A New Beginning Pt. 11


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She was quiet for a spell, thinking. I was idly playing with her tit resting on my chest.

"What I'm afraid of is me not being able to please you. To return the pleasures you gave me. I need your help here. Anything you want, I'll give to you. If I'm physically able. Remember, I'm an old dowager now. Not a spry young filly anymore."

"I'll keep that in mind. But, unless you want to suck my cock right now, and I'm half a mind to watch you do it, I need to go."

"Oh, I'd love to. Now that you bring it up. But, you're just so big. I'll need to get a big cucumber from the market and start training my mouth and throat to take your cock in. You could help me here and tell me what you want."

"Well, the way I see it is I did my own work, trying to figure out what you like. I reckon it's up to you to put in the work on your end."

I got up, and got dressed. She rolled out of bed then and stood next to me, looking up at me for a kiss. Pushing her sore ass out, inviting me to give it good smack like before. So I gave her both.

She squealed in delight and headed off to the bathroom to clean up my cum running down her legs.

I headed home.

I walked in to all the folks.The men in from work, sitting out on the deck sipping hot cups of coffee. The women forming a production line in the kitchen. Elsie handed me tea and I went outside. One of the men was sitting in my chair. I motioned for him to move, then sat down.

The oldest, George, got me up to date.

"We'll be done and ready to move in tomorrow evening. We sure can't be thankful enough for all you're doing."

"Well, we got a ways to go to get this outfit where I want it. I'm depending on you men to help me make it happen."

"Sir, you can surely depend on us."

They all nodded in agreement.

"I just want you comfortable and rested. I don't see that happening with you living in that toolshed."

"No, it was a lifesaver when we had no other choice, though. But you've provided us a fresh start. I'll be damned if I won't earn my keep and then some."

Nods all around.

Elsie called supper time. We went in and sat down. It was quiet while we ate. After we finished, we all leaned back.

The sisters told their husbands,

"The man at the store offered up jobs."

"Well, y'all grew up in one like it, so it makes sense. It'll be decent extra money to buy yourself something nice."

"When can we go get the children?"

"Anytime I suppose."

I cut in.

"If you want, I'll buy bus or train tickets. One of y'all can go up there and get them. I'll buy their tickets down here."

"You know, that would work out fine."

"Ok, it's settled then."

One of the sisters, Helen, spoke up,

"I'll go, I'd like to ride that train."

"I imagine the depot is up in Houston. We'll have to find it. But, we'll get you there tomorrow."

George spoke up, addressing his wife,

"What about you, Margret? You figure on a job too?"

She shrugged,

"I don't know, I'd like to."

I asked her,

"What skills you got?"

"Well, I used to work at the court house for the tax assessor. Keeping books, answering the phone, things like that."

"You want a job?"

"Working for you?"

I nodded.

"Yep. I'm in need of such for my business."

"Certainly. Yes. Thank you very much!"

Nodding again.

"Make list of all you'll need for supplies and such. How much did they pay you up there?"

"$2.00 a day."

"I'll pay you $3.00. Fair enough?"

"Oh yes, more than fair."

"Then it's settled. Well, I'm going to bed, y'all. See you in the morning."

The sun rose on a crisp, cloudy morning. I made coffee and poured me a jar of tea. Fog had come rolling in off the water. I sat in my chair, waiting for it to lift. The men came out with coffee, nodding in thanks.

I could hear the women bustling around inside.

I heard a vehicle pull up out front. A minute later, Jeb came out and sat down.The men all looked over at me.

"So, what's on the list today, boss?"

" I reckon y'all head over and get your quarters squared away. Get moved in."

I thought a minute, then looked at Jeb,

"What you gonna do with that truck broke down out front?"

"Hell, I don't know, what you got in mind?"

"Well, what's it need to work again?"

"Some parts. I drove it around on a patch and a prayer. Couldn't afford proper parts."

"OK, so, how about this. We get some parts, whatever's needed. We'll get it fixed and cleaned up. Let them use it over at their trailers, run to town and such."

"Sounds good to me."

"Ok, after breakfast, we'll get these men over to the yard, then you and me can go to town and see about parts."

I looked over at the three,

"I reckon one of y'all knows how to fiddle with those contraptions?"

