A New Prescription Ch. 02

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Max & Holly learn more about Intrusivan.
10.5k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 08/22/2023
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The two of them must have seemed quite the pair. At the receptionist's window in Dr. Parvati's office, Max and his mother, Holly, passed a note to the heavyset lady with a brunette pixie cut in floral-patterned scrubs.

She read the note, then looked up at them, then reread the note, then looked back at them.

Max, at 19 years old, with a mop of blond hair in desperate need of cutting, stood tall with his athletic 6'2" build. Earplugs prevented him from hearing any questions he might be asked, and the duct tape around his mouth prevented him from answering any questions he might accidentally hear.

Now, as to not appear totally deranged, he had covered up the duct tape with a surgical mask, which, thankfully, was no longer the eyesore in public it once was.

Likewise, next to him, Holly also wore earplugs, duct tape, and a surgical mask. She'd called in sick to work that day, which was easy to do when, at the age of 42, it was her name on the building and paychecks. Without needing to dress up professionally for the law firm, she wore an oversized crimson hoodie and black leggings. Once more, she'd thrown her blonde hair up in a bun on top of her head. Messy, tangled, and impromptu, it drove Max absolutely wild.

Initially, their plan was to ask to see Parvati immediately, but when they had each gamed that out, neither one could stop themselves from announcing to the world that the reason was because they had just spent all night fucking each silly.

Which was no problem for them, but even on their new anti-anxiety prescription, Intrusivan, they understood making that information public would be problematic.

Hence earplugs, duct tape, surgical masks.

Since Holly had the better handwriting, as most mothers do, she had scribbled out, "We both have lost our voices and need to see Dr. Parvati immediately due to possible side effects of Intrusivan."

As the portly woman on the other side of the glass read the note for a third time, she wrinkled her nose and turned to a coworker.

"Amy, have you ever heard of Dr. Parvati prescribing something called 'Intrusivan'?"

Another woman, this one older, with curly gray hair, wheeled herself over in a chair and read the note. Her reaction mimicked that of the first woman.

"Are you sure it was Dr. Parvati?" Amy asked.

If Max had heard her properly, he would have happily answered, "Yes, Dr. Parvati prescribed it for anxiety," before dovetailing into the very specific ways that his own mom did this incredible thing with her tongue when she sucked his dick.

But since Max did not hear her properly, all he could do was point to his earplugs and mumble something through the duct tape. He concluded his answer with a thumbs up to the ladies, hoping it did not make him look more crazed than he already appeared.

Results were questionable.

Shaking her head in frustration, the first lady sighed. "Let's just get her and see what this is--"

The door to the waiting room burst open, startling both Max and Holly. Ironically, the bull in the China shop was a woman of small stature, almost a foot shorter than Max, with flawless brown skin, and wearing a lab coat. Behind her glasses, her dark eyes were wide and excited. Pulled taut into a bun, her thick black hair seemed ready to burst at the seams.

"Holly, Max! Come in, come in!" Her excitement hid just the barest trace of her native Indian accent.

"Dr. Parvati, the Johnsons are here to see you," the portly woman said, her tone defeated.

Dr. Anika Parvati waved them both over to follow her. As they hurried over, Parvati leaned back behind the door to the two women behind the desk. "Amy, hold my appointments, please."

"But, doctor, your calendar is full today," Amy said.

"Then it sounds like they'll still be sick tomorrow, doesn't it?"

When mother and son got into the hallway, Parvati motioned to them again. "We'll talk in my office."

Max and Holly followed the doctor through a winding series of medical and office corridors. Remaining several feet back, and with Parvati's back to them, Max looked straight ahead.

His mom grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers. The warmth from her hand spread through his arm as his mind filled with the things he wanted to do to her. Even the duct tape across his mouth couldn't hide his smile.

Holly brought his hand to her mouth, giving it a quick kiss through her own mask. This prompted a distressed look from Max, who shot his eyes to the doctor, only mere feet in front of them. With a devilish gleam in her eye, his mom winked at him, then pulled her hand away.

Max could already feel his hard-on pushing against his pants.

Finally, they passed through an opening into a longer hallway. "I'm all the way at the back," Parvati said, raising her voice, so that they could hear her through their earplugs. "Corner office, windows, and vacancies all around me, so it's quiet. I'm able to work in peace."

