A Night at Millicent's


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"Ohhhhhh!" Gab helplessly cried, winging her head back on the carpet. Sophie wondered for the obligatory half second if she was okay, but the giddy way she immediately giggled afterward set her apprehension to rest.

"I...I...can't concentrate if you play with my clit!" she insisted.

"Very well," smirked Sophie, unthumbing her twitching, nubbing button. "Do tell, love. Tell Professor Sophie all about it."

Another burst of ecstasy assaulted Gabby. Oh, this was going to be good.

"Okay..." she panted. "So...it's a big exam day...and I didn't study...so, I'm...cheating off one of my classmates."

Sophie let out a small gasp of her own, playing along with the scenario.

"Why, how naughty of you!"

Gabby grinned, nodded and went on.

"...And...you...catch me."

Sophie's smile spread ear to ear, clearly grasping where this was headed.

"Hm...I see severe punishment in your near future."

Gabby's heart pounded again, her cunt spilling liquid arousal over Sophie's hand and the floor. She found herself having trouble waiting to get her "punishment" underway. She made her mouth spit out the last few words.

"...And...you...spank me."

Gab winced, mentally bracing herself for the laugh. To her pleasant surprise, it didn't come. Sophie found this amusing, but exciting as well. Her fingers curled up inside Gabby's pussy, giving way and pulling back. She felt her own wet cunt leaking down their thighs. If Gabby wasn't on fire already, the next words she heard Sophie whisper made her blaze up in flames.

"Right; roll over on your tummy then, you little ruffian."

Gabby did as instructed, quickly and eagerly as she could without injuring herself. A flattered Sophie smiled in self-satisfaction at the wild sexual power she went on exercising over her playmate. She resumed her position atop the face-down Gabby. She straddled her across the lower back, turning over her shoulder to address the exam-cheating delinquent.

"You're lucky I'm ambidextrous, me little rugrat."

Gabby was so riled up she was about to burst. Her fantasy was actually about to come true. She couldn't believe it. Her fanny tingled, anticipating the stern disciplinary attention it was about to receive. If fortune had been arranged for her here tonight, it had really been done above and beyond the call of duty. She couldn't help wondering if Sophie felt just so fortunate as she, but she saw this a pretty tall order right about now. She also couldn't help but wonder what Sophie's biggest sexual fantasy might be.

"Um—please don't hurt me," she called up to Sophie. "I wanna pretend like it really hurts, 'cause I think it's hotter that way. But, I don't want you to really spank me hard enough to actually hurt me."

Gabby felt her caress her ass. "Of course, sweetheart. You're in good hands with me, quite lit'rally.

"Now then!" Sophie called down to her bum, poking her in the left cheek as she continued finger-boinking her. "You, Miss Whitmore, have committed a serious act of dishonesty 'ere today. As there is no just cause or provocation whatsoever for cheating on an exam, you must be given a severe reprimand. So today I am going to teach you a different sort of lesson."

Wow, Sophie was good at this kind of thing. It almost made Gabby want to go back to school and cheat for real. What could she do herself to heat this up?

"I-I-I'm sorry, Professor Trimble!" she stammered out guiltily, as her fantasy character. "I-I didn't mean to! I didn't mean it!"

She felt the first blow. Spank!

Gasp—"Ouch!" Gabby's cunt blew a spurt of pre-cum.

"Yes, you did," Sophie contradicted.

Well, yes, of course, she "did." Nobody cheated by accident. As Gabby'd told her, the "ouch!" was artificial. Just as she'd stipulated, it didn't really hurt. But acting as if it did, thereby heightening the mean brunette professor's cruelty in her mind, made her hornier than a cat in heat. She relished the privilege of being so divinely submissive, under the hot brunette's wicked hands. Just to accent her dedicated submission, she stretched her arms in front of her, to their maximum length, and held them there, as if her professor had restrained them. This enabled her to pretend her punisher had her bound to the desk—or in this case, the floor—unable to protect herself or interfere with the reprimand. It all had her poor mind spinning so uncontrollably, she didn't know what to do.

Spank! "You're a naughty, naughty young lady!"

Gasp. "OW-w-w!" Gabby whined, throwing in a few croc tears. "I'm sorry!"