"Oh, yes sir, we all do, as I said before, we worked around them back up home."

I nodded and said a silent prayer when a breeze came in off the water, clearing out the fog. I liked to be able to see.

Breakfast was called and we filed in. Scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, biscuits and sausage gravy. Don't get any better than that.

After we ate, Jeb took the men to the yard. I sat and contemplated my next moves. There were so many possibilities, so many directions, it was sometimes hard to stay focused on one particular direction.

Maybe that was the problem here. Maybe I needed help putting it all together. But, where do you find that help. Used to be, life was simple. You looked over a job of work. You knew how to do it, so you just got up and set in on it.

This? No, this was a big job. One that required experience I just didn't have. I had the idea of what I wanted to accomplish. I just didn't have all the know how.

You know, it's different when it's just you and yours depending on you, and you just had a crop to get laid by, or an order of logs from the sawmill to go cut and deliver.

In this, you have several families depending on you. Facing a job that never seems to have an end to it.

Like JT. He constantly has to think ahead. Planning. Making deals. His job was to drill for oil. A never ending task. Finish one well, it's off to another. So many depending on him.

I need to talk to him.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Margret. I looked up at her. The other two women were behind her. She had been speaking to me and I was so lost in thought I didn't hear her.

"I'm sorry, m'am, I didn't catch that."

"We were just asking if you could give us a ride up town to buy food and stuff. I asked your wife, but she was taking the kids to school and can't ride around all day. The poor dear. She said you might take us when she gets back with the car."

"Well, yes m'am, I reckon I can."

"Oh, thank you so much. I'm not sure how much pay the men have coming, if any, but I was hoping for enough to get us through until later."

"Now, don't worry about that none. I'll make sure y'all get a good bill of groceries each."

"But you've done so much already. Clothes, those wonderful trailers. All the necessaries. How will we ever repay all that?"

I just sorta shrugged, not giving the matter much in the way of thought. I sat and soon Elsie got back. I headed in,

"You ladies ready?"

They all got up and we headed to town. At the store, the man greeted me warmly,

"Well, Mr Flannery. Nice to see you again. What can I do for y'all today?"

"I reckon the ladies need a bill of groceries, cooking pots, dishes and whatnot."

"Of course. Well, I'll leave you to it. Just let me know if I can help in any way."

Then he went back to his chores.

I turned to the women.

"OK, lets get y'all situated."

Canned goods, sacks of beans, rice, flour, cornmeal, and sugar. A large cured ham each. Sides of bacon. Sacks of potatoes. Carrots. Onions. Seasonings and salt. Tin cans of lard. Plates, bowls, silverware, pots and pans, bread pans and cast iron skillets. A full set of gear to operate with.

The man added it all up. I was looking at the shelf behind the counter. Seeing fancy packages of chocolate. I pointed at a stack of boxes,

"Add five of them boxes of that chocolate."

I figured I may as well get some candy for the young'uns, too. Going to the candy jars,

"Give me four dime sacks of some of that. A bit of each."

I paid out, and got everything loaded. Gave the women their box of chocolate each, which caused much in the way of squeals of delight. Then it was off to the yard.

When we pulled in, they were finishing up. Packing the dirt down and installing the last of the underpinning.

I parked in front of the trailers and the men unloaded the food and gear under the close supervision of the women who set about finding spots for everything. Then looking their new accommodations over.

They helped each other, got everything stored, beds made, then came back out to their husbands. We were standing around discussing the new business.

Jeb looked at the men,

"I'll get your help and we'll go tow my other truck over here, then go get parts to get it running."

I asked Jeb, "How much to get the parts?"

"Maybe fifteen, twenty dollars."

I got out wallet, pulled out $35 and handed it to him, then $10 each to the others.

"That should cover wages to now. The rest of the week, I want y'all cleaning this place up. Clear out the weeds and brush, pile and burn it. Next week, we're starting on the shop. We'll have need for an ice house, too."

The all piled in with Jeb and pulled out.

I walked around surveying the grounds. I liked this place. It will suit my needs perfectly. I dropped the tailgate on my truck and slid up on it. Looking around, I was envisioning how it would look.

I heard footsteps. Looking around, I saw Margret coming my way. She stopped facing the office building.

"Sure is peaceful here." She offered.