Mother and son shared a puzzled look. Parvati had been a good doctor for them, but pushing all her appointments to the following day at the drop of a hat seemed wildly out of character for her. Not to mention her preferred isolation from others.

Parvati brought them to her office door and fished out her jangling keys. There was the unmistakable sound of a deadbolt sliding to the side, and the doctor turned and flashed them both a look. "Here we are."

Her office was much larger than Max had expected. Easily the size of two rooms. Massive floor-to-ceiling windows served as her corner walls. A large oak desk rested in front of one of the windows, next to a bookcase displaying several of her diplomas, awards, and various other professional achievements.

Two large gray couches faced each other in the middle of the room. Parvati led them to one, sitting on the other one by herself. Following her lead, Max and Holly sat down, sinking into the deep cushions. Running a hand over the material, he found it to be a soft microfiber.

Parvati offered a large smile and then motioned for them to remove their earplugs. As he did, all at once, Max heard the steady background humming of an office and medical building.

"We're going to do this carefully," Parvati said, emphasizing the "carefully" part with her hands. "I see we're still in the truth-telling phase of Intrusivan. I admit, it's a hurdle, but after a week or so, it passes."

Max nodded in acknowledgment, along with Holly.

"We're going to start with simple 'yes' or 'no' questions, and go from there," Parvati said.

Holly mumbled something, and then her shoulders sagged. She gestured at her mouth.

Parvati chuckled. "Is that duct tape under those masks?"

Both mumbled in the affirmative.

"That's what I used, as well," she said, smiling.

They pointed at her, both mumbling their own incoherent questions.

"Yes, yes, I'm on it, too," Parvati said. "I'm not going to give it to people without knowing what it's like first-hand. So, with that said, were you aware as the barrier walls of anxiety and hesitance fell away?"

Max and Holly both affirmed with excessive "Mm-hmms".

Parvati smiled, nodding. "Excellent. Now, with the anxiety and hesitance gone, were you able to more easily secure a sexual partner?"

Max and Holly snickered under their duct-taped mouths, but both nodded in the affirmative.

Parvati smiled in response. "Okay, okay, some humorous situations played themselves out, I see. Always some learning curves." She turned to Max specifically. "Did you notice a significant increase in semen production?"

Max laughed again, nodding.

Parvativ glowed with pride. "Wonderful. Okay, now slowly," she said, gesturing with her hands, "remove the masks. There is no question being asked at the moment."

In unison, Max and Holly reached up and unlooped the strings around their ears, pulling away their surgical masks. Underneath, scrawled across each piece of duct tape was the warning in red Sharpie "DO NOT REMOVE."

Trying to stifle a laugh, Parvati covered her mouth, but still elicited a chuckle. "Now remove the duct tape. Again, there is no question being asked."

Max pulled at his strip gingerly, bit by bit, just as he heard his mom yelp, tearing her piece away all at once. Oh, fine, he thought, and yanked. Pain radiated through his jaw. As it subsided, Max tried to remove as much of the leftover adhesive as possible.

"So," Parvati said, clapping her hands together, "tell me about each of the sexual partners you two found."

Like a magnetic field surged through them, Max and Holly lunged at each other, embracing in a passionate kiss, their hands all over the other's body.

In that moment, like for much of the previous night, nothing else mattered to Max. His arms wrapped around the woman he loved, his lips on her lips, his tongue on her tongue.

Parvati gasped, which was the only thing on the planet capable of pulling Max away from his mom. Eyes as big as saucers, she covered her mouth with her hands. "Our first incestuous result," she whispered.

"You're not horrified?" Max asked.

"Horrified? No, this is remarkable. An entirely new facet of possibilities," Parvati said.

"Possibilities of what?" Holly asked, scooching somehow even closer to her son on the couch, their fingers interlocked.

"Holly, Max," she said, sitting back down on the couch, "humanity is dying. Birth rates across the globe are plummeting."

"Okay?" Max asked. "What's that got to do with our prescription?"

Parvati smiled. "It has everything to do with it. There is greatness in humanity, but on our current course, we'll be extinct in a few thousand years, when instead our story should still be being written in a few million years. Intrusivan lowers our anxiety and inhibition threshold. We need a new to raise our next generation to embrace humanity's full potential."

Holly squeezed Max's hand. "So this isn't really an anxiety medicine at all?"

