A New Adventure Every Day Pt. 04


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"Fuck Sam, that so good!" she moans.

"I learned from you, of course I'm good!" I bury my face between her thighs, lapping and sucking and licking. Her taste is as perfect as ever. I slip a finger into her pussy rubbing gently as I explore and this time I find her g-spot. I hear her breathing quickening and ease back, not wanting her to cum too quickly. My finger spreads her juices over her anal star and I gently insert the fingertip. I withdraw the finger and coat if again in her fluids before penetrating her arse again as my mouth continues eating her out. This time my finger keeps going, fully impaling her. I can feel the hot, soft inside of her bum while my finger tip just brushes another hard ring of muscle inside her. I wriggle my finger and she sighs appreciatively.

Two fingers of my other hand enter her pussy, curling up to rub her g-spot. Meg's breathing quickly increases in tempo under this dual assault and becomes panting as my lips suck the top of her slit, massaging her clitoris. I alternate the clit sucking with licks as my fingers increase their efforts. A shiver passes through her as her orgasm approaches and her panting becomes loud squeals. Just as my tongue dips between her lips for another lick my fingers, front and back, are gripped tightly and my mouth is flooded. I greedily swallow just before a second spasm ejects more of her girl-cum. She flops back and suddenly it is not cum filling my mouth but her golden piss. I swallow as fast as I can but my mouth still overflows.

She gives a long sigh as her flow finally ebbs and I look up to see her watching me. I pull my fingers from her cunt and beckon her with a dripping finger. She knows what's coming and grins as she bends forward to a kiss that fills her mouth with her own pee that she savours and swallows. I pull my finger at last from her anus and, as I suspected, it is brown smeared all over and with a lump of shit stuck to my nail. The sight of it sends a thrill through me and I place it in my mouth, sucking and scraping it clean with my tongue before we once again kiss and share, the scat becoming a thin paste as it passes back and forth, dissolving in our saliva.

"My turn!" Meg growls and we swap places and she pulls my thong off before I am treated to the same assault, cunny and bum hole invaded by Meg's wonderful fingers. I have no need to pee but can feel immediately that my bum has much more in it than Meg's. Her fingers withdraw and she pushes my knees up and out, displaying my scat-smeared bud to her eager eyes. Immediately she attacks it with her mouth as she reaches her filthy finger up to me. I take it and suck it and the rich, dark, bitter flavour fills my mouth. I feel her tongue enter my anal ring and cannot help but moan in pleasure. She continues to rim me as her other hand beings caressing and rubbing my clit. "Feed me," I hear her gasp so I bear down and feel something slip out. I look down and see in Meg's open mouth a small, thin piece of shit. She closes her mouth and I know what she tastes as the same taste still lingers in my mouth.

Her fingers gently pinch my clit as she rubs and my orgasm begins, spasm after spasm thrilling through me as she lick and sucks every sensitive intimate spot until I can stand no more and I clamp my legs together and hug my arms around them.

She turns and sits on the floor, resting her back against the sofa and a few moments later I slither off to lie on the floor with my head in her lap. She bends and kisses me softly. "I love you, scat breath," she teases, smiling.

I grin. "I love you too, shit lips!" We kiss again as her hand brushes over my breast.

"Oh, Sam, your sexy nightie is soaked in pee."

"Don't worry: I loved it and this will wash. However, if pee and scat is going to happen a lot when we make love then being naked is probably best."

"True... and that will be such a hardship! I'm glad we ate and drank from each other tonight to be certain last night wasn't a one off, even if it won't be every time."

"You're right. Bloody hell, Meg, I can't quite believe that we just ate each other's shit again. Or that I liked it so much. Do you worry that we're a couple of complete perverts?"

"Sam, you're gay, or bisexual; for lots of people that already makes you a pervert! I guess what we're doing's not common but it turns me on so much that I'm not sure I care. Anyway, we're not hurting anyone so what does it matter?"

"True. I never thought that my new adventure every day would end up here, eating my girlfriend's shit and drinking her pee."


"Fuck no! It's just... I was going to say 'unexpected' but that just doesn't begin to cover it, does it?"

"How about, 'fuckingly, amazingly, incredibly wonderful'?"

"Yeah, let's go with that my darling," I agree as I reach up and stroke her cheek.

CHAPTER 17 - Twilight in the Ladywood

I glance out of the window, "It's getting dark outside," I observe.