I nodded, "Yes m'am, better than that toolshed that old shyster pawned off on y'all."

She laughed, "Well, it's like I said, this you've done for us, well, I just can't express how thankful we all are."

She put her hand on my knee when she said it. Searching my face with her eyes.

"Well, m'am, I'll not have folks in my employ living hungry and poorly. It just ain't right."

"Perhaps you'd let me show my appreciation in some way or other?"

"M'am, I can appreciate what you're saying. I can't say you surely don't have everything it takes to tempt a man, because you certainly do. But, I'll say this. I don't want to upset the apple cart around here."

"Oh, Mr Flannery, don't misunderstand me. I've thought this through. When I look at your woman, and those two, how they're blessed with children. I get jealous. My husband, well, I love him dearly. But, the one thing I want that he can't give me is children, and my clock is running out fast."

I considered those words a bit before responding.

"So, he knows he can't make babies. Don't you reckon he'll have something to say about that if you come up pregnant all to sudden?"

"We've talked about it before, about the possibility of a donor. He didn't like it, a man's pride being what it is, but, he understands just how important that subject is to me."

"So you want me to be the donor, is that what you're saying?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes. I hope that you'd atleast find the act itself enjoyable."

" I can't say it wouldn't be enjoyable. Being used like a herd bull and all, I just need to think that over some."

"A what? A herd bull? Oh my dear lord!"

"Ain't that what it amounts to?"

"Mr Flannery, I swear, you beat all I've ever seen or heard of."

I laughed at that. She tried to be serious, but broke out in laughter along with me.

"I'll tell you what, m'am. You figure out something in trade, and get it straight with your husband, and I'll put a baby in your belly."

"Trade? What does that mean exactly?"

"Well, you want to hire me to do a job. I got plenty of cash money, so, I'll trade you something for it."

"Like what exactly? What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I got plenty in mind. But, I'll leave it up to you you to figure something out."

With that, I slid off the truck, nodded to her,


Then got in and left there. I swear, people just sometimes confused the hell out of me. I got back to the house and saw Maggies car parked.

Getting inside, Elsie and mama were sitting at the table drinking coffee with Maggie, Callie, and wouldn't you know it, Mercedes. All three of the visting women got up and smothered me with lipstick coated kisses and much in the way of tits being smashed against me.

I finally broke free and sent the three mature women back to their seats, each with a resounding smack on their respective asses.

Elsie started to get up, knowing I'd want iced tea. I waved her back into her seat and fixed it myself, then sat down.

Looking around the table,

"Well, what brings you horny old broads to my humble abode?"

Maggie laughed,

"We're going out for supper tonight and decided to stop by, see if we might get lucky, but the kids are in there, so...But, young man, we'll be back soon."

She flashed me a sultry smile and topped it with a provocative wink.

Mercedes added her two cents,

"There's no doubt about that. My old twat is itching for you something fierce."

I chuckled at that, but knowing she meant every word.

We visited a while, getting caught up, discussed some plans. Maggie got up,

"Well, we need to be going." She looked at me. "I'll see you one day next week. I have some business matters to talk over with you."

Hugs and kisses all around and they left for town.

I was tired all the sudden. Bone weary. I decided to take a hot bath, eat a bite and sleep. I went up and got some pajamas Elsie bought for me. I'd never owned anything like them. They were red and black plaid. Soft cotton flannel. The I got out the new soft sheepskin slippers she bought. Figured this chilly fall night was as good a time as any to try 'em all out.

I went up and started running the tub full of water. I saw a bottle I'd seen Elsie and mama both use. I picked it up and poured some in the running water and watched it foam up. I turned the water off and undressed, stepping in the tub and letting the warm water engulf me.

I closed my eyes and soaked, letting the warm water work it's magic. After a bit, I scrubbed down, dunked under the water and rinsed.

I shaved, splashed on Florida Water cologne, then slid into the night clothes. I'd never felt anything so comfortable.

I headed down stairs. Elsie was making a pot of chili and skillet of cornbread. Mama was in the living room with the kids. I sat at the table and smelled something elde familiar. Mulled cider heating on the stove.

She poured me a big mug of it.

"Callie said you liked this."

"Yep, I surely do."

"How's the pajamas and slippers?"

