A New Adventure Every Day Pt. 03


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"Don't worry about it, you're forgiven. I think we both got off lightly: I was expecting some very smutty remark from Meg when you said it."

She smiles and gives a little, slightly false sounding laugh, "True; being in love must be putting her off her game. Come on, let's join the others."

She leads us through to patio doors into the garden where we can see Dave manning the barbecue. There are quite a few people there, including several of Meg's friends that I met on the night of the dance; all are chatting and drinking. Just before we enter the garden I pause and touch Meg's hand and she looks at me. "Shall we walk out holding hands?" I ask.

"You'll be coming out to lots of people as my gay girlfriend if we do; are you okay with that?"

I bite my lip. I feel ashamed that this should be in any way a problem but I take a deep breath and nod. "Today's adventure: come out as a lesbian to my new neighbours. Yes, that seems right. Let's just do it, okay?" With that our hands join and we step out into the early evening sunshine. Meg is immediately spotted and someone calls her name. Eyes turn towards us and there's a noticeable dip in the conversation: I guess it's not every day you see two women walking hand in hand. I do overhear a couple of comments: 'Meg's girlfriend' is one and, from a different voice, 'but they're both women'. The first comment I assume is one of Meg's close friends labelling me as her girlfriend, while the second suggests that not everyone here knows she's gay. Shit! She didn't say anything a moment ago but she's coming out to the whole village too... to people she's known for years... for me. I feel a tightness in my throat and my eyes fill with tears. I steer her towards the table covered in bottles: there is no one there so I can talk to her privately for a moment. I think I might need a drink too, quite a large one.

"Meg," I whisper with a slight catch in my voice as we stand with our backs to the other guests, "why didn't you say that by holding my hand you'd be coming out to the village too? You didn't have to; we could have kept it quiet and just let your friends know."

"I know but... I don't want to hide any more, Sam... I'm so happy and so proud that we're together..."

"But what if it doesn't last? What if we can't make it work? What if..." A tear runs down my cheek as Meg softly but firmly interrupts me.

"Sam Cummings, I love you. Do you love me?"

"Yes, of course I do! But that's not the point! I'm afraid that if we can't make this work you'll have come out for nothing! Everyone will still know you're lesbian even if we split up tomorrow..."

"Sam, you and our relationship are worth the risk. I'm nervous about it too, but I want to share this new adventure with you." I look at her and smile.

"Thank you, that was the right thing to say; we're in this together. Sorry for having a bit of a wobble." She brushes the moisture from my cheek and I slip my arm around her waist and hug her tightly to me. She laughs, "Well, that should make things clearer to anyone who missed the hand-holding, while this," she kisses me firmly on the lips, "should leave no doubts."

"Bridges burned, eh? I love you Meg Dike. So: white wine? Large?"

"Yes please and very." I pour the drinks, the same for each of us, and we turn and head off to meet the other guests, Meg's arm linked though mine.

It is an interesting evening dominated, at first, by questions about us. Meg's close friends are keen to know about me, sharing Karen's intrigue given my professed heterosexuality at the village dance. I repeat what I said to Karen: that Meg got into my head and my heart. Other guests vary: some are surprised by Meg but happy and congratulatory of our relationship; some seem wary, suspecting that I have tempted Meg into lesbianism; some are intrigued that they never suspected Meg of being gay. This last group includes two of our neighbours, who are, to my surprise, also at the barbecue - Katie and Bex.

"Why didn't you tell us you were gay, Meg?" asks Bex in a slightly pouty, teenager way, obviously feeling she's been kept out of a secret.

"We'll, all these years and I never suspected," Katie says to Meg, "though there was something about you two when you were going out running the other morning."

"We hadn't... I mean, I was still unsure at that point, Katie," I tell her, "I never expected to have the feelings I do towards another woman so it was... difficult."

"Difficult enough for you to be running out in the torrential rain that evening in your dressing gown?" she asks insightfully, a wry little smile on her face. She sees my shock. "Get used to it, it's a village: not much gets missed."

"Um, well yes. I really needed to talk things out with Meg."

"And is that when you fell in love?" asks Bex, eyes alight with excitement.

"I think we were already in love," I see Meg nod in agreement; "I just needed to get past the fact that it was a woman I'd fallen in love with."

"Ooh, how romantic!" coos Bex, "Running through the rain to tell Meg she was your true love!"