"Yes, but it won't be fully dark for quite a while at this time of year; twilight goes on for ages."

"We could... go out," I suggest, smiling.

"What, naked you mean? Risky, given it's not dark," Meg replies but I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, but I'd love to. Are you up for it?"

"Oh god yes: let's do it!" We stand and remove the total of three garments that we wear between us. "That didn't take long!" Meg laughs as she takes my hand and we walk to the back door and out into the garden. As we reach the gate into the woods I glance across to Katie's house where I can just see that all the light are off. "What are you looking at?" Meg asks.

"Oh, just Katie's house; the lights are off but I don't know what that means," I shrug, turn away and walk with Meg into the woods. It's nice being able to see and the visibility lends an extra thrill to our nudism. We stop from time to time to hug and kiss. When I tell her I need to pee she simply kneels in front of me and places her mouth over my pussy. I try to control the flow but find that it is just on and off and, when I stop it, she looks up disappointed so I let go once more. I don't know why I was worried as we both love the feel of the hot pee as it flows over chin, tits, stomach, thighs and pussy as much as we love the taste.

After peeing I kneel to so we can embrace and I can share the last mouthful. It's funny how quickly what we do becomes a ritual. I hear a sound and freeze. My eyes open wide and I find myself staring into Meg's equally wide eyes. We swallow and our mouths part as I raise my finger to my lips and she nods as we listen intently. There is something - or someone - moving slowly.

Just then I hear a voice exclaim quietly, "Ow! Fucking brambles!" I'm fairly sure but Meg confirms the identity of the speaker when she mouths "Bex" silently.

I nod just as another voice says, "Hush dear; this way."

"Katie?" I say soundlessly and Meg looks a little unsure but nods. The footsteps keep moving slowly, getting a little closer but there's no sign that they know exactly where we are if they are looking for us. The movement stops and there is silence until there are soft popping noises and a gentle sigh; I cannot work out what's going on but Meg leans in to put her mouth by my ear.

"Kissing," she breathes in the quietest of whispers and, of course, as soon as she says this I can recognise it. I move slowly from side to side and up and down trying to find a gap in the bushes to look through and catch a glimpse of two naked torsos some seven or eight yards away, one short and skinny, the other a little taller and fuller.

"I want to eat, Miss Katie. Can I?" asks Bex.

"Not yet, Little Nose, I'm saving it for later with the others as you are. But we can still have some fun;" there is a loud slap as I see Katie's hand smack Bex's bum. "Come on and mind the brambles my little pet," she orders as she steps back and I catch a glimpse of a dark mark on her right shoulder just below the clavicle.

"I saw the tattoo! That woman I saw that night: I'm sure it was Katie!" I whisper excitedly.

I look back through the bush to see Katie grasp Bex's wrist and they begin to move off together. I hear Meg moving beside me and as I glance left, to my amazement, I see her stand up. "Hello Katie; Hi Bex. Lovely evening isn't it?" Meanwhile, Meg's hand is under my armpit pulling me to my feet and I reluctantly comply. The four of us stand looking at each other: four naked women in the twilit woods all wondering who's going to say something.

"It's nice to see you face to face this time," I find myself saying, "I, er, ended up hiding from you last time, Katie." I look at them both: Bex very slim, her boobs small but nicely rounded, her mons and vulva completely hairless while Katie has a rounder, fuller figure. Katie's boobs though are still firm and with the large nipples I recall from the time I hid from her, while below her thick pubes are trimmed to a precise triangle with the point just above the cleft of her pussy. Both seem remarkably unselfconscious of being naked despite Meg surprising them.

"Ah, so it was you that time; I thought perhaps it was. It wasn't chance that you chose to move here I think: there is something that drew you as it draws us to walk naked and free here, to shed our inhibitions." She smiles at us and I am desperate to ask more but she continues, "Well, Bex and I have plans together as, I suspect, do you two, so I will say goodbye and let you go your own way as we go ours. Come on Bex." She turns again and takes a few steps before looking back. "Don't worry Sam, or you Meg, we'll have time to talk more soon."

They walk quickly away as Meg and I obey Katie's implied order not to follow them. I look at Meg in amazement for a few moments as Katie and Bex disappear and the sound of the women's footsteps fades quickly, though there is another slap and the brief burst of Bex's giggle.