"Babe, I don't know how I've made it this far in life without them."

"Good, I'm glad you like them."

She kissed me,

"I love you, Jacob, I surely do."

"I love you, too, baby."

"Even though I'm bloated up like an old cow?"

"Especially like that."

She sniffed at me,

"Well, you better."

I listened to the kids gasping as mama read them some spooky story or other. Watched Elsie working. Sipped my cider. You know, life just ain't half bad.

We ate and hit the hay. Morning rolled around with me hunting my slippers. I headed downstairs and warmed up the cider, poured a big mug and went out to the deck. The air off the water was just too chilly. The house was downright chilly, too.

I got some matches and went around lighting the gas heaters like JT showed me. I knew the women would appreciate a warm bath room when they got up. Then iI headed back to the kitchen, made coffee, and sat back down. I listened to the flames in the heaters, the house settling. Those sounds were comforting.

I figured I head to the suit shop and get some heavy wool suits made up. The lightweight summer ones just wouldn't cut the chill air. I also wanted a heavy wool blanket for sitting outside this winter. I'd prefer a big buffalo robe like papa had, but i didn't know where to get one.

The women came downstairs, thanking me for lighting the heaters. The kids came down, dressed for school. Elsie cooked oatmeal and toasted bread. Got them fed and took them to school.

Mama and me just talked about nothing and everything.

I got up and went upstairs and dressed. Kissed mama, and headed out. I met Elsie coming in. I kissed her and left to start the day. I headed to the suit shop. The man greeted me. I looked around for Mrs Reynolds.

"She's out on a delivery. So, what can I do for you, young man?"

"I need winter suits."

"Ah, yes, of course. You only got summer weight earlier. Well, I've still got your patterns on file. I'll get them made up for you and Mrs Reynolds will bring them to you."

We shook hands and I left. Next, the mercantile. I was greeted with a smile.

"Mr Flannery, what can I help you with today?"

"I need a big, heavy wool blanket."

"I see, well, I happen to have just what you're looking for."

He went to the back and came out with a big Hudson Bay blanket.

"A customer ordered this last year and never came back for it."

"I'll take it. Though, I'd rather have a big buffalo robe, but I don't know where to get one."

"Well, I'll order you one from the tannery up in Kansas City. I assume you want an extra large. From a big bull?"

"Yes sir, that's what I want."

"I'll call them and find out how much they charge."

I just handed him a $100.

"Take it out of that. We'll settle up when it comes in."

We shook hands, I picked up my blanket and left.

I drove over to the seafood markets, wanting to get a feel of what i was dealing with. I pulled in one and went inside. That ocean fish smell filled my nose. It was strange to me, but i found it pleasing. I actually liked it. There were glass cases filled with various strange fishes, shrimp, oysters, and crabs.

A pair of women came out, obviously mother and daughter. The youngest one was about my age. Small and trim built with long, braided red hair. She was a copy of the older one, probably around mid to late 30's, no more than 40 on the outside. They were rather plain looking, though, not unattractive. The mother had a look about her that nagged at me, though I couldn't say why exactly.

The youngest spoke up,

"Can i help you sir?"

"I'm looking over the seafood places in town. I'm starting a trucking and freighting outfit back up yonder. I just moved here recently. I'm looking for suppliers to fill orders I can truck around and deliver."

The mother was looking at me, a strange look on her face.

"Young man, what is your name?"

"Jacob Flannery."

You'd have thought I'd picked up a pine knot and whacked her across the skull with it. She covered her mouth with her hand, gasping,

"Oh my god, little Jake! I'm your sister, Hazel."

To be continued...

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oldmanbill69oldmanbill696 months ago

Love how you weave your tale so well !

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I think you story is great and you write it how want. my problem i want more now but i know you have to write it but a big Thank YOU........

SpankerSamSpankerSam6 months ago

I started reading this story on a lark. Little did I know that it would keep me interested until the last word in the last posted chapter. My thanks to the Author. I can see that he put in a lot of attention to keep the story moving. WELL DONE!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Awesome series. Please keep going. Love the twist and turns.

bucco40bucco406 months ago

Looking forward to the next chapter. How quickly will Hazel and her daughter join the harem? Who else is Jacob going to get pregnant?

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