"Oh, it very much is," Parvati said. "The trunk of the Instrusivan tree is all about reducing anxiety. But there are also many branches on that Redwood."

"Such as?" Max asked.

"Such as..." Parvati said, trailing off. She reached up and pulled at her decorated hair pin. Thick black hair fell below her shoulders, catching glimmering light from every angle in the office.

Max watched with confusion, but a familiar pressure began to grow within him.

The doctor removed her white lab coat, revealing a black button-up blouse underneath and white linen pants.

Holly squeezed Max's hand. When he looked at his mom, her eyes were wide and her cheeks were red.

Somehow, it happened without Max even realizing. Parvati's entire demeanor had changed. Gone was the eager doctor, and now before them was a petite woman whose eyes burned with desire. It was the same look he'd seen on his mom the night before.

Without looking away from them, with a single hand, Parvati reached up to the top button on her blouse and unbuttoned it.

Then another.

Then another.

Max's heart thundered in his chest and blood rushed in his ears. And not only his ears...

One more button revealed Parvati's ample cleavage, held together by a turquoise lace bra.

Torrential conflict brewed within Max's brain, heart, and loins. "What is happening right now?" he asked his mom.

"I believe one or both of us are being seduced," Holly said, never once taking her eyes away from Parvati.

"What do we do?" he asked.

"Oh, kiddo, I'm riding the same wave you are," she said, her tone hushed.

Leaving her glasses in place, Parvati removed her shirt, revealing even more of her cream smooth brown skin. As she dropped the shirt with her left hand, it crumpled on the floor with her lab coat. Then she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra.

Never wavering from Max or Holly's eyes, she pulled it away from her, and dropped it onto the pile.

Max gasped at the sight. He had never been good with estimating bra sizes, but the stunning pair of breasts in front of him were sizable and flawless. Nearly as large as his mom's, but on Parvati's petite frame, they loomed even larger. Her darkened nipples poked out hypnotically.

Her lace bra left behind a stenciled imprint across her skin. It took everything in Max's power not to reach out and trace along with his fingertips.

Primal heat scorched through him. A familiar tingling and sweat broke out. He ran a hand through his blond hair, pushing it back out of his face.

"Mom, what do we do?"

Holly scoffed and smiled at him. "An absolute goddess shows you some of the most perfect boobs in the world, and you're asking what to do?"

"What will you do?" Parvati asked, cupping both breasts in her small hands, rubbing them. Without her lab coat and shirt, her natural curves were unmistakable, and she began to sway her hips back and forth seductively.

Max bit his lip. "Mom, it's just that... what we have, I don't want to..." he trailed off.

"Cheat?" Holly asked.


She stepped up to him, their bodies touching, and she placed a lover's hand on his cheek. "Kiddo, what we have with each other, together, she won't take away or diminish. Think of all the emotions and hormones that have surged through us since yesterday. Isn't it nice to be able to share that with someone? With someone else who understands?"

And then Parvati was there. "You have a smart mom, Max," she said. Then with two hands on the side of Holly's face, she pulled her close and touched lips.

Holly's eyes went wide. "Oh!" she said between kisses. And then Max saw something give way. His mom relaxed and went with it, closing her eyes, and pushing back into Parvati.

"Oh!" Max exclaimed. "Mom, I had no idea."

She pulled away from the small woman for just a second. "Like I said, kiddo, we're both riding the same wave here. Let's go surfing."

That was all the permission Max needed.

He fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around Anika Parvati. Given their almost-foot-length height discrepancy, that put her caramel-colored tits right in his face. Latching on to the closest nipple to his face, Max groaned as he sucked. Whimpers from above told him he was doing okay, so he continued.

As he did, he reached up and grabbed her other breast and massaged it, kneading it, and the whimpers turned into approving tones.

Then there was a hand on the back of his head, running fingers through his hair. Without looking, he knew. It was the same way she'd rubbed his head when he was younger.

Max stole a glance up at his mother, locked in her own embrace of tongues with Anika.

Never before had he ever been with two people at once. Of all the experiences he'd shared with his mom last night, fulfilling physical desires, they satiated emotional desires, too.

What was about to happen, however, would be purely physical.

Taking a last, exorbitant suck of Anika, he pulled his mouth away, and the breaking suction got the other two women's attention.

