A New Life for Alexis

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Alexis finds herself in dire straits.
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This idea was requested by a follower of mine...


"Fuck." Alexis stared at the ATM screen. "How can there be no money in the account?" She retrieved her card from the slot, ignored the honks of the cars behind her and slowly pulled away from the machine. She pulled over to the side of the parking lot and dialed her bank.

After going through multiple automated messages that didn't seem to get her any further towards finding out what was happening with her bank account, she finally reached a real person. She verified her account number and address and waited for the representative to tell her that it was all a big mistake.

"I'm sorry Ms. Johnson, but that account is closed."

"Closed, how can it be closed? There had to be $40,000 in that checking account."

"I'm sorry Ma'am. It seems that it was closed this morning at 10:30 am, by a William Johnson."

"How about the savings account?" Alexis read off the account number.

"Sorry, Ma'am, that account is closed as well."

"What the fuck, Bill? What have you done." She hung up without another word to the rep and dialed her husband.

"I'm sorry, that number has been disconnected," the automated voice chimed in her ear.

Alexis started to panic. She opened the door and stepped out into the chilly autumn air. She wrapped her sweater around herself. At 5'3", her breasts seemed too large for her petite body, but she was proud of her 36 Cs. She had a classic hourglass shape that seemed more appropriate for pin up girl days, topped off by a long mane of curly brunette hair. She was used to people, both men and women, stopping to stare when she entered a room. The wind whipped her hair around her face and she felt her nipples harden in the chill.

"He's got to be at home," she thought, getting back in the car.

She drove through the upper class neighborhood on the north side of the city. Their house, that they had purchased shortly after their marriage 4 years ago, sat in a cul-de-sac. Over 4,000 square feet, with a 4 car garage, pool, hot tub and in law quarters in the back.

There was a unfamiliar van in the driveway. She stormed out of the car towards the front door. A man, a working man, was at the door, fiddling with the locks.

"What do you think you're doing?" Alexis demanded.

"I'm just changing the locks, Ma'am."

"Changing the locks? This is my house. I didn't ask you to change the locks." She pushed past the man, into the house. The foyer was the same, as were the den and living room. All of her things that she had so meticulously picked out to fit into the high society that her marriage to Bill provided her, were there. "What the fuck!" she shouted, "Bill!"

She ran up the stairs. There was still a bed in the master bedroom, but her closets were empty. All of her clothes were gone. Bill didn't answer.

She ran back downstairs. The man was waiting by the door.

"I really don't know anything Ma'am. I was just told to give you this and to make sure that I lock the doors and that you aren't inside when I do." He held out an envelope.

Alexis grabbed it from his hand and stormed down the walkway. She got into her Lexus LC500 and turned up the heat before tearing open the envelope.


I'm sure that you have some questions, but let's suffice to say that I'm tired of your attitude. I have been planning this for months. All our financial accounts are closed, the house has been sold and I'm sure that your car will be repossessed any day. You came into this marriage with nothing and that is what you will leave with. Don't try to contact lawyers. I assure you that while what has been done might not be exactly legal, no one will ever be able to trace me or the money.

However, I'm not a cold heartless person. You won't be out on the streets. Call this number-xxx-xxxx. Simply tell the person who answers your name and they will take care of the rest.


"What the fuck? What the fuck am I supposed to do?" Her first thought was to call their lawyers, but she realized that their lawyers were really Bill's lawyers. She dialed the number, waiting while it rang.

"Hello, this is Alexis Johnson."

"Yes, Ms. Johnson, we've been expecting your call. What is your exact location right now?

"I'm in front of my house."

"You don't have a house, Alexis. The voice was female, cold, formal.

"You know where I am," she screamed into the phone. "Hello? Hello?" The woman had hung up.

She dialed again. The woman answered, "I hope that you won't be so disrespectful again."

'I..I...I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening here."

"You will sit in the driveway. My employer will arrive in 15 minutes to explain the situation to you."

"Hello? Hello? What do you mean?" The phone was silent.

Alexis dug around in the glove box and found an old pack of cigarettes. She pulled a bent cigarette from the pack, realized that she didn't have a lighter and crushed it between her fingers. "Fuck."

20 minutes later a sedan pulled in behind her. She watched as a tall man with salt and pepper hair and stylish beard got out of the car. He walked towards her and stood beside the Lexus, waiting. Alexis rolled the window down a bit. "Yes?"

