem to have a reply, as she must have been simply gaping at it through her sunglasses. As if this was some silent order, Evelyn reached across and grabbed my aforementioned hard raging cock. It felt suddenly strange to have someone else's hands on me, but nonetheless highly thrilling, since you were there with me to share the feeling. She started rubbing it with dexterity and with care, afraid it would explode as it seemed it would do imminently. My tip was purple and glistening with pre-cum and my whole shaft was covered in veins, running with my boiling blood; my balls felt like they started to hurt after their third time being solicited.

'Mmmmm, oh my god, what's going on?' I moaned. 'I'm so goddamn turned on! Yessss...'

'What's the matter?' you said, grinning. 'I always told you I'd be more willing to do a threesome with a girl than with a guy. And Evelyn here was always around, sort of hoping she'd get her hands on your big piece of meat that I've been telling her so often about.'

'Oh yeah!' she said. 'I've heard all sorts of fun stories... Oh, Cindy! Look, you're leaking. Wow, your tits are just squirting!'

'Yeah, I know. I think you're turning me on, too. Mmmmmh, here, come my babies, momma needs a little help.'

You laughed, grabbed both the back of our heads and made our faces plunge right into your chest. Then we were immediately covered with your sweet nectar that was coming out in streams from your nipples. Evelyn started moaning and she cupped your big juicy boob while she sampled your breastmilk; her other hand was getting busier on my dick and I was feeling my own milk coming up soon. As for me, I had my two hands cupping your other breast, as I just couldn't get enough. I was indulging on this infinite resource that was your breastmilk. I gasped for air for a second and thrust my hips in Evelyn's direction, grunting. She looked at me and said:

'You like that, don't you? Here, let's try something else. Oh, the possibilities!'

Evelyn took your nipple between her fingers and aimed it for my cock. Naturally, the milk was still coming out in torrents and soon, my cock was covered with the stuff. The treatment we gave to your nipples seemed to arouse you to new heights: you entered into convulsions on every contact and you tilted your head back, moaning openly. Evelyn kneeled down and engulfed my big cock immediately, licking it clean from the milk. But it looked like she wouldn't stop there: she kept going, sucking it energetically with your permission. I couldn't get much more of this, I felt like I was going to faint before I even shot my load. She would stop right at the tip and slide her tongue right under my head, where my dick is most sensitive. She looked like she was being rained on with milk. You were still squirting profusely and I just couldn't believe my eyes. I noticed that Evelyn was now fucking your cunt with her fingers, while she stayed busy with me. I thought she was very good in multitasking and wondered if she's done that kind of thing before. My thoughts were roaming, and I felt a little woozy.

The picture was just downright obscene. This was too much. Without a sign, from lack of ability to speak, I ejaculated in Evelyn's face, emitting a bestial howling, as she stroked me hard. I was paralyzed again from the orgasm, while my balls were being drained out of me. Several gobs of semen landed on her tits and belly, some others completely covered her sunglasses and hair. As you often do, you followed suit in orgasm in the same kind of theatrical surrender, thanks to Evelyn, who was still moving her hand in and out of you. Your loud moans in the open air were so fucking sexy. You buried your head in my chest and held on to dear life, as you felt the rush of endorphins trying to knock you over.