"It wasn't quite like that, Bex," says Meg, "It took a lot of courage and honesty from Sam to admit what she felt and a lot of talking it through. It was worth it though." I add my agreement to this.

"Well, you two will certainly be the talk of the village for a while," observes Katie, "so good luck with that."

"Oh, you must tell Claire and Lillian: they'll want to know that you two are a couple," enthuses Bex.

I cannot help laughing, "You could always tell Bethany; Claire and Lillian would know as soon as she arrived home!" Meg raises an eyebrow.

"Tell Bethany: really? Tell Bethany and then have her bouncing around the school singing 'Miss Dike's got a girlfriend'?"

"It would only be because she was excited for you," I suggest, "and I'm sure she'd love to be the one to tell her mums." Meg punches my arm and Bex and Katie laugh.

"Not going to happen: I'll talk to Claire after school when I see her."

"Oh, and you also ought to tell M..." Bex begins but is interrupted by Katie.

"Bex!" she says sharply, and then continues more calmly as she places her hand on Bex's, "I'm sure there are many people who will want to know and that Meg and Sam will tell them as and when they want to."

"Um, yeah, sorry guys," Bex apologises, "I got a bit over-excited; I'm so happy for the two of you."

"Thanks, Bex," replies Meg, "that's sweet of you." Just then Dave announces that there's more food ready.

"I guess we ought to tell the Birthday Boy since Karen already knows, and I'm hungry too," she drops her voice, making it low and sexy "what I ate earlier was very tasty but not very filling!" Bex's spluttering giggle at overhearing this makes my face red to the ears, but I'm not deterred from replying.

"Mmm, I know exactly what you mean, my love: all taste and no calories!"

"You two need to get a room," comments Katie dryly, her cheeks just a little pinker that they were a moment ago.

"Sounds like they already did!" giggles Bex.

"Oh, sorry, Katie," I say, "I've had Meg making rude and flirtatious comments like that since the first afternoon she knocked on my door." I look at Meg and feel an immense affection and fondness well up inside me, "I never stood a chance really did I, darling?"

"That was the plan!" she smiles. "Sorry, Katie, I should be more discreet."

"Oh, get on with you! It's not as if I don't know the sort of things you two would be doing."

Really? I think to myself, wondering how this tallies with the asexuality Meg ascribes to her. Surely her and Bex aren't..? The way Katie spoke to Bex and touched her hand: was that more than just Katie keeping her teenage neighbour from saying something inappropriate? Hmm...

"Anyway, you make a very nice couple," Katie concludes.

We say our goodbyes as we head over to the barbecue where we end up in the queue behind a chap that I'm sure I spoke to at the village dance but cannot remember his name. Meg rescues my memory when she says, "Hi, George. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm okay," he replies but there is a distinctly lecherous look in his eye when he continues, "so you two are, um, together now, you know..." Shit! I remember him now and what he said... and Meg's reply that we were not 'you knowing'. It looks like his imagination is picturing the two of us getting up to all kinds of 'you knowing' and the thought of that makes me queasy.

"Yes, George, we are. We get on really well and love spending time together, just chatting or going for runs or sitting doing the cryptic crossword. It's nice to have a close friend, don't you think, that you can just relax and spend time with, maybe watch a film or go for a meal. Oh look, George, your turn for food."

He turns away so Dave can serve him and I whisper to Meg, "Well done; I didn't like the way he was looking at us and what he was imagining. The cryptic crossword comment was particularly inspired!"

"I can't have the dirty bugger lusting after my girlfriend, can I? That's my job!" I snort as I try to suppress a giggle and George gives me a wary look. "See you round, George," Meg says brightly as he moves off with his burger. "Hi Dave and a happy birthday," and she kisses his cheek.

"Happy birthday, Dave, and thanks for inviting us both," I add, kissing him in the same way.

"Glad to see that I still get a kiss even now you're now a couple. Karen has been wondering whether you two getting together might be on the cards... and you walk in hand in hand and then hug and kiss; what a way to come out, Meg! Er, you too, Sam."

"Oh, shit! I didn't mean to hijack your party, Dave or upstage you..." replies Meg guiltily.

"Don't worry about it. People aren't going to forget this party in a hurry," he smiles. "Now, what can I get you?"