Max stood up and pulled his shirt off. Usually medical offices were cold, but with two walls of solid glass, sunlight and warmth ensured any hardened nipples were from arousal and not cold.

Kicking off his shoes was easy; what proved more difficult was wrapping his mom up in one arm and pulling her close for a kiss while also getting his jeans off with his other hand.

And then before he knew it, he had help. Anika knelt down in front of him, her fingers digging into his waistband, pulling them down. Fingernails rubbed against his skin, tickling him, and Max twitched suddenly.

She looked at him for reassurance and he grinned. "Tickled."

The three of them smiled, and Holly put her forehead against Max's chest, shaking her head.

Anika went to finish what she started and pulled at his waistband, setting free his engorged cock.

Ego had never been a vice to which Max fell victim, nor was a lack of self-confidence. That being said, the first time he exposed himself to a woman, there was always a twinge of self-doubt. But with his arm around his mom, and this drop-dead gorgeous goddess, as Holly had called her, in front of him, he wasn't the slightest bit nervous.

He actually couldn't wait.

And when Anika saw what Max was bringing to the table, once more her eyes widened and her jaw dropped in awe.

"Max!" she said.

"That was my reaction the first time, too," Holly said. Then she slapped his bare ass, the smack reverberating in the large office.

His mom reached down and grabbed him, stroking back and forth. An involuntary shudder ran through Max and he tensed every muscle in his body to keep from cumming right there on the spot.

The spot being Parvati, of course.

"Ready for the fruits of your labor, doctor?" Holly asked.

Without a word, Anika descended onto him, her warm mouth and tongue taking him as far as his head, before slowly working her way down. As she went, she reached up and politely shooed away Holly's hand with a playful slap.

His mom smiled, and then grabbed her son by the chin to look him in the eye. "That's fine, I needed it back anyway."

Stimulation from Anika's mouth and hand made concentrating on what his mom had said difficult. He heard the words, but there was a slight delay in piecing them together. "Oh?" he asked, breathing hard.

With both hands free now, Holly pulled her oversized crimson hoodie up and over her head. The only thing that even slightly slowed her down was the waistband getting caught on her breasts while lifting up. Once free, they fell back down, skin slapping against skin, bouncing, and jiggling. They looked more beautiful than ever, which made Max harder than ever, which made Anika work harder than ever.

Holly embraced her son, wrapping her arms around him, kissing his face and cheek before moving to his neck.

"Oh, fuck, mom," Max whispered.

"I know, baby," she said, her voice husky.

Rolling his head back in ecstasy, he moaned in pleasure as two gorgeous women went to work on him.

Holly kissed the side of his neck, and he reached up to grab the back of her neck, holding her close. She went from kissing his neck to playful bites, sending a wave of chills through him.

Anika's tongue swirled around the tip of Max's cock, which proved to be his undoing. He groaned as his body tensed up.

"I'm gonna cum," he managed to say.

That seemed to be all Anika needed to hear. Her head movement increased, as did her hand.

When the wave of pressure and pleasure reached crescendo, Max's legs almost buckled. The first eruption of cum splashed into the back of Anika's throat. Only the sounds of her hungrily devouring his seed drowned out his grunting as her mouth flooded.

Just as with his mom the night before, and just as Anika had asked earlier about increased semen production, his orgasm lasted and lasted until he wasn't sure if it was fueling the ejaculate or if it was the other way around.

His vision fuzzed over, as well, a million twinkling stars blinding him.

The load in Anika's mouth flooded over his dick, spilling out the sides of her mouth. Somehow, she swallowed it all at once and still continued to take the rest.

As the orgasm faded, Max's stuttered grunts turned to heavy breathing. That had been one of the best blowjobs of his entire life.

Looking down, he and Anika locked eyes. She was stunning, and keeping her glasses on only made their tryst hotter. Anika pulled herself back off him, eliciting another shudder from Max.

He loosened his grip on the back of Holly's neck, but she remained in place, instead cooing and purring into his neck, rubbing her face up and down against him in love.

Anika got up from the floor and lifted up onto her tiptoes. Holly pulled away so Max could lean down and properly thank the good doctor. Her lips were warm and tasted of cinnamon, while her tongue tasted of him.

Their kiss lasted, intimate and passionate. When they were done, she smiled at him, then looked at Holly. "I think I enjoy the fruits of my labor very much."