A Night in Tahoe


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Ian blushed, "She's gorgeous every day, but thanks."

Traci just smiled at him and continued, "You know, I'm glad she's in the office. It could get a little intense being the only woman around."

Ian didn't know what to make of that statement. "Um, like how?"

"Having two of us evens the odds. It's just a little more manageable," she said as she prepared a snack plate for the group.

Ian asked, "Are you and Dave an item?"

She hollered to the crowd, "Hey Dave, Ian here wonders if we are together."

"Only on ski trips to Tahoe Ian." And everybody laughed like this was the funniest answer.

"I'm married," said Traci, "My husband had to work but he'll be up here tomorrow."

They drank and relaxed, Ian eventually sitting at the table with the rest of them. Jessica sat next to Mike, and Ian sat across from her. He'd fill her glass and as they talked and joked, Jessica occasionally touched his arm as she laughed at his jokes, not all of them funny. Ian found himself liking it. It was non-threatening, but pushed the right buttons.

After a half hour or so, Jessica excused herself and Ian followed behind, horny as hell. He followed her into their bedroom where she used the restroom. When she came out he cornered her and pushed her down on the bed. She laughed and playfully tried to push him away as he pulled up her shirt and bra and licked one of her nipples, her large aureole gracing her round tits.

"Oh, somebody is frisky tonight!" she giggled, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Come on baby, let's do it," Ian answered.

"Oooh, not now honey," she answered.

"Oh come on," he begged.

"Why are you so horny?"

Ian didn't know how to answer.

Jessica looked at him sexily, "It's because of me and Mike. I knew this might happen."

Ian almost let slip that he thought about buying condoms but decided to keep it to himself. "Shut up," Ian said and kissed her.

"You want a hand job?"

"Okay, sure."

She nodded and Ian unbuckled his jeans. The buzz of the wine effected his balance as he sat on the bed. Jessica locked the door before kneeling between his legs.

She deftly grabbed his shaft, sliding his head between her lips. Being 5 inches, it wasn't hard for her to take him balls deep in her mouth. Her tongue moved up and down against the underside of his shaft and Ian groaned with pleasure. She pressed up underneath Ian's balls and he smiled down at her, groaning while caressing the top of her head.

"You said hand job, but I'm not complaining."

She ignored him, asking "So tell me the truth? Do you like watching me and Mike?"

Ian groaned, "Maybe," and she smiled and winked, going down on him again. As she sucked Ian felt the connection made behind the base of his balls, the rhythm of her warm mouth encouraging a flood of hormones that warmed him and made the pit of his stomach tickle slightly. "Oh God, right there," Ian said and she rose up, jacking him off firmly.

Ian grunted and sperm flung from his cock as she pumped, Jessica stepping to the side, giggling as the drops of cum shot through the air and she let go, careful not to get splashed. His cock wasn't even done pulsing as she kissed him on the forehead and turned to wash her hands. Warm cum dribbled onto his leg and the bed.

He got up and grabbed a t-shirt from his open baggage. It was still clean, but he was too lazy to get a towel. He patted himself off and lay back, enjoying the buzz of the wine. He closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

An hour later he awoke to a knock on the door, his wife laughing as she saw him still laying there. Jolted back to reality, he spent a few minutes making himself presentable again, his grogginess replaced with curiosity as to how the party had progressed.

In the kitchen they were cleaning up dishes as they planned a trip to the casinos that evening. Ian was glad they were getting out of the house. They had a day of skiing planned for tomorrow, but he thought he'd be bored getting drunk inside.

They dressed lightly and quickly walked the couple of miles to town. The cold brisk air soon chilled them to the bone and they agreed a taxi back might be better. They made their way to Stateline Boulevard, walking down the snowplowed street, and welcomed the heat as they made their way through the revolving doors into Harrah's.

They started gambling, Ian with $500 in seed money playing blackjack. Ian started off on a good streak and while Mike lost a couple hundred dollars. "I'm not feeling it," he said and he excused himself from the table to play craps. Jessica followed him, mildly annoying Ian, but he ordered two more beers and Traci scooted next to him taking her place. It was rather pleasant, Ian making banter with the dealer and Traci laughing at his jokes. "Baby needs some diapers, come on!" Ian said as he doubled down.

He was already very horny from the entire day, and the drunker he got, the more beautiful Traci seemed. Eventually he started leaning up against her as she asked for his advice which seemed to work out more often than not. He didn't want to get up, he just liked the feeling he was in, the zone, talking to a beautiful woman, winning money.