"Meg, I can't believe you stood up and said, 'Hi!' I also can't believe that I didn't ask a lot of questions and just let them walk off."

"Sam, what I want to know is what was Bex asking about: what did she want to eat?"

"Yeah, and that business from Katie about 'saving it for later'; you don't think that those two, like us..."

"What, pee and shit? I don't know... maybe. Bloody hell I forgot about that woman who watched us the other night too; that might have been Katie" I shake my head in wonder and confusion. "Fuck it; let's just go for a walk."

"Yes, let's just enjoy the evening and if we meet then maybe we can talk some more."

We stroll through the woods arm in arm chatting and laughing. We kiss from time to time and, in a wide clearing of soft, tussocky grass, we make love before the last of the light fades. Lying side by side and head to tail and we kiss and lick and suck each other's pussies and bum holes. Our cries and moans travel out between the trees; we are careless of who might find us. More than careless, it is almost as if we are calling them and, as my orgasm nears, I imagine naked female forms in the ring of trees surrounding this glade, hands reaching down to hot, wet nether lips, fingers entering as the watching women, aroused by our passionate lovemaking, bring themselves to orgasm with us. I feel Meg convulse beside me, her hips grinding her hot cunt into my mouth as her wetness fills it. My own climax arrives as an all-encompassing wave of pleasure as I feel that wonderful but rare sensation of my cunny gushing.

When I open my eyes night has almost fallen and we must hurry as the moon has not risen and the woods are becoming very dark. "This could be tricky finding our way safely," says Meg as we head back to the faint path from which we entered the clearing.

"Don't you know the way?" I ask with a note of concern in my voice.

"More or less," she replies, "but it'll be hard if it gets much darker. We got a bit carried away, didn't we?"

"We did, my darling but it was wonderful. I feel very at ease being naked, even making love in these woods. Even so, I'd rather not be lost in them." We walk on, holding hands in silence and Meg seems unsure of the way as she doesn't recognise the feint track we're now on.

"Oh shit, Sam, I don't know where we are!" she cries. My nervousness increases at her words and I take a deep breath to steady myself before replying.

"Okay, let's try and think which way to go," I tell her as I look around. However, it is now so dark I can't even be sure of the way we came. "Fuck. You weren't a Girl Guide were you? You can't find north by looking at the trees or something?" Even in our predicament, this makes her smile.

"Nope, 'fraid not. I'd have thought you were more the Girl Guide type, anyway. I'll bet you played hockey at school too."

"I did, but I wasn't a Guide and none of this is helping much. We could try calling for help," I suggest.

"Yeah, except that we're two butt naked girls in the woods. I'm not sure I'm desperate enough yet to take the risk of who might turn up." Just then, I hear a voice calling and shush Meg.

"Meg? Sam?" I hear the voice call again.

"That's Bex! Over... that way. Come on." I take Meg's hand and head towards the voice. "Bex?" I call, "We're over here."

"Sam, come this way. Come on. I can hear you moving now." Bex keeps speaking, allowing us to locate her until, finally, she is visible ahead and we can join her on the clear path on which she's standing. I feel like I could hug her for helping us.

"Thanks Bex, that was so helpful." I say, relieved.

"Yeah, thanks Bex," adds Meg before asking, "Why were you calling us? Did you know we'd got lost?"

"Miss Katie told me to come and find you. She thought you might be lost as you weren't home and it was nearly dark with no moon."

"Miss Katie?" I ask.

"Yes, she is always Miss Katie when I am like this," she looks down at her naked body, reminding me that we are all naked, something I had become so accustomed to that it seems normal.

"Bex, are you and Katie in..." Meg begins but Bex cuts her off.

"Miss Katie told me not to answer any other questions but to tell you both to be patient and wait. I'll take you home now." In the dim light Meg and I look at each other and I can just make out her shrug before we join hands and follow Bex.

Bex picks up the pace and a few minutes later I can make out the tarmac that indicates the end of Ladywood Lane and there, on the right, the dark shape of my little house. I feel relief wash through me and realize that we had been completely lost. The moon is just rising and the road seems very bright after the dark woods; Bex, however, walks unselfconsciously in the centre of the lane. Outside my gate she stops and I thank her profusely for helping. As I bend to kiss her. I expect her to offer her cheek but instead she kisses me full on the mouth before turning and doing the same to Meg.