"Get out of the car Alexis. I don't have time to fuck around here."

No one ever spoke to her in that manner, but she found herself opening the door. The man towered over her, making her feel smaller than she already was.

"Let's go inside, shall we? Get out of this cold."

"I don't have keys to the house anymore."

"I assure you that it's not a problem." He put his hand on the small of her back and urged her forward. Alexis found herself moving, obeying.

They reached the front door, the man's hand still on the small of her back, but Alexis felt that it had moved imperceptibly lower, just touching the top of her ass. Her moved around in front of her, brushing against her as he did so. He opened the door and guided her inside.

"I think we should have a drink for this conversation," he said. He walked towards the door with the full wet bar. "I'm a whiskey drinker myself and if what I'm told is correct, you prefer gin and tonics." He motioned for her to sit on the couch as he fixed the drinks. Alexis wanted to run, wanted to scream, but didn't know where she would go. It was like the twilight zone.

He came with the drinks. Handed Alexis hers and sat down next to her, close to her...too close. "I know that you have a lot of questions and they are not all going to be answered now, but I will try to fill you in on the most important things. Do you have any questions?"

Alexis meekly shook her head.

"Good. First of all, you will be working with me for the foreseeable future. You may call me Mr. Smith. There will be other names as we move forward, but that will suffice for now. Second, there is no easy way to say this, and trust me, I've tried multiple ways, multiple times and the easiest is to just come out with it. We own you. It doesn't matter who we are. For now, as far as you're concerned, it's me. Bill wanted out of this marriage for a long time and we specialize in helping people get out of tough situations. He, for lack of a better word, sold you to us. He sold us everything. Your house, your car, your clothes, you..."

Alexis tried to slide away from this man, this monster, but a firm hand on her leg, much higher than her knee, held her in place.

"There is much for you to process and you can make this easy on yourself and maybe actually enjoy it, or you can make it hard. As you saw, you have no clothes. You called the bank, so you know you have no money. There is no food in this house and if you look outside, you'll see that your car is gone."

Alexis rushed to the window and sure enough, the Lexus was gone. The Lexus that she begged for. She'd sucked Bill's cock multiple times for it. Most memorably on the way home from the dealer as he drove, making him cum just after they pulled into the driveway.

"So, you can see, you don't have a lot of options. Be a good girl and you will earn privileges back, like clothes and food. Misbehave and you'll be out on the street. Don't try to call the police. This is legal, we own this property and we will simply lock you out on the street and you'll have nowhere to go."

"What...what do you want me to do?"

"There will be much that you will be doing. We don't offer this service to just anyone. There are several criteria. First, they need to be very financially well off and second, the, well, let's say left behind spouse needs to have certain assets that our clients find desirable. You certainly have those assets."

"Now, let's start off nice and easy, with a few basic activities. Let's see if you can earn some food for the evening and maybe something to wear to bed. First, take off your sweater." Alexis considered this, but saw no harm. She removed the wrap. Aware of the effect of her breasts and hard nipples poking through her top had on people. "Very good. Now hold out your left hand." Without thinking, she did.

Mr. Smith swiftly grasped the 3 carat diamond ring and slid it off her finger. "You are no longer married, so you won't need this. It's our property anyway. You will meet some clients later who have a married woman fetish, and we will provide you a copy at that time."

"Now, you've done so well, let's just jump ahead and see what happens. Kneel down in front of me."

Alexis slowly slide to her knees on the plush carpet in front of him. "Now reach up and unzip my pants. Take my cock out of my pants."

Alexis jumped to her feet. "I'm not touching your cock, you pervert. Fuck you."

Mr. Smith calmly stood. He put his coat back on and walked behind the wet bar. He locked the liquor cabinet. "Well Alexis, you didn't earn any privileges tonight. The water works from the tap. I'm afraid we disconnected the ice maker and water from the fridge. When you're ready to cooperate, you know who to call."

"Wait, you can't just leave me here with no food and no clothes."

"Alexis, you may not realize this, but I'm being kind to you. I could put you on the street right now. So you call, when you're ready to behave."

He left the house, closing the door behind him, leaving Alexis alone in her, no their big house.

Alexis made the call the next evening. After spending a cold, hungry night, she roamed the house, looking for anything that could get her out of her current situation. She found exactly what Mr. Smith had told her she would find-no clothes, no food. Her makeup, soap and shampoo were all there. She assumed that they would want her looking and smelling good.