Eventually Dave came over from wherever he'd been lounging and told them they were going to Cabo Wabo's, a bar in the basement of Harvey's across the boulevard, accessible by an underground passage between the casinos. Mike and Jessica had tripled their money at craps and everybody made their way to the bar, happy and excited. A live band pump out Guns and Roses while outside the bar there were a few more blackjack tables where Dave insisted on playing as the rest of them went inside.

The bar had a large dance floor where patrons danced to 80's rock hits, done live and admirably by a house band. Being one of the few black people there, Ian felt almost embarrassed for Mike, but Mike didn't seem to care. He was completely unpretentious, drinking Bud Light and hopping up and down with everybody else. Ian noticed Mike bump up across a couple of women and they'd start little conversations with him. This type of thing rarely happened to Ian, even before he was married.

Ian also was a little uncomfortable because in his drunken state he was really attracted to Traci. She grabbed him by the hands to dance, leaving Jessica to dance with Mike. Mike grabbed her by the hips, grinded with her, whatever was appropriate to the music that he could get away with. Jessica seemed to be enjoying herself and would look at Ian who just gulped.

Normally Ian would have been furious, his public humiliation overwhelming his bedroom fantasies, but Traci did the same thing to him. In his mind everything was even.

After ten minutes or so, he felt a tap on his shoulder and it was Dave, a couple of beers in hand. "Are you dancing with my woman?" He glared at Ian.

Ian, embarrassed, "No, I, we just." He wondered if he'd made a big mistake.

"Just kidding!" And Dave slapped him on the shoulder. David was practically falling over at this point. Ian led him to a chair where he promptly closed his eyes, only opening them and punching his fist in the air when the band played a new song.

Ian realized he was also way past his limit. Deciding he should start chugging water if he didn't want to end up face down in the bathroom. He went up to the bar and got a couple glasses, handing them out to Dave and Traci while Jessica and Mike continued to dance. Traci grabbed him after he'd taken a few steps, and he followed her to the dance floor. The song was some ridiculous, slow ballad.

He looked down at Traci and at her lips which looked incredibly inviting as she looked back up at him she leaned in to him and their lips touched. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. It was Jessica and she was pulling him away.

"Okay Ian, we have to get out of here now," she was also clearly drunk, but seemed to be in control. Ian felt horribly guilty, trying to apologize while Traci just laughed like a hyena which just freaked Ian out more. Mike corralled everybody upstairs. They found the taxi stand and piled in to a minivan taxi that could transport all five of them at once.

Ian launched into drunk apologies directed toward Jessica who must have been embarrassed by what had transpired. "It's okay Ian, it's okay," she repeated. Finally she mumbled, "All you do is talk about me and Mike and one night with Traci and look at you."

Ian wanted to crawl under the seat as she said it, grinning like an idiot as the others laughed. Jessica smiled ear to ear but looked straight ahead as if not daring to make eye contact with him, clearly pleased with the reaction of the group.

Mike and Dave whispered to each up front, and Dave turned around drunk. "I think Jessica needs to even it up, even-steven, and Mike looked back and winked at the both of them in the back seat and everybody giggled. Ian didn't know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut.

At the house they made Ian pay the driver and stumbled back into the kitchen. David pulled more beers out of the fridge and passed them around. Somebody flicked on the TV to some late night movie and people gathered around to watch but Ian couldn't even pay attention because he was too tired and drunk. He kept nodding off, not being able to concentrate on the show or the people around him.

Time flew by and he woke to Traci sitting down next to him. The room was dark and she leaned in and they started kissing. Her hand slipped down and started unbuttoning his pants.

"Woah, woah, where's Jessica?"

"Sshh, she won't hear us."

She leaned over and pulled out his semi-hard cock. It wouldn't get hard no matter how badly he wanted it, the alcohol ruining his stamina. Ian tried to rally, leaned over and made out with her, sliding his hand between her legs. He thought about his next move and slid down pulling off her panties and leaning in to lick her sweaty pussy, hairs on his tongue as he slurped using the same style his wife loved so much. She came in quick gasps, and he felt proud of himself. He sat up and Traci kissed him on the cheek and disappeared.