"Goodnight Sam, goodnight Meg. I hope you both enjoyed your evening in the woods," Bex says to us. "Remember what Miss Katie said: please be patient and your questions will be answered." With that she turns and walks to Katie's house.

"You know, she does have the cutest little bum!" I comment, grinning, "and her tits aren't bad either," I add and Meg laughs.

"So much for me being the only woman you've ever looked at sexually!" she complains.

"You're still the only woman for me, Meg but, well, you have expanded my horizons. Oh, and we are standing naked in the middle of the road; shall we go indoors?"

"Yes, okay but we're never going to worry about being seen naked in the garden by Katie again!" We walk up the path and then around the house to the back where we enter through the back door. Home at last.

CHAPTER 18 - Tattoos and Answers

Freshly showered we lie in bed together as the moon finally rises to shine through the bedroom window. I am pleasantly tired after our naked ramble and lovemaking but, like Meg, not quite ready to sleep. Meg is on her back and I on my side cuddled up against her, just a sheet covering us.

"Sam, what are we going to do now we know about these tattoos and the four of them? I mean, we could ask to join Katie and Bex when we see them suppose. Or we could talk to Claire and Lillian about the tattoo."

"Actually, Meg, you don't think that what Bethany thinks might be right? About that symbol being for lesbian couples, I mean. Not anything official but, well, maybe Lillian did it for her and Claire and when Katie and Bex got together, perhaps Lillian suggested it to them. I've heard of couples getting matching tattoos.

"You could be right: it would fit what we know. I've never really thought about getting a tattoo, have you?"

"Actually, I er, was thinking this afternoon... um..." I hesitate.

"What is it Sam darling?" We look into each other's eyes.

"Well, I was looking up tattoos on the Internet earlier and I wondered about maybe, getting a tattoo or perhaps us getting matching ones," I suddenly feel very bashful and nervous. It had seemed so sweet when I thought of it earlier but I realize that I am asking Meg to permanently mark her beautiful body as a sign she loves me. "No, forget it: your body's so perfect." I snuggle my head into the side of her breast.

"Sam, would you want to do that, for me?"

"Well, yes. I'd have 'I love Meg' tattooed across my boobs if it would make you happy!"

"Is that what you were thinking of: 'I love Meg'?"

"Actually, no. I was thinking of 'Omnes dies novus valebat' maybe here," I trace a curved line on my chest just below the outside half of my boob and following its curve.

"I'm guessing that's Latin but what does it mean?"

"It means 'A new adventure every day'. It's why I'm here in bed with you now so it seemed sort of significant and appropriate. I, oh I don't know: maybe this is just me wanting another new thing that I've never done."

Meg kisses my hair. "Sam, I think it's very sweet and, well, why don't we go into town and see Lillian at her tattoo place and ask about it?"

"What, really? I'd like that." I hug her tightly. "And maybe the other tattoo might come up in conversation, perhaps." I yawn. "Night, night darling."

"Night, night Sammy my love."


We wake late the next morning after a deep and restful sleep and I get up to start cooking us breakfast as we're both starving. I guess an evening in the woods can help work up an appetite. When Meg comes down I have the bacon sizzling in the pan and slices of the garlic and rosemary bread I bought yesterday sliced ready to make bacon butties.

"Can you just watch the bacon for a minute, I need to go for a pee," I ask Meg. She hesitates and a mischievous smile appears on her lips as she goes to one of the cupboards and pulls out a pint beer glass. "Meg, you're not serious?" I ask, guessing what's coming.

"Oh, but I am my darling," she purrs as she comes over to me. Her left arm snakes around my neck and she pulls me in to kiss me while her other hand covers my pussy with to open top of the glass. "Now pee for me, Sam; I don't want tea this morning, I want this," she says quietly.

I relax my bladder and hear the sloshing of my piss as it gushes into the glass. By the time I'm done and Meg lifts the glass it is brimming. She carefully places it to her lips and takes a deep draught, smacking her lips afterwards. She offers me the glass and I sip it; not surprisingly, given its deep yellow colour, my pee is strong and salty but this doesn't deter me from taking another sip, savouring both the taste and the arousal this kinky activity brings. "Mmm, can we share this as we eat?" I ask.

"That would be perfect," she replies and sits as I serve up. We sit side by side eating and drinking until the butties and the pee are gone. "That was delicious, my darling. The only problem is that it was a bit too much salt with the bacon and the piss; perhaps I will have some tea after all."