We head off to find a table carrying plates laden with large burgers, corn on the cob, salad and barbecued chicken and vegetable kebabs. "We'll work it off later," Meg assures me. The sun starts to fall behind the trees and lights come on around the garden as we eat and chat and drink. The sun sets and the air becomes cooler but it is still warm enough to sit out as I find myself feeling accepted into the group and, while this is mainly as 'Meg's girlfriend', there is enough interest in me to reassure me that this is not all I will ever be seen as. The only one who seems a little cold towards me is Karen.

By ten thirty the party is winding up as there is work tomorrow. Meg is in an odd mood, by turns seemingly excited to leave and then wanting to hold back until others have left. This does mean that we get to speak to Dave and Karen alone, two couples each cuddled up. "Thanks for a lovely evening," I tell them, "I hope our... entrance didn't upset anyone."

"Oh, there'll be one or two who'll disapprove, I'm sure," replies Dave. "Probably those who are unsure of their own sexuality; the biggest homophobe at school is now in a civil partnership with another guy, I heard a few weeks ago."

"Being unsure of your sexuality is no excuse for being intolerant!" protests Karen. She looks away but I notice her bite at her lip and I wonder again about her feelings for Meg. I tell myself to stop it: I'm seeing gay women everywhere - Karen, Bex and Katie earlier. Perhaps I'm not so at ease with being lesbian as I thought and so I want to believe that lots of other women share gay feelings.

Meg squeezes my hand. "We ought to go, love. I have to work tomorrow and so do these two."

"I just need to use the toilet," I murmur to Meg as we stand.

"At home, darling," she whispers back with a subtle wink. I feel my arousal kick in at the thought of some more kinky play with her. I squeeze her hand back to let her know I agree.

We rise and Karen leads us to the front door. A sudden idea strikes me, "Karen, You work part time don't you? Well, why not pop over one afternoon and we can have a coffee and a chat together. I'm sure you have some stories of Meg you could share!" She nods noncommittally, "Oh, please do," I plead, "just give me a call whenever."

"Thank you; I'll see how things are," is as much as she'll concede. Oh well, at least I tried.

CHAPTER 13 - A Walk in the Woods

As Karen closes her front door behind us we head down the front garden path. At the pavement, however, Meg surprises me by turning the opposite way from the way we came. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"On a little adventure; just think of it as tomorrow's adventure a bit early." Her voice is tight with excitement.

"I'm beginning to think that night time adventures are sort of bonus adventures; having something new happen at night doesn't ever seem to have replaced the adventure the next day!"

Meg gives a little chuckle. "Even better! So are you up for a bonus adventure?"

"With you, my sexy girlfriend? Always." She leads us along one road and turns left. And then, a little way further, turns right onto a footpath. We pass the back of a house and now there are just hedges and trees lining the path with fields beyond. It is very quiet and too dark to see much clearly. I nearly jump out of my skin when there is a loud 'Mmeurghhh' noise just the other side of the hedge before I realize that it is a cow, disturbed by our footsteps. "Perhaps we should have brought a torch," I suggest as we walk on as the footpath curves left, the hedges either side giving way to bushes and undergrowth and more trees.

Abruptly, she stops and wraps me in a hug, "Close your eyes and kiss me, sexy!" she demands.

I oblige and our lips meet; the kiss is long and lovely and arousing as ever. Eventually we part and when I open my eyes everything seems brighter. I realize why she wanted me to close my eyes. "Better?" she asks.

"Yes, kissing obviously helps night vision!" I laugh.

"It certainly makes standing with your eyes closed more fun. So, ready?"

"Um, where are we and what for?"

"Well, we're on the edge of Ladywood here and we are going for a walk in the woods... naked," as her voice shakes with excitement at that last word. I feel my whole body tingle at the thought.

"But what about our clothes..." my voice trails off as she holds up the now empty little rucksack, "So that's why you wanted to bring that. You sneaky, sexy girl: you planned this didn't you?"

"Sam, darling, you have no idea how much the idea of being naked with you has been turning me on all evening, all fucking day, in fact. Come on, strip: I want to see your naked arse in under a minute!" She is already pulling her light summer dress up over her head and I hurry to comply. Within the requisite minute my arse is bare, as is hers, and our clothes have been hastily stuffed into the now bulging rucksack. Our sandals, however, won't fit and we opt to wear them.

"Probably a good idea to protect our feet in the dark," comments Meg as, inevitably, we grab each other and begin kissing, cuddling and groping, our hot bodies mashing together. Her pussy presses into my thigh and she is so wet I can feel droplets of her nectar trickling down my leg. I suspect my pussy is little better.