"Hello...Is Mr. Smith available."

The same cold voice came through the line. "You lasted longer than I thought you would. I made a bet with Mr. Smith, now I owe him something, but you'll find out all about that soon. Just wait right there honey, he'll be over, but you better not waste his time."

Alexis had showered and put on makeup. Her only clothes were what she wore yesterday. She put on her bra, black top and skirt, but left her panties off. 15 minutes later she heard the front door opening. Alexis got to her knees in front of the couch. Mr. Smith walked in and stood in front of her. Her eyes cast down and when she looked up, she could see that his cock was already hardening in his pants. It looked big, much bigger than Bill's. Without a word from either of them, she reached up and unbuckled his belt.

She felt him harden even more as she unzipped him and then lowered his pants to the floor. He lifted his right foot, then his left as she removed his pants. She carefully folded them and laid them on the couch. His cock was straining against his black briefs. She could she a small wet spot forming from his pre-cum. Knowing that the only thing she could do was please him, she pressed her face against his bulge, snaking her tongue out to taste his sweet pre-cum. She gathered all she could from his underwear, wondering why she was acting like such a whore, and why she kind of liked it. She pulled his underwear down and his cock, 8 inches of thick hard cock jumped out at her.

Alexis reached up and felt his smooth shaved balls in her hand. She rolled the heavy orbs around and then held the cock up and licked his sac, drawing each ball into her mouth, cleaning them of the sweat of the day, worshipping them. She licked her way along the length of the cock, stopping just below the head and letting her tongue work all along the underside of his cock. She felt him tense and knew she was doing well. Alexis stretched her mouth and took the head in, swirling her tongue the whole time. She pushed forward, taking two, three then four inches into her mouth, feeling it pressing at the entrance of her throat.

Mr. Smith placed his hand on the back of her head and slowly but insistently pushed her forward. Five, six then seven inches disappeared. Alexis felt herself running out of air but pushed, finally feeling the tickle of his pubic hair against her nose. His hand relaxed and she pulled back, sputtering and gasping for air. A long string of saliva, mixed with pre-cum still connected her mouth to that perfect cock. She pushed back down, on her own this time, loving the feeling of the cock sliding past her gag reflex and lodging in her throat. She worked her throat muscles, milking the head, before pulling back and just keeping the head in her mouth.

She could feel him tensing and knew he was close. She cupped his balls again, massaging them, finally feeling them draw into his body and she tasted the first spurt into her mouth. She held her mouth still, letting him pump his seed into her.

When he was done, he sank back onto the couch. Alexis knew instinctively to keep the warm sperm in her mouth. She stared up at him, her mascara streaked. He nodded and she swallowed, enjoying the warmth as his cum slid down her throat and filled her stomach.

Alexis leaned in and took his softening cock back into her mouth, cleaning him of the remnants of his orgasm. Finally, he spoke, "Get me a whiskey. Keys are in my pants." Alexis obeyed, fixing him a neat whiskey and coming back and kneeling in front of him. She handed him the whiskey.

"I see you are starting to understand the situation you're in." He took a large drink. "I think this is going to work out just fine for you-once you get used to your new lifestyle." Alexis looked up at him, still tasting him in her mouth. "Take off you top. I want to see those tits." Alexis pulled her top over her head, leaving her in just her bra, her tits, as he so indelicately called them, spilled out the top. "And the bra."

Alexis reached behind her and unclasped the bra. Her hard pink nipples pushed out begging to be touched. "Very nice. Play with your tits. Squeeze those nipples." Alexis pinched her right nipple, then her left. "Harder, pinch them." She pinched harder and gasped as the pain shot through her body, straight to her pussy where it was received as a jolt of pleasure.

"Very nice tits, Mrs. Johnson. One day soon, you'll wrap them around my cock. Would you like that?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Sir, I like that. Keep pinching them. How does it feel?"

"It feels good Sir. I like that you tell me to do it."

"You have a pretty strong submissive streak, don't you? That is going to come in handy real soon."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I loved it

Your writing is clear and concise. My dick is aching for the next one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Okay first effort

Kinda bland, but you will get better over time just keep trying to write. Maybe add some perspective as to why she thinks this happened. Help your readers understand her plight. Give them something to emotionally connect with instead of a rushed “it’s the end of the world” so now she has left is sucking dick for a living story.

Again good first try.

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