"Is that quite so?!" Sophie demanded. "Well, then, let's find out just how sorry!"

Another spurt blew from her pussy as the next hit came, on her other cheek.

Spank! "How dare you make a mockery of your lit'rary education!"

"Ouuuuch!" shouted Gabby, banging the palms of her hands and the tops of her feet on the carpet. "Professor! Please, I'm so sorry!"

Spank! "Your feeble apology is not honoured, you little urchin! You will continue to serve your punishment!"

Gabby mock-sobbed, trying to hide the huge grin on her face.

"But, I'm sorry!" she repeated. "Please, I'll never ever ever do it again!"

Spank! "It's too late for that, Miss Whitmore!" Spank! "You'll soon learn that the Trimble Academy does not tolerate cheating!"

Oh my GOD...this is the hottest, thing, ever.

But lo and behold, it was about to get even hotter. Right after Sophie gave her a quick break. She turned over her shoulder again.

"Time out, sweetie. I'll be right back!" She jumped to her feet, leaving a sticky wet spot on Gabby's lower back.

Gabby turned her head, feeling—amongst other things—her pussy vacated. "Wh-what?"

Sophie grabbed the closest paperback book on the closest shelf she could find, scurried back over, knelt down to re-straddle Gab and took a moment to play her ass cheeks like bongos.

"Okay, time in." She slipped a trio of fingers into Gabby's impatient pussy and resumed wanking her. Feeling the magnificent sensations return, Gab settled back down into the floor, moaning, groaning, desire and hunger the fire she breathed. This love was a banquet on which they fed. Sophie took a few moments just to jill her, watching her thighs, legs and feet tremble, bringing her back closer to the edge again before she carried on with the spanking.

"Right..." came Sophie's ominous voice. All of a sudden, without warning—

Spank! "OHHH!"

"You are soon to find that books are our friends, Miss Whitmore! That they exist for our reading pleasure, and are not to be taken for granted, or put away to sit forever like some family heirloom! You'll learn to read your books, and take an honest exam on them!

"And this particular book wishes to admonish you for your indiscretions!"

Gabby opened her eyes. She started to raise and turn her head to look around.


Digitally penetrating her pussy all the time, Sophie picked up the book with her other hand, and spanked her with it. WHAP!

Gabby gasped once more, and almost laughed. "WHA—?!"

Sophie smacked her other cheek with the book. WHAP!

"That's right, scoundrel! Mistreat your books, they'll mistreat you back!" WHAP!!

"OH my GOD!" Gabby squealed. Their act had sort of taken a turn for the odd, but this bizarre kink seemed to be working. As Sophie went on thrusting inside her, spanking her, taunting her, pouring it on, Gabby shot up to her previous zenith of arousal, and straight beyond. She could no longer get her words out. Her faculties were gone. Having what could very well have been the girl of her dreams breathing genuine life into her fantasy, with her stunning body, brain, voice, British accent...set her aflame.

And it didn't hurt that Sophie was jamming her fingers inside her so rampantly and potently either.

"You know, Miss Whitmore, I don't reckon I can simply allow you off the hook, even after being done with you."

Gabby wasn't sure if she liked the sound of this.

"...Um, wh-what do you m—" WHAP! "OUCH!...What do you mean, professor??"

Sophie squeezed her fingers inside Gab as far as she could get them to go, urging Gabby to clench her cunt down on them. She shouted to be heard over Gabby's groans of yearning.

"Perhaps we shall have to see what the headmistress has to say about this!"

"Oh! Oh! OH! OHH! OHMYGOD!!"

"That's right, you little cheat!" Sophie threatened, palming and groping Gabby's bum cheeks, one by one. "She can be quite strict, you know! She is every mischievous student's worst nightmare! You reckon I'm giving you a rough time?? One session with the headmistress, and you'll be begging to be back 'ere with me again!"

Gabby went positively intoxicated. Sophie had her about to explode. Sexual torridity crackled over her, head to soles. She loved Sophie. She loved her. Her world had been entered, shaken up, and turned upside-down by someone whom she could not only trust, but could allow into her heart and pussy without being overwhelmed. And all in a scant four hours! It was an incredible feeling—on just so many levels. Gabby knew she didn't need her own words; her drenched, soaked cunt on the edge of orgasm did all the communication for her.