We start our walk, arms around each other's waists, with Meg guiding the way, confident of the route. It feels... amazing: the two of us here; so wanton and free and unbelievably arousing. I feel Meg's hand drop as she begins caressing the top of my bum cheek with her short nails. "Oh, God Meg, you're going to make me cum as I walk doing that!" I tell her as we enter a clearing in the trees, the gibbous moon bathing the area in ghostly radiance.

"Sounds fun," she replies, "but I was wondering about you needing to pee... whether you could really hang on until we get home," she asks mischievously.

I chuckle, "Mmm well, it is getting a bit uncomfortable..."

We stop and Meg removes the rucksack from her shoulder, placing it on the ground off to the side and she stands in front of me. She kisses me as our fingers and thumbs toy with the other's boobs and nipples. She sinks down to kneel before me on the rough grass and I feel her breath on my vulva just before her tongue swirls softly across it, making me sigh. Her tongue ploughs my slit from end to end, and she gasps, "Fuck, you taste so good!" and more licks follow.

"Pee for me Sam, pee on my tits. Cover your horny, kinky slut of a girlfriend in your hot piss." Her words and the thought of what she wants almost make me cum right there. I look down to see her on her haunches between my legs, looking up eagerly.

"As long as I can suck your tits afterwards," I say and she nods enthusiastically. I relax and release my stream of piss. The stream, glimmering white in the moonlight, becomes a cloud of glittering diamonds as it splashes against her skin.

"Oh, so warm and wonderful!" she gasps excitedly as her hands caress her boobs and stomach, laving herself in my pee. She leans closer and kisses my pubis, just above my still streaming pussy, then dips lower. There is a change in the sound; the pee is no longer playing against a surface but becomes a hollow sound. It takes a moment before I realise that I am peeing into her open mouth, though I cannot see this as her face is in shadow. She gives an appreciative sigh just as the flow of my pee quickly ebbs and stops. Meg is immediately on her feet, her arms thrown around my neck as she pulls me in for a kiss; as my lips open against hers my mouth is flooded with my own piss! It has a very mild taste, a little sour and only a hint of salt but just knowing what I'm doing makes my knees tremble with excitement. I swallow and so does Meg but we continue to kiss deeply.

"That was so good!" exclaims Meg. She looks at me then asks a little hesitantly, "Are you all done or do you need to..." I know what she's trying to ask and guess that she is nervous after what happened in the ladies at the tea room.

"Meg, darling, I um, need to poop too." I see excited lust in her eyes, "I can hold until we get home, if you want."

"No, Sam, I want to see you go now, here, naked in the woods..." there is a breathless excitement in her voice, an excitement my pussy shares as I can feel it oozing. "If... if you're okay with that?"

"Me and my drippy cunt are very happy with whatever you want my beautiful, kinky lover," I assure her. I turn to put the moon behind me. "There, come round; I'm all lit up for you." I bend forward, knees slightly flexed so I'm in a slight squat. Meg moved round and as I look back between my legs I see her kneel on the scrubby grass. Her hands reach up to caress my bum before spreading me wide. The feeling of being so completely exposed to another person, to this woman, my lesbian lover, is just right and when I feel her lips plant a soft kiss on my pucker an electric thrill courses through me. "Ready?" I ask, trembling with anticipation.

"Oh yes! God I'm so excited!" Her thumbs rub in little circles on my cheeks as I bear down. There is a slight hiss then, as I feel my anal bud open and bloom, a sticky crackling sound. I relax and feel myself open wider and I can feel my shit sliding out, a delightful soft rubbing of my ring. There is a tingle in my tummy and pussy and realize how much this is exciting me. I wonder if just doing this could make me cum?

The turd is firm but not hard as it glides slowly and smoothly out of my body. I hear Meg inhale and catch the smell too; part of me knows that I should be disgusted by the aroma but here and now it is perversely erotic and arousing.

As I stop pushing my anal ring instinctively contracts, pinching off the turd that falls with a soft sound into the grass. "There's more, my love," I tell her softly; she doesn't reply but squeezes my bum cheeks gently. I push again and another length of shit slithers out and my arousal builds and builds. This length drops to, breaking off under its own weight and landing on the first with a quiet slap. A final push and I am empty.