He passed out on the couch and when he woke up again he figured he'd been out for a couple hours at it was almost 4 am. The TV was still on and his mouth was parched and he realized he could smell Traci's pussy on his skin and he felt guilty. His first thought was on the kiss, and how Jessica would deal with it, but after the episode on the couch he felt even worse, wondering how he would deal with Jessica if she ever found out.

He stood up and swooned, still drunk. He dreaded skiing. In the kitchen he ran cold water, putting his face under it to clean away the scent of Traci's sex and rinse out his mouth before drinking a bottle of Gatorade. He turned off the TV and went to their room. Jessica lay on the bed, asleep. She was still in her clothes, but her leggings were off, her miniskirt slid up to expose her bare privates, her trimmed vulva as enticing as ever. Ian got a troubled feeling as he looked around, not finding her panties.

It was hot and he went over to the thermostat and fiddled with it to turn it down. He popped a couple of aspirin, took a leak and got into bed beside his wife, still troubled, as he drifted off again.

He slept fitfully, crazy, wild dreams. By 9 am he was still woozy as he lay in bed, sunlight shining through the window and feeling nauseous when the door opened. "You ready for skiing?" It was Jessica and she was still wearing the clothes she slept in.

"Oh God, my head is pounding. Jesus honey. I'm so sorry about last night."

"That's okay, just a crazy night," she answered, smiling at him.

"Well, thanks, that's generous, but I can't ignore it. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Ian was relieved at her attitude.

"Really? I had a good time. You were much nicer to Mike than I thought you'd be"

Ian was amazed at her attitude. Was she ignoring his behavior completely? It didn't seem right. "I'm so sorry. I haven't drank that much in years."

"It's the altitude. Wanna get some coffee and juice? We have bagels in the kitchen. I'm going to take a shower."

"Sure, you mind if I use the restroom first?" His bladder ached and his morning wood exacerbated it.

He stood pissing for what seemed like two minutes, never-ending as his wife turned on the shower then disrobed. She looked gorgeous as always, her lovely round ass ready to be grabbed and kneaded, even with his headache. She turned in the shower, soaping up her breasts and under her arms. "Isn't it funny Ian?"

"Funny? I was worried all night."

"Why? All those times, you whining to me about Mike. One night around Staci and suddenly the shoe is on the other foot."

Ian tried to think about last night, wondering how much Staci knew. I couldn't have been much, only the kiss.

"It was the alcohol. It's not like I find her particularly attractive. But yeah, crazy," Ian said meekly. He wondered what she was getting at, but didn't really want to have the conversation, lest he get caught in more lies.

There was a knock at the bedroom door. Ian closed the bathroom door and greeted Mike.

"Hey you dog," Mike said, "Jessica here?"

"She's in the shower," Ian answered.

"Traci is still passed out. Hey, I hope you don't mind, but when I saw you I made sure Jessica didn't come downstairs, know what I'm saying?"

"Saw me?"

"On the couch, yeah I saw it. Jessica almost saw it too. I figured she might flip out."

You mean she doesn't know?" Ian whispered.

"No, and I'm not gonna say anything. Just one crazy night is all. I'll talk to Traci, make sure she keeps her mouth shut, but I'm sure she will anyway, with her husband coming, know what I mean?"

"Yeah. Thanks, I appreciate it."

"Anyway, Jessica left these in my room," and she handed him her black leggings and panties, folded up.

Ian took them and stared at them. "Oh," he struggled with the words, "Thanks," his voice trailed off as his mind reeled from the implications. "Um, did you guys..?"

"I knew you'd freak out! Just kidding with you man. No, she wanted to lay down is all. I didn't want her coming by that couch."

"So you two do anything?" Ian asked, a hint of a smile on his face to cover up his feelings of jealousy, trying to draw the truth out of him.

He leaned back and bobbed his head, "Wellll, maybe I got a little even-steven kiss, right?" He gave him an 'aw shucks' look, "It was nothing really serious, like I said, I was just delaying her, trying to help you out." He looked at Ian, searching him out as he said it.

Ian decided to play it off like a man, "Awe thanks motherfucker, just making out with my wife, to help me out," and Mike gave him a little fist bump.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed."

Ian sat on the bed after Mike left the room.

For some reason all Ian could process was the sound of the shower. Hsi foggy mind had a sort of sensory overload. He didn't really understand how this could have happened, he couldn't believe it. He thought about Dave. Who knows what that fuck was doing or if he'd blab. "Think Ian think!" he thought to himself. He didn't know how to handle the new dynamic. He heard the faucet squeak as the shower was turned off.