And before her dizzied eyes, her other fantasy came true as well: she was flying.

She felt as if the floor vanished underneath her and she was floating free of the undefiable force of gravity. She could see daylight right now, at half past two in the morning. She could see everything, in a psychedelic daze. Her passion proved just this great. Sophie never let up. She wouldn't stop until it was done.

Whap! Spank! "Suffer, little weasel!" Sophie intoned. "You've not finished paying the price!"

"AAAAAAHHHH!" screeched Gabby, about to blow like St. Helens. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHGOD!!"

The more pre-cum Gabby's pussy spewed forth, the less premature it became. Sophie could see just how imminent it was now. The moment had arrived. It was time to finish her off.

"You'll now cum for your professor!..." she ordered, "And you'll cum to your professor's satisfaction, else I'll blackmail you! And I'll go on doing so, indefinitely keeping your ass and your pussy to do with as I will!

"And if I ever catch you cheating further more, you shall stand nude in front of the class, wearing only a dunce cap, and be spanked before your fellow students for abject humiliation!"

This follow-up scenario almost made Gabby giggle, but she was far too charged up for anything but orgasm now. Finally, Sophie sent her arms into turbo mode, spanking Gabby rapidly on both cheeks, and pumping her fingers inside her cunt, at their hardest and fastest.

"Now cum!"

Gabby did as she was told.

"OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" she erupted, banging her fists and feet on the floor as her hot white cum blew out, worshipping at the altar of Sophie's hand. The climax was long, tremendous, and utterly fulfilling for both. Sophie was too happy to express in words at what she'd just made happen. She'd been wet-humping her lower back all the time, but while all focus was on Gab, Sophie thought she'd felt herself orgasm as well on the inside, at the visual and tangible sensation of making her lady-friend and fantasy student cum. Just between her and herself, Sophie would refer to Gabby as her lady-friend, until things progressed to where she could call her something more.

Gabby's red face slowly reverted to its normal tone, as her eyeballs rolled back in place under their lids, and she drifted off to post-climactic sleep. This left Sophie to review what happened: she and a girl she'd known for four hours had just had momentous disciplinary sex on the floor of her favourite bookshop. She supposed she could view the experience a couple of ways. On one hand, it might seem that she had desecrated the store while taking advantage of a sleepy waif who'd fallen prey to her advances. On another, she could look at it as having paid tribute to the establishment, or "christened" it, so to speak, with another consenting adult who'd desired to make love to her much as she had. She opted for the latter. It made more sense, and there was no need to punish herself when she honestly didn't feel she'd done anything wrong. It was a simple set of circumstances that tonight had led where they would. A natural progression. And that was all.

Yet, she mustn't forget that they were still trapped in the bookstore for another several hours, and that when the doors reopened, it would behoove them to be decent. So she pushed up, forced herself to keep from giggling as she returned her spanking book to its shelf, found her clothes, dressed, took Gabby's and laid them over her for an improvised blanket. She didn't think she could find anything to use as a real blanket, and now that they might start to get cold again, she settled in beside Gab, snuggled her up, and their mutual body heat saw them through the rest of the twilight till morning.


...And I Never Want To Leave

Sunday, January 3rd, 2016, 9:14 a.m.

Sophie was roused out of sleep by a sound coming from upstairs. It was a faint jingling, followed by a click. Once stirring to consciousness, she heard equally distant voices. She blinked rapidly, pawing at her face, taking the necessary moment to get her bearings. As she did, back to mind came the events of the last twelve hours, culminating in her and Gabby's shared slumber, bringing them to the current moment. The managers had arrived, she realised. The front door was open. The girls would finally be able to leave—but not before they took care of the more pressing matters at hand. Most prevalently, the fact that Gabby was still naked under her garment blanket.

Gasp. Bloody hell! Sophie thought. She pushed herself up onto the knees and gave Gabby a light shake, patting her on the cheek. "Gabby!" she muttered. "Gabby! Sweetie! Wake up! They're 'ere!"

Gab made a sleeping face, turning back and forth before she came to. Awakening for the second time in the bookstore, just as she had last night, she stammered out her first question.