He lay back on the bed, covering his face with a pillow. Kissing Traci in the bar, that was such a dumb move, he realized. It was pure beer goggles. It wasn't like he felt any kind of attraction when he first met her. Just a skinny, kind of severe looking girl with a pointy nose, maybe a seven on a scale of ten. He thought about his scattered memories of the blowjob, and eating her pussy. He didn't even cum, didn't enjoy it. "Fuck," he muttered into the pillow. "Suck it up. Just fucking suck it up."

Then he thought about Mike. God damn it. Even-steven! On the one hand he saved Ian's ass, on the other hand, he got a piece of his wife and who knows what went on in his room. One little kiss could have been a lot more, but why would he lie? Ian could just ask his wife. Or they could have a story cooked up and she'd take it to her grave.

He got up and cracked the bathroom door to see Jessica's hair and midsection wrapped in a towel. "I have kind of an odd question, don't take it the wrong way, I don't mind the truth. You do anything with Mike last night?"

"Oh Ian, seriously you want to ask me that?"

Ian paused, she didn't deny it and he assuming the worst, "You, you fucked him?"

"No!" She answered sharply, laughing. "He might have tried to kiss me. You know what that would be like right?"

Ian didn't have an answer.

"Let's just say what you did, we did, nothing more, nothing less. Even-steven."

Ian let his anxiety get the better of him and foolishly asked, "You took off your panties and kissed him? I don't remember Traci doing that."

She looked at him and smiled. "Really."

For a moment Ian wondered what she knew. "Mike just came to the room, handed me these. Said you guys kissed a little last night," Ian proud of himself, playing the wounded spouse.

"Yes, I took off my tights, I was hot. Why would Mike tell you that anyway?"

"I asked him," Ian answered smugly.

"You are so obsessed about Mike and me," she laughed. "You're all upset I may have kissed him, forgetting all about your indiscretions. You know why I kissed him Ian? You really want to know? Because you embarrassed me in front of all of them. I have my pride, you can't just get away with it. I love you, but really, I'm fine, I'd hope you'd be fine." The manner she said it was in a matter of fact style, cold and logical.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Ian said.

"Honestly was it so bad? I had a good time. I know you did."

"I guess so," the conversation was getting awkward again and he left for breakfast.

He went into the kitchen and saw Traci eating alone at the dining room table. She looked haggard and clearly hung over. He grabbed some food and sat down across from her. "Mike just told me you were still passed out."

"I just got up," she said. Ian wondered what the fuck he'd been thinking. She looked awful. How could this be the same person?

Mike looked around to make sure nobody was listening. "Hey, about last night, I'd appreciate it if we just kept that our little thing."

"So no repeat tonight?" She said, a bemused look on her face.

Didn't she just get the message, Ian thought? "Ha ha. No. Jessica would kill me if she found out."

"Ian, she saw us last night."

"I know, but I'm talking about on the couch."

"So am I. I looked right at her when you were doing your thing, she saw us. If she hasn't torn you up yet, I think you're okay. Besides, you heard her with Mike. We're all adults. Don't worry about it."

"Heard her with Mike?" Ian wracked his brains, trying to piece it all together.

Traci looked at Ian like he was crazy. "Ohhh," she laughed, "she was the Mona Lisa last night."

"Mona Lisa?" afraid of the implications.

She smirked and winked at him.

Ian felt punched in the gut. Dave entered the kitchen, stopping the conversation cold.

They were getting a late start on the slopes, but since they all had skis, all they had to do was buy lift tickets and they'd be quickly on the mountain. The weather was cold as they threw the stuffed the skis in Ian's ski rack and drove out, the tires crunching on the ice and packed snow.

Once on the slopes, the two girls split off on their own. Ian tagged along with Mike and Dave. By lunch it warmed somewhat, and they took a break at the appropriately named California Lodge, built halfway up the California side of the resort. They waddled inside, hot in their ski clothes and loosened boots. Ordering beer and lunch, it was loud in the place as a DJ played tunes while two scantily clad go-go type dancers cavorted on a little stage.

Ian stared at the dancers thinking how much the Heavenly resort had changed in the last 10 years. The old Alpine ski bum culture seemed gone and he missed it. Also, Ian had been dying to get Mike one on one, and when Dave left to use the restroom he had his chance.