"Mmm...wh-wha—...what happened?"

"Gabs, it's me, Sophie! We fell asleep 'ere in Millicent's after we made love last night. But it's morning now, and the shopkeepers've just come in, and you're still in the nuddy! Come on then, I say, get up and scarper! Get your bum into the loo!"

Gabby didn't quite understand all of these words, but she realised the situation was urgent. She did as Sophie said.

Twenty minutes later, the girls had tinkled, redressed, gotten together Sophie's purchase including the book- and earmarked copy of Come Back Down, collected the Godiva candy wrappers and what was left of the Voss water, taken everything upstairs to floor two, made their presence known to the staff, explained what had happened, paid for the edibles they'd consumed after hours...

...And at long, long last, pulled open the tall, unlocked front door...to step outside.

Both girls breathed in deep, greeted by the brisk, cold January morning. It was the third day of a brand-new year, and as with every day before and after, the first of the rest of their lives. And now, each girl had found a new treasure to brighten up her days. They affectionately held hands as they happily made their way from the store, first to Gabby's silver Civic.

"Right. So what are you going to do today then?" Sophie asked her, brushing windblown chestnut hair from her face.

"Well, uh..." yawned Gabby, doing the same with her strawberry blonde locks, "...I thought I'd go home, take a shower, and then, uh...I dunno. I was thinking, I'd love to hear more of that book you read me, but of course I'd rather listen to you than read it myself. But I wasn't sure if I'd get to hang out with you today, 'cause I think you...didn't you say something about your friend?"

"Oh yes, yes, indeed," Sophie confirmed with a nod. "Me best mate Nigel, from grammar school. We'll probably sort out something to do together, but I'm sure he'd love to meet you as well. He's a great happy chappy; super-friendly. So, tell you what: why don't you let me give you me number, you can put it in your mobile, go take your shower, and then you can ring me. Or look me up online."

"Oh, well, okay, I guess, but...I don't really wanna intrude on you and Nigel's special day together."

"Ah, no worries, love," said Sophie, caressing Gabby's cheek. "If I still know the lad, he's the 'more the merrier' sort. And remember I told you last night I wanted to be a Spice Girl when I was little? Well, you know what they say, if you 'wannabe my lover.'" She winked.

Gabby laughed. "Excellent point. Okay, well, cool! If you're sure he won't mind. But, if I overstay my welcome at any point, just say the word, and off I go."

"Aw, sweetheart. We'll have the grandest, jolliest day together.

"And, if you're a good little kitty cat, Sophie'll buy you a Cinnabon."

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Auspat2121Auspat2121almost 3 years ago

Excellent story. Well written thank you.

MaonaighMaonaighover 3 years ago

One of the occasional treats of Lit is scanning the lists of old stories and finding a real treasure---and this story is a perfect treasure filled with delights. Others have commented on the shaky use of accents and I have to agree there. I lived in Lincolnshire for several years very many moons ago and Sophie doesn't come within a hundred miles. Writing regional accents is tricky, even when you're a native of the country. Best left alone. That said, it in no way detracts from this tale which is hugely enjoyable. Power to your pen and long life and happiness to Sophie and Gabby.

Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

As a Londoner, my first reaction was that the adorable pretty witty Britty seemed more Dick Van Dyke than Lincolnshire. But in deference to those commenters who seem more attuned to the vagaries and varieties of English accents to be found north of Watford, I'll just be quiet and enjoy the wonderful story.

stroudlestroudlealmost 6 years ago
One of your best

Here is a Comment from a English Lesbian . Take no notice of the doom mongers saying that is not how British folk speak . As with every country I imagine, it depends on where you are as to how you speak . Dropped H's are not confined to just Cockney slang as some have suggested. I recognised people who speak like that. My own accent has North east to South west overtones with a good dose of Black country thrown in ( for those not in the know Black country is a region so named because of the heavy industrialised / soot covered buildings , not race related)

Now to the actual story . I loved it . I could picture my self in that shop along with Sophie and Gabby . I also liked the cat play , thought it was cute.

I for one would love to have a lock with either of these lovely ladies or both . wink wink.

In summary Great story , loved it.

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I really enjoyed it 